A strange scenario in anaconda, in Spyder -- I saw a console named history.py and I could NOT create a new console - python-3.x

Software info:
Windows 11. When strange scenarios occurs, I did NOT used with VM (virtual machine). But I have created some VM boxes.
Hardware info:
a figure illustrates my currently used device
Here is a figure illustrates my currently used device.
I use notebook with MSI.
Occur in the app:
Spyder which is a subset of Anaconda Navigator.
[a figure to my strange scenarios]
I first met this issue.
I met strange scenarios in anaconda, in Spyder --
I saw a console named history.py and I could NOT create a new console.
Can anyone tell me why?
Any replies to the solution will be grateful.
Things I have tried (respectively).
1.I have tried to restart the Spyder and Anaconda Navigator.
2.Then I have tried to restart my notebook.
Browse some posts at issue tracker of Anaconda Navigator.
But the issue is NOT solved yet.

I ensure why it happens.
There were crashes which are caused by the infinite recursive call at runtime.
When I ran the code, it also crashed.

The issue is solved although I don't know why the issue occurred.
Suggested by the website:
I used the following command in Anaconda Prompt:
spyder --reset
And it was successful:
Then I restarted Spyder, and the issue disappeared:


ipywidgets working in JupyterLab but do not appear in Voila

Ok, this is my first post.
I've been working on building a dashboard for my students, to let them work with economic models interactively. I've used JupyterLab for years and have some experience with ipywidgets. Recently while looking for a way to make my code shareable I ran into Voila, which seems like an excellent way to dashboard directly from a notebook.
Here's the problem I'm running into: I have widgets running just fine in JupyterLab but when I render them with Voila (both the extension and from the cli) the widgets do not appear. I tried using a few other packages: ipyleaflet does not appear either, but plotly and pandas printouts do.
I haven't been able to find similar cases so any help would be appreciated.
And for context, I'm running the latest version of JupyterLab on Zorin OS, and have reproduced the issue in Chrome and Firefox, with both Jupyter Lab and Notebook.

pygame running very slowly 12fps - Upgraded laptop

I'm relatively new to using python have used pygame as a place to better understand how everything comes together.
I recently upgraded my laptop form a 2012 Macbook to the 2019.
Just wondering why the games I made on my 2012 are running soo much slower on my 2019 macbook. Managing packages with conda.
I don't know much but I suspect it may have to do with either
The comp resolution upgrade (which I'm doubtful)
method of installation of pygame
Initially, I Downloaded python3 with homebrew and then installed pygame (pygame would show a blank screen)
I then installed conda and managed packages through it.
I doubt it has to do with the way I have written it, I'm sure it's quite inefficient but I was achieving fps's of 60 for the same code.
If someone could guide me to where to find out more information It would be greatly appreciated.
This seems to be a problem with how MacOS run Pygame. While your game is running, right-click it's icon in the Dock and select Show in Finder. Then in the Folder that shows up, you will see the Python Interpreter executable. Right-click it and click Get Info, and under General check the Open in Low Resolution.
Now your game should run fine. And no, Pygame's resolution will not be "Low".
I resolved this issue by launching pygame in fullscreen. More of a workaround but a solution nonetheless.
Also if you do choose to do this be sure to create a key to exit the screen otherwise you'll need to restart your computer.

Squirrel-Setup can't extract installer in Windows 10

We have an app which uses squirrel.windows for installation and updating. When executing Setup.exe it can't extract the installer and we get the following error message:
It tries to install to the ..user//AppData.. directory.
Setup.exe works perfectly for Windows7 and it used to work for Windows10 (we don't know exactly when it stopped working).
We tried to run Setup.exe as administrator and in compatibility mode, however it did not help. But running Setup.exe as Domain-administrator works, so we expect that something changed with the user-rights in Windows 10. We also updated squirrel.windows to the latest version (1.9) and added SQUIRREL_TEMP to the environment variables, but nothing helped.
Any suggestions what could be wrong?
I don't know why, however, upgrading Squirrel.Windows to version 1.9.0 fixed the issue.
This is pretty late to post, But if someone stumbles here please read this,
Workaround -
Please try disabling Antivirus software if any. In my case, user had Kaspersky AV, so disabled it for an hour and tried installation it worked.
Solution -
The robust solution would be digitally signing setup.exe that is generated by Squirrel (using releasify). Please refer this for details

Fortran with Eclipse error: list missing 'path' of errors

I'm working with Fortran for academic purposes. It used to work OK in the past but after a OS upgrade from Ubuntu 14.04 to Ubuntu 16.04 this issue started to happen.
When I compile a code with errors, they are listed in the Problems tab but in Project Explorer. The source files are not marked with red as before. This results in a painful search for the line in which the error is, instead of double clicking the error message and being automatically taken there.
I already rebooted and restarted Eclipse more than once, and tried a bunch of other things also. One important tip may be that it happens in Eclipse Mars 2 (the same one I used in Ubuntu 14.04) and the same behavior in Eclipse Neon (recently downloaded and installed).
Thanks in advance for any insight in this, not very serious, but yes very nagging, problem.

Running PyQt4 demos --- How?

I have recently downloaded and installed the latest release of PyQt4 for Windows. I have tested some simple PyQt4 examples and have seen no obvious problems. However, I am unable to execute the demos when I follow the directions given in the readme file of the demos:
Finding the PyQt Examples and Demos launcher
On Windows:
The launcher can be accessed via the Windows Start menu. Select the menu
entry entitled "Examples and Demos" entry in the submenu containing PyQt4.
I have no problem finding and clicking on the "Examples and Demos" entry; but, I am never able to see a demo actually execute. I am using Windows Vista (32-bit) with Python 2.6?
Try to go to <PythonInstallation>\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\examples in a cmd prompt and see if you can run the examples directly from there. That should at least give you some error messages if it doesn't work.
The louncher should be runnable from demos\qtdemo\qtdemo.pyw, but you also can run the single examples without the louncer.
