Azure CDN high max latency - azure

We are experimenting with using blazor webasembly with angular. It works nicely, but blazor requires a lot of dlls to be loaded, so we decided to store them in azure blob storage, and to serve it we use microsoft CDN on azure.
When we check average latency as users started working, it shows values between 200-400 ms. But max values of latency jump to 5-6 minutes.
This happens for our ussual workload 1k-2k users over course of 1 hour. If they dont have blazor files cached locally yet that can be over 60 files per user requested from cdn.
My question is if this is expected behaviour or we can have some bad configuration somewhere.
I mention blazor WS just in case, not sure it can be problem specificaly with way how these files are loaded, or it is only because it is big amount of fetched files.
Thanks for any advice in advance.
I did check if files are served from cache, and from response headers it seems so: x-cache: TCP_HIT. Also Byte Hit ratio from cdn profile seem ok,mostly 100% and it never falls under 65%.


How to record the total size of a request in ASP.NET Core

I'm trying to log the total size of a request sent out from an ASP.NET Core website hosted in Azure. The goal is to be able to attribute some sense of what the data out cost is for specific functionality within the application. (Specifically we are looking at some functionality that uses Azure Blob Storage and allows downloads of the blobs but I don't think that's relevant to the question.)
I think the solution is some simple middleware that logs out the sizes to a storage mechanism (less concerned with that part) but not sure what to put inside the middleware.
Does anyone know how you would "construct" the total size of the response being sent out of the web app.?
I would presume it will include HttpContext.Response.Body.Length but I'm pretty confident that doesn't include the headers. Also not sure if that's the compressed size of the response body or not.

Large file truncated on Azure Verizon CDN - is there a timeout of request setting?

I uploaded a 295437KB file to Azure private Blob. I connected Azure Verizon Premium CDN via an app service that streams it from the Blob. The file returned is truncated, at different lengths, less than the full file length. Several 10s of MB shorter.
I have checked the file size on the Blob (correct) and also tested the call that retrieves it from the App Service (correct).
So it appears to be on the CDN side. Is there some timeout or request limit I can set on the CDN to alleviate this?
Here is an example of a CDN call that truncates the file:
And here is the underlying API (mine) that the CDN points to:
I get the full video if I hit that. It is 295,437 KB.
Interestingly, the results are not consistent. When I hit the origin directly a second time from Postman, I got a file of 260,276 KB
When I downloaded from the origin in Chrome, I got 260,744 the first time and 262,144 KB the second time.
The origin is an ASPNET Core Web API
According to your CDN url, I found the CDN have compressed the file when I downloaded it.
You could run fiddler to catch the request as below:
According to this article : To check whether your files are being returned compressed, you need to use a tool like Fiddler or your browser's developer tools. Check the HTTP response headers returned with your cached CDN content. If there is a header named Content-Encoding with a value of gzip, bzip2, or deflate, your content is compressed.
So I suggest you could firstly check the compress setting in your azure portal.
More details, you could refer to this article.
According to your two url, I have download both video. I found the website's size is a little more than the CDN's video.
The result is as below:
I have also compare the difference between these two file by using mediainfo --fullscan.
Just the Overall bit rate not the same.
One is 17.7 Mbps, another oen is 17.6 Mbps. There are both two minutes.
So I guess may be something wrong with your website to get the blob stream code.I suggest you could recheck it. If you still face the same issue, I suggest you could post some relevant code and the blob video url for us to reproduce the issue.

Azure Block Blob PUT fails when using HTTPS

I have written a Cygwin app that uploads (using the REST API PUT operation) Block Blobs to my Azure storage account, and it works well for different size blobs when using HTTP. However, use of SSL (i.e. PUT using HTTPS) fails for Blobs greater than 5.5MB. Blobs less than 5.5MB upload correctly. Anything greater and I find that the TCP session (as seen by Wireshark) reports a dwindling window size that goes to 0 once the aforementioned number of bytes are transferred. The failure is repeatable and consistent. As a point of reference, PUT operations against my Google/AWS/HP cloud storage accounts work fine when using HTTPS for various object sizes, which suggests the problem is not my client but specific to the HTTPS implementation on the MSAZURE storage servers.
If I upload the 5.5MB blob as two separate uploads of 4MB and 1.5MB followed by a PUT Block List, the operation succeeds as long as the two uploads used separate HTTPS sessions. Notice the emphasis on separate. That same operation fails if I attempt to maintain an HTTPS session across both uploads.
Any ideas on why I might be seeing this odd behavior with MS Azure? Same PUT operation with HTTPS works ok with AWS/Google/HP cloud storage servers.
Thank you for reporting this and we apologize for the inconvenience. We have managed to recreate the issue and have filed a bug. Unfortunately we cannot share a timeline for the fix at this time, but we will respond to this forum when the fix has been deployed. In the meantime, a plausible workaround (and a recommended best practice) is to break large uploads into smaller chunks (using the Put Block and Put Block List APIs), thus enabling the client to parallelize the upload.
This bug has now been fixed and the operation should now complete as expected.

HTML website with Knockoutjs bindings has performance issue

I am working on my client's pure HTML CSS website having data bindings with JSON datasets using Knockoutjs. For tables I have used Datatables library.
I have hosted the website on Windows Azure websites.
Here is the link of website : SINCE IT IS CONFEDENTIAL)
It takes around 4 seconds to load the website even though I have used CDN for common JS libraries.
It should not have that much load time. I am unable to find the culprit here. I am fetching data from 4 different datasets. Does it impact on performance? Or there is problem with Windows Azure datacenter, It takes while to get response from Azure server. Is Azure culprit?
You can examine the page load time on the website link given above.
Any help would be appreciated.
Solution :
Instead of using sync calls, used
$.getJSON(url, function(data){
//whole knockoutjs logic and bindings
All model .js files (starting with patientMedicationChart-Index.js) are loaded synchronously (async:false is set in that file). This means that the browser has to wait for each script file to be loaded before continuing to load the next.
I count about 10 files loaded like that for your demo, which (for me) each take about 200ms to load (about 95% of that 200ms is spent waiting for a response, which also seems rather slow; that might be a server issue with Azure). So times 10 is already 2 seconds spent loading those files, and only after loading all of them will the ready event for the page be triggered.
There might be a reason for wanting to load those files synchronously, but as it is, it's causing a significant part of the loading time for the entire page.

IIS 6 caches static image

Even if the image is changed, overwritten, modified, IIS still serves the cached copy.
I am trying to upload an image from a webcam taken every 15 seconds. The image makes it onto the server but when I refresh the browser with the image FROM the server it does not refresh.
IIS caches the file apparently for more than 2 minutes. I want this to be in real-time. Tried disabling caching everywhere I could think of. No luck.
Embed your image as follows:
<*ImageTag src="WebCamImage.aspx?data={auto-generated guid}" ... >
*ImageTag = img (spam filter won't let me post it)
And create a page (WebCamImage.aspx) that streams the static image file back to the browser while ignoring the "data" request parameter, which is only used to avoid any caching (make sure to set the response content type to "image/jpeg" or whatever is adequate in the #page header).
Are you sure that the image is cached on the server and not on the client. Have you tried requesting the same image from a different client?
If this IS server side caching then this article has all the answers for you:
You are most likely "affected" by the kernel-mode caching.
See that scavenger time?
Scavenger - 120 seconds by default and controlled by the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters\UriScavengerPeriod
That is probably what you experience (2min caching)
Try turning kernel-mode caching off to see if it makes a difference (performance may suffer but it will be no worse than IIS5)
