Avoid dropping the variable when wrapped into a struct - rust

I have a Rodio's Sink wrapper in HAudioSink. I also implement a try_new_from_haudio function that, in short, creates a Sink instance, wrap it in HAudioSink and already starts playing the first audio.
In Sink's docs it states: "Dropping the Sink stops all sounds. You can use detach if you want the sounds to continue playing". So when try_new_from_haudiois returning, it drops the original sink and the sound is stopping when it shouldn't.
So my question here is: what should I do to avoid it dropping when I create an instance of HAudioSink? Is ManuallyDrop the way to go?
struct HAudioSink {
sink: Sink,
impl HAudioSink {
pub fn try_new_from_haudio<T>(haudio: HAudio<T>) -> HResult<Self>
T: NativeType + Float + ToPrimitive,
let (_stream, stream_handle) = OutputStream::try_default()?;
let sink = Sink::try_new(&stream_handle).unwrap();
let nchannels = haudio.nchannels();
let nframes = haudio.nframes();
let sr = haudio.sr();
let mut data_interleaved: Vec<f32> = Vec::with_capacity(nchannels * nframes);
let values = haudio
for f in 0..nframes {
for ch in 0..nchannels {
data_interleaved.push(values.value(f + ch * nframes).to_f32().unwrap());
let source = SamplesBuffer::new(u16::try_from(nchannels).unwrap(), sr, data_interleaved);
Ok(HAudioSink { sink })
// Sleeps the current thread until the sound ends.
pub fn sleep_until_end(&self) {
mod tests {
use super::*;
//this test doesn't work
fn play_test() {
let sink = HAudioSink::try_new_from_file("../testfiles/gs-16b-2c-44100hz.wav").unwrap();
If I put sink.sleep_until_end() inside try_new_from_haudio, just before returning Ok, it works.
check the following link for the reproducible example of this issue: https://github.com/RustAudio/rodio/issues/476

The problem is that for the _stream too "If this is dropped playback will end & attached OutputStreamHandles will no longer work."
see the docs on OutputStream. So you have to store it alongside your Sink:
pub struct SinkWrapper {
pub sink: Sink,
pub stream: OutputStream,
impl SinkWrapper {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let (stream, stream_handle) = OutputStream::try_default().unwrap();
let sink = Sink::try_new(&stream_handle).unwrap();
// Add a dummy source of the sake of the example.
let source = SineWave::new(440.0)
Self { sink, stream }


How to connect bevy game to externel TCP server using tokios async TcpStream?

