I want to render JavaScript function in every 100-millisecond using node node-corn. can it possible, then give me solution [closed] - node.js

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Closed 5 days ago.
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I want to render JavaScript function in every 100-millisecond using node node-corn
I try many way but unable to convert cron pattern into milli seconds.
any one help me, I am using nodejs.


how to force openai to save the context of the whole chat? [closed]

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Closed 25 days ago.
This post was edited and submitted for review 24 days ago.
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How do you maintain historical context in repeat API calls?
i was searching that question but has found 0 answers
so i found this demo chat: https://next-openai-chatgpt.vercel.app/
and its source code: https://github.com/koalamango/next-openai-chatgpt/blob/main/pages/api/chat.ts
it can save context of conversation for real, but can anyboy tell me how?
the only one solution is the send to api all conversation history that must be under 3500 symbols, cuz u need around 500 points to make answer
as example in json format:
{"messages":["user:hello","bot:Hello there!","user:whats your name","bot:My name is Bot. What's yours?","user:now spell your name backwards pls","bot:tob","user:and now capitalise letters","bot:TOB"]}
but in the end you must add "bot:" to suggest AI that he must answer by his role now.
example works very well

Registration and login form using node js and mongoDB [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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showing null value in terminal while trying to retrieve data from mongodb database

Python 3 how can i structure files? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm very new to pyhton so forgive me.
My question it how I can structure a file. For example I want to save multiple cooking recipes in a file. The program then should find the whole recipe with the ingerdients just by knowing its name.
I have tried to find answers in the internet but I seem not to find the right search term. So my question is just for what term do I have to google to find something that helps me?
You are looking to convert a text file into a dictionary. I would recommend using a JSON structure. See this page. If scope of your project is bigger than yourself using it, you would be better off using a database. Check out MongoDB.

Why is the examples link for nodejs examples returning a 404: https://github.com/api-ai/apiai-nodejs-client/blob/master/examples [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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This link is not working: https://github.com/api-ai/apiai-nodejs-client/blob/master/examples
Any other links for this purpose?
Yes, try this link. It appears they renamed it to samples. :)
In future it's better to bookmark a link to the whole repo, not to a separate folder as it may change and GitHub doesn't do redirecting for that unlike for changing username or repo name.

What is the best way to create user help documentation for an Excel VBA solution? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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VBA solutions can vary widely in size.
I would like to add user help documentation to all solutions but the level of effort to create and deploy the help needs to match the size of the solution.
You should check the VBA version of MZ-Tools. It is an add-in for VBA that can automatically generate documentation from your code (function name, parameters, comments, subject, etc.). You can also use it to automatically generate line numbers, onError labels, etc. More on the automatic documenting feature can be found here.
It is free, easy, and very efficient. Once you notice how much you save time by using it, please do like me: donate.
You may wish to consider HTML Help. It allows you to produce help files that are similar to standard Microsoft help. It is not particularly difficult to use, for the most part.
