have trouble with markdown-preview.nvim in vim9 - vim

My desktop environment is i3 mainly with zsh ,chromium and vim9 where I have successfully installed markdown-preview.nvim pluggin. When a .md file is opened with vim,the plugin is auto-loaded ,but doesn't open chromium browser to preview and shows me the fault message below,literal meaning the file has "unterminated quoted string" syntax error which is not that thing in fact,or do I lose the true meaning of that message?
The whole message is "/home/XXX/.vim/plugged/markdown-preview.nvim/app/bin/markdown-preview-linux: 2: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string"
By the way,paste my neofetch record here:
First I read the plugin src files and README file but had no clues,the I wrote a markdown file as simple as possible,then opened it with vim and the error was still there.I also googled and there's few pages and blogs exactly talk about the issue.So please help me make the Markdown-Preview.nvim plugin work in vim9 of i3 desktop.

I have trouble making markdown-preview working with Vim.
Here is a messages from people running different OSes When I use :MarkdownPreview I have an error:
The solution found was to switch to the commit: e5bfe9b
You can either perform in the markdown-preview folder:
git checkout e5bfe9b
Or uninstall the plugin and install it with the following Plug instructions:
Plug 'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim', { 'do': { -> mkdp#util#install() }, 'for': ['markdown', 'vim-plug'], 'commit': 'e5bfe9b'}


What should g:slimv_swank_cmd be to run SLIMV for SBCL on Windows 10?

I'm trying to use Steel Bank Common Lisp with GVim.
I installed Steel Bank Common Lisp (AMD64) into 'C:\Program Files\Steel Bank Common Lisp'.
I unzipped SLIMV into 'C:\vimfiles'
I installed Python3 and put it in Windows PATH.
I installed Python 2.7 and put it in Windows PATH.
I installed 64-bit GVim and finally got Python recognized.
I ran ':helptags C:/vimfiles/doc' in Vim to generate help tags for SLIMV
I have a 'Slimv' menu at the top of the Vim window but no Repl menu.
g:slimv_lisp = sbcl
g:slimv_impl = sbcl
g:slimv_preferred not set
g:slimv_lisp not set
g:slimv_swank_cmd not set
Per webpages and manual, I put this in my vimrc file
let g:slimv_swank_cmd = '!start "c:\Program Files\Steel Bank Common Lisp\sbcl.exe" -l "c:\Users\epic\vimfiles\slime\start-swank.lisp"'
I don't know if that's supposed to be 'set' instead of 'let'.
(start_swank) doesn't do anything inside SBCL.
I assume '!start' is a Vim command, the first thing passed is the location of SBCL on my computer, don't know what the '-l' does, and the third parameter is where SLIMV put 'start-swank.lisp'.
At this point, the Vim command ',c' will open a command window running SBCL and wait. Typing '(exit)' in SBCL will take me back to Vim with a red error message saying 'SWANK server is not running, Press ENTER to continue."
Any other documentation I can find is for SLIME, not SLIMV.
How can I get SLIMV running so I can use Vim for SBCL?
Thank you for the help as to what I'm telling to do what, romaini. Thanks for the slimv help, Tamas.
I have removed the g:slimv_swank_cmd entry in .vimrc, as I believe it does the same thing by itself that it would if I had the command right.
Now, I think I'm back to the problem I was trying to fix with that command, and that might be that SBCL is not working for me (?). Without the g:slimv_swank_cmd setting in .vimrc, Vim starts SBCL which then fails because COMPILE-FILE returns NIL when evaluating line 16 of start-swank.lisp. Vim will then report "SWANK server not running" while SBCL is at a debug screen asking whether to RETRY, CONTINUE, ABORT,,,, or EXIT.
Could it be that slimv is working well but SBCL is not working? I'm still trying in Vim to either compile a program (* 3.0 4.0), evaluate the line, or just connect-server ',C'.
Trying to install a newer version of slimv from GitHub, I'm afraid we've hit the end of my capabilities. The Readme says to install the zip, reading the whole thing says see internal docs for more, and the internal docs say unzip the zip file in the vimfiles directory. There are lots of files on Github but I don't see a zip.
With slimv-master.zip from github extracted to .vimfiles, I get the same error that "COMPILE-FILE returned NIL" while evaluating line 16 of ./slime/start-swank.lisp.
Apparently, the SBCL download went from v2.2.0 to V2.2.1 since 01-26-22. I'm on a 64-bit Windows 10 machine and my SBCL download is automatic from SourceForge after clicking Windows-AMD64 here. I have the same issue, ./slime/swank/sbcl.lisp returns NIL from line 16 where COMPILE-FILE returns NIL. It is starting SBCL v2.2.1 now.
Both my versions of slimv were extracted to ./vimfiles/. My ./vimfiles/slime/slime.el is Version 2.19. Did the newer slimv version not overwrite files when extracting to ./vimfiles/? Is there an uninstall when we're just extracting zips to ./vimfiles/?
I don't have a check mark next to comments to mark the last of Tamas Kovacs' responses as the answer (as was the rest of his help through the comments). I now have a REPL window in Vim and Tamas solved my issue.
I summarize the results of our investigation (see comments above):
No need to set slimv option g:slimv_swank_cmd, because slimv should autodetect sbcl and build the correct start command for the swank server.
If autodetection fails or you want to make your own start command for any other reason, then you should use the --load switch (instead of -l) for loading a script into sbcl (the switch depends on the lisp implementation). On Windows machines I also suggest adding /MIN to the !start command, that would start the swank server minimized. This is an example start command for starting sbcl on Windows:
'!start /MIN "c:\Program Files\Steel Bank Common Lisp\sbcl.exe" --load "c:\Users\epic\vimfiles\slime\start-swank.lisp"'
Unfortunately vim.org has an outdated version of slimv, and recent changes in sbcl broke compatibility with the swank server contained in that slimv version. Therefore I strongly recommend that you download or checkout slimv directly from the github repository: https://github.com/kovisoft/slimv
When downloading the slimv-master.zip file from github and manually installing it, make sure that you extract the files from the zip to the proper subdirectories of the vimfiles folder of vim. This means that the contents of slimv-master\ftplugin should go into vimfiles\ftplugin, slimv-master\slime should go into vimfiles\slime, etc. In other words the slimv-master directory in the zip represents the vimfiles directory on your system. Of course this also holds when you install slimv by checking it out from github.

