Is there a way to view Android Studio's layout inspector for multiple displays? - android-studio

I'm working on an app that launches an activity on an external display. When I load the layout inspector in Android Studio I can only see the layout for Activity B (on the external) and want to see the layout for Activity A (on the device).
Activity A:
val options = ActivityOptions.makeBasic()
options.launchDisplayId = displayId // from DisplayManager
val intent = Intent(appContext,
appContext.startActivity(intent, options.toBundle())
I'm using Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1. I haven't tried Electric Eel yet.
Is there any way to control which layout loads in the inspector?


different icon in android studio project - Kotlin activity

I'm using Android studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1 and building an app.
In Android Studio, in the Project list of files, what is the difference between these 2 icons :
Both files above are activities files.
Thank you.
The first one is Kotlin Class - It contains only one class with the same class name i.e file name and the class name are the same
The second one is Kotlin File - Which contains multiple classes with different names

Android Studio with Kotlin How Does Control Pass From MainActivity to Another Class

I'm using android studio 4.1.1 and kotlin.
I'm trying to learn programming Android apps using Android Studio and Kotlin. I have a question that a couple of tutorials and searching threads have not answered for me. How does control pass from the MainActivity.kt class to another class, i.e: FirstFragment.kt?
I'm doing fine with other things I'm learning in tutorials, but I cannot figure this out.
I create a new Basic Activity app in Android Studio with Kotlin. In the java directory, I see these classes: FirstFragment.kt, MainActivity.kt and SecondFragment.kt.
In the res/layout/ directory, I see: activity_main.xml, content_main.xml, fragment_first.xml and fragment_second.xml.
Question 1) When the app loads in an emulator, I see the button and textView from the fragment_first.xml. How does this happen? I cannot see in the code where it says, "load fragment_first.xml".
MainActivity.kt has setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) which loads that layout. activity_main.xml has <include layout="#layout/content_main" />. But from there, I do not know where to find the code that loads the fragment_first.xml layout.
I believe that when fragment_first.xml loads, control passes from MainActivity.kt to FirstFragment.kt, yes? Question 2). Is this because of the onCreate function?
Thanks for helping me to understand this better.
There are multiple ways to load a fragment. Traditionally, you use the FragmentManager to create a Fragment transaction that tells the Activity to place a Fragment into the view hierarchy and start managing its lifecycle.
More recently, they have added the Navigation component, which can be used in place of directly using the FragmentManager.
In the current new project Basic Activity, the layout activity_main.xml includes the layout content_main. In content_main.xml, you'll see that it includes a fragment element that is set to the Fragment (using the name parameter) NavHostFragment, which is a special Fragment that the Navigation component uses to host children fragments that are specified in a navigation XML file. This fragment element also specifies the navigation xml file using the navGraph property. It specifies nav_graph.xml, which you'll find in the res/navigation directory.
If you open nav_graph.xml, you'll see that it has FirstFragment set as the home fragment, so that is what pulls it up as the first fragment that you see.
Basically, the control flow is:
Activity's onCreate() sets content view to activity_main, which includes content_main.
content_main includes a NavHostFragment that is automatically inserted in the view hierarchy so the Activity starts running it.
The NavHostFragment is set in the XML to use nav_graph, which tells it to load FirstFragment first.

Android Studio ActivityMain.kt not finding IDs of TextView, Buttons etc from activity-main.xml

I'm trying to learn programming. Using Android Studio I have created an
TextView and and Button in activity_main.xml and now I'm trining to use this two in MainActivity.kt but Android Studio cannot find the IDs of my Textview nor of my button. Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for your help and suggestions.
OS ManjaroLinux
Android Studio v. 4.1.1 installed by Flatpack
using Kotlin as programming language
Images of my problem
Button declaration activity_main.xml
TextView declaration activity_main.xml
MainActivity.kt error
Refer ids of components using*.
For example, if the id is defined by :
Then refer it by :
val button = findViewById<Button>(
The same applies for any resources like strings (R.string.*), colors, dimens etc.

Can't find the Blank activity with fragment in android studio (3.3.2)

So I just started with Android studio and i am following the Android NanoDegree from Udacity and in one of the lessons i am supposed to create a Blank activity with fragment which does not exist any more i understand that the Empty activity is the same as the Blank activity i have searched and all i could find was old questions and the answer was to choose an empty activity then check the add fragment option but i can't find the fragment option at all (See Image).
Can any one tell me what i should do to match the required activity from the lesson ... it has and fragment_main.xml and activitymain.xml and a place holder fragment in the file
In Android Studio, if you right click on your project in the project view, under New -> Fragment -> Fragment (blank).
I tried to add a screenshot but I'm not allowed yet.

how to create a class in android studio thats parallel table in backendless

how do i get a field type pointer from backendless table into a class (object) in android studio
Building building = (Building) Backendless.UserService.CurrentUser().getProperty("building");
Try using Backenldess Code Generation tool.
Select "Code Generation" in console
Select IDE
Select "Java classes for defined data tables" checkbox
Download generated code
Open downloaded project in Android Studio
See screenshot below:
