Problems with iriusrisk community - modeling

It's possible in the version community(IriusRisk), create the new model using methodology STRIDE or CAPEC, tested but couldn't find stride functionality


Difference between DCGAN & WGAN

In my understanding, DCGAN use convolution layer in both Generator and Discriminator, and WGAN adjust the loss function, optimizer, clipping and last sigmoid function. The part they control is not overlapping. So are there any conflict if i implement both changes of DCGAN & WGAN in one model?
According to my experience, DCGAN proposed a well-tuned and simple model (or more specifically we can say it proposed a simple network structure with well-tuned optimizer) to generate images.WGAN proposed a new method of measuring the distance between data distribution and model distribution and theoretically solved the GAN's problem:unstable,mode collpase etc.
So you can utilize the network structure and parameters proposed in DCGAN and the way of updating parameters of discriminator and generator proposed in WGAN. And i've done that before, It's not conflict.
But in practice, you might not get a very good result when you implement WGAN.It's more advisable to implement WGAN-GP
There is an image generated by WGAN-GP
images generated by WGAN-GP
Hope my answer is helpful.

Image segmentation with edgeTPU

I´m new here, so please be kind and teach me if I did not provide all the information you need :)
I would like to compare Edge TPU with other edge device such as Myriad. I would like to select one object detection model and one image segmentation model. Considering the following link which shows supported operations, I have noticed that yolov3 cannot be compiled for EdgeTPU because it includes LeakyRelu.
For image segmentation, I'd like to use Deeplab. But I'm still don't know if operations included in deeplab v3+, such as atrous convolution or feature pyramid network, are supported.
I'd appreciate if someone teach me what models are usable on edgeTPU. Are there any models of image segmentation?
Did you already found below?
This model is possible to converting to TFLite FlatBuffer.
And also possible to compile for edgetpu with edgetpu_compiler.
Note. edgetpu_api environment had updated.
You can find it below.
Yes. There are prepackaged segmentation models and code examples how to use them.
Here they are
Please share if you know where to find something similar for Movidius based VPU devices.
Here you can find all supported layers for edgetpu:
And for Conv2D it says "Must use the same dilation in x and y dimensions.". So implementing a version of deeplab v3+ is possible for the edgetpu.

What type of CNN will be suitable for underwater image processing?

The primary objective (my assigned work) is to do an image segmentation for the underwater images using a convolutional neural network. The camera shots taken from the underwater structure will have poor image quality due to severe noise and bad light exposure. In order to achieve higher classification accuracy, I want to do an automatic image enhancement for the images (see the attached file). So, I want to know, which CNN architecture will be best to do both tasks. Please kindly suggest any possible solutions to achieve the objective.
What do you need to segment? I'd be nice so see some labels of the segmentation.
You may not need to enhance the image, if all your dataset has that same amount of noise, the network will generalize properly.
Regarding CNNs architectures, it depends on the constraints you have with processing power and accuracy. If that is not a constrain go with something like MaskRCNN, check that repo as a good starting point, some results are like this:
Be mindful it's a bit of a complex architecture so inference times might be a bit too high (but it's doable on realtime depending your gpu).
Other simple architectures are FCN (Fully Convolutional Networks) with are basically your CNN but instead of fully connected layers:
You replace with with Fully Convolutional Layers:
Images taken from HERE.
The advantage of this FCNs are that they are really easy to implement and modify since you can go with simple architectures (FCN-Alexnet), to more complex and more accurate ones (FCN-VGG, FCN-Resnet).
Also, I think you don't mention framework, there are many to choose from and it depends on your familiarly with languages, most of them you can do them with python:
But if you are a beginner, try starting with a GUI based one, Nvidia Digits is a great starting point and really easy to configure, it's based on Caffe so it's fairly fast when deploying and can easily be integrated with accelerators like TensorRT.

choose filter in convolution neural network

I have done implementation part of convolution neural network. But I am still confused about how to select the filter to obtain convolved feature in convolution neural network. As I know we detect features(like eyes, nose, mouth) to recognize a face from an image using convolution layer with the help of the it true that filter contains eyes, nose, mouth to recognize a face from an image?
There is no hard rule for this purpose.
In many university courses and even implemented models in papers, researcher uses 3x3 or 5x5 filters with with 1 or 2 strides.
It is one of your hyperparameters you should tune for your model. But the best way as a practice is to go to implemented model's documentations by google or others and find best size with respect to your conv layers.
But the last thing you should know is that the purpose of adding filters is to reduce nmber of parameters but keeping high quality features.
Here is a link to all models implemented using Tensoflow for different tasks.
Good luck

Extract CNN features using Caffe and train using SVM

I want to extract features using caffe and train those features using SVM. I have gone through this link: This links provides how we can extract features using caffenet. But I want to use Lenet architecture here. I am unable to change this line of command for Lenet:
./build/tools/extract_features.bin models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel examples/_temp/imagenet_val.prototxt fc7 examples/_temp/features 10 leveldb
And also, after extracting the features, how to train these features using SVM? I want to use python for this. For eg: If I get features from this code:
features = net.blobs['pool2'].data.copy()
Then, how can I train these features using SVM by defining my own classes?
You have two questions here:
Extracting features using LeNet
Training an SVM
Extracting features using LeNet
To extract the features from LeNet using the extract_features.bin script you need to have the model file (.caffemodel) and the model definition for testing (.prototxt).
The signature of extract_features.bin is here:
Usage: extract_features pretrained_net_param feature_extraction_proto_file extract_feature_blob_name1[,name2,...] save_feature_dataset_name1[,name2,...] num_mini_batches db_type [CPU/GPU] [DEVICE_ID=0]
So if you take as an example val prototxt file this one (, you can change it to the LeNet architecture and point it to your LMDB / LevelDB. That should get you most of the way there. Once you did that and get stuck, you can re-update your question or post a comment here so we can help.
Training SVM on top of features
I highly recommend using Python's scikit-learn for training an SVM from the features. It is super easy to get started, including reading in features saved from Caffe's format.
Very lagged reply, but should help.
Not 100% what you want, but I have used the VGG-16 net to extract face features using caffe and perform a accuracy test on a small subset of the LFW dataset. Exactly what you needed is in the code. The code creates classes for training and testing and pushes them into the SVM for classification.
