Liquibase lib file has console.log which prints the DB credentials. Please find the line#47 of the attached liquibase lib file. how to stop it? - node.js

const LiquibaseTS = require('node-liquibase').Liquibase;
const myConfig = {
changeLogFile: './changelog.xml',
url: 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/node_liquibase_testing',
username: 'postgres',
password: 'postgres123',
logLevel: 'info'
const instTs = new LiquibaseTS(myConfig);
I've the above code in my index.js file.
I get the below console output when the line instTs.update(); get executed,
Running /Users/path1/path2/sampleapp/node_modules/node-liquibase/dist/liquibase/liquibase --changeLogFile="./changelog.xml" --url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost" --username="Postgres" --password="postgres123" --classpath="/Users/path1/path2/sampleapp/node_modules/node-liquibase/dist/drivers/postgresql-42.2.8.jar" --logLevel="info" update ...
when I debug the node-liquibase library I found that this console print is due to the line#47 of the file /Users/path1path2/sampleapp/node_modules/node-liquibase/dist/node-liquibase.cjs.development.js
the code snippet in the node-liquibase.cjs.development.js file is,
CommandHandler.spawnChildProcess = function spawnChildProcess(commandString) {
console.log("Running " + commandString + "...");
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
child_process.exec(commandString, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
console.log('\n', stdout);
if (error) {
console.error('\n', stderr); // error.stderr = stderr;
return reject(error);
return CommandHandler;
as per that file, the line# 47 is very first line of the function
console.log("Running " + commandString + "...");
This code is printing the DB details/credentials in the console. Also I noticed that liquibase prints the DB details/credentials on the console along with the error for the changeset error scenario.
What I need?
I want to stop printing the DB credentials on the console during normal run.
During error scenario, I want only the liquibase error printed on the console. it should not print the error with db credentials on the console.
index.js code instTs.update(); is not throwing any exception during error scenario. How can we find/distinguish the error scenario. eg: changeset to insert a value where the table doesn't exist.
Any help greatly appreciated.

Since it prints out the configuration, your only option is probably to move the sensitive information to another spot liquibase can read configuration from.
If you make a file with your password in it, I don't think that will show in the logs. I've not used the node-liquibase frontend much, so I don't know if you need to explicitly add a liquibasePropertiesFile setting to your config.
Alternately, if you use a newer version of liquibase (probably newer than what node-liquibase ships with by default, but there is a way to override that with the liquibase argument) you can set the password and other fields with environment variables as well, and those will not be logged.


ssh2-sftp-client get() request giving 'denied permission - error'

I am using this code in my electron app to connect to an sftp server where I need to collect some data. I have no problem listing the files in the /out folder, but it fails to get the sftp file with 'deined permission' error. Ideally I would like to be able get() file and access the text data within directly in the function without storing to a file.
let Client = require('ssh2-sftp-client');
let sftp = new Client();
var root = '/out';
var today = new Date();
var mon = ((today.getMonth()+1) < 10)? "0" + (today.getMonth()+1) : (today.getMonth()+1);
var date = (today.getDate() < 10)? "0" + today.getDate() : today.getDate();
var fileDate = mon + date;
host: '<server-address>',
port: 2222,
username: 'XXXXXXXX',
password: 'xxxxxxxx',
privateKey: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../rsa/<file-name-here>.pem'))
.then(() => {
return sftp.list(root, 'SN5M' + fileDate);
.then((fileInfo) => {
if (fileInfo) {
var filePath = root + '/' + fileInfo[fileInfo.length - 1].name;
return sftp.get(filePath).then((file) => {
event.returnValue = file;
.catch((err) => {
console.log('File get error', err);
event.returnValue = err;
.catch((err) => {
console.log('File info error', err);
event.returnValue = err;
Try this and see if it works or not
'get' returns (String|Stream|Buffer).
let dst = fs.createWriteStream('/local/file/path/data.txt');
Looking at your code, you have two problems.
If you call get() with only 1 argument, it returns a buffer, not a file. To get the file, just do
client.get(sourceFilePath, localFilePath)
and the file will be saved locally as localFilePath. Both arguments are strings and need to be full paths i.e. include the filename, not just the directory. The filename for the second argument can be different from the first. However, if all you want is to retrieve the file, you are better off using fastGet() rather than get(). The get() method is good for when you want to do something in the code with the data e.g. a buffer or write stream piping/processing. The fastGet() method is faster than get() as it does the transfer using concurrent processes, but does not permit use of buffers or streams for further processing.
The error message you are seeing is either due to the way you are calling get() or it is an indication you don't have permission to read the file your trying to access (as the user your connected with). Easiest way to check this is to use the openSSH sftp program (available on Linux, mac and windows) and the key your using (use the -i switch) to try and download the file. If it fails with a permission error, then you know it is a permission error and not a problem with your code or ssh2-sftp-client module.
EDIT: I just noticed you are also using both a password and a key file. You don't need both - either one will work, but you don't need to use both. I tend to use a keyfile when possible as it avoids having to have a password stored somewhere. Make sure not to add a passphrase to your key. Alternatively, you can use something like the dotenv module and store your credentials and other config in a .env file which you do not check into version control.

