using interface keyword as variable name in Visual Studio/Visual C++ - visual-c++

I have a project which uses a lot of variable name interface. This keyword is not allowed in Visual C++. I have to do
#ifdef interface
#undef interface
for every file that uses this keyword. Is there a way to cleanly do that at the project level? Or is there a compiler flag for Visual C++ to not define this keyword for struct?


Cross platform dynamic libraries in "C" (Microsoft and gcc)

Ultimately I want to end up with a single set of source files that compiles to a Windows or Linux dynamic library depending on which platform compiled it.
The problem seems to be that Windows requires that annotations be made to both the header file declarations and the source file definitions. DLL Tutorial For Beginners
Linux dynamic link libraries seem to require annotations only in the source file definitions.
I can #define a preprocessor string to handle the difference of the source code definitions.
#if (_MSC_VER >= 1900) // (Visual Studio 2015 version 14.0)
#define EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport)
#define EXPORTED __attribute__((visibility("default")))
Both Windows and Linux ignore empty #define statements.
You may not use annotations in Windows. You can use DEF file for declare export functions .def files C/C++ DLLs
For linux you need to use annotations, e.g.:
#ifdef __GNUC__
myfunction(int param) {
return 0;
This solves the problem that Windows requires functions
in the DLL header and the DLL source file be annotated
and Linux requires only the LIB source functions to be
annotated. Both Windows and Linux ignore empty #define
// Dynamic Link Library for Linux and Windows
// If not >= Visual Studio 2015 (version 14.0) then
// Linux is assumed
// This file is inlcluded in all of the LIB/DLL Source
// and the LIB/DLL caller.
#if (_MSC_VER >= 1900) // (Visual Studio 2015 version 14.0)
// Windows Function Definition (LIB/DLL Source)
#define EXPORTED_DEF __declspec(dllexport)
// DLL_EXPORT is defined at top of LIB/DLL Source of exported functions
#if defined DLL_EXPORT
// Windows Function Declaration (DLL Header)
#define EXPORTED_DEC __declspec(dllexport) // DLL Export
// Windows Function Declaration (Caller Header)
#define EXPORTED_DEC __declspec(dllimport) // DLL Import
// Linux Function definition (LIB/DLL Source)
#define EXPORTED_DEF __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define EXPORTED_DEC // Linux cannot see this


I have a Win32 built Visual Studio 2012 built vcxproj project. The code has a definition of a bitmap header structure union in the header. The union definition is set int he header of the application. The problem is the header cannot recognize the BITMAPFILEHEADER and BITMAPINFOHEADER. I added #include WinGDI.h and Windows.h but it is still not recognized.
I have tried to change the C/C++ pre-processor definition and added the following code but it still does not work
What settings do I need to make the compiler aware of the definition?
PS. As per #RetiredNinja's comment The error I received is C2079 for both bmf and bmi.

wchar_t is not treated as built-in type even when the option is enabled

So here is the preprocessed output of a struct:
typedef struct RPT_Item
wchar_t *fullPath;
RPT_ItemFlags_t itemFlags;
int isComposite;
const void *reserved;
} RPT_Item_t;
Visual Studio complains because wchar_t is not defined, its own cryptic way:
error C2016: C requires that a struct or union has at least one member
I looked at the project files and also at the particular C file where the error appears and I can confirm that "Treat wchar_t as built-in type is set to YES".
If I define the type using a typedef it compiles fine.
I used the preprocessor output so I can exclude that some nasty preprocessor #define trick play the main role.
This project contains many low-level hacks, for example the CRT is not linked (/NODEFAULTLIB).
Most of the code is not written by me, and I'm tasked to remove reference to wchar.h from a public header that uses wchar_t, because VS treats it as a built in type default. (This particular module is built only on Windows.)
I totally ran out of ideas. Is there a compiler option or a pragma that can interfere? Or could it be even a compiler bug?
Microsoft didn't explicitly document this until VS 2013, but the docs for /Zc:wchar_t says
The wchar_t type is not supported when you compile C code.
It seems that including nearly any header from the runtime or from the SDK will typedef wchar_t tounsigned short using the following sequence:
typedef unsigned short wchar_t;
you might want to do something similar in your file that uses wchar_t.
Note that when compiling a C++ file, if /Zc:wchar_t is in effect then the compiler pre-defines _WCHAR_T_DEFINED. If /Zc:wchar_t- is in effect it doesn't - so the above snippet should work nicely with C++ as well (for MSVC anyway - I don't know how other compilers might deal with this if you're looking for something portable).
The _WCHAR_T_DEFINED macro is documented:
MSVC Predefined Macros

inconsistent dll linkage & definition of dllimport static data member not allowed

