FileContentResult encoding issue with Sharepoint file by Azure Function - azure

I am facing en enconding issue when downloading a file from Sharepoint Online by an Azure function. So I have an Azure HTTP triggered function that calls Sharepoint Online to retrieve a file and download it. Here is how I call Sharepoint:
public dynamic DownloadFile(Guid fileUniqueId)
const string apiUrl = "{0}/_api/web/GetFileById('{1}')/$value";
var fileInfo = GetFileInfo(fileUniqueId);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sharepointSiteUrl)) return null;
string api = string.Format(apiUrl, _sharepointSiteUrl, fileUniqueId.ToString());
string response = new TokenHelper().GetAPIResponse(api);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) return null;
return new {
Bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response)
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
And Here is the Azure App function that is called:
string guidString = req.Query["id"];
if (!Guid.TryParse(guidString, out var fileId))
return new BadRequestResult();
var fileManager = new FileManager();
dynamic fileData = fileManager.DownloadFile(fileId);
if (null == fileData) return new NotFoundResult();
var contentType = (((string)fileData.FileName).ToUpper().EndsWith(".PNG") || ((string)fileData.FileName).ToUpper().EndsWith(".JPEG") || ((string)fileData.FileName).ToUpper().EndsWith(".JPG")) ? "image/jpeg" : "application/octet-stream";
return new FileContentResult(fileData.Bytes, contentType)
FileDownloadName = fileData.FileName
The file is succesfully downloaded but it seems corrupted as it says that the file type is not recognised. I think that it's an issue related to encoding. Does somebody sees what I'm doing wrong ?

Your code is using UTF8.GetBytes() to try and get the file content from SharePoint Online. You should instead use the CSOM method OpenBinaryDirect() like this:
var fileRef = file.ServerRelativeUrl;
var fileInfo = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.OpenBinaryDirect(clientContext, fileRef);
using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.Create(fileName))


Azure blob storage - error displaying uploaded images

I've tried lots of different approaches & read lots of answers on SO but reaching out for help with this as I've hit a wall.
I have a storage account & container on azure, I'm successfully uploading images there but for some reason they seem to be corrupting.
I cannot access any image via an img tag nor can I view them (in windows photos) if I download them directly from the container.
I believe I have the correct configuration, public access level blob (I've also tried public access level container).
container access level
view of the uploaded blob
The image doesn't display via the url on my razor page
html img tag
Nor am I able to view it if I download & open in windows
downloaded img from container
2 examples of filestream approaches I've tried below
//approach 1
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
BlobClient blobClient = container.GetBlobClient(fileName);
await blobClient.UploadAsync(fileStream, new BlobHttpHeaders { ContentType = "image/jpg" });
//approach 2
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
container.UploadBlob(attachment.FileName, fileStream);
public async Task<bool> UploadSample(IFormFile attachment)
var configSection = Configuration.GetSection("AzureBlobStorge");
var connectionString = configSection.GetSection("ConnectionString").Value;
var containerName = configSection.GetSection("ContainerName").Value;
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(attachment.FileName);
string filePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot\\images\\profiles", fileName);
BlobContainerClient container = new BlobContainerClient(connectionString, containerName);
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
container.UploadBlob(attachment.FileName, fileStream);
//BlobClient blobClient = container.GetBlobClient(fileName);
//await blobClient.UploadAsync(fileStream, new BlobHttpHeaders { ContentType = "image/jpg" });
return true;
public async Task<ActionResult> ProfilePicsAsync(Members item)
IFormFile formFile = HttpContext.Request.Form.Files[0];
var member = await _cosmosDbService.GetItemAsync(formFile.Name); //Id passed in the formfile object under name
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (IsAdminUser())
if (formFile != null)
await _blobStorageService.UploadSample(formFile);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return BadRequest("Not Authorised");
catch (Exception ex)
if(ex is BusinessRuleException)
return BadRequest(new BusinessRuleException(ex.Message));
<form asp-action="ProfilePicsAsync" asp-controller="Home" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
#Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Id)
<input asp-for="Attachment" Name="#Model.Id" />
<button type="submit" id="btnUpload" class="btn btn-primary">Upload</button>
As mentioned in the comments, the issue is indeed with your upload code. Basically you're uploading a zero byte file. This is happening because of the following line of code:
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
When you use FileMode.Create, if the file exists it will be overwritten. From the documentation here:
Specifies that the operating system should create a new file. If the
file already exists, it will be overwritten. This requires Write
permission. FileMode.Create is equivalent to requesting that if the
file does not exist, use CreateNew; otherwise, use Truncate. If the
file already exists but is a hidden file, an
UnauthorizedAccessException exception is thrown.
So essentially you're overwriting the file you want to upload with a zero byte file and then uploading that zero byte file.
To fix this, please change the above line of code to:
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
After that both your upload and download should work.
The images controller in this tutorial basically had a working solution for me, I threw out most of my code & started again.
This was the important bit
if (StorageHelper.IsImage(formFile))
if (formFile.Length > 0)
using (Stream stream = formFile.OpenReadStream())
isUploaded = await StorageHelper.UploadFileToStorage(stream, formFile.FileName, storageConfig);

Uploading ID to same Azure Blob Index that a file is being uploaded to using .Net SDK

I am uploading documents to my an Azure Blob Storage, which works perfect, but I want to be able to link and ID to this specifically uploaded document.
Below is my code for uploading the file:
public ActionResult Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file)
var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Uploads"), file.FileName);
string searchServiceName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SearchServiceName"];
string blobStorageKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BlobStorageKey"];
string blobStorageName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BlobStorageName"];
string blobStorageURL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BlobStorageURL"];
var credentials = new StorageCredentials(searchServiceName, blobStorageKey);
var client = new CloudBlobClient(new Uri(blobStorageURL), credentials);
// Retrieve a reference to a container. (You need to create one using the mangement portal, or call container.CreateIfNotExists())
var container = client.GetContainerReference(blobStorageName);
// Retrieve reference to a blob named "myfile.gif".
var blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(file.FileName);
// Create or overwrite the "myblob" blob with contents from a local file.
using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(path))
return new JsonResult
JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet,
Data = "Success"
catch (Exception ex)
I have added the ClientID field to the Index(It is at the bottom), but have no idea how I am able to add this to this index. This is still al nerw to me and just need a little guidance if someone can help :
Thanks in advance.