Undefined property when unit testing my discord.js bot (the test itself is passed, but it is followed by an error)

I am trying to set up unit testing for my discord.js bot, but when running npm test in the terminal, while the test is being passed, still gives an error.
This is an image of the test being passed followed by the error:
I need to fix this error in testing, while still having the bot being able to function.
I have tried to completely remove the line referenced in the error (and the lines that had something to do with that specific line)
jsfiles.forEach((f, i) => {
let props = require(`./cmds/${f}`)
bot.commands.set(, props)
Removing this resolved the testing issue, but resulted in the bot not functioning correctly (it did not load the commands; meaning, the bot couldn't be interacted with), which is not the goal here.
I've also checked, that each of the files in the folder cmds ends with = {
name: '<name of the command I use for each command>'
This is the part of my bot.js file that contains the problem.
// Loads the commands for the bot:
fs.readdir('./cmds/', (err, files) => {
if (err) console.error(err)
let jsfiles = files.filter(f => f.split('.').pop() === 'js')
if (jsfiles.length <= 0) {
console.log('No commands to load!')
if (testingSettings) {
console.log(`Loading ${jsfiles.length} commands!`)
// This is the problem referenced above:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
jsfiles.forEach((f, i) => {
let props = require(`./cmds/${f}`)
bot.commands.set(, props)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This is all of my code in the bot.test.js file
const {
// Functions
// Variables
} = require('./bot')
test('checking to see if testing-mode is on', () => {
expect(checkingTesting(testingSettings, 'token')).toBe(process.env['token']);
If it is needed. This is the function, variable and exporting method that is used to connect bot.js to bot.test.js:
Variable (in bot.js file)
const testingSettings = false
Function (in bot.js file)
function checkingTesting (testingSettings, name) {
if (testingSettings) {
return testSettings[name]
} else if (!testingSettings) {
return process.env[name]
Exporting (in bot.js file)
module.exports = {
// Exporting functions
checkingTesting: checkingTesting,
// Exporting variables
testingSettings: testingSettings,
} is undefined. The required file's exported obj is either empty, doesn't have help, or some other unforeseen event.
A good practice is to always check whether an object key exist prior using it.
if (props && {
bot.commands.set(, props)
} else {
//throw or handle error here
In your command file, it seems like there is no help property of module.exports. When you try to read, it throws your error because help is undefined.
Check to make sure that you're declaring in every command file.

Knex migration not working when using migration API

I am new to knex migrations and for the past 2 days I have been struggling to get it working but nothing happen. I am trying to run my migrations programmatically using the knex.migration object.
First using the cli, I create a migration file in the migrations directory. Here is its content:
exports.up = function(knex, Promise) {
return Promise.all([
knex.schema.createTable('users', function (table) {
exports.down = function(knex, Promise) {
Then from my code I initialize the Knex object:
var knex = Knex({
filename: './knex.sqlite'
Then I execute the migration:
// console.log()
}).catch(err =>{
But absolutely nothing happens. My migration file is never executed and there is no error or warning message. So I don't know where to look at to start searching for the problem. When I look at my sqlite database, I can see that tables knex_migrations, knex_migrations_lock and sqlite_sequence have been created.
So what I am doing wrong here? Is there something I am missing?
Thanks for any suggestion
There's no requirement to use the CLI tools. Sometimes it's not possible to use it due to its limitations and in this case it's indeed possible to use the migration API directly, like so:
const knex = require('knex')({
// Here goes the Knex config
const migrationConfig = {
directory: __dirname + './migrations',
}'Running migrations in: ' +;
knex.migrate.latest(migrationConfig).then(([batchNo, log]) => {
if (!log.length) {'Database is already up to date');
} else {'Ran migrations: ' + log.join(', '));
// Important to destroy the database, otherwise Node script won't exit
// because Knex keeps open handles.
There was two issues in the original question:
The migration directory was not specified - in this case Knex is not smart and will simply not do anything instead of throwing an error. Most likely the default used by Knex is not right so it's best to specify it.
knex.destroy() was missing. In this case, the script will never exit because Knex keeps open handles on the database, so it just looks like it's stuck doing nothing.
The above script also outputs more log info to see what's exactly happening.
Knex migrations are supposed to run by Knex CLI,FYI:
As your code described, I found a strange issue:
knex.migrate is actually undefined, it's not a property of knex.

neo4j, nodejs, session expire error, how to fix it?

