Auto starting telegram bot when somebody join the channel - bots

I have a telegram bot, but I wonder how to make a channel or group and when a person join it firstly the person will start my bot (receive some greetings, for example) and then join the channel?
Thanks for any help


Get telegram group messages before brodcasting to anyone

I want to create a Telegram bot and use it, inside a group, as a bridge to get user messages and information, then send messages through the bot with a fake name.
So the Problem is: Bot receives the message after it's broadcasted to everyone and I should get the message and delete it, then do my stuff but this can reveal the user's identity.
I want to get the message before it's broadcasted to anyone and:
Prevent the message from broadcasting.
Bridge message through the bot and send the same message as the fake user created in my server.
Is there any other solution to use out there? except inline mode?

Connect the bot to two voice channels (NodeJS discordJS)

There are two voice channels and you need to broadcast the radio in one, and in the other the music that users want. There is no problem with this, but when the bot connects to the second channel, it leaves the first.
How to connect a bot to two voice channels at once
I am sorry but I think that is not possible. The bot is a user as you are, can you connect to two voice channels at the same time?

Discord.js - Muting the bot itself when it joins a voice channel

I want to be able to have the bot join a channel and server mute itself, and then when I want it to leave later, it should unmute itself.
So first, you need to get your bot guid member, for this do, then, you need to mute him, for this is great function guildMember.edit({mute:false/true}). So you need to put this line to place of the code where the bot will join the voice channel:{mute:true}). And this line where he leaves:{mute:false}). This will have one problem, when the bot will restart, he can be still muted, to solve this put this line of code into ready event: client.guilds.cache.each(guild =>{mute:false})). Also, it will be good idea to check, if the bot has permission to servermute, or use

How to make a chatbot responds in a channel only on if #chatbot?

The chatbot was created in DialogFlow and integrated into Slack.
If I write in a direct message - he answers ok.
but if I add him to channel he answers on all messages.
In config Slack App for chatbot:
Subscribe to Bot Events
im_created - A DM was created
message.groups - A message was posted to a private channel - A message was posted in a direct message channel
message.mpim - A message was posted in a multiparty direct message channel
In this case
the chatbot answers in DM but doesn't answer in a channel
if to add:
message.channels - a message was posted in a channel
the chatbot answers for all messages in DM and channel
I need to get an answer if I will write #chatbot ... on the channel.
Is it possible?
I do not know the specifics of dialogflow, but in general a Slack bot can subscribe to the app_mention event instead of message.channels event.
Then your bot will only receive an event if it is mentioned, e.g. with #chatbot

Running an IRC bot under current nick?

I'm developing my own irc bot and in a channel I'm in, one of the ops is able to activate a bot but run it under his own nick without a new nick joining the channel.
For example, guy's nick is #James and he activated a bot that says hello when you do .hello:
+John: .hello
#James: Hello, John.
Any idea how is this done possibly? The only way I've been able to run my bot is to connect it to the server & channel with a completely new nick.
This really depends on how the bot is written/implemented. Some IRC clients (like MIRC or HexChat/X-Chat) support scripting. As such you're able to extend them to act just like bots even though someone is actually using them as a standard client. I could also imagine some interface being use, like a bouncer, which allows multiple clients to connect to one permanent IRC session.
there are 2 ways
or mIRCScripting
script like on texts, can't be triggered by yourself
on $*:text:/^\.h(i|ello)$/iS:#:{
msg $chan $+(h,$regml(1)) $nick
the difference is, when you run your bot on the same mIRC client
you can specify who is the owner of the bot, and who is not
on $*:text:/^\.h(i|ello)$/iS:#:{
if ($me == botname) {
msg $chan $+(h,$regml(1)) $nick
the script will only trigger, if it is running under Bot's name
