Can I implement Index/IndexMut for a type that has locked data? - multithreading

I've got a struct that contains some locked data. The real world is complex, but here's a minimal example (or as minimal as I can make it):
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
use std::sync::Mutex;
struct LockedVector<T> {
stuff: Mutex<Vec<T>>,
impl<T> LockedVector<T> {
pub fn new(v: Vec<T>) -> Self {
LockedVector {
stuff: Mutex::new(v),
impl<T> Index<usize> for LockedVector<T> {
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
impl<T> IndexMut<usize> for LockedVector<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Self::Output {
let thing = self.stuff.get_mut().unwrap();
&mut thing[index]
impl<T: Display> Display for LockedVector<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let strings: Vec<String> = self
.map(|s| format!("{}", s))
write!(f, "{}", strings.join(", "))
fn main() {
let mut my_stuff = LockedVector::new(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
println!("initially: {}", my_stuff);
my_stuff[2] = 5;
println!("then: {}", my_stuff);
let a_mut_var: &mut usize = &mut my_stuff[3];
*a_mut_var = 54;
println!("Still working: {}", my_stuff);
What I'm trying to do here is implement the Index and IndexMut traits on a struct, where the data being indexed is behind a Mutex lock. My very fuzzy reasoning for why this should be possible is that the result of locking a mutex is sort-of like a reference, and it seems like you could map a reference onto another reference, or somehow make a sort of reference that wraps the entire lock but only de-references the specific index.
My much less fuzzy reasoning is that the code above compiles and runs (note the todo!) - I'm able to get back mutable references, and I assume I haven't somehow snuck past the mutex in an unthread-safe way. (I made an attempt to test the threaded behavior, but ran into other issues trying to get a mutable reference into another thread at all.)
The weird issue is, I can't do the same for Index - there is no get_immut() I can use, and I haven't found another approach. I can get a mutable reference out of Mutex, but not an immutable one (and of course, I can't get the mutable one if I only have an immutable reference to begin with)
My expectation is that indexing would acquire a lock, and the returned reference (in both mutable and immutable cases) would maintain the lock for their lifetimes. As a bonus, it would be nice if RwLock-ed things could only grab/hold the read lock for the immutable cases, and the write lock for mutable ones.
For context as to why I'd do this: I have a Grid trait that is used by a bunch of different code, but backed by different implementations, some of which are thread-safe. I was hoping to put the Index and IndexMut traits on it for the nice syntax. Threads don't generally have mutable references to the thread-safe Grids at all, so the IndexMut trait would see little use there, but I could see it being valuable during setup or for the non-thread-safe cases. The immutable Index behavior seems like it would be useful everywhere.
Bonus question: I absolutely hate that Display code, how can I make it less hideous?

If you look at the documentation of get_mut you'll see it's only possible precisely because a mutable reference ensures that there is no other reference or a lock to it, unfortunately for you that means that a get_ref for Mutex would only be possible by taking a mutable reference, that's just an artificially limited get_mut though.
Unfortunately for you since Index only gives you a shared reference you can't safely get a shared reference to it's contents, so you can't implement an Index so that it indexes into something behind a Mutex.


Can I mark an immutable borrow as exclusive in Rust?

I have a data structure, that is somewhat like a RwLock. It is not re-entrant, but the actual locking mechanism is a const function. Is there any way that I can mark this function as "exclusive_borrow" without switching it to be be a mutable function. That way multiple calls to 'read' will be caught at compile time instead of panicking.
struct MyRwLock<T> {
t: T,
impl MyRwLock {
// Works fine, but doesn't enforce on compile time that there is
// only 1 Guard.
pub fn read(&self) -> ReadGuard<'_, T> { ... }
// Enforces only 1 ReadGuard at compile time, but unnecessarily
// requires MyMutex to be mutable to read.
pub fn mut_read(&mut self) -> ReadGuard<'_, T> { ... }
&mut is a bit of a misnomer. It actually means exclusive reference, not mutable. If that's what you want, then it's correct to use &mut.
In fact, there was a proposal to rename &mut back in 2014. It never came through, but you might occasionally hear whispers of the "mutpocalypse" today.