I want to send Events between the game client and server and I already got it working, but I do not know how to do it with bevy.
I am dependent to use tokios async TcpStream, because I have to be able to split the stream into a OwnedWriteHalf and OwnedReadhalf using stream.into_split().
My first idea was to just spawn a thread that handles the connection and then send the received events to a queue using mpsc::channel
Then I include this queue into a bevy resource using app.insert_resource(Queue) and pull events from it in the game loop.
the Queue:
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
pub enum Instruction {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Queue {
sender: mpsc::Sender<Instruction>,
impl Queue {
pub fn init() -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1024);
Self{sender: tx}
pub async fn send(&self, event: GameEvent) {
pub async fn pull(&self) -> Option<GameEvent> {
println!("new pull");
let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1);
fn init(mut rx: mpsc::Receiver<Instruction>) {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut queue: Vec<GameEvent> = Vec::new();
loop {
match rx.recv().await.unwrap() {
Instruction::Push(ev) => {
Instruction::Pull(sender) => {
But because all this has to be async I have block the pull() function in the sync game loop.
I do this using the futures-lite crate:
fn event_pull(
communication: Res<Communication>
) {
let ev = future::block_on(communication.event_queue.pull());
println!("got event: {:?}", ev);
And this works fine, BUT after around 5 seconds the whole program just halts and does not receive any more events.
It seems like that future::block_on() does block indefinitely.
Having the main function, in which bevy::prelude::App gets built and run, to be the async tokio::main function might also be a problem here.
It would probably be best to wrap the async TcpStream initialisation and tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender and thus also Queue.pull into synchronous functions, but I do not know how to do this.
Can anyone help?
How to reproduce
The repo can be found here
Just compile both server and client and then run both in the same order.
I got it to work by just replacing every tokio::sync::mpsc with crossbeam::channel, which might be a problem, as it does block
and manually initializing the tokio runtime.
so the init code looks like this:
pub struct Communicator {
pub event_bridge: bridge::Bridge,
pub event_queue: event_queue::Queue,
_runtime: Runtime,
impl Communicator {
pub fn init(ip: &str) -> Self {
let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread()
let (bridge, queue, game_rx) = rt.block_on(async move {
let socket = TcpStream::connect(ip).await.unwrap();
let (read, write) = socket.into_split();
let reader = TcpReader::new(read);
let writer = TcpWriter::new(write);
let (bridge, tcp_rx, game_rx) = bridge::Bridge::init();
reader::init(bridge.clone(), reader);
writer::init(tcp_rx, writer);
let event_queue = event_queue::Queue::init();
return (bridge, event_queue, game_rx);
// game of game_rx events to queue for game loop
let eq_clone = queue.clone();
rt.spawn(async move {
loop {
let event = game_rx.recv().unwrap();
Self {
event_bridge: bridge,
event_queue: queue,
_runtime: rt,
And main.rs looks like this:
fn main() {
let communicator = communication::Communicator::init("");
communicator.event_bridge.push_tcp(TcpEvent::Register{name: String::from("luca")});
fn event_pull(
communication: Res<communication::Communicator>
) {
let ev = communication.event_queue.pull();
if let Some(ev) = ev {
Perhaps there might be a better solution.

Access Impl field from closure before field is alloc'ed in Rust?

I am new to Rust, as will probably be obvious.
Basically I have this scenario you can see below where, I create a new type that has a closure added to it, but this closure needs to access data which has not yet been created. The data will be created by the time the closure gets called, but when the closure is initially created the data is not yet available.
What is the best way to do deal with?
I am also curious if my closure was not a closure, but rather a private function in my implementation, how would I access that data? This closure/function is a callback from WasmTime and requires an explicit method signature which does not allow me to add $self to it. So how could I get at the instance fields of the implementation without a reference to $self in the function parameters?
pub struct EmWasmNode {
wasmStore: Store<WasiCtx>,
wasmTable: Table,
impl EmWasmNode {
pub fn new(filePath: &str) -> Result<Self> {
let engine = Engine::default();
// let module = Module::from_file(&engine, "wasm/index.wast")?;
let module = Module::from_file(&engine, filePath)?;
let mut linker = Linker::new(&engine);
wasmtime_wasi::add_to_linker(&mut linker, |s| s)?;
let wasi = WasiCtxBuilder::new()
let mut store = Store::new(&engine, wasi);
linker.func_wrap("env", "emscripten_set_main_loop", |p0: i32, p1: i32, p2: i32| {
println!("emscripten_set_main_loop {} {} {}", p0, p1, p2);
/*** How would I access wasmTable and wasmStore from here to execute more methods??? ***/
//let browserIterationFuncOption:Option<wasmtime::Val> = Self::wasmTable.get(&mut Self::wasmStore, p0 as u32);
// browserIterationFuncOption.unwrap().unwrap_funcref().call(&store, ());
let instance = linker.instantiate(&mut store, &module)?;
let table = instance
.get_export(&mut store, "__indirect_function_table")
let start = instance.get_typed_func::<(), (), _>(&mut store, "_start")?;
start.call(&mut store, ())?;
Ok(EmWasmNode {
wasmStore: store,
wasmTable: table.unwrap(),
You have to instantiate a struct before. I suggest the more simple code below to see my idea.
struct Atype
name: String,
impl Atype
pub fn new() -> Self
Self{ name: String::from("zeppi")}
pub fn test(&self) -> ()
let func = | x | { println!("{} {}", &self.name, x);};
fn main() {
let o = Atype::new();

