Send a sticker with text added through pyrogram - bots

I've discovered #Vulcybot on telegram which allows people to add text to a furry 'sign' sticker like so...
The user allows the submition of your own furry sticker to the bot.. However I don't want people to be able to use it.. I'd rather it just be either my user ID that can use my sticker or a secretive command only I know.
I have the sticker already made.. I'm just looking for a guide on how to make something like this?
Many thanks
I have tried a few queries on google but there seems to be absolutely nothing on the topic.


Gmail markup for online event

While there is good documentation around sending markup emails for specifying offline event. Refrence Can someone help me out on how to add handle an online event?
The issue with offline event is that I need to enter a proper postal address, however in our case the location is simply a url.
Things I have already tried
Putting type of location as VirtualLocation, but that gives error
Entering empty strings in PostalAddress fields
Marking eventAttendanceMode as, it gives error
Does gmail support markups for online events? Common sense says it should.
As said by #kayes-fahim comment you can find more information on their blog, and documentation.
By the blog post you could use the virtualLocation but you also need to set the eventAttendanceMode to OnlineEventAttendanceMode. Reference

How can I get a Live-Feed of the comments on my facebook page?

I'm hosting a facebook page with a little more than 100k likes. I'd like to set up a constant feed of all the comments under my posts but from what I've researched there is no such thing doing this in Python.
At the end of the day I'd like to automatically check for "angry" comments and I would like my script to highlight those.
Is there a module, online tool or anything else that does this kind of stuff?

Google retiring "ranking" email to replace Gmail/ actions

I'm wondering how I can replace the functionality of the Google ranking action.
I'm sending out email at the end of a ticket/support issue and want to be able to let customers state whether they are happy or not with the service they are getting without opening a web browser(inline button/link) or another method. I was trying to hijack the RSVP method however it appears as if the only answers you can set are "Yes, No, and, Maybe"
Looks like there is a lot in SCHEMA.ORG seems like Google has given up on any additions to the basic 3(Yes,No,Maybe) buttons with no real options.

telegram bot prefill text for user to edit

Telegram bot sends me a message with a text snippet, which I want to edit, and send back to the bot for further processing.
Copy and paste takes time. Typing message anew takes time.
Ideally I'd like to press an inline button "Edit" on the bot's message and get the message text appear in my reply input box for editing.(A message id attached to my reply somehow would be a plus).
I tried to use deep linking with parameters other than /start*, but that doesn't seem to work.
Can I use bot API (or any other telegram API) to have text ready for editing in my input box?
It's impossible in official apps yet. Your question is about working with drafts - there are no methods in both API to create them or clear.
Nevertheless, you could fork any official app stored on GiHub and implement what you need if you would prefer a hard way, but compared to that copy/past solution seems much more easier, isn't it?
I can offer to you a new idea how to solve your problem - hope it will be helpful.
This is about switch_inline_query_current_chat field of InlineKeyboardButton. Just attach an inline button to messages you need to edit. Set a text for this field gotten from recieved message and after pressing you will get this text to your input area. All seems good, but you will take bot's username before the text also.

Discord bot can't show emote "sometimes"

As a french Gwent player, I built a discord bot (using node.js and discord.js) to show the infos of a card when you name it. It uses some custom emotes to show some part of it.
It worked well for a few weeks, but recently some cards don't show the emotes when called.
I have no clue about what could be wrong. The emotes work if you use it yourself on the channel. Some cards show the emotes, others don't, even if they use the same emotes. And it's always all emotes or none for each card.
I checked different cards from my database : with or without emotes, I can't get any specific element which can explain why some cards can have emotes and why some cannot.
Is there something to know here that can explain this situation ?
Although this a late answer and you may have found an answer to the question but I'm going to post an answer anyways for others.
First in the chat you have to type:
so in your case, you want it to show
and the name of it was :number5:, you would type :number5:.
You would get something like this:
(of course, it would say :number5: and the start and the numbers would be different)
You can copy and paste that into your code.
For example:"<:super_magical:366208548914331659>")
would show this:
Hope this helps!
The developers of Discord have recently changed the way bots work with regards to custom emoji.
Before May 16th, bots could use any custom emoji from any server provided they are used inside rich embeds, as shown in your screenshot.
After that date, bots can use custom emoji from shared servers, but do not have to limit it to rich embeds only.
If you have the bot join all the servers that these custom emoji are being hosted on then it will be able to start using the emotes again.
I know that this question was asked quite a whiles ago but I thought I'd offer a solution I found after recently running into this issue myself for anyone else also facing this problem.
Normally, when you send an emoji in a message or embed via the <:name:id> format, Discord will convert it to a custom emoji. However, there are two cases where it represents all custom emojis in a message in the :name: format as shown in your example.
If one of the custom emojis you are trying to send are no longer active in the server (i.e. you have removed it from the server).
If you are trying to send an animated emoji via the <:name:id> format.
If either of the above two conditions are met, it seems like Discord defaults to converting all emojis in the message to :name: rather than the actual custom emoji.
I fixed it for myself by making sure that all of the emojis currently exist in the server emoji list before sending them. For animated emoji, you should send it via the <:a:name:id> format instead.