Cannot borrow as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable when implementing an ECS

I am trying to write a simple ECS:
struct Ecs {
component_sets: HashMap<TypeId, Box<dyn Any>>,
impl Ecs {
pub fn read_all<Component>(&self) -> &SparseSet<Component> {
pub fn write_all<Component>(&mut self) -> &mut SparseSet<Component> {
I am trying to get mutable access to a certain component while another is immutable. This testing code triggers the error:
fn testing() {
let all_pos = { ecs.write_all::<Pos>() };
let all_vel = { ecs.read_all::<Vel>() };
for (p, v) in all_pos.iter_mut().zip(all_vel.iter()) {
p.x += v.x;
p.y += v.y;
And the error
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `ecs` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
--> src\
190 | let all_pos = { ecs.write_all::<Pos>() };
| --- mutable borrow occurs here
191 | let all_vel = { ecs.read_all::<Vel>() };
| ^^^ immutable borrow occurs here
My understanding of the borrow checker rules tells me that it's totally fine to get references to different component sets mutably or immutably (that is, &mut SparseSet<Pos> and &SparseSet<Vel>) since they are two different types. In order to get these references though, I need to go through the main ECS struct which owns the sets, which is where the compiler complains (i.e. first I use &mut Ecs when I call ecs.write_all and then &Ecs on ecs.read_all).
My first instinct was to enclose the statements in a scope, thinking it could just drop the &mut Ecs after I get the reference to the inner component set so as not to have both mutable and immutable Ecs references alive at the same time. This is probably very stupid, yet I don't fully understand how, so I wouldn't mind some more explaining there.
I suspect one additional level of indirection is needed (similar to RefCell's borrow and borrow_mut) but I am not sure what exactly I should wrap and how I should go about it.
Solution 1: make the method signature of write_all take a &self despite returning a RefMut<'_, SparseSet<Component>> by wrapping the SparseSet in a RefCell (as illustrated in the answer below by Kevin Reid).
Solution 2: similar as above (method signature takes &self) but uses this piece of unsafe code:
fn write_all<Component>(&self) -> &mut SparseSet<Component> {
let set = self.component_sets
unsafe {
let set_ptr = set as *const SparseSet<Component>;
let set_ptr = set_ptr as *mut SparseSet<Component>;
&mut *set_ptr
What are benefits of using solution 1, is the implied runtime borrow-checking provided by RefCell an hindrance in this case or would it actually prove useful?
Would the use of unsafe be tolerable in this case? Are there benefits? (e.g. performance)
it's totally fine to get references to different component sets mutably or immutably
This is true: we can safely have multiple mutable, or mutable and immutable references, as long as no mutable reference points to the same data as any other reference.
However, not every means of obtaining those references will be accepted by the compiler's borrow checker. This doesn't mean they're unsound; just that we haven't convinced the compiler that they're safe. In particular, the only way the compiler understands to have simultaneous references is a struct's fields, because the compiler can know those are disjoint using a purely local analysis (looking only at the code of a single function):
struct Ecs {
pub pos: SparseSet<Pos>,
pub vel: SparseSet<Vel>,
for (p, v) in ecs.pos.iter_mut().zip(ecs.vel.iter()) {
p.x += v.x;
p.y += v.y;
This would compile, because the compiler can see that the references refer to different subsets of memory. It will not compile if you replace ecs.pos with a method ecs.pos() — let alone a HashMap. As soon as you get a function involved, information about field borrowing is hidden. Your function
pub fn write_all<Component>(&mut self) -> &mut SparseSet<Component>
has the elided lifetimes (lifetimes the compiler picks for you because every & must have a lifetime)
pub fn write_all<'a, Component>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut SparseSet<Component>
which are the only information the compiler will use about what is borrowed. Hence, the 'a mutable reference to the SparseSet is borrowing all of the Ecs (as &'a mut self) and you can't have any other access to it.
The ways to arrange to be able to have multiple mutable references in a mostly-statically-checked way are discussed in the documentation page on Borrow Splitting. However, all of those are based on having some statically known property, which you don't. There's no way to express “this is okay as long as the Component type is not equal to another call's”. Therefore, to do this you do need RefCell, our general-purpose helper for runtime borrow checking.
Given what you've got already, the simplest thing to do is to replace SparseSet<Component> with RefCell<SparseSet<Component>>:
// no mut; changed return type
pub fn write_all<Component>(&self) -> RefMut<'_, SparseSet<Component>> {
.downcast::<RefCell<SparseSet<Component>>>() // changed type
.borrow_mut() // added this line
Note the changed return type, because borrowing a RefCell must return an explicit handle in order to track the duration of the borrow. However, a Ref or RefMut acts mostly like an & or &mut thanks to deref coercion. (Your code that inserts items in the map, which you didn't show in the question, will also need a RefCell::new.)
Another option is to put the interior mutability — likely via RefCell, but not necessarily — inside the SparseSet type, or create a wrapper type that does that. This might or might not help the code be cleaner.

