Callable cloud functions - handle error in android - node.js

im trying to delete an user from firestore and from auth.
I have this callable cloud function:
export const deleteUser = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const userEmail = data.userEmail;
const collection = data.collection;
try {
deleteUserByEmail(userEmail, collection)
return "deleted!"
} catch (error) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('invalid-argument', 'there is no user with that email', error);
async function deleteUserByEmail(userEmail: string, collection: string) {
const auth = admin.auth();
const db = admin.firestore();
const { uid } = await auth.getUserByEmail(userEmail);
await db.collection(collection)
await auth.deleteUser(uid);
return uid;
in android i have this:
fun deleteFromFirebase(){
val data = hashMapOf(
"userEmail" to,
"collection" to "User"
functions // Optional region: .getInstance("europe-west1")
.addOnCompleteListener() { task ->
Log.d("User", "ERROR")
val e = task.exception
if (e != null) {
Log.d("Admin", e.message.toString())
Log.d("User", "Deleted")
//make something
If the user in auth and the document nin firestore exist, works great.
But i tryed to generate some error.
So I deleted the user from auth and ran the function. The Android log says D/User: User deleted
but in the console from google cloud:
Function execution took 1878 ms, finished with status code: 200
Exception from a finished function: Error: There is no user record corresponding to the provided identifier.
How can I handle the error and get correctly in android? Thanks!

The deleteUserByEmail function is async and returns a Promise. Your return statement runs before the promises is resolved. Try refactoring the code as shown below:
export const deleteUser = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const userEmail = data.userEmail;
const collection = data.collection;
try {
// add await, continues after Promise is resolved
await deleteUserByEmail(userEmail, collection)
return "deleted!"
} catch (error) {
console.log(error) // <-- check for any errors
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('invalid-argument', 'there is no user with that email', error);
async function deleteUserByEmail(userEmail: string, collection: string) {
const auth = admin.auth();
const db = admin.firestore();
const { uid } = await auth.getUserByEmail(userEmail);
return await Promise.all([


Async Firebase Cloud Function trigger - What to return on catch block?

I have written the trigger below and I'm not sure what I should return in case a catch block is called. I know that Firebase docs say that triggers should always return a Promise...
exports.sendPushNotificationForNewMessage = functions.firestore.document("messages/{messageId}").onCreate(async (snap, context) => {
const message =
const chatRoomId = message.chatRoomId
const senderId =
const senderUsername = message.user.username
try {
const chatRoom = await admin.firestore().collection("chatRooms").doc(chatRoomId).get()
const receiverId = => userId != senderId)
const receiver = await admin.firestore().collection("users").doc(receiverId).get()
const deviceToken =
if (deviceToken) {
const payload = {
notification: {
title: "popster",
body: `New DM from ${senderUsername} 💬`,
badge: "1",
sound: "pop.m4a"
data: {
return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(deviceToken, payload)
} else {
return null
} catch (error) {
return null
The async function wraps your response in a Promise so here your return type is Promise<MessagingDevicesResponse | null> and that will terminate the Cloud Function.
I'm not sure what I should return in case a catch block is called.
Background functions do not return any value/error to client so you can just return null;.
Also checkout this Firecast for more information.

Nodejs exports returns undefined on mongoose Insertion

I have created nodejs application by organising as module structure , The problem I am facing is that a mongodb insertion return undefined value from one of my controller, The issue I found is that my async funtion doesn't wait to complete my mongodb operation But I could not find a solution for that, my route and controller code is given below
const {
createEvent, editEvent
} = require('./controller');"/event/create", validateEventManage, isRequestValidated, async(req, res) => {
let data = {};
data.body = req.body;
let event = await createEvent(req.body);
console.log(event) // returned undefined
data.event = event;
exports.createEvent = async(data) => {
// return "test" // This works correctly
const eventObj = {
name :,
description : data.desc,
type : data.type,
startDate : new Date()
const event = await new Event(eventObj);
if(error) {
return error;
return event;
You should not await the new Event constructor.
Also, since you are using async - await you can
remove the callback from the save and try ... catch the error to handle it:
exports.createEvent = async (data) => {
// return "test" // This works correctly
const eventObj = {
description: data.desc,
type: data.type,
startDate: new Date(),
try {
const event = new Event(eventObj);
return event;
} catch (error) {
return error;

Chat message notification in Firebase Cloud Functions. Can't get data from a promise when triggering a Cloud Function

