Where can I find the API reference for graphql-yoga npm package - reference

We have graphql-yoga documentation here. I want to check the the API reference which includes the syntax for the functions like createYoga(). I could not find the API reference, where can I find it.
I am looking for a detailed API reference for all functions (or methods) provided by graphql-yoga npm package.


Node Express API - Object Mapper

We have created a new Node JS API using Express Framework (Typescript as scripting language). This API internally calls an external API. In order to call the external API from within our API, we need to do a translation of the API models to External API Models. Are there any NPM Packages that are available which does the Object to Object mapper?
As i understood your problem i recommend this package which i really find usefull for typescript backends: class-transformer
the github link : https://github.com/typestack/class-transformer#classtoclass
Also automapper-ts is a good choice too: https://github.com/loedeman/AutoMapper
i don't need to explain more than that i think. they have a good docs there. I hope it helps.

NestJS enableVersioning not defined?

I'm trying to follow the simple guide on adding versioning to my API in NestJS. But the app instance does not seem to have the enableVersioning(). There also doesn't seem to be any VersionType enum exported by any Nest package.
I'd love to be able to add versioning.
enableVersioning was added in #nestjs/common#8 and #nestjs/core#8. The docs are current for Nest v8, for v7 you can view the docs here. Make sure you're using the latest version to have access to all of the features in the docs.

Which GraphQL package to use for the Node-express app

This question might seem opinion related but I am literally Puzzled about chosing NPM package for GraphQl
TO be frank, I am just Starting with GraphQL and I opened an article, That Article asked me to install express-graphQL. Blindly, I installed it.
Later on, I wasn't able to comprehend the article, I saw the next article
they were using apollo-server-express
Another Article, they were graphql-yoga
And then another article they are doing npm install apollo-server graphql
I am probably not pro like most of you who get things by reading description in npm module and while this question might be opinion related, and can someone help/guide me with graphQl package I should use.
I work with Node-Express

Nodejs dateformat module reference

Where dateformat module is located and where I can find it's api docs?
I see there is a package in npm with name dateformat, but on my machine dateformat module is already installed. I'm unable to find it in nodejs official docs.
A'm I missing a whole branch of available modules in nodejs?
Looking forward for some explanation.
Option #1 - Date() Documentation
Well Node.js JavaScript, so you can just use the Date() documentation.
Option #2 - Additional Functionality
However the functions included within the Date API, is limited, which is why, as you mentioned, you may want to use an external library. A common, and very stable well supported choice would be moment.js

Node.js-like firebase module for Parse cloud code

I'm trying to integrate Firebase with Parse to add real-time capabilities to my application. However, some API functions (like the ability to limit queries to Firebase with limit() or startAt()/endAt()) are not available with the firebase REST API.
They are available with the Node.js module, but even though Parse Cloud support CommonJS-like modules, I'm not sure it's possible to integrate the Firebase node module without some major tweaking.
Any idea how I could access these functions, other than running my own node.js server with the Firebase plugin and using it to redirect my calls to firebase?
It looks like it's possible. What you'll want to do is create a "Cloud Code Module" and wrap the Firebase tools you need. They have a tutorial here
It's pretty standard node.js structures. You put all your Firebase methods into exports, add an initialize method (this is where you'd probably do things like auth?), and you're off.
Wrapping Firebase isn't hard or lengthy. Here's a gist that wraps Firebase in a promise structure, for example. You could basically take the methods from that gist as a blueprint for wrapping them into Parse.
I find it not easy, firebase is dependent on faye-websocket and in its turn requires other libs. We can make it work using "Cloud Code Module" but I don't like adding libs this way.
This is a request for Parse to support node modules, unfortunately the answer is a flat NO from them for now https://parse.com/questions/using-npm-modules-in-cloud-code.
Would appreciate any update on this. Thanks!