How to achieve encapsulation of struct fields without borrowing the struct as a whole

My question has already been somewhat discussed here.
The problem is that I want to access multiple distinct fields of a struct in order to use them, but I don't want to work on the fields directly. Instead I'd like to encapsulate the access to them, to gain more flexibility.
I tried to achieve this by writing methods for this struct, but as you can see in the question mentioned above or my older question here this approach fails in Rust because the borrow checker will only allow you to borrow different parts of a struct if you do so directly, or if you use a method borrowing them together, since all the borrow checker knows from its signature is that self is borrowed and only one mutable reference to self can exist at any time.
Losing the flexibility to borrow different parts of a struct as mutable at the same time is of course not acceptable. Therefore I'd like to know whether there is any idiomatic way to do this in Rust.
My naive approach would be to write a macro instead of a function, performing (and encapsulating) the same functionality.
Because Frxstrem suggested that the question which I linked to at the top may answer my question I want to make it clear, that I'm not searching for some way to solve this. My question is which of the proposed solutions (if any) is the right way to do it?
After some more research it seems that there is no beautiful way to achieve partial borrowing without accessing the struct fields directly, at least as of now.
There are, however, multiple imperfect solutions to this which I'd like to discuss a little, so that anyone who might end up here may weigh the pros and cons for themself.
I'll use the code from my original question as an example to illustrate them here.
So let's say you have a struct:
struct GraphState {
nodes: Vec<Node>,
edges: Vec<Edge>,
and you're trying to do borrow one part of this struct mutably and the other immutably:
impl GraphState {
pub fn edge_at(&self, edge_index: u16) -> &Edge {
pub fn node_at_mut(&mut self, node_index: u8) -> &mut Node {
&mut self.nodes[usize::from(node_index)]
pub fn remove_edge(&mut self, edge_index: u16) {
let edge = self.edge_at(edge_index); // first (immutable) borrow here
// update the edge-index collection of the nodes connected by this edge
for i in 0..2 {
let node_index = edge.node_indices[i];
self.node_at_mut(node_index).remove_edge(edge_index); // second (mutable)
// borrow here -> ERROR
But of course this fails, since you're not allowed to borrow self as mutable and immutable at the same time.
So to get around this you could simply access the fields directly:
impl GraphState {
pub fn remove_edge(&mut self, edge_index: u16) {
let edge = &self.edges[usize::from(edge_index)];
for i in 0..2 {
let node_index = edge.node_indices[i];
This approach works, but it has two major drawbacks:
The accessed fields need to be public (at least if you want to allow access to them from another scope). If they're implementation details that you'd rather have private you're in bad luck.
You always need to operate on the fields directly. This means that code like usize::from(node_index) needs to be repeated everywhere, which makes this approach both brittle and cumbersome.
So how can you solve this?
A) Borrow everything at once
Since borrowing self mutably multiple times is not allowed, mutably borrowing all the parts you want at once instead is one straightforward way to solve this problem:
pub fn edge_at(edges: &[Edge], edge_index: u16) -> &Edge {
pub fn node_at_mut(nodes: &mut [Node], node_index: u8) -> &mut Node {
&mut nodes[usize::from(node_index)]
impl GraphState {
pub fn data_mut(&mut self) -> (&mut [Node], &mut [Edge]) {
(&mut self.nodes, &mut self.edges)
pub fn remove_edge(&mut self, edge_index: u16) {
let (nodes, edges) = self.data_mut(); // first (mutable) borrow here
let edge = edge_at(edges, edge_index);
// update the edge-index collection of the nodes connected by this edge
for i in 0..2 {
let node_index = edge.node_indices[i];
node_at_mut(nodes, node_index).remove_edge(edge_index); // no borrow here
// -> no error
It's clearly a workaround and far from ideal, but it works and it allows you to keep the fields themselves private (though you'll probably need to expose the implementation somewhat, as the user has to hand the necessary data to the other functions by hand).
B) Use a macro
If code reuse is all you worry about and visibility is not an issue to you you can write macros like these:
macro_rules! node_at_mut {
($this:ident, $index:expr) => {
&mut self.nodes[usize::from($index)]
macro_rules! edge_at {
($this:ident, $index:expr) => {
&mut self.edges[usize::from($index)]
pub fn remove_edge(&mut self, edge_index: u16) {
let edge = edge_at!(self, edge_index);
// update the edge-index collection of the nodes connected by this edge
for i in 0..2 {
let node_index = edge.node_indices[i];
node_at_mut!(self, node_index).remove_edge(edge_index);
If your fields are public anyway I'd probably go with this solution, as it seems the most elegant to me.
C) Go unsafe
What we want to do here is obviously safe.
Sadly the borrow checker cannot see this, since the function signatures tell him no more than that self is being borrowed. Luckily Rust allows us to use the unsafe keyword for cases like these:
pub fn remove_edge(&mut self, edge_index: u16) {
let edge: *const Edge = self.edge_at(edge_index);
for i in 0..2 {
unsafe {
let node_index = (*edge).node_indices[i];
self.node_at_mut(node_index).remove_edge(edge_index); // first borrow here
// (safe though since remove_edge will not invalidate the first pointer)
This works and gives us all the benefits of solution A), but using unsafe for something that could easily be done without, if only the language had some syntax for actual partial borrowing, seems a bit ugly to me. On the other hand it may (in some cases) be preferable to solution A), due to its sheer clunkyness...
EDIT: After some thought I realised, that we know this approach to be safe here, only because we know about the implementation. In a different use case the data in question might actually be contained in one single field (say a Map), even if it looks like we are accessing two very distinct kinds of data when calling from outside.
This is why this last approach is rightfully unsafe, as there is no way for the borrow checker to check whether we are actually borrowing different things without exposing the private fields, rendering our effort pointless.
Contrary to my initial belief, this couldn't even really be changed by expanding the language. The reason is that one would still need to expose information about private fields in some way for this to work.
After writing this answer I also found this blog post which goes a bit deeper into possible solutions (and also mentions some advanced techniques that didn't come to my mind, none of which is universally applicable though). If you happen to know another solution, or a way to improve the ones proposed here, please let me know.