GStreamer is hanging unexpectedly during dynamic change of elements

We are using GStreamer to read the video stream off of network cameras and we observed a weird behaviour: our program would hang unexpectedly, without any kind of notice.
We, then, narrowed it down to the fact that our client had a very, very bad internet connection and we were able to reproduce the problem with just GStreamer and a tool to simulate bad networks.
I am attaching below both our tool to simulate bad networks and the example we've written to reproduce this behaviour.
Our tool to simulate bad networks uses tc to introduce a delay, packet loss and packet corruption.
Our example boils down to using a (subclassed) bin that can intercept EoS messages posted inside it, and a pipeline that reads a RTSP feed. The bin is then dinamically added and removed from the pipeline.
Are we doing something wrong? Could this be a bug in GStreamer itself?
sudo tc qdisc add dev wlp2s0 root netem \
delay 500ms 480ms distribution normal \
loss 30% 25% \
corrupt 2%
mod implementation {
use {glib::subclass::prelude::*, gstreamer::subclass::prelude::*};
use {
glib::{glib_object_impl, glib_object_subclass, subclass::simple::ClassStruct},
gstreamer::{subclass::ElementInstanceStruct, Bin, Message, MessageView},
std::sync::{mpsc, Mutex},
pub struct CustomBin {
pub(super) eos_guard: Mutex<Option<mpsc::SyncSender<()>>>,
impl ObjectImpl for CustomBin {
impl ElementImpl for CustomBin {}
impl BinImpl for CustomBin {
fn handle_message(&self, bin: &Bin, message: Message) {
let mut eos_guard = self.eos_guard.lock().unwrap();
if let MessageView::Eos(_) = message.view() {
if let Some(eos_guard) = eos_guard.take() {
return eos_guard.send(()).unwrap_or(());
self.parent_handle_message(bin, message)
impl ObjectSubclass for CustomBin {
const NAME: &'static str = "GstCustomBin";
type ParentType = Bin;
type Instance = ElementInstanceStruct<Self>;
type Class = ClassStruct<Self>;
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
eos_guard: Mutex::new(None),
use {
glib::{prelude::*, subclass::prelude::*, translate::*},
use {
glib::{glib_bool_error, glib_wrapper, subclass::simple::ClassStruct, BoolError, Object},
event, subclass::ElementInstanceStruct, Element, GhostPad, PadDirection, State, StateChangeError,
std::{sync::mpsc, time::Duration},
glib_wrapper! {
/// A subclass of `gstreamer::Bin` that has customized behaviour for intercepting end-of-stream messages. This is necessary so that we can remove a branch from a `tee` and not bring down the entire pipeline.
pub struct CustomBin(
) #extends gstreamer::Bin, gstreamer::Element, gstreamer::Object;
match fn {
get_type => || implementation::CustomBin::get_type().to_glib(),
unsafe impl Send for CustomBin {}
unsafe impl Sync for CustomBin {}
impl CustomBin {
/// Instantiates the structure.
pub fn new(name: Option<&str>) -> Self {
Object::new(Self::static_type(), &[("name", &name)])
.expect("Failed to instantiate `CustomBin` as an `Object`")
.expect("Failed to downcast `Object` to `CustomBin`")
/// Adds a ghost sink pad for the target element. It is assumed that the element belongs to the bin.
pub fn add_ghost_sink_pad(&self, element: &Element) -> Result<(), BoolError> {
let target_pad = element
.ok_or_else(|| glib_bool_error!("Failed to get sink pad from [{}]", element.get_name()))?;
let ghost_pad = GhostPad::new(Some("sink"), PadDirection::Sink);
/// Installs an end-of-stream message guard, which will drop the end-of-stream message and then signal it was dropped.
