torch crossentropy loss calculation difference between 2D input and 3D input - pytorch

i am running a test on torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss. I am using the example shown on the official page.
loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
input = torch.randn(3, 5, requires_grad=False)
target = torch.randn(3, 5).softmax(dim=1)
output = loss(input, target)
the output is 2.05.
in the example, both the input and the target are 2D tensors. Since in most NLP case, the input should be 3D tensor and correspondingly the output should be 3D tensor as well. Therefore, i wrote the a couple lines of testing code, and found a weird issue.
input = torch.stack([input])
target = torch.stack([target])
output = loss(ins, ts)
the output is 0.9492
This result really confuse me, except the dimensions, the numbers inside the tensors are totally the same. Does anyone know the reason why the difference is?
the reason why i am testing on the method is i am working on project with Transformers.BartForConditionalGeneration. the loss result is given in the output, which is always in (1,) shape. the output is confusing. If my batch size is greater than 1, i am supposed to get batch size number of loss instead of just one. I took a look at the code, it just simply use nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), so i am considering that the issue may be in the nn.CrossEntropyLoss() method. However, it is stucked in the method.

In the second case, you are adding an extra dimension which means that ultimately, the softmax on the logits tensor (input) won't be applied on a different dimension.
Here we compute the two quantities separately:
>>> loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
>>> input = torch.randn(3, 5, requires_grad=False)
>>> target = torch.randn(3, 5).softmax(dim=1)
First you have loss(input, target) which is identical to:
>>> o = -target*F.log_softmax(input, 1)
>>> o.sum(1).mean()
And your second scenario, loss(input[None], target[None]), identical to:
>>> o = -target[None]*F.log_softmax(input[None], 1)
>>> o.sum(1).mean()


Can't use combination of gradiants for multiple losses functions of a multi-output keras model

I am doing a time-series forecasting in Keras with a CNN and the EHR dataset. The goal is to predict both what molecule to give to the patient and the time until the next patient visit. I have to implement a bi-objective gradient descent based on this paper. The algorithm to implements is here (end of page 7, the beginning of page 8):
The model I choose is this one :
With time-series of length 3 as input (correspondings to 3 consecutive visits for a client)
And 2 outputs:
the atc code (the code of the molecule to predict)
the time to wait until the next visit (in categories of months: 0,1,2,3,4 for >=4)
both outputs use the SparseCategoricalCorssentropy loss function.
when I start to implement the first operation: gs - gl I have this error :
Some values in my gradients are at None and I don't know why. My optimizer is defined as follow: optimizer=tf.Keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=1e-3 when compiling my model.
Also, when I try some operations on gradients to see how things work, I have another problem: only one input is taken into account which will pose a problem later because I have to consider each loss function separately:
With this code, I have this output message : WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['outputWaitTime/kernel:0', 'outputWaitTime/bias:0'] when minimizing the loss.
for epoch in range(EPOCHS):
with tf.GradientTape() as ATCTape, tf.GradientTape() as WTTape:
predictions = model(xTrain,training=False)
ATCLoss = loss(yTrain[:,:,0],predictions[ATC_CODE])
WTLoss = loss(yTrain[:,:,1],predictions[WAIT_TIME])
ATCGrads = ATCTape.gradient(ATCLoss, model.trainable_variables)
WTGrads = WTTape.gradient(WTLoss,model.trainable_variables)
grads = ATCGrads + WTGrads
model.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables))
With this code, it's okay, but both losses are combined into one, whereas I need to consider both losses separately
for epoch in range(EPOCHS):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
predictions = model(xTrain,training=False)
ATCLoss = loss(yTrain[:,:,0],predictions[ATC_CODE])
WTLoss = loss(yTrain[:,:,1],predictions[WAIT_TIME])
lossValue = ATCLoss + WTLoss
grads = tape.gradient(lossValue, model.trainable_variables)
model.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables))
I need help to understand why I have all of those problems.
The notebook containing all the code is here:
The implementation begins in the part Model Creation
The reason you get None in ATCGrads and WTGrads is because two gradients corresponding loss is wrt different outputs outputATC and outputWaitTime, if
outputs value is not using to calculate the loss then there will be no gradients wrt that outputs hence you get None gradients for that output layer. That is also the reason why you get WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['outputWaitTime/kernel:0', 'outputWaitTime/bias:0'] when minimizing the loss, because you don't have those gradients wrt each loss. If you combine losses into one then both outputs are using to calculate the loss, thus no WARNING.
So if you want do a list element wise subtraction, you could first convert None to 0. before subtraction, and you cannot using tf.math.subtract(gs, gl) because it require shapes of all inputs must match, so:
import tensorflow as tf
gs = [tf.constant([1., 2.]), tf.constant(3.), None]
gl = [tf.constant([3., 4.]), None, tf.constant(4.)]
to_zero = lambda i : 0. if i is None else i
gs = list(map(to_zero, gs))
gl = list(map(to_zero, gl))
sub = [s_i - l_i for s_i, l_i in zip(gs, gl)]
[<tf.Tensor: shape=(2,), dtype=float32, numpy=array([-2., -2.], dtype=float32)>,
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=3.0>,
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=-4.0>]
Also beware the tape.gradient() will return a list or nested structure of Tensors (or IndexedSlices, or None), one for each element in sources. Returned structure is the same as the structure of sources; Add two list [1, 2] + [3, 4] in python will not give you [4, 6] like you do in numpy array, instead it will combine two list and give you [1, 2, 3, 4].