Can a type know when a mutable borrow to itself has ended?

I have a struct and I want to call one of the struct's methods every time a mutable borrow to it has ended. To do so, I would need to know when the mutable borrow to it has been dropped. How can this be done?
Disclaimer: The answer that follows describes a possible solution, but it's not a very good one, as described by this comment from Sebastien Redl:
[T]his is a bad way of trying to maintain invariants. Mostly because dropping the reference can be suppressed with mem::forget. This is fine for RefCell, where if you don't drop the ref, you will simply eventually panic because you didn't release the dynamic borrow, but it is bad if violating the "fraction is in shortest form" invariant leads to weird results or subtle performance issues down the line, and it is catastrophic if you need to maintain the "thread doesn't outlive variables in the current scope" invariant.
Nevertheless, it's possible to use a temporary struct as a "staging area" that updates the referent when it's dropped, and thus maintain the invariant correctly; however, that version basically amounts to making a proper wrapper type and a kind of weird way to use it. The best way to solve this problem is through an opaque wrapper struct that doesn't expose its internals except through methods that definitely maintain the invariant.
Without further ado, the original answer:
Not exactly... but pretty close. We can use RefCell<T> as a model for how this can be done. It's a bit of an abstract question, but I'll use a concrete example to demonstrate. (This won't be a complete example, but something to show the general principles.)
Let's say you want to make a Fraction struct that is always in simplest form (fully reduced, e.g. 3/5 instead of 6/10). You write a struct RawFraction that will contain the bare data. RawFraction instances are not always in simplest form, but they have a method fn reduce(&mut self) that reduces them.
Now you need a smart pointer type that you will always use to mutate the RawFraction, which calls .reduce() on the pointed-to struct when it's dropped. Let's call it RefMut, because that's the naming scheme RefCell uses. You implement Deref<Target = RawFraction>, DerefMut, and Drop on it, something like this:
pub struct RefMut<'a>(&'a mut RawFraction);
impl<'a> Deref for RefMut<'a> {
type Target = RawFraction;
fn deref(&self) -> &RawFraction {
impl<'a> DerefMut for RefMut<'a> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut RawFraction {
impl<'a> Drop for RefMut<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
Now, whenever you have a RefMut to a RawFraction and drop it, you know the RawFraction will be in simplest form afterwards. All you need to do at this point is ensure that RefMut is the only way to get &mut access to the RawFraction part of a Fraction.
pub struct Fraction(RawFraction);
impl Fraction {
pub fn new(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> Self {
// create a RawFraction, reduce it and wrap it up
pub fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> RefMut {
RefMut(&mut self.0)
Pay attention to the pub markings (and lack thereof): I'm using those to ensure the soundness of the exposed interface. All three types should be placed in a module by themselves. It would be incorrect to mark the RawFraction field pub inside Fraction, since then it would be possible (for code outside the module) to create an unreduced Fraction without using new or get a &mut RawFraction without going through RefMut.
Supposing all this code is placed in a module named frac, you can use it something like this (assuming Fraction implements Display):
let f = frac::Fraction::new(3, 10);
println!("{}", f); // prints 3/10
f.borrow_mut().numerator += 3;
println!("{}", f); // prints 3/5
The types encode the invariant: Wherever you have Fraction, you can know that it's fully reduced. When you have a RawFraction, &RawFraction, etc., you can't be sure. If you want, you may also make RawFraction's fields non-pub, so that you can't get an unreduced fraction at all except by calling borrow_mut on a Fraction.
Basically the same thing is done in RefCell. There you want to reduce the runtime borrow-count when a borrow ends. Here you want to perform an arbitrary action.
So let's re-use the concept of writing a function that returns a wrapped reference:
struct Data {
content: i32,
impl Data {
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> DataRef {
DataRef { data: self }
fn check_after_borrow(&self) {
if self.content > 50 {
println!("Hey, content should be <= {:?}!", 50);
struct DataRef<'a> {
data: &'a mut Data
impl<'a> Drop for DataRef<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("borrow ends");
fn main() {
let mut d = Data { content: 42 };
println!("content is {}", d.content);
let b = d.borrow_mut();
//let c = &d; // Compiler won't let you have another borrow at the same time = 123;
println!("content set to {}",;
} // borrow ends here
println!("content is now {}", d.content);
This results in the following output:
content is 42
content set to 123
borrow ends
Hey, content should be <= 50!
content is now 123
Be aware that you can still obtain an unchecked mutable borrow with e.g. let c = &mut d;. This will be silently dropped without calling check_after_borrow.

