How can I create a MERN Stack application? - node.js

Ok, so my question is actually a bit more complex.
I know how to develop Node.js apps using Express.js. I also know how to build React apps. The problem is putting it together. I've seen many tutorials do it, but they just use the Express backend as if it was an API.
I don't know if this is the best option, but I'd like to have my Node app, and then in the frontend add React. The main difference is that when it comes to handling the URLs, it will be Node who would do it. Therefore, if Node is on port 3000, you would have to go to localhost:3000 to access the website, opposite the guides I've found online.
I would really appreciate some help, as well as other resources as documentation or videos online.

NextJS seems to be a good approach for your situation.
It binds a Nodejs backend with a react frontend with an intuitive developer experience.
It has middleware, handles server-side rendering, code splitting, and routing for you. It also provides a development server that allows you to run your application on a specific port (e.g. 3000) and handle the routing on the server side.

You can serve the react build folder from your node server.
Check this link


Production Config between Intranet REST server and React Apps

Folks, forgive me if this is a repeat question: I couldn't think of how to phrase it in the search engine. I'm developing an Intranet-based set of applications with the front end (individual apps) in React and the back-end using node.js and Express. I had been using Electron JS but like the Express solution since all web browsers on the Intranet can use the apps.
I'm running into a bit of a circular dependency when it comes to production, though. Since my REST back-end handles all local calls (like node fs) I use REST calls to load and save preferences files from the front end. However, I'd like to be able to set the REST URI from a config file or setting. Since the only way I can access this setting is a call to the REST back-end, I'm stuck. It's possible the client may want to change the host URL and the port for the server. This will affect all axios calls to the REST back end in every React application I have. Instead of calling http://localhost:5000/api-call/ I'd like the localhost and port number to be read from config.
I am transpiling the React apps and storing them in a static folder underneath the REST server. I would like to avoid something complex or additional like REDIS or another local database. My projects don't require any heavy database setups.
Am I simply implementing poor architecture here? I even thought of env variables but then will get into setting them on each client's system which takes away from the flexibility of using a web server in the first place. Any thoughts to move me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!!!
I knew if I posted this, I might find an answer.
I'm not sure how elegant a solution this is but I could test the env for development vs. production. If in production, I can then use window.href (host and port) to get the information I need. I think this will work but would still love to hear some other thoughts from those with far more experience than I have!

Should I build server-side of application inside nuxt.js server directory?

I want to build full-stack application with Nuxt.js. I am wondering where I should create my server-side inside Nuxt.js or maybe I should create separated project only for server stuff.
I am trying to set up my project but I do not know how I should do it. The application which I am building will have own front-end, back-end and also database (I will use MongoDB) but actually I do not know how I should start. I was reading a lot about SSR and Nuxt.js seems really good if am planing to use Vue.js on fronted. While creating nuxt app I can choose to use Express and then I can see server directory inside my directory structure does it mean that i should build all back-end inside this directory or maybe it is only for small stuff?
I have also another question what if I want to use Nest.js on back-end can i just use npm i -g #nestjs/cli and then nest new project-name inside my server directory ? I was looking also for this answer but almost all results in google for this type are about (comparison between Nuxt.js, Next.js and Nest.js).
It will be my first bigger full-stack project and I want to do it right but I am a really beginner in this so I am looking for answer from more experienced programmers.
You can run express or any node.js server you want inside Nuxt.js. When installing Nuxt.js with scaffolding tool create-nuxt-app, you can choose integrated server-side frameworks : Express, Koa, Hapi, Feathers, Micro, Fastify, Adonis (WIP). There isn't offical Nest.js integration, but you can easily find a starter kit on github.
With create-nuxt-app, if you choose to use any node.js server inside your nuxt app, you will see a server directory inside your directory structure, with the corresponding server-side pre-configured index.js file.
Here is my own feeling about it:
I think the inside solution make sense for a small SPA or Headless project (Ex: parse and serve files, a simple JWT Authentification, a small websocket server...), or for a front-end logic application that cannot fit in client browser and who are nothing to do with the database (like image or file computation).
But generally, this server run the database layer for your Nuxt application: a REST or GraphQL API. It can also run your business logic of your app, serve authentification, and more and more when project growth...
If you think about separation of concerns and microservices
architecture, do not use server inside Nuxt.js. Splitting both frontend and server will result more flexibility. You can host frontend and API in different servers.
So now, do nuxt.js really need a node.js server ?
Yes if you plan to use it in SSR mode, No if you plan to use it like a SPA or Static generated way. Docs here... .
In SSR mode, nuxt.js ask data to your API at the first rendering, and provide a complete SEO compatible page to the client browser or bots. It also provide all javascript that the browser need to navigate and fetch your API. For that, nuxt.js in SSR mode should run with node.js.
I assume you said "back-end" for your API and your business logic application, in this case, you should separate nuxt.js and your server. Two node.js instances to run both.

