How to remove decimals in Looker - decimal

I'm doing a report in Looker. It is connected to a google sheet (data source). There's a column for age and the data type is numeric, however is displays the age a table I created in Looker with decimals. How can I fix it

Create a new calculated field using ROUND()


Lookup Values in Power Pivot tables with DAX

i am trying to create a calculated column in Excel which should contain values from related tables. I tried looking into the Lookup function but this looks too complicated for my knowledge.
I have an Incident table where i want to have a calculated Column named closdBy. In this column i want to put the name of the operator that closed the incident. Every incident has many mutation entries which are stored in a Mutations table. This Mutations table has 1 statusID which comes from another related table named Status
In the calculated Field closedBy i want the calculated column to display the Name of the operator whose name matches the statusID Closed The name of the operator comes from the Operator table.
Anyone can help me with this ? Would appreciate it a lot.
POWER BI Example:
Excel Example:
required result in incident table (download PowerBI file) :
I have made some modification in relationship between table incident and mutation
created a column in mutation table
ID_Closed = IF(Mutation[statusID]="{CLO}",Mutation[ID],CONCATENATE(Mutation[ID],Mutation[statusID]))
Hoping this will help!
This is how my table looks like. The mutation table can have the same value for status (see {CLO} but I want to have the field Closed By and Resolved by in the Incident table to display the most recent Operator.
I have here an adjusted PowerBi file with more data:

Excel - De-cumulate data in pivot table

Hope you'll be able to help me.
I have a table with 11 columns, the first one is a date, the next 9 ones are a way of uniquely identifying data and the 11th is a certain amount of money.
What I'm doing in a pivot table is showing the added amount according to one of the identifiers (lines) and dates (columns).
All is well and quite easy to do in a pivot table. Today though I was told that the amounts in my source table are actually cumulative since the beginning of the year.
What I mean is that there are recurring entries in that table and that if I have an entry with the 9 identifiers in january and the same in february and march for example, the value of the one in february is actually (february-january) and for march (march-february).
I could through the unique identifiers just add a column in my source table to identify and calculate the real amount, but I was wondering if there was a way to do so in the pivot table directly ?
Thanks !
Edit :
Here is a screenshot of a simplified version (only two identifiers)
In the fourth column is the amount I have, and in the fifth the real one, that I have to calculate, it is quite easy with only two columns as identifiers.
The goal here is that the pivot table at the bottom shows the "real" amount without me having to create a new column in my source table.
My example table
You can do it using Calculated Items. But it is cumbersome.
A Calculated Item is just another item that a Pivot Table field can take. It is defined in terms of the other items in the same field. For example, the field Date might have values of Jan17, Feb17, etc. A new calculated item called Difference can be added to the Date field and defined as =Feb17-Jan17. This new Difference item will appear whenever the Date field is used to provide row or column labels and the values displayed for it in the main body of the pivot table will be equal to the corresponding values for Feb17 less those for Jan17.
The discussion below is based (loosely) on the pivot table in the picture accompanying the question.
Calculated Items cannot be calculated on grouped fields, so it will be necessary to ungroup the Date field in the pivot table. This will cause the items in the field to be displayed in the same dd/mm/yyyy format as the source data. Changing these to the custom format of mmmyy makes them easier to work with. In English (rather than French) they get displayed as Jan17, Feb17, etc. using this format.
To add a new Calculated Item to the Date field, select any item in this field and locate the Calculated Item option via the ribbon. This has changed across versions of Excel, in Excel 2010 it is accessed via the "Fields, Items & Sets" button of the "Pivot Table Tools/Options" tab of the ribbon. In later versions it accessed via the "Calculations" button of the same tab. A dialog box will appear as illustrated below.
In the Name: box insert a suitable name such as Feb17Xand in the Formula: box enter =IF(Feb17=0,0,Feb17-Jan17). Click "Add" then "OK". The new Date item labelled Feb17X will appear in the pivot table and will show values of 20, 0 and 0 against projects A, B and C respectively.
Feb17X is the decumulated Date item for February. The IF is necessary because although the Amountvalues are cumulative, they only appear in the source data whenever a new Amount occurs in the month (for example Project B and Department IS has data showing for April and June but not for May).
Similar decumulated Date items can be defined in the same way for the other months.
For March, Mar17X is defined as
and a new Mar17X item is added to the Date field. Unfortunately, this shows values of -28, 0 and 0 against projects A, B and C, respectively. To get the correct values displayed, it is necessary to add the Department field to the row labels in the pivot table (below the Project field) and then to use the "Collapse Entire Field" operation to stop the detail of the Department field from being visible.
The calculated items for the remaining months are added as expected - that for June is Jun17X and has formula
Once the new items have been defined for the Date field, a filter is applied in the pivot table to remove the cumulative items ie, Feb17, Mar17, Apr17, May17 and Jun17. This results in the pivot table displaying the sum of the decumulated values as shown below.
A few points:
The zeroes in the pivot table can be suppressed from display by setting the number format of the Amount field to #
In the larger problem where each Amount is defined by a Date, Project and 8 further field values, the row labels of the pivot table will need to include Project and all 8 of the attribute fields. The latter 8 fields will need to be "collapsed out" of the display.
It is much, much simpler to add a decumulated Amount column to the
source data range rather than using the Calculated Item approach set
out here. Sorting the source data by the 9 attributes (Project
first then the remaining 8) and then by Date makes the task
of decumulation very easy. Simply compare the 9 attributes in a row
with the previous row: if the values are unchanged between the two
rows, subtract the previous row's Amount from the current row's,
otherwise leave the current row's Amount unchanged.