ValueError: Expected target size (128, 44), got torch.Size([128, 100]), LSTM Pytorch

I want to build a model, that predicts next character based on the previous characters.
I have spliced text into sequences of integers with length = 100(using dataset and dataloader).
Dimensions of my input and target variables are:
inputs dimension: (batch_size,sequence length). In my case (128,100)
targets dimension: (batch_size,sequence length). In my case (128,100)
After forward pass I get dimension of my predictions: (batch_size, sequence_length, vocabulary_size) which is in my case (128,100,44)
but when I calculate my loss using nn.CrossEntropyLoss() function:
batch_size = 128
sequence_length = 100
number_of_classes = 44
# creates random tensor of your output shape
output = torch.rand(batch_size,sequence_length, number_of_classes)
# creates tensor with random targets
target = torch.randint(number_of_classes, (batch_size,sequence_length)).long()
# define loss function and calculate loss
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
loss = criterion(output, target)
I get an error:
ValueError: Expected target size (128, 44), got torch.Size([128, 100])
Question is: how should I handle calculation of the loss function for many-to-many LSTM prediction? Especially sequence dimension? According to nn.CrossEntropyLoss Dimension must be(N,C,d1,d2...dN), where N is batch_size,C - number of classes. But what is D? Is it related to sequence length?
As a general comment, let me just say that you have asked many different questions, which makes it difficult for someone to answer. I suggest asking just one question per StackOverflow post, even if that means making several posts. I will answer just the main question that I think you are asking: "why is my code crashing and how to fix it?" and hopefully that will clear up your other questions.
Per your code, the output of your model has dimensions (128, 100, 44) = (N, D, C). Here N is the minibatch size, C is the number of classes, and D is the dimensionality of your input. The cross entropy loss you are using expects the output to have dimension (N, C, D) and the target to have dimension (N, D). To clear up the documentation that says (N, C, D1, D2, ..., Dk), remember that your input can be an arbitrary tensor of any dimensionality. In your case inputs have length 100, but nothing is to stop someone from making a model with, say, a 100x100 image as input. (In that case the loss would expect output to have dimension (N, C, 100, 100).) But in your case, your input is one dimensional, so you have just a single D=100 for the length of your input.
Now we see the error, outputs should be (N, C, D), but yours is (N, D, C). Your targets have the correct dimensions of (N, D). You have two paths the fix the issue. First is to change the structure of your network so that its output is (N, C, D), this may or may not be easy or what you want in the context of your model. The second option is to transpose your axes at the time of loss computation using torch.transpose
batch_size = 128
sequence_length = 100
number_of_classes = 44
# creates random tensor of your output shape (N, D, C)
output = torch.rand(batch_size,sequence_length, number_of_classes)
# transposes dimensionality to (N, C, D)
tansposed_output = torch.transpose(output, 1, 2)
# creates tensor with random targets
target = torch.randint(number_of_classes, (batch_size,sequence_length)).long()
# define loss function and calculate loss
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
loss = criterion(transposed_output, target)

What is the appropriate way to use BCE loss with ResNet outputs?