pub fn install_eos_guard(&self) -> mpsc::Receiver<()> {
let super_self = implementation::CustomBin::from_instance(self);
let mut eos_guard = super_self.eos_guard.lock().unwrap();
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::sync_channel(1);
/// Sends an end-of-stream event to this bin. It will become an end-of-stream message once it reaches the sink.
pub fn send_eos_event(&self) {
let super_self = implementation::CustomBin::from_instance(self);
let mut eos_guard = super_self.eos_guard.lock().unwrap();
if !self.send_event(event::Eos::new()) {
if let Some(eos_guard) = eos_guard.take() {
/// Flushes the data in the bin by sending an EoS event and then intercepting the resulting EoS message.
pub fn flush(&self) -> Result<(), BoolError> {
let eos_guard = self.install_eos_guard();
.map_err(|error| glib_bool_error!("Timed out waiting for the EoS guard during flush (error [{:?}])", error))
pub fn set_null_state(&self) -> Result<StateChangeSuccess, StateChangeError> {
mod custom_bin;
use custom_bin::CustomBin;
use gstreamer::prelude::*;
use {
gstreamer::{ElementFactory, PadProbeReturn, PadProbeType, Pipeline, State},
std::{error::Error, sync::mpsc, thread, time::Duration},
fn rtsp_location() -> String {
fn video_location(index: usize) -> String {
format!("/home/valmirpretto/videos/video_{}.mp4", index)
fn instantiate_mp4_writer(location: &str) -> Result<CustomBin, Box<dyn Error>> {
let queue = ElementFactory::make("queue", None)?;
let h264parse = ElementFactory::make("h264parse", None)?;
let mp4mux = ElementFactory::make("mp4mux", None)?;
let filesink = ElementFactory::make("filesink", None)?;
filesink.set_property("location", &location)?;
let bin = CustomBin::new(None);
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let rtspsrc = ElementFactory::make("rtspsrc", None)?;
let rtph264depay = ElementFactory::make("rtph264depay", None)?;
let tee = ElementFactory::make("tee", None)?;
rtspsrc.set_property("location", &rtsp_location())?;
tee.set_property("allow-not-linked", &true)?;
let pipeline = Pipeline::new(None);
let rtph264depay = rtph264depay.downgrade();
move |_, src_pad| {
if let Some(rtph264depay) = rtph264depay.upgrade() {
let sink_pad = rtph264depay
.expect("Element rtph264depay without sink pad");
if src_pad.can_link(&sink_pad) {
.expect("Failed to link after we checked it could");
(0..).try_for_each::<_, Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>>(|index| {
println!("Iteration [{}]", index);
// Add bin to the pipeline
let bin = instantiate_mp4_writer(&video_location(index))?;
// Remove bin from the pipeline
let bin_sink_pad = bin
.ok_or_else(|| glib_bool_error!("Bin [{}] did not have a sink pad", bin.get_name()))?;
let tee_src_pad = bin_sink_pad
.ok_or_else(|| glib_bool_error!("Bin [{}] sink pad did not have a peer", bin.get_name()))?;
let (signal_sender, signal_receiver) = mpsc::sync_channel(1);
tee_src_pad.add_probe(PadProbeType::IDLE, {
let bin = bin.downgrade();
let pipeline = pipeline.downgrade();
let tee = tee.downgrade();
move |tee_src_pad, _| {
if let Some(bin) = bin.upgrade() {
if let Some(pipeline) = pipeline.upgrade() {
bin.flush().expect(&format!("Could not flush bin [{}]", bin.get_name()));
.expect(&format!("Could not remove bin [{}] from pipeline", bin.get_name()));
.expect(&format!("Could not set null state of bin [{}]", bin.get_name()));
.expect(&format!("Could not signal that bin [{}] is done", bin.get_name()));
if let Some(tee) = tee.upgrade() {
.map_err(|error| glib_bool_error!("Timed out waiting for EoS (error [{:?}])", error))?;