I was trying to use neo4j at backend. First I want to import csv to neo4j. (first tried to see how many lines csv file has)
But having problem, the code is following
var neo4j = require('neo4j-driver').v1;
var driver = neo4j.driver("bolt://localhost", neo4j.auth.basic("neo4j", "neo4j"));
function createGraphDataBase(csvfilepath)
var session = driver.session();
return session
.run( 'LOAD CSV FROM {csvfilepath} AS line RETURN count(*)',
.then(result => {
console.log(' %d lines in csv.file', result);
return result;
.catch(error => {
return error;
the "csvfilepath" is the path of csv file, it is as follows.
is there something wrong with giving path like this?
I am calling that function on other module as
var api = require('./neo4j.js');
const csvFile = path.join(__dirname,csvFileName);
I am having error as
Error: Connection was closed by server
I am new to these, please help!
The URL that you specify in a LOAD CSV clause must be a legal URL.
As stated in this guide:
Make sure to use the right URLs esp. file URLs.+ On OSX and Unix use
file:///path/to/data.csv, on Windows, please use
In your case, csvfilepath needs to specify the file:/// protocol (since you seem to be running on OSX) for a local file. Based on your example, the value should be something like this:

reading a packaged file in aws lambda package

I have a very simple node lambda function which reads the contents of packaged file in it. I upload the code as zip file. The directory structure is as follows.
Then have in my index.js file:
fs.readFile('/var/task/readme.txt', function (err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
I keep getting the following error NOENT: no such file or directory, open '/var/task/readme.txt'.
I tried ./readme.txt also.
What am I missing ?
Try this, it works for me:
'use strict'
let fs = require("fs");
let path = require("path");
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
// To debug your problem
// Solution is to use absolute path using `__dirname`
fs.readFile(__dirname +'/readme.txt', function (err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
to debug why your code is not working, add below link in your handler
On AWS Lambda node process might be running from some other folder and it looks for readme.txt file from that folder as you have provided relative path, solution is to use absolute path.
What worked for me was the comment by Vadorrequest to use process.env.LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT. I wrote a function to get a template file in a /templates directory when I'm running it locally on my machine with __dirname or with the process.env.LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT variable when running on Lambda:
function loadTemplateFile(templateName) {
const fileName = `./templates/${templateName}`
let resolved
if (process.env.LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT) {
resolved = path.resolve(process.env.LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT, fileName)
} else {
resolved = path.resolve(__dirname, fileName)
console.log(`Loading template at: ${resolved}`)
try {
const data = fs.readFileSync(resolved, 'utf8')
return data
} catch (error) {
const message = `Could not load template at: ${resolved}, error: ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`
throw new Error(message)
This is an oldish question but comes up first when attempting to sort out whats going on with file paths on Lambda.
Additional Steps for Serverless Framework
For anyone using Serverless framework to deploy (which probably uses webpack to build) you will also need to add the following to your webpack config file (just after target: node):
// assume target: 'node', is here
node: {
__dirname: false,
Without this piece using __dirname with Serverless will STILL not get you the desired absolute directory path.
I went through this using serverless framework and it really was the file that was not sent in the compression. Just add the following line in serverless.yml:
individually: false
- src/**
const filepath = path.resolve('../../filename.text');
const fileData2 = fs.readFileSync(process.env.LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT + filepath, 'utf-8');
I was using fs.promises.readFile(). Couldn't get it to error out at out. The file was there, and LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT seemed right to me as well. After I changed to fs.readFileSync(), it worked.
I hade the same problem and I tried applying all these wonderful solutions above - which didn't work.
The problem was that I setup one of the folder name with one letter in upper case which was really lowercase.
So when I tried to fetch the content of /src/SOmething/some_file.txt
While the folder was really /src/Something/ - I got this error...
Windows (local environment) is case insensitive while AWS is not!!!....
