How to modify an exe(change operation/control/hot keys) - exe

What should I look for inside a decompiled exe to change hotkeys?
Context- I got a menu with default control keys like numpad* to open the menu, 2846 for up down left right, etc. I asked the dev to add option to change the keys, he just replied "not yet". As I don't pay him, he shares his work for free I don't want to bother him.
I'm using ghidra for the first time and I can't find anything that relates to the hotkeys/userinput...
I got headers, .text, .rdata, etc. In Program trees. Imports, Exports, a lot of functions inside "Functions" in Symbols tree, I guess these are basic common things.
Is there a phrase, text pattern where the keyboard control keys are declared?


Search-Everywhere in Android Studio (IntelliJ) makes Search File redundant?

In Android Studio (and IntelliJ), shift-shift is used to Search File (and Everywhere, e.g. class name etc).
I just realize it also have shift-command-O that search for a file.
With shift-shift, it seems to me shift-command-O is redundant.
So I'm checking to see if I have miss something that is in shift-command-O but not in shift-shift?
Shift-Shift shows a popup with occurrences of the string you've entered in names of files, classes, symbols and actions. Shift-Command-O shows a popup with occurrences of the same string only in names of files. Same task, same UI (in recent IJ/AS versions) more narrow filter.
Well you're almost right but there is one main difference in those two commands.
Shift shift will search for a file.
While shift-command-o will go to the specified file.
I guess in a way they to de same, but if you use Shift-command-o you will be redirected to that file and saves you one click.
But feel free to use what you want, shortcuts are for convenience so you should use what is most comfortable.
Here is a link with all shortcuts in IntelliJ IDEA, could be usefull in the future :)

Creating a floating menu that pops like normal menu but appears at mouse position

Some context
I've recently switched to ubuntu budgie (from unity), and I am really tired of the Plank/panel menu combo. I cannot find a setting that suits me, because depending on my screen setup, there's always something in the wrong place.
I am literally unable to show the menu on certain edges if I activate auto-hide, and if I don't activate it, it's not nice at all, to the point that I have removed the plank thing altogether. (Am I having strange bugs on this OS, or is it really messy?)
My idea
With great frustrations come new ideas. I thought again about one I had in the past. I would like to have a circle menu that pops around my mouse cursor when I press a given key combination (very much the kind of thing you would find in some games).
The main use case is to get "pined" application shortcuts easily when I need them, but perhaps other things would fit well with them (commands ...).
So my questions are:
Does such a thing already exist?
If it doesn't, is it difficult to realize? (How much time, complexity, ...)
What tools/libraries are needed for such a project? I know I'll find plenty of explanations on the gnome developer website but I could really use some more help.
Since you mention a buggy behaviour on Plank, depending on the screen configuration, I suspect you are suffering from this bug. In short: Plank's returned values for the space it needs are not always correct in multi monitor setup.
A neat option to replace at least part of the functionality is Ulauncher, by default called from a shortcut, but you could trigger it from anything that is capable of running its command.
Since Ulauncher's window simply identifies in the window list, you can easily write a script to move it to the current mouse position.
In case you'd need any help in that, just leave a comment.
Not sure if you are also referring to quick access of the window list, but for that you could use the Window Previews applet, or even the Workspace Overview applet, so life without Plank is possible.