vimrun.exe not found in your $PATH

I recently got vim and have been trying to install some plugins. I installed vim as a plugin manager. I entered some plugins in the _vimrc file just like you are supposed to.
Example: Plugin 'scroolose/nerdtree'
But, when I did :PluginInstall I got a popup saying "vimrun.exe not found in your $PATH". I found the vimrun.exe file and it was not in the right place so I moved it to the vimfiles folder and then the bundle folder and then the Vundle.vim folder I always got the same popup.
After getting the popup message the plugins never install properly. I always get a bunch of errors as vim tries to process the plugins and then at the end it says "done!". When I try using the plugins it never works and it seems like the plugins never got installed.
If you could also help me with my vim syntax problem, that would be great.(only if you wish to)>

Specifying coqtop path for CoqIDE Vim plugin on Windows 8.1

I am trying to make the CoqIDE Vim plugin work on Windows 8.1. When I source the plugin from Vim, I get this error message:
coqtop.opt: command not found.
So I looked up the plugin documentation, and found the part that seems relevent:
"coqtop" should be accessible on PATH. If "coqtop" is not in your PATH, add 'let CoqIDE_coqtop = "/path/to/coqtop"' in your "~/.vimrc".
I'm not sure what this means, but I'm guessing that there is some file or directory named coqtop that must be made visible to vim. So I opened my Coq installation directory and searched for coqtop. The search hits are:
The obvious first candidate here is coqtop. When I click it, it opens an interactive Coq console. But when I use the let CoqIDE_coqtop command to link this file to Vim and load the plugin again, I get:
C:Program Files (x86)Coq^Hincoqtop.exe: command not found.
Another thing that looks problematic is the file type. As you can see from the error message above, the coqtop file has an .exe extension, which is specific to MS-DOS and Windows. But I don't think the plugin was written to work with .exe files...
I also tried using all the other search hits as coqtop, to no avail.
Does this mean that the plugin is useless on Windows? If someone can confirm that I'll just give up and use other IDEs. But if possible I'd really, really like to keep using Vim.

Vimball error, unrecognized character in path

I have a problem with installing SuperTab from vimball. I get an error:
E739: Cannot create directory: C:\Users\Pawe<b3>\vimfiles
I guess the problem is the directory name which is C:\Users\Paweł\vimfiles. Is there a way to solve it without changing directory name? Btw: I have set encoding=UTF-8 in my vimrc.
The way I install it is so: download .vmb file, open it with vim (using context menu: 'edit with vim') and then I write :so %. And the error occurs.
Using :set verbose=20 I get http://pastebin.com/BLaeLzuU (those are things I found interesting).
And here's the wider story. I was trying to install plugins using vimballs, because I failed running plugins with pathogen (identical case as here: https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen/issues/110. In fact my output of :scritpnames is here: http://pastebin.com/YBTBvsvz). To tell you the truth I even tried to copy folder plugin form plugins git repo to my ~\vimfiles. With no success (they are not mentioned in scriptnames). And so I don't have any clue what is going on. Only that output from vimball tells me that it could be the path name. Other then that, I'm hopeless.
Btw: using Windows 8 if that's a deal breaker.
Eventually I have renamed the user name and user folder because the directory name was a problem for other aplications too. Here are the instructions: https://superuser.com/questions/495290/how-to-rename-user-folder-in-windows-8

vim and latex-box

I installed the vim plugin latex-box but I am having trouble getting it to compile my Latex file. The docs say it uses latexmk to do the compiling, and I have that installed and it works when called by itself.
But when I use the plugin's \ll command to compile I get an error that says 'cannot run latexmk in background without a VIM server'. I cannot find an explanation of why this error would occur in the plugin documentation.
I found a solution to this issue, but ran into others.
To fix this, you need to install the full version of vim (which is different depending on your OS) which will include things like server support. I suggest doing this even if you don't use this plugin because it will fix not been able to copy/paste from/to vim. In (K)ubuntu, install the package vim-gtk.
Start vim like this vim --servername SOMETHING file.tex
After doing this, the servername error went away and the compilation went through but the output from latexmk shows up on top of the file I'm editing. It doesn't overwrite it, it's just displayed on top of the text. When I move the cursor and vim highlights a word or bracket, that appears back on the screen. The only quick way I found to get rid of the compiler output is to scroll the file up and back down, that makes the text appear again.
You can ask vim to redraw the screen like this:
Append that command after running your latex command.