I develop in iOS and this is the first time I'm coding in Typescript. I made my first Cloud Function that triggers when a new chat message is sent in RTDB and notifies the members that receive the message.
When I make the call to Firestore to get tokens of the user devices (userTokens) I get no errors and have the correct path, but the data returned from those promises don't show anything. When I log the "tokenList" it just says ["0"]. I think the error is when I push the promise to a list or resolve them, but I haven't managed to fix it.
The code:
import * as functions from "firebase-functions"
import * as admin from "firebase-admin"
export const newLastMessageDetected = functions.database
.onCreate(async (snap, context) => {
const values = snap.val()
const chatID = context.params.chatID
const messageID = context.params.messageID
const message = values.message
const fromID = values.fromID
const fromName = values.fromName
console.log( `LastMessage changed with chatID: ${chatID} and messageID ${messageID} `)
console.log( `Last message: ${message} by fromID: ${fromID} and by name ${fromName}`)
const payload = {
notification: {
title: fromName,
body: message
let membersSnapshotRef = admin.database().ref('/Members/' + chatID + '/')
return membersSnapshotRef.once('value')
.then(dataSnapshot => {
const promises = []
console.log('*** GOT SNAPSHOT ***')
dataSnapshot.forEach((element) => {
if (element.key != fromID && element.val() === true) {
const p = admin.firestore().collection('userTokens').doc(`${element.key}`).collection('devices').get()
console.log('*** GOT PROMISE ***')
console.log(`*** The recipientID: ${element.key} ***`)
return Promise.all(promises).then(snapshot => {
console.log('*** GOT RETURNED PROMISES ***')
const tokenList = []
const data = snapshot.keys()
for (const token in data) {
return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(tokenList, payload).then(result => {
console.log("Notification sent!");
return null;
.catch(error => {
When you use Promise.all(), the result of the promise it returns is always going to be an array.
Promise.all(promises).then(snapshot => {
// snapshot is an array of results with one element for each of the promises
You need to iterate that array to find the results of all the promises you stored in the promises array. snapshot.keys() does not iterate that array - it is just giving you a list of numbers that are the indexes of those array. Try using snapshot.forEach() instead.
You might want to review some documentation for promise.all.
I actually really messed up because I tried to retrieve the data on the query;
didn't realize that the first loop was on the retrieved queries, so I had to do another on the documents retrieved. The device tokens are each of the documentIDs with the timestamp stored as the data.
The working code:
import * as functions from "firebase-functions"
import * as admin from "firebase-admin"
export const newLastMessageDetected = functions.database
.onCreate(async (snap, context) => {
const values = snap.val()
const chatID = context.params.chatID
const messageID = context.params.messageID
const message = values.message
const fromID = values.fromID
const fromName = values.fromName
console.log( `LastMessage changed with chatID: ${chatID} and messageID ${messageID} `)
console.log( `Last message: ${message} by fromID: ${fromID} and by name ${fromName}`)
const payload = {
notification: {
title: fromName,
body: message
let membersSnapshotRef = admin.database().ref('/Members/' + chatID + '/')
return membersSnapshotRef.once('value')
.then(dataSnapshot => {
const promises = []
// const docIDS = []
console.log('*** GOT SNAPSHOT ***')
dataSnapshot.forEach((element) => {
if (element.key != fromID && element.val() === true) {
const doc = admin.firestore().collection('userTokens').doc(`${element.key}`).collection('devices')
const p = doc.get()
// const docID =
console.log('*** GOT PROMISE ***')
console.log(`*** The recipientID: ${element.key} ***`)
// console.log(`*** The docID: ${docID} ***`)
// docIDS.push(docID)
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(async querySnapshot => {
console.log('*** GOT RETURNED PROMISES ***')
const tokenList = []
querySnapshot.forEach(snap => { // first here
console.log(`${} *** `)
console.log(`${snap} *** `)
snap.forEach(doc => { // then here
await admin.messaging().sendToDevice(tokenList, payload)
console.log("Notification sent!")
return null
.catch(error => {

Ignoring exception from a finished function

I keep getting this error when this function executes.
Ignoring exception from a finished function
What I'm I missing?
exports = module.exports = functions.database.ref('/cards/{userId}/{id}')
.onCreate((snap, context) => {
const token = snap.val().token;
const userId = context.params.userId;
const stripeRef = admin.database().ref('/stripe').child(userId);
return stripeRef.once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
let accountId = snapshot.val().accountId;
return stripe.accounts.createExternalAccount(
{ external_account: token },
function(err, card) {
use try and catch to log the errors manually, like
try {
//code goes here
catch(error) {

Use Dynasty DynamoDB Query in Alexa Response

I am using Dynasty in my Nodejs Alexa Skill Service, run on AWS Lambda, to query DynamoDB. Due to the structure of the API, I am unable to use a query's result in my Alexa response. In the code below, the callback passed to 'then' is run after the handler returns, so 'name' is never assigned. How can I use information obtained in the query callback in my response?
const dynasty = require('dynasty')(credentials);
const myIntentHandler = {
canHandle(input) {
return === 'MyIntent';
handle(input) {
const userId = input.requestEnvelope.session.user.userId;
const users = dynasty.table('user');
var name;
users.find(userId).then(function(user) {
if(user) {
name =;
} else {
return input.responseBuilder.speak('Hello ' + name).getResponse();
The Alexa SDK for NodeJS v2 supports promises in handlers.
So, from you handler you return a promise, chained off of the Dynasty query promise.
const dynasty = require('dynasty')(credentials);
const myIntentHandler = {
canHandle(input) {
return === 'MyIntent';
handle(input) {
const userId = input.requestEnvelope.session.user.userId;
const users = dynasty.table('user');
var name;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
users.find(userId).then(function(user) {
if(user) {
name =;
let response
= input.responseBuilder
.speak('Hello ' + name)
} else {
// handle this case
// and resolve(..) or reject(..)