Why is a Cell used to create unmovable objects?

So I ran into this code snippet showing how to create "unmoveable" types in Rust - moves are prevented because the compiler treats the object as borrowed for its whole lifetime.
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::marker;
struct Unmovable<'a> {
lock: Cell<marker::ContravariantLifetime<'a>>,
marker: marker::NoCopy
impl<'a> Unmovable<'a> {
fn new() -> Unmovable<'a> {
Unmovable {
lock: Cell::new(marker::ContravariantLifetime),
marker: marker::NoCopy
fn lock(&'a self) {
fn new_in(self_: &'a mut Option<Unmovable<'a>>) {
*self_ = Some(Unmovable::new());
fn main(){
let x = Unmovable::new();
// error: cannot move out of `x` because it is borrowed
// let z = x;
let mut y = None;
Unmovable::new_in(&mut y);
// error: cannot move out of `y` because it is borrowed
// let z = y;
assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<Unmovable>(), 0)
I don't yet understand how this works. My guess is that the lifetime of the borrow-pointer argument is forced to match the lifetime of the lock field. The weird thing is, this code continues working in the same way if:
I change ContravariantLifetime<'a> to CovariantLifetime<'a>, or to InvariantLifetime<'a>.
I remove the body of the lock method.
But, if I remove the Cell, and just use lock: marker::ContravariantLifetime<'a> directly, as so:
use std::marker;
struct Unmovable<'a> {
lock: marker::ContravariantLifetime<'a>,
marker: marker::NoCopy
impl<'a> Unmovable<'a> {
fn new() -> Unmovable<'a> {
Unmovable {
lock: marker::ContravariantLifetime,
marker: marker::NoCopy
fn lock(&'a self) {
fn new_in(self_: &'a mut Option<Unmovable<'a>>) {
*self_ = Some(Unmovable::new());
fn main(){
let x = Unmovable::new();
// does not error?
let z = x;
let mut y = None;
Unmovable::new_in(&mut y);
// does not error?
let z = y;
assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<Unmovable>(), 0)
Then the "Unmoveable" object is allowed to move. Why would that be?
The true answer is comprised of a moderately complex consideration of lifetime variancy, with a couple of misleading aspects of the code that need to be sorted out.
For the code below, 'a is an arbitrary lifetime, 'small is an arbitrary lifetime that is smaller than 'a (this can be expressed by the constraint 'a: 'small), and 'static is used as the most common example of a lifetime that is larger than 'a.
Here are the facts and steps to follow in the consideration:
Normally, lifetimes are contravariant; &'a T is contravariant with regards to 'a (as is T<'a> in the absence of any variancy markers), meaning that if you have a &'a T, it’s OK to substitute a longer lifetime than 'a, e.g. you can store in such a place a &'static T and treat it as though it were a &'a T (you’re allowed to shorten the lifetime).
In a few places, lifetimes can be invariant; the most common example is &'a mut T which is invariant with regards to 'a, meaning that if you have a &'a mut T, you cannot store a &'small mut T in it (the borrow doesn’t live long enough), but you also cannot store a &'static mut T in it, because that would cause trouble for the reference being stored as it would be forgotten that it actually lived for longer, and so you could end up with multiple simultaneous mutable references being created.
A Cell contains an UnsafeCell; what isn’t so obvious is that UnsafeCell is magic, being wired to the compiler for special treatment as the language item named “unsafe”. Importantly, UnsafeCell<T> is invariant with regards to T, for similar sorts of reasons to the invariance of &'a mut T with regards to 'a.
Thus, Cell<any lifetime variancy marker> will actually behave the same as Cell<InvariantLifetime<'a>>.
Furthermore, you don’t actually need to use Cell any more; you can just use InvariantLifetime<'a>.
