Nuxt dynamic image - Require is not defined - browser

In the Nuxt documentation they gave the code example below for dynamic image loading.
<img :src="require(`~/assets/img/${image}.jpg`)" />
However, when I use it I get the following error in the browser console "Require is not defined"

Answering my question as it took me a whole day of searching...
Apparently 'require()' works for Webpack only and doesn't work with Vite.
And as Nuxt3 comes by default with Vite it wasn't working with me.
So to there are 2 options for fixing this issue:
Change from Vite to Webpack.
Use the code below instead of what's described in the Nuxt documentation to import dynamic images.
// in HTML
<img :src="getImageUrl()"/>
// in script
function getImageUrl(name) {
return new URL(`./dir/${name}.png`, import.meta.url).href
Useful sources:


How to Use MaterialUI CardMedia with Next.js Image tag

I am making a frontend app with Next.JS and I am using MaterialUI to help make things faster, but now I have doubt,can I use Next.JS Image tag in CardMedia component,
instead of using <CardMedia tag="img"/> ,use something like
<CardMedia tag={<Image/>}/}
PS: I tried this hypothesis but it gave an error
Do anyone here have any idea,I appreciate if you have read until here !

Nuxt3 - how to use vite-plugin-wasm

I'm building a Nuxt3 application where I need to import and use a 3rd party node package which internally is using webassembly.
In my case, the package I need is
Where do I import the package?
In one of my components, right at the beginning of the <script> tag.
And afterwards I'm using it in one of the methods.
(Note: I removed unnecessary code below)
import * as lindera from "lindera-js";
methods: {
doTranspile() {
const tokenized= lindera.tokenize(this.input);
What is the Problem?
After dev server compiles everything and I reload the page in the browser, I get the following error:
[vite] Internal server error: "ESM integration proposal for Wasm" is not supported currently.
Use vite-plugin-wasm or other community plugins to handle this.
Alternatively, you can use .wasm?init or .wasm?url.
See for more details.
The Question
How can I use the package without problems in Nuxt3? Do I have to use vite-plugin-wasm and if so, how and where to use/import it?
Or is there any other way to use a package which is using webassembly?
I found some similar questions on SO, but not sure if they can be used like this in Nuxt3 as I'm fairly new to Nuxt in general.
How to use embedded Webassembly in Vite?
How to include an WASM npm module in svelte with vite?

How to include some JS library into react app

I would like to include a JS library into my react app. This is really frustrating to include a simple script tag. However I am a newbie in react so might be I am doing an incorrect way.
The library is a TradingView library downloaded from Github. For this I tried many method but I am failed to include. After inclusion the correct path goes to 404. Let me explain what I did:
I put the library code in root folder and created a relative path and put the code in componentdidmount through document.createElement method.
I created an hook and included that but its going to 404. Ref: link
Tried with React-Helmet but same error. Ref: link
There are some more method I tried but none of them is working. Please help me out.

nwjs reactjs, confused about my context. Document is undefined

In my nwjs application i am using React to build my UI. Currently, React is being loaded via a <script> tag in the main file, index.html. index.html has another <script> tag which loads main.js containing code which defines and renders my React components as well as requiring (require()) a few Node modules such as "fs" and "McFly".
This all seems to be working, however when i try using another node module (react-inlinesvg) i get an error, "document is undefined".
Having looked online for help, i have come to the conclusion that React now believes that it is being run on the server? Which is odd, as before i started using the react-inlinesvg module it was happily rendering components using React.render (clientside rendering).
If you need any more context or information then please ask.
It could be that you are rendering on the server side, or also that you are rendering both sides. In the second case you could simple nest the line that is causing you error with:
if (process.env.BROWSER) {
the line causing the error
If the error disappears, it means that you are on the server side also!
I hope this helps...
Basically if you code is universal (or isomorphic, if you want...) with this check you can execute the code only on client side, you want to do this to use a particular style-sheet for example:
if (process.env.BROWSER) {
Naturally if you want to do stuff server-side you can check
if (!process.env.BROWSER) {
if any one face this he can solve it in 2 ways:
Solution 1: if you are using nw.js 15 or above try to enable mix context mode:
in your package.json add this flag:
"chromium-args": "--mixed-context"
Solution 2: expose document to the global object using this hack:
global.document = window.document;

How to test an AngularJS/SocketStream/Node.js app using Karma

I am working on an AngularJS application that is delivered by a SocketStream/node.js server.
I have an AngularJS service that calls api functions on the SocketStream server and progress has been good so far.
But now the time has come to start writing the first tests and the first testing framework that came to mind is Karma/Jasmine, since this is the recommend AngularJS set up.
So far so good, but since my AngularJS modules are imported using 'require' (SocketStream's version, not require.js) and server api calls are part of the test, I need to configure Karma to load SocketStream (at least its client side).
I took a good look at '' but when I run this example I get run time errors, possibly because I have later versions of variuous dependencies installed.
I managed to get 'required' resolved by packing my SocketStream app by adding 'ss.client.packAssets()' to app.js and run 'SS_PACK=1 node app.js', but when I start karma it logs an error message saying:
'Chrome 23.0 (Linux) ERROR
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
at /the...path/client/static/assets/app/1368026081351.js:25'
'1368026081351.js' is the SocketStream packed assets file. If I don't load it the error message is something like 'require is undefined', so my best guess is that the error is happening somewhere inside the SocketStream require code. Also because I run karma in DEBUG mode and can see all the files being served.
I have been trying different approaches as to find out what is happening but to now avail. So my questions are:
Is anybody else successfully testing AngularJS/SocketStream using Karma?
Does anybody have any suggestions as to how I can fix, or at least debug this problem?
Are there any alternatives/better solutions?
Time to answer, sort of, my own question:
Sort of, because I came to the conclusion that Karma and node.js/SocketStream have a lot of overlap, so I decided to see if I can omit Karma altogether and deliver the Jasmine testing platform through SocketStream. It turns out that that is possible and here's how I did it:
I defined a new SocketStream route and client in my 'app.js' file:
ss.client.define( 'test', {
view: 'SpecRunner.html',
css: ['libs/test'],
code: ['libs', 'tests', 'app'],
tmpl: 'none'
ss.http.route( '/test', function(req, res) {
res.serveClient( 'test' );
I downloaded and copied 'SpecRunner.html' to the 'client/views' folder. I then edited it to make it load AngularJS and all SocketStream client files, like all other views:
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
I removed the 'script' tags that import the sample source files ( 'Player.js' and 'Song.js' ) and specs but let the last 'script' block in place unmodified.
I then created a new folder inside 'client/css/libs' called 'test' and copied 'jasmine.css' in there unmodified.
Then I copied 'jasmine.js' and 'jasmine-html.js' renamed to '01-jasmine.js' and '02-jasmine-html.js' but otherwise unmodified, into '/client/code/libs'.
Now Jasmine is in place and will be invoked by using the '/test' route. The slightly unsatisfactory bit is that I haven't found an elegant place to store my spec files. They only work so far if I place them inside the 'libs' folder. Anywhere else and they are served by SocketStream as modules and are not run.
But I can live with that for now. I can run Jasmine tests without having to configure a special Karma setup.