Azure block-blob storage uploading same file in succession fails

I' m using Azure Block Blob Storage to keep my files. Here is my code to upload file.
I m calling the method twice as below for the same file in the same request;
The first call of the method saves the file as expected but the second call saves file as length of 0 so i cant display the image and no error occurs.
public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)
return View();
public static string UploadFile(HttpPostedFileBase file){
var credentials = new StorageCredentials("accountName", "key");
var storageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(credentials, true);
var blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
var container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("images");
var containerPermissions = new BlobContainerPermissions
PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
var blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
blockBlob.Properties.ContentType = file.ContentType;
var azureFileUrl = string.Format("{0}", blockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri);
catch (StorageException ex)
return azureFileUrl ;
I just find the below solution which is strange like mine, but it does not help.
Strange Sudden Error "The number of bytes to be written is greater than the specified ContentLength"
Any idea?
You need to reset the position of the stream back to the beginning. Put this line at the top of your UploadFile method.
file.InputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

What is the PostFileWithRequest equivalent in ServiceStack's 'New API'?

I want to post some request values alongside the multipart-formdata file contents. In the old API you could use PostFileWithRequest:
public void Can_POST_upload_file_using_ServiceClient_with_request()
IServiceClient client = new JsonServiceClient(ListeningOn);
var uploadFile = new FileInfo("~/TestExistingDir/upload.html".MapProjectPath());
var request = new FileUpload{CustomerId = 123, CustomerName = "Foo"};
var response = client.PostFileWithRequest<FileUploadResponse>(ListeningOn + "/fileuploads", uploadFile, request);
var expectedContents = new StreamReader(uploadFile.OpenRead()).ReadToEnd();
Assert.That(response.FileName, Is.EqualTo(uploadFile.Name));
Assert.That(response.ContentLength, Is.EqualTo(uploadFile.Length));
Assert.That(response.Contents, Is.EqualTo(expectedContents));
Assert.That(response.CustomerName, Is.EqualTo("Foo"));
Assert.That(response.CustomerId, Is.EqualTo(123));
I can't find any such method in the new API, nor any overrides on client.Post() which suggest that this is still possible. Does anyone know if this is a feature that was dropped?
As #Mythz points out, the feature wasn't dropped. I had made the mistake of not casting the client:
private IRestClient CreateRestClient()
return new JsonServiceClient(WebServiceHostUrl);
public void Can_WebRequest_POST_upload_binary_file_to_save_new_file()
var restClient = (JsonServiceClient)CreateRestClient(); // this cast was missing
var fileToUpload = new FileInfo(#"D:/test/test.avi");
var beforeHash = this.Hash(fileToUpload);
var response = restClient.PostFileWithRequest<FilesResponse>("files/UploadedFiles/", fileToUpload, new TestRequest() { Echo = "Test"});
var uploadedFile = new FileInfo(FilesRootDir + "UploadedFiles/test.avi");
var afterHash = this.Hash(uploadedFile);
Assert.That(beforeHas, Is.EqualTo(afterHash));
private string Hash(FileInfo file)
using (var md5 = MD5.Create())
using (var stream = file.OpenRead())
var bytes = md5.ComputeHash(stream);
return BitConverter.ToString(md5.ComputeHash(stream)).Replace("-", "").ToLower();
None of the old API was removed from the C# Service Clients, only new API's were added.
The way you process an uploaded file inside a service also hasn't changed.

Downloading bulk files from sharepoint library

I want to download the files from a sharepoint document library through code as there are thousand of files in the document library.
I am thinking of creating console application, which I will run on sharepoint server and download files. Is this approach correct or, there is some other efficient way to do this.
Any help with code will be highly appreciated.
Like SigarDave said, it's perfectly possible to achieve this without writing a single line of code. But if you really want to code the solution for this, it's something like:
static void Main(string[] args)
// Change to the URL of your site
using (var site = new SPSite("http://MySite"))
using (var web = site.OpenWeb())
var list = web.Lists["MyDocumentLibrary"]; // Get the library
foreach (SPListItem item in list.Items)
if (item.File != null)
// Concat strings to get the absolute URL
// to pass to an WebClient object.
var fileUrl = string.Format("{0}/{1}", site.Url, item.File.Url);
var result = DownloadFile(fileUrl, "C:\\FilesFromMyLibrary\\", item.File.Name);
Console.WriteLine(result ? "Downloaded \"{0}\"" : "Error on \"{0}\"", item.File.Name);
private static bool DownloadFile(string url, string dest, string fileName)
var client = new WebClient();
// Change the credentials to the user that has the necessary permissions on the
// library
client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("Username", "Password", "Domain");
var bytes = client.DownloadData(url);
using (var file = File.Create(dest + fileName))
file.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); // Write file to disk
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
another way without using any scripts is by opening the document library using IE then in the ribbon you can click on Open in File Explorer where you can then drag and drop the files right on your desktop!