How to copy data from a stream while also forwarding a stream

I am using hyper 0.12 to build a proxy service. When receiving a response body from the upstream server I want to forward it back to the client ASAP, and save the contents in a buffer for later processing.
So I need a function that:
takes a Stream (a hyper::Body, to be precise)
returns a Stream that is functionally identical to the input stream
also returns some sort of Future<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = ...> that is resolved with the buffered contents of the input stream, when the output stream is completely consumed
I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this.
I guess the function I'm looking for will look something like this:
type BufferFuture = Box<Future<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = ()>>;
pub fn copy_body(body: hyper::Body) -> (hyper::Body, BufferFuture) {
let body2 = ... // ???
let buffer = body.fold(Vec::<u8>::new(), |mut buf, chunk| {
// ...somehow send this chunk to body2 also?
(body2, buffer);
Below is what I have tried, and it works until send_data() fails (obviously).
type BufferFuture = Box<Future<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = ()>>;
pub fn copy_body(body: hyper::Body) -> (hyper::Body, BufferFuture) {
let (mut sender, body2) = hyper::Body::channel();
let consume =
body.map_err(|_| ()).fold(Vec::<u8>::new(), move |mut buf, chunk| {
// What to do if this fails?
if sender.send_data(chunk).is_err() {}
(body2, Box::new(consume));
However, something tells me I am on the wrong track.
I have found Sink.fanout() which seems like it is what I want, but I do not have a Sink, and I don't know how to construct one. hyper::Body implements Stream but not Sink.
What I ended up doing was implement a new type of stream that does what I need. This appeared to be necessary because hyper::Body does not implement Sink nor does hyper::Chunk implement Clone (which is required for Sink.fanout()), so I cannot use any of the existing combinators.
First a struct that contains all details that we need and methods to append a new chunk, as well as notify that the buffer is completed.
struct BodyClone<T> {
body: T,
buffer: Option<Vec<u8>>,
sender: Option<futures::sync::oneshot::Sender<Vec<u8>>>,
impl BodyClone<hyper::Body> {
fn flush(&mut self) {
if let (Some(buffer), Some(sender)) = (self.buffer.take(), self.sender.take()) {
if sender.send(buffer).is_err() {}
fn push(&mut self, chunk: &hyper::Chunk) {
use hyper::body::Payload;
let length = if let Some(buffer) = self.buffer.as_mut() {
buffer.len() as u64
} else {
if let Some(content_length) = self.body.content_length() {
if length >= content_length {
Then I implemented the Stream trait for this struct.
impl Stream for BodyClone<hyper::Body> {
type Item = hyper::Chunk;
type Error = hyper::Error;
fn poll(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
match self.body.poll() {
Ok(Async::Ready(Some(chunk))) => {
Ok(Async::Ready(None)) => {
other => other,
Finally I could define an extension method on hyper::Body:
pub type BufferFuture = Box<Future<Item = Vec<u8>, Error = ()> + Send>;
trait CloneBody {
fn clone_body(self) -> (hyper::Body, BufferFuture);
impl CloneBody for hyper::Body {
fn clone_body(self) -> (hyper::Body, BufferFuture) {
let (sender, receiver) = futures::sync::oneshot::channel();
let cloning_stream = BodyClone {
body: self,
buffer: Some(Vec::new()),
sender: Some(sender),
Box::new(receiver.map_err(|_| ())),
This can be used as follows:
let (body: hyper::Body, buffer: BufferFuture) = body.clone_body();

How to add special NotReady logic to tokio-io?