Returning to the example with the Cell wrapping removed and a ContravariantLifetime (actually equivalent to just defining struct Unmovable<'a>;, for contravariance is the default as is no Copy implementation): why does it allow moving the value? … I must confess, I don’t grok this particular case yet and would appreciate some help myself in understanding why it’s allowed. It seems back to front, that covariance would allow the lock to be shortlived but that contravariance and invariance wouldn’t, but in practice it seems that only invariance is performing the desired function.
Anyway, here’s the final result. Cell<ContravariantLifetime<'a>> is changed to InvariantLifetime<'a> and that’s the only functional change, making the lock method function as desired, taking a borrow with an invariant lifetime. (Another solution would be to have lock take &'a mut self, for a mutable reference is, as already discussed, invariant; this is inferior, however, as it requires needless mutability.)
One other thing that needs mentioning: the contents of the lock and new_in methods are completely superfluous. The body of a function will never change the static behaviour of the compiler; only the signature matters. The fact that the lifetime parameter 'a is marked invariant is the key point. So the whole “construct an Unmovable object and call lock on it” part of new_in is completely superfluous. Similarly setting the contents of the cell in lock was a waste of time. (Note that it is again the invariance of 'a in Unmovable<'a> that makes new_in work, not the fact that it is a mutable reference.)
use std::marker;
struct Unmovable<'a> {
lock: marker::InvariantLifetime<'a>,
impl<'a> Unmovable<'a> {
fn new() -> Unmovable<'a> {
Unmovable {
lock: marker::InvariantLifetime,
fn lock(&'a self) { }
fn new_in(_: &'a mut Option<Unmovable<'a>>) { }
fn main() {
let x = Unmovable::new();
// This is an error, as desired:
let z = x;
let mut y = None;
Unmovable::new_in(&mut y);
// Yay, this is an error too!
let z = y;
An interesting problem! Here's my understanding of it...
Here's another example that doesn't use Cell:
use std::marker::InvariantLifetime;
struct Unmovable<'a> { //'
lock: Option<InvariantLifetime<'a>>, //'
impl<'a> Unmovable<'a> {
fn lock_it(&'a mut self) { //'
self.lock = Some(InvariantLifetime)
fn main() {
let mut u = Unmovable { lock: None };
let v = u;
The important trick here is that the structure needs to borrow itself. Once we have done that, it can no longer be moved because any move would invalidate the borrow. This isn't conceptually different from any other kind of borrow:
struct A(u32);
fn main() {
let a = A(42);
let b = &a;
let c = a;
The only thing is that you need some way of letting the struct contain its own reference, which isn't possible to do at construction time. My example uses Option, which requires &mut self and the linked example uses Cell, which allows for interior mutability and just &self.
Both examples use a lifetime marker because it allows the typesystem to track the lifetime without needing to worry about a particular instance.
Let's look at your constructor:
fn new() -> Unmovable<'a> { //'
Unmovable {
lock: marker::ContravariantLifetime,
marker: marker::NoCopy
Here, the lifetime put into lock is chosen by the caller, and it ends up being the normal lifetime of the Unmovable struct. There's no borrow of self.
Let's next look at your lock method:
fn lock(&'a self) {
Here, the compiler knows that the lifetime won't change. However, if we make it mutable:
fn lock(&'a mut self) {
Bam! It's locked again. This is because the compiler knows that the internal fields could change. We can actually apply this to our Option variant and remove the body of lock_it!