Node.Js app cannot be deployed to Heroku successfully

There's this tutorial which has a working chat app. You can find the chat app on GitHub.
I'm trying to deploy the git code to Heroku without success.
The GitHub is separated to client/server architecture so it requires to start node server and ng serve to client. Do I need 2 dynos for it? Do I need to edit the Procfile? The server is using process.env.PORT but the client one is hardcoded.
I'm very new to Heroku and Node.js so any help is meaningful to me.
The GitHub project that you ask about is pretty complex and it doesn't seem to have ane Heroku deployment instructions, without knowing the project it's hard to give you any concrete solution, but I'll try to answer in general how such applications are usually deployed and hopefully it will help you solve your problems.
For applications like this it is common to split the backend and the frontend part and have it deployed and hosted separately, either as two separate dynos if you want to host both on Heroku, or e.g. hosting the backend part on Heroku and the frontend part on Netlify or a similar service.
Another option could be to make the backend serve the frontend e.g. on the / path while having all of the backend endpoints available as /api/* or something similar (or on a different port but this is not possible on Heroku). Having it on the same host and port but with a prefix for the api has the advantage of simplifying the CORS related matters, as the origin is the same so no cross-origin issues arise.
If you're using WebSockets then it is slightly more complicated - make sure to read:
but either way you can still move your frontend to Netlify or something similar and keep the backend on Heroku if you want.
It's hard to give you any more specific answer to this question. I see that you are new here, so next time try to write a more specific question and narrow down the problem so that you can show a small code example that people could actually read and help you.

Angular CLI Node Express.js

I come from the LAMP world. Greetings. 🖖
I'm trying to get started with the new Angular and Node.js. I already have Node and an Express server installed on my machine. Now I want to use Angular as I start building my app.
One thing I don't understand is why the Angular CLI is spinning up a server to "run the application" and why it seems we have to setup proxies and do other things to get it to work with Express.
When I think of Angular, I'm most familiar with AngularJS as part of my LAMP stack workflow. All I do here is serve it as a .js file and serve it from the same webserver that is serving everything else. Why is a client-side script getting its own server? How is it different from Express and how does it fit in with Angular Universal, which I would like to use to take advantage of SSR.
I'm not looking at how to get it all to work, I can copy and paste and read docs just fine, I'm trying to understand the fundamental concept here. The Angular docs don't explain why they are asking you to "serve the application". Is it just to test it? Why would I have two servers in development and one in production, shouldn't the dev site mirror the production site as best as possible?

Connecting React and React Native with Express

So I just started learning ReactJS and React Native.
I have some knowledge of MEN (Mongo, Express, Node). Up to this point, I learned how to res.render() files and pass objects in there.
Now what I need to do, is make MERN app. This app also needs to have Android and iOS version of it.
So far I learned that R stands for ReactJS, not react-native. Is there a way so it includes both? And where do I put react files when I have folder structure like from express-generator? Or is there a way they can be in completely different directories, and one calls the other via import?
It comes down to architecture I believe. The way I like to create the stack goes as follows.
You can create an API using Mongo/Express/Node that serves endpoints for your client app (created using reactjs, react-native and whatever other tech you want to include) to call using HTML requests. This would work for both mobile apps (using react-native) and desktop apps (using reactjs).
There's a couple different ways to deploy this. You can create 2 separate apps, a server app and a client app, which are both hosted individually by 2 separate hosts. This is useful because you decouple your front end code from your back end code. Also, you can have 2 separate directories for your code.
Another method of deployment would be to have your server serve your client files. This ones a little bit tricker, but you will be able to deploy your entire app inside 1 host so this option is also cheaper. I would suggest reading this article to figure out how to implement this and the file structure