The title explains the overall problem, but for some elaboration:
I'm using torchvision.models.resnet18() to run an anomaly detection scheme. I initialize the model by doing:
net = torchvision.models.resnet18(num_classes=2)
since in my particular setting 0 equals normal samples and 1 equals anomalous samples.
The output from my model is of shape (16, 2) (batch size is 16) and labels are of size (16, 1). This gives me the error that the two input tensors are of inappropriate shape.
In order to solve this, I tried something like:
>>> new_output = torch.argmax(output, dim=1)
Which gives me the appropriate shape, but running loss = nn.BCELoss(new_output, labels) gives me the error:
RuntimeError: bool value of Tensor with more than one value is ambiguous
What is the appropriate way for me to approach this issue? Thanks.
I've also tried using nn.CrossEntropyLoss as well, but am getting the same RuntimeError.
More specifically, I tried nn.CrossEntropyLoss(output, label) and nn.CrossEntropyLoss(output, label.flatten()).
If you want to use BCELoss, the output shape should be (16, 1) instead of (16, 2) even though you have two classes. You may consider reading this excellent writing to under binary cross-entropy loss.
Since you are getting output from resnet18 with shape (16, 2), you should rather use CrossEntropyLoss where you can give (16, 2) output and label of shape (16).
You should use CrossEntropyLoss as follows.
loss_crit = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
loss = loss_crit(output, label)
where output = (16, 2) and label = (16). Please note, the label should contain either 0 or 1.
Please see the example provided (copied below) in the official documentation.
>>> loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
>>> input = torch.randn(3, 5, requires_grad=True)
>>> target = torch.empty(3, dtype=torch.long).random_(5)
>>> output = loss(input, target)
>>> output.backward()

Pytorch LSTM vs LSTMCell

What is the difference between LSTM and LSTMCell in Pytorch (currently version 1.1)? It seems that LSTMCell is a special case of LSTM (i.e. with only one layer, unidirectional, no dropout).
Then, what's the purpose of having both implementations? Unless I'm missing something, it's trivial to use an LSTM object as an LSTMCell (or alternatively, it's pretty easy to use multiple LSTMCells to create the LSTM object)
Yes, you can emulate one by another, the reason for having them separate is efficiency.
LSTMCell is a cell that takes arguments:
Input of shape batch × input dimension;
A tuple of LSTM hidden states of shape batch x hidden dimensions.
It is a straightforward implementation of the equations.
LSTM is a layer applying an LSTM cell (or multiple LSTM cells) in a "for loop", but the loop is heavily optimized using cuDNN. Its input is
A three-dimensional tensor of inputs of shape batch × input length × input dimension;
Optionally, an initial state of the LSTM, i.e., a tuple of hidden states of shape batch × hidden dim (or tuple of such tuples if the LSTM is bidirectional)
You often might want to use the LSTM cell in a different context than apply it over a sequence, i.e. make an LSTM that operates over a tree-like structure. When you write a decoder in sequence-to-sequence models, you also call the cell in a loop and stop the loop when the end-of-sequence symbol is decoded.
Let me show some specific examples:
# LSTM example:
>>> rnn = nn.LSTM(10, 20, 2)
>>> input = torch.randn(5, 3, 10)
>>> h0 = torch.randn(2, 3, 20)
>>> c0 = torch.randn(2, 3, 20)
>>> output, (hn, cn) = rnn(input, (h0, c0))
# LSTMCell example:
>>> rnn = nn.LSTMCell(10, 20)
>>> input = torch.randn(3, 10)
>>> hx = torch.randn(3, 20)
>>> cx = torch.randn(3, 20)
>>> output = []
>>> for i in range(6):
hx, cx = rnn(input[i], (hx, cx))
The key difference:
LSTM: the argument 2, stands num_layers, number of recurrent layers. There are seq_len * num_layers=5 * 2 cells. No loop but more cells.
LSTMCell: in for loop (seq_len=5 times), each output of ith instance will be input of (i+1)th instance. There is only one cell, Truly Recurrent
If we set num_layers=1 in LSTM or add one more LSTMCell, the codes above will be the same.
Obviously, It is easier to apply parallel computing in LSTM.