I'm trying to make a Stream that would wait until a specific character is in buffer. I know there's read_until() on BufRead but I actually need a custom solution, as this is a stepping stone to implement waiting until a specific string in in buffer (or, for example, a regexp match happens).
In my project where I first encountered the problem, problem was that future processing just hanged when I get a Ready(_) from inner future and return NotReady from my function. I discovered I shouldn't do that per docs (last paragraph). However, what I didn't get, is what's the actual alternative that is promised in that paragraph. I read all the published documentation on the Tokio site and it doesn't make sense for me at the moment.
So following is my current code. Unfortunately I couldn't make it simpler and smaller as it's already broken. Current result is this:
Err(Custom { kind: Other, error: Error(Shutdown) })
Err(Custom { kind: Other, error: Error(Shutdown) })
Err(Custom { kind: Other, error: Error(Shutdown) })
<ad infinum>
Expected result is getting some Ok(Ready(_)) out of it, while printing W and W', and waiting for specific character in buffer.
extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate tokio_io;
extern crate tokio_io_timeout;
extern crate tokio_process;
use futures::stream::poll_fn;
use futures::{Async, Poll, Stream};
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use tokio_io::AsyncRead;
use tokio_io_timeout::TimeoutReader;
use tokio_process::CommandExt;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
struct Process {
child: tokio_process::Child,
stdout: Arc<Mutex<tokio_io_timeout::TimeoutReader<tokio_process::ChildStdout>>>,
impl Process {
fn new(
command: &str,
reader_timeout: Option<Duration>,
core: &tokio_core::reactor::Core,
) -> Self {
let mut cmd = Command::new(command);
let cat = cmd.stdout(Stdio::piped());
let mut child = cat.spawn_async(&core.handle()).unwrap();
let stdout = child.stdout().take().unwrap();
let mut timeout_reader = TimeoutReader::new(stdout);
let timeout_reader = Arc::new(Mutex::new(timeout_reader));
Self {
stdout: timeout_reader,
fn work() -> Result<(), ()> {
let window = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
let process = Process::new("cat", Some(Duration::from_secs(20)), &core);
let mark = Arc::new(Mutex::new(b'c'));
let read_until_stream = poll_fn({
let window = window.clone();
let timeout_reader = process.stdout.clone();
move || -> Poll<Option<u8>, std::io::Error> {
let mut buf = [0; 8];
let poll;
let mut timeout_reader = timeout_reader.lock().unwrap();
poll = timeout_reader.poll_read(&mut buf);
match poll {
Ok(Async::Ready(0)) => Ok(Async::Ready(None)),
Ok(Async::Ready(x)) => {
let mut window = window.lock().unwrap();
println!("W: {:?}", *window);
println!("buf: {:?}", &buf[0..x]);
window.extend(buf[0..x].into_iter().map(|x| *x));
println!("W': {:?}", *window);
if let Some(_) = window.iter().find(|c| **c == *mark.lock().unwrap()) {
} else {
Ok(Async::NotReady) => Ok(Async::NotReady),
Err(e) => Err(e),
let _stream_thread = thread::spawn(move || {
for o in read_until_stream.wait() {
println!("{:?}", o);
match core.run(process.child) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
println!("Child error: {:?}", e);
fn main() {
This is complete example project.
If you need more data you need to call poll_read again until you either find what you were looking for or poll_read returns NotReady.
You might want to avoid looping in one task for too long, so you can build yourself a yield_task function to call instead if poll_read didn't return NotReady; it makes sure your task gets called again ASAP after other pending tasks were run.
To use it just run return yield_task();.
fn yield_inner() {
use futures::task;
pub fn yield_task<T, E>() -> Poll<T, E> {
Also see futures-rs#354: Handle long-running, always-ready futures fairly #354.
With the new async/await API futures::task::current is gone; instead you'll need a std::task::Context reference, which is provided as parameter to the new std::future::Future::poll trait method.
If you're already manually implementing the std::future::Future trait you can simply insert:
return std::task::Poll::Pending;
Or build yourself a Future-implementing type that yields exactly once:
pub struct Yield {
ready: bool,
impl core::future::Future for Yield {
type Output = ();
fn poll(self: core::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut core::task::Context<'_>) -> core::task::Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = self.get_mut();
if this.ready {
} else {
this.ready = true; // ready next round
pub fn yield_task() -> Yield {
Yield { ready: false }
And then use it in async code like this:
