How do I delete the first delimiter of file names in linux? - linux

I want to delete the first delimiter of file names in linux.
For example,
$ ls my_directory
a.b.c.txt a.b.d.txt a.b.e.txt
I want it to be like:
$ ls my_directory
ab.c.txt ab.d.txt ab.e.txt
I tried:
$ mv a.b* ab*
, but unfortunately this doesn't work.
What should I do?
Thank you in advance.

Use a replace once parameter expansion method if you're using Bash:
for f in a.b*; do
mv -i -- "$f" "${f/.}"
See Shell Parameter Expansion.
If you're using a POSIX shell, you can use ${f%%.*}${f#*.} or in the case of a known prefix like a.b, , simply ab${f#a.b}.


mv renaming filename to _*_

Given an example that my file name is
i am trying to rename this with unix command but when i tried using this cmd
for f in *.meta; do mv "$f" "$(echo $f|sed s/[0-9]/?/g|sed 's/-/*/g')" ; done
my file is renamed to
it is expected to rename the file to
Im quite new with unix cmd , any approach that i should try ?
Since [0-9] and ? are undergoing filename expansion, you should quote them to avoid nasty error messages. With this in mind, I did a
echo A_BC_DEF_GH_IJ_LMNO_PQ_11111111_1111111111_111111_AB.dat.meta | sed 's/[0-9]/?/g'|sed 's/-/*/g'
and got as output A_BC_DEF_GH_IJ_LMNO_PQ????????????????????????AB.dat.meta, which makes sense to me. Why would you expect an asterisk in the resulting filename? In your second sed command, you are turning the hyphens into asterisks, but there is no hyphen in the input.
Of course it is pretty unsane to use question marks and asterisks in a file name, as this is just begging for trouble, but there is no law that you must not do this.
Match it with a regex. Remember which characters need to be escaped in sed. Remember about proper quoting - if you write $ it should be inside ". Note that if there are no files named *.meta it will just iterate over a string *.meta unless nullglob is set.
$ touch A_BC_DEF_GH_IJ_LMNO_PQ_11111111_1111111111_111111_AB.dat.meta
$ for f in *.meta; do mv "$f" "$(echo "$f" | sed 's/[0-9]/?/g; s/_\(?*\)_\(?*\)_\(?*\)_\([^_]*\)$/__\1_\2_*_\4/')" ; done

Remove part of filename with common delimiter

I have a number of files with the following naming:
I need to remove everything between the last . and ep# from the file names and only have name1.name2.s01.ep01.mp4 (sometimes the extension can be different)
This is a simpler version of #Jesse's [answer]
for file in /path/to/base_folder/* #Globbing to get the files
mv "$file" "${file%.ep*}."ep${epno%%.*}".${file##*.}"
#For the renaming part,see the note below
Note : Didn't get a grab of shell parameter expansion yet ? Check [ this ].
Using Linux string manipulation (refer: you could achieve like so:
You need to do per file-extension type.
for file in <directory>/*
lastchar=$(echo ${name} | tail -c 2)
lastchar=$(echo ${strip1} | tail -c 2)
mv $name "${strip2}.${extension}"
You can use rename (you may need to install it). But it works like sed on filenames.
As an example
$ for i in `seq 3`; do touch "name1.name2.s01.ep0$i.RANDOMWORD.txt"; done
$ ls -l
$ rename 's/(name1.name2.s01.ep\d{2})\..*(.txt)$/$1$2/' name1.name2.s01.ep0*
$ ls -l
Where this expression matches your filenames, and using two capture groups so that the $1$2 in the replacement operation are the parts outside the "RANDOMWORD"

rename all files in folder through regular expression

I have a folder with lots of files which name has the following structure:
01.artist_name - song_name.mp3
I want to go through all of them and rename them using the regexp:
so i get only :
artist_name - song_name.mp3
How can i do this in bash?
You can do this in BASH:
for f in [0-9]*.mp3; do
mv "$f" "${f#*.}"
Use the Perl rename utility utility. It might be installed on your version of Linux or easy to find.
rename 's/^\d+\.//' -n *.mp3
With the -n flag, it will be a dry run, printing what would be renamed, without actually renaming. If the output looks good, drop the -n flag.
Use 'sed' bash command to do so:
for f in *.mp3;
new_name="$(echo $f | sed 's/[^.]*.//')"
mv $f $new_name
done this case, regular expression [^.].* matches everything before first period of a string.

Using util-linux rename command

I've been attempting to use the util-linux version of rename (2011) to replace a specific string in all files with another. While I realize the perl version of rename would offer a solution, I can't figure out how to use this version of rename.
The specific example are a set of files (something--2013.mkv, somethingelse--2011.mkv), and I'm trying to remove the double dashes and replace with a space.
The problem is that rename uses getopt for argument parsing and thus has a special interpretation for double dash (--). -- signifies the end of the arguments.
A solution would be to avoid using -- in your command. One way to do this is to break your command into sub targets, e.g. translate single dash to underscore, then two underscores to single dash:
$ rename - _ *.mkv
$ rename __ - *.mkv
A less roundabout way to do this is to actually use the getopt behavior
$ rename -- -- - *.mkv
The rename from util-linux is in /usr/bin/rename.ul in Ubuntu. So you could use the rename.ul command.
mkdir TEMP
find . -name "*.mkv" | while read filename
echo mv "$filename" "TEMP/somethingelse_"$((numbers++)).mkv
rm filename

Shell Script: Truncating String

I have two folders full of trainings and corresponding testfiles and I'd like to run the fitting pairs against each other using a shell script.
This is what I have so far:
for x in SpanishLS.train/*.train
timbl -f $x -t SpanishLS.test/$x.test
This is supposed to take file1(-n).train in one directory, look for file1(-n).test in the other, and run them trough a tool called timbl.
What it does instead is look for a file called SpanishLS.train/file1(-n).train.test which of course doesn't exist.
What I tried to do, to no avail, is truncate $x in a way that lets the script find the correct file, but whenever I do this, $x is truncated way too early, resulting in the script not even finding the .train file.
How should I code this?
If I got you right, this will do the job:
for x in SpanishLS.train/*.train
y=${x##*/} # strip basepath
y=${y%.*} # strip extention
timbl -f $x -t SpanishLS.test/$y.test
Use basename:
for x in SpanishLS.train/*.train
timbl -f $x -t SpanishLS.test/$(basename "$x" .train).test
That removes the directory prefix and the .train suffix from $x, and builds up the name you want.
In bash (and other POSIX-compliant shells), you can do the basename operation with two shell parameter expansions without invoking an external program. (I don't think there's a way to combine the two expansions into one.)
for x in SpanishLS.train/*.train
y=${x##*/} # Remove path prefix
timbl -f $x -t SpanishLS.test/${y%.train}.test # Remove .train suffix
Beware: bash supports quite a number of (useful) expansions that are not defined by POSIX. For example, ${y//.train/.test} is a bash-only notation (or bash and compatible shells notation).
Replace all occurences of .train in the filename to .text:
timbl -f $x -t $(echo $x | sed 's/\.train/.text/g')