Input dimension mismatch binary crossentropy Lasagne and Theano

I read all posts in the net adressing the issue where people forgot to change the target vector to a matrix, and as a problem remains after this change, I decided to ask my question here. Workarounds are mentioned below, but new problems show and I am thankful for suggestions!
Using a convolution network setup and binary crossentropy with sigmoid activation function, I get a dimension mismatch problem, but not during the training data, only during validation / test data evaluation. For some strange reason, of of my validation set vectors get his dimension switched and I have no idea, why. Training, as mentioned above, works fine. Code follows below, thanks a lot for help (and sorry for hijacking the thread, but I saw no reason for creating a new one), most of it copied from the lasagne tutorial example.
Workarounds and new problems:
Removing "axis=1" in the valAcc definition helps, but validation accuracy remains zero and test classification always returns the same result, no matter how many nodes, layers, filters etc. I have. Even changing training set size (I have around 350 samples for each class with 48x64 grayscale images) does not change this. So something seems off
Network creation:
def build_cnn(imgSet, input_var=None):
# As a third model, we'll create a CNN of two convolution + pooling stages
# and a fully-connected hidden layer in front of the output layer.
# Input layer using shape information from training
network = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=(None, \
imgSet.shape[1], imgSet.shape[2], imgSet.shape[3]), input_var=input_var)
# This time we do not apply input dropout, as it tends to work less well
# for convolutional layers.
# Convolutional layer with 32 kernels of size 5x5. Strided and padded
# convolutions are supported as well; see the docstring.
network = lasagne.layers.Conv2DLayer(
network, num_filters=32, filter_size=(5, 5),
# Max-pooling layer of factor 2 in both dimensions:
network = lasagne.layers.MaxPool2DLayer(network, pool_size=(2, 2))
# Another convolution with 16 5x5 kernels, and another 2x2 pooling:
network = lasagne.layers.Conv2DLayer(
network, num_filters=16, filter_size=(5, 5),
network = lasagne.layers.MaxPool2DLayer(network, pool_size=(2, 2))
# A fully-connected layer of 64 units with 25% dropout on its inputs:
network = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(
lasagne.layers.dropout(network, p=.25),
# And, finally, the 2-unit output layer with 50% dropout on its inputs:
network = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(
lasagne.layers.dropout(network, p=.5),
return network
Target matrices for all sets are created like this (training target vector as an example)
targetsTrain = np.vstack( (targetsTrain, [[targetClass], ]*numTr) );
...and the theano variables as such
inputVar = T.tensor4('inputs')
targetVar = T.imatrix('targets')
network = build_cnn(trainset, inputVar)
predictions = lasagne.layers.get_output(network)
loss = lasagne.objectives.binary_crossentropy(predictions, targetVar)
loss = loss.mean()
params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(network, trainable=True)
updates = lasagne.updates.nesterov_momentum(loss, params, learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9)
valPrediction = lasagne.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=True)
valLoss = lasagne.objectives.binary_crossentropy(valPrediction, targetVar)
valLoss = valLoss.mean()
valAcc = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(valPrediction, axis=1), targetVar), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
train_fn = function([inputVar, targetVar], loss, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True)
val_fn = function([inputVar, targetVar], [valLoss, valAcc])
Finally, here the two loops, training and test. The first is fine, the second throws the error, excerpts below
# -- Neural network training itself -- #
numIts = 100
for itNr in range(0, numIts):
train_err = 0
train_batches = 0
for batch in iterate_minibatches(trainset.astype('float32'), targetsTrain.astype('int8'), len(trainset)//4, shuffle=True):
inputs, targets = batch
print (inputs.shape)
train_err += train_fn(inputs, targets)
train_batches += 1
# And a full pass over the validation data:
val_err = 0
val_acc = 0
val_batches = 0
for batch in iterate_minibatches(valset.astype('float32'), targetsVal.astype('int8'), len(valset)//3, shuffle=False):
[inputs, targets] = batch
[err, acc] = val_fn(inputs, targets)
val_err += err
val_acc += acc
val_batches += 1
Erorr (excerpts)
Exception "unhandled ValueError"
Input dimension mis-match. (input[0].shape[1] = 52, input[1].shape[1] = 1)
Apply node that caused the error: Elemwise{eq,no_inplace}(DimShuffle{x,0}.0, targets)
Toposort index: 36
Inputs types: [TensorType(int64, row), TensorType(int32, matrix)]
Inputs shapes: [(1, 52), (52, 1)]
Inputs strides: [(416, 8), (4, 4)]
Inputs values: ['not shown', 'not shown']
Again, thanks for help!
so it seems the error is in the evaluation of the validation accuracy.
When you remove the "axis=1" in your calculation, the argmax goes on everything, returning only a number.
Then, broadcasting steps in and this is why you would see the same value for the whole set.
But from the error you have posted, the "T.eq" op throws the error because it has to compare a 52 x 1 with a 1 x 52 vector (matrix for theano/numpy).
So, I suggest you try to replace the line with:
valAcc = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(valPrediction, axis=1), targetVar.T))
I hope this should fix the error, but I haven't tested it myself.
The error lies in the argmax op that is called.
Normally, the argmax is there to determine which of the output units is activated the most.
However, in your setting you only have one output neuron which means that the argmax over all output neurons will always return 0 (for first arg).
This is why you have the impression your network gives you always 0 as output.
By replacing:
valAcc = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(valPrediction, axis=1), targetVar.T))
binaryPrediction = valPrediction > .5
valAcc = T.mean(T.eq(binaryPrediction, targetVar.T)
you should get the desired result.
I'm just not sure, if the transpose is still necessary or not.