Sublime, altering behavior of highlighting definions upon mouse-hover

I have a project with several classes which partly share functions while at other times the functions are different in code, but use the same name.
When hovering over a function name, Sublime highlights every file and line where that definition is found.
In my opinion it would be better if it actually included which class the different highlights belong to.
Is it possible to edit this in some way ?
Assume systems.js contains 4 different classes (1 base, 3 children). I would like to append or prepend the shown strings by the class definition (fetchable via prototype).
The hover popup mentioned in your question is powered by Sublime's internal symbol index, which is created in combination with the syntax definition that's used to syntax highlight files that you're editing. The Sublime syntax system is fairly context free; it parses the structure of the code but it doesn't contain any real structural information about it.
So for example it can determine that getShots is a function or method because of the syntax that was used to define it, but it doesn't know what class it came from.
The code for the hover popup is available in Default/ (you can use PackageResourceViewer to examine it) and associates symbols under the cursor with other places that it's seen symbols with that name in other files in the project; it literally only knows the information that you see in the popup; places where things by that name are defined and places where things of that name are referenced.
So in one sense, the answer to your question is No; core sublime can't do that because it doesn't have enough code intelligence to be able to figure that sort of thing out; this is exacerbated by dynamic languages like JavaScript where things can theoretically change at runtime as well.
The primary reason for that is because Sublime is extensible enough to support literally every programming language instead of just focusing on one or two (as e.g. PhpStorm does), so it doesn't have the core code to determine the information required.
All that said, since Sublime is indeed extremely extensible, it's possible that external code that does specialize on a language could be leveraged by a package in order to provide the appropriate information.
Two examples of that are SublimeCodeIntel and LSP for example. I don't use either of them myself, so I don't know for sure how good a fit they might be in your workflow.
I highly recommend you shift to Visual Studio Code majorly because sublime is an editor whereas vs code is an IDE. Also, it has very great extension support for all languages. I would recommend you to use jshint which the most popular plugin for js code available for almost all popular editors and IDEs. But still if you want to go with Sublime I suggest you following plugins:

In Android Studio, how do I change the Kotlin naming conventions?

Android Studio just updated its Kotlin plugin, and suddenly my code is polluted with warnings about the naming conventions. Apparently Google and/or JetBrains think everyone ought to use CamelCase, but (a) I prefer snake_case (use of underscores), (b) nearly every line of my sources now has a lint complaint, making it hard to separate the wheat from the chaff, and (c) I don't have time to rewrite all my code just to pander to other people's aesthetic sense.
How do I convince AS to be a Philistine like me?
In the menu, select File, then Settings. In the leftmost panel of the window that now appears, select Editor, then Inspections. In the next leftmost panel that now appears, find Kotlin, unfold it by clicking on the triangle, then find Naming conventions, and unfold that. You now have two options.
If you want AS to disregard Kotlin naming conventions, you can simply uncheck its box, and the boxes below it.
However, you can actually use this to convince AS to convert to snake_case instead of CamelCase, or any other aesthetic, as opposed to Google's and/or JetBrains'. If you click on, for instance, "Class naming convention," you will see on the right a text box labeled "Pattern:". It will probably contain [A-Z][A-Za-z\d]*. Add an underscore in a strategic location according to regex rules, for instance, [A-Z][_A-Za-z\d]*. Do this for each of the identifier types whose naming convention you'd like to change, and you're good to go.

Creating your own LaTeX keyboard layout : 1 key = multiple caracters

I've been looking for the answer for quite some time now. This is a project I have but I can't manage to find a way to do it. The main idea would be to plug an additional keyboard on my computer that write multiple letters by hitting only one key. For example, instead of writing down a (when I hit the a key), it would write \textbf{ (for example).
I already manage to find the keyboard layout file under Linux and to switch the a and b keys, but I cannot find a way to print multiple characters.
I know it exist editors (like Texmaker or Kile) that have auto-completion, but I'm most of the time working in project in groups and therefore we use which does not propose auto-completion in it's free user pack ! Besides, I'm doing that for my personal interest.
Thanks a lot.
Have a look at autokey. It can assign phrases to hotkeys. It requires X11.
Another option might be to use a powerful text editor like vim or emacs which both have features like this, and then copy/paste the text into
Some browsers have add-ons that allow you to edit the contents of a text field on a web page with a chosen text editor.
Edit: In Xorg you can use the X KeyBoard extension to e.g. change the meaning of individual keys. While you can configure the keyboard to generate (multibyte) unicode characters, you cannot assign arbitraty character strings to one key, to the best of my knowledge.