Assuming I have these two files:
class DLL ExportClass{
static int test;
#ifdef EXPORT
#define DLL __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLL __declspec(dllimport)
#include "Header.h"
int ExportClass::test = 0;
And I won't define EXPORT (to import a already exported class with a static member), why do I get these warnings:
1>source.cpp(11): warning C4273: 'test' : inconsistent dll linkage
1> header.h(4) : see previous definition of 'public: static int ExportClass::test'
1>source.cpp(13): warning C4273: 'ExportClass::ExportClass' : inconsistent dll linkage
1> header.h(3) : see previous definition of '{ctor}'
And this error:
1>source.cpp(11): error C2491: 'ExportClass::test' : definition of dllimport static data member not allowed
If I define EXPORT it works. I kind of understand the warnings, but I thought, that the static variable and the ctor could be ignored by the compiler, because the whole class is declared as __declspec(dllimport) anyway. I want to use the same codebase for the __declspec(dllexport) and __declspec(dllimport) - but it seems the compiler stll tries to define these symbols that are marked as __declspec(dllexport) in their declaration. What is the common practice to solve this problem?
You are expecting the compiler to ignore a very serious mishap. It encountered the __declspec(dllimport) attribute on the class declaration, that quite unequivocally states that the class implementation is present in different module that's going to bound at runtime. But then it encountered the definition as well, completely unexpected since the attribute contract says that it is compiled in an entirely different project.
The C4273 warning is generated to remind you that it is very unclear what function is actually going to execute at runtime. There are two, one that is busy compiling, another in the DLL. Which one will actually execute is a wild guess. C4273 is a level 1 warning, the kind that fit the "this is almost surely wrong" category. It is not entirely impossible to work okay since there's some expectation that the functions have at least the same code. The odds that will not cause trouble are however not great, it could only work if the function doesn't have any side effects that change the internal DLL state. Very hard to diagnose bug when it does btw.
Then it encountered the exported variable. Same case, there are two of them. This is where the compiler programmer put his foot down, having code randomly use one or the other is no longer something that can be ignored. That just cannot ever work, the variables cannot have the same value. So C2491 is a hard error.
No idea how you got in this pickle, clearly the road you're trying to travel will make you fall off a steep cliff.
The only way I can reproduce your problem is to do the following:
Create a Win32 DLL project, call it Project1
Add the source code as you described
Compile the DLL and LIB
Change the project properties to remove EXPORT from the preprocessor definitions
Attempt to compile again (then I see your errors/warnings)
If, instead of steps 4 and 5, I do the following, I do not see an error:
Create a Win32 console application, call it Project2
Add source code as follows:
#include "Project1.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "Project1.lib")
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
ExportClass pClass;
return 0;
I suspect you see those errors because you are doing everything from the same DLL project and it is overwriting the LIB that it previously created and then attempting to import it.
If I am correct in guessing what you did, can you try using your DLL/LIB from another project and see what happens?
Although it is an old thread, it will be probably read by others. Therefore, if you want to make this code cross-compilable, I would usually define a header "export.h" like:
#pragram once
#if ! defined(DLL_API)
# if defined(_WIN32) // for windows builds
# if defined(myDLL_EXPORTS)
# define DLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define DLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# else // for linux builds
# define DLL_API
# endif
and include it in all the classes (.h) you want to export from your dll. You will also have to define the variable myDLL_EXPORTS as a parameter of the compiler for the dll project.
The way it works is very simple, when you are compiling your dynamic library (dll/so), because the variable myDLL_EXPORTS is defined, the compiler will replace DLL_API with __declspec(dllexport) so that your class can be consumed by the user of your dll. Conversely, when you are including the header file where you want to use your class at, because the variable myDLL_EXPORTS is not defined in the consumer project (it is defined only in the DLL project), the compiler will replace myDLL_EXPORT with __declspec(dllimport), so it knows that your class symbols are defined somewhere else (in this case, defined in your dll/so).
Finally, as __declspec(...) is a Windows-only thing, for linux we replace DLL_API with nothing.

Building Visual C++ app that doesn't use CRT functions still references some

This is part of a series of at least two closely related, but distinct questions. I hope I'm doing the right thing by asking them separately.
I'm trying to get my Visual C++ 2008 app to work without the C Runtime Library. It's a Win32 GUI app without MFC or other fancy stuff, just plain Windows API.
So I set Project Properties -> Configuration -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Omit Default Library Names to Yes (compiler flag /Zl) and rebuilt. Let's pretend I have written a suitable entry point function, which is the subject of my other question.
I get two linker errors; they are probably related. The linker complains about unresolved external symbols __fltused and _memcpy in foobar.obj. Needless to say, I use neither explicitly in my program, but I do use memcpy somewhere in foobar.cpp. (I would have used CopyMemory but that turns out to be #defined to be identical to memcpy...)
(I thought I could get rid of the memcpy problem by using a compiler intrinsic, like #pragma intrinsic(memcpy), but this makes no difference.)
If I look at the preprocessor output (adding /P to the compiler command line), I see no references to either __fltused or _memcpy in foobar.i.
So, my question is: Where do these linker errors come from, and how do I resolve them?
__fltused implies you are using or have at least declared some floats or doubles. The compiler injects this 'useless' symbol to cause a floating support .obj to get loaded from the crt. You can get around this by simply declaring a symbol with the name
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int _fltused=0; // it should be a single underscore since the double one is the mangled name
#ifdef __cplusplus
WRT _memcpy - memcpy is a __cdecl function, and all cdecl functions get an automatic _ as part of their decoration. so, when you say "__cdecl memcpy" - the compiler & linker go looking for a symbol called '_memcpy'. Intrinsic functions - even explicitly requested - can still be imported if the build settings have debug settings that contra-indicate intrinsics. So you are going to need to implement your own memcpy and related functions at some point anyway.
I recommend setting the "generate assembly listing" (or some such) compiler option for foobar.cpp once, and then inspecting the assembler code. This should really tell you where these symbols are used.