Access query returns a different result when read from Excel

I have a query in an ACCDB that works fine in Access.
I can successfully copy/paste its data to Excel.
However, from Excel, if I try to insert a Pivot Table using External Data Source, pointing to the very same query, then some numeric fields have weird formatting and some calculated numeric columns (formula in the query) have their value divided by 100 compared to the source.
Never seen that behaviour. Any suggestion ?
The whole MS-Office setup is in 2010.
What I have already done in the source query (without visible improvement):
used CCur() to make sure the figures are in a coherent data type
set the Format property of those culprit columns to "Standard"
The behaviour is exactly the same on other PCs in the same bank.
I could solve the problem which was due to 2 different bugs, probably in JetOLEDB.
Like is not handled properly by Excel
The query contained some formulae using Like:
iif(someField Like "XX*";0;anotherField).
Changing this to iif(Left(somefield;2) = "XX";0;anotherField) solved calculation differences between Excel but and Access.
Reference to another calculated column is handled differently
Say you have 2 query columns:
Rate: i.Rate *100 (i is a table alias)
Amount: Rate*Price
Access calculates Amount using the Rate calculated column, while Excel uses the Rate field from table i.Therefore I had to change the Amount expression to:
Rate: i.Rate *100
Amount: i.Rate *100*Price
since Excel does not seem to make always use Rate from the table (i.Rate).
Use the query in Access to first Make Table in Access then import the table to excel.

Unable to Create a Sub-Total in the POWERPIVOT

I am pretty new with POWERPIVOT tables. I have searched for a bit of time now to resolve my problem but I have been unsuccessful so far. As you can see below, I have created a POWERPIVOT table in Excel 2013 that is composed of two FACT tables, which are based on: 1) a sheet where the clients can insert vote 1 budget entries; and, 2) another sheet where the clients can insert vote 5 budget entries. Also, a few DIMENSION tables have been added to the combination in order to link the Branch names and the expenditure type. Please note that this is only a simple example of what I am trying to produce.
However, my main problem is that I can't add a sub-total that would sum Salary, Operating and Revenues for Vote 1 and Vote 5 separately. What I would like to show is the following:
Please note that I have tried calculated columns and calculated fields at the best of my knowledge but the results are always showing another set of columns for Salary, Operating and Revenues but what I need is just one column that sum the three components so it displays Salary, Operating, Revenues and Sub-Total. Does anyone know how to resolve this problem that I am facing since a long time?
Thanks to gurus.
I would suggest that you start by putting both budgets in the one table and an extra column to designate Vote id., Otherwise I fearyou will need to add a calculated column concatenating the Branch and Expenditure Type in each table, then doing a LOOKUPVALUE from Vote1 on the concatenated column to Vote5 and pull back the value.

Calculating the difference between the count of two date fields

I have data that is provided to me that includes the routed date and the service restoration date. From that it's pretty easy to generate a pivot table that generates a table with the date of the month, then a count of received tickets (routed), and the count of closed tickets. I'm trying to generate a calculated field (Pivot -> Options -> Fields, Items & Sets -> Calculated Field) to derive the delta.
When I use =Received - Closed, I get the difference in date rather than the delta in the counts. Can anyone point me in a direction on how I may calculate it? If it was static content it would be easy peasy, but I'm not getting the knack of doing this with a pivot table. Also I could achieve something similar with a countif type command and run it from a static calendar type table (which is what I'll probably end up doing if this ends up being a dead end).
As a solution, you can copy the pivot table and paste it as values in the new sheet. Do you math on values instead of on pivot.
I don't know if formatting your results in the pivot as NUMBER would help.. But you can try that as well.
I was unable to determine a way outside of what was mentioned above by Andrew. I've set up a static date list for the calendar month and then use a series of countifs instead of a pivot table to generate the output. Thanks to all who reviewed the question and to Andrew for his responses.
