Why shouldn't I always use dynamic allocation in spark? - apache-spark

Spark's dynamic allocation enables a more efficient use of resources. It is described here: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/job-scheduling.html#dynamic-resource-allocation
It is not a default, and must be set for each job.
What are the downsides of setting every job to use dynamic allocation by default? What effects might be seen if I change this setting for all my running jobs?

To understand it lets take a look at Documentation
Here you can find this:
spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled false(default)
Whether to use dynamic resource
allocation, which scales the number of executors registered with this
application up and down based on the workload. For more detail, see
the description here.
This requires spark.shuffle.service.enabled or
spark.dynamicAllocation.shuffleTracking.enabled to be set. The
following configurations are also relevant:
spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors, and
Default values for revelevant parameters are:
spark.dynamicAllocation.initialExecutors = minExecutors
spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors = 0
spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors = infinite
spark.dynamicAllocation.executorAllocationRatio = 1
Lets take a look at executorAllocationRatio description:
By default, the dynamic allocation will request enough executors to
maximize the parallelism according to the number of tasks to process.
While this minimizes the latency of the job, with small tasks this
setting can waste a lot of resources due to executor allocation
overhead, as some executor might not even do any work. This setting
allows to set a ratio that will be used to reduce the number of
executors w.r.t. full parallelism. Defaults to 1.0 to give maximum
parallelism. 0.5 will divide the target number of executors by 2 The
target number of executors computed by the dynamicAllocation can still
be overridden by the spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors and
spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors settings
So what may happen when you just turn dynamic allocation on?
Lets say you have a job which at some stage is doing repartition(2000). Number of cores avilable per executor is set to 2. What is Spark going to do with dynamic allocation enabled with default parameters? It will try to get as many executors as it needs for max paralellism. In this case it will be 2000/2 (number of tasks at given stage/number of cores per executor, executorAllocationRatio is set to 1 so i am skipping it) = 1000 executors.
I saw a real scenarios in which some jobs where taking a lot of resources to work on really small inputs just because dynamic allocation was turned on
Imo if you want to use it you should tune also other parameters and for sure limit maxExecutors, especially if you are not alone on your cluster and you dont want to waste time&resources. Sometimes overhead for creating new exeuctor is just not worth it


Can Spark executor be enabled for multithreading more than CPU cores?

I understand if executor-cores is set to more than 1, then the executor will run in parallel. However, from my experience, the number of parallel processes in the executor is always equal to the number of CPUs in the executor.
For example, suppose I have a machine with 48 cores and set executor-cores to 4, and then there will be 12 executors.
What we need is to run 8 threads or more for each executor (so 2 or more threads per CPU). The reason is that the task is quite light weight and CPU usage is quite low around 10%, so we want to boost CPU usage through multiple threads per CPU.
So asking if we could possibly achieve this in the Spark configuration. Thanks a lot!
Spark executors are processing tasks, which are derived from the execution plan/code and partitions of the dataframe. Each core on an executor is always processing only one task, so each executor only get the number of tasks at most the amount of cores. Having more tasks in one executor as you are asking for is not possible.
You should look for code changes, minimize amount of shuffles (no inner joins; use windows instead) and check out for skew in your data leading to non-uniformly distributed partition sizing (dataframe partitions, not storage partitions).
If you are however alone on your cluster and you do not want to change your code, you can change the YARN settings for the server and represent it with more than 48 cores, even though there are just 48. This can lead to severe instability of the system, since executors are now sharing CPUs. (And your OS also needs CPU power.)
This answer is meant as a complement to #Telijas' answer, because in general I agree with it. It's just to give that tiny bit of extra information.
There are some configuration parameters in which you can set the number of thread for certain parts of Spark. There is, for example, a section in the Spark docs that discusses some of them (for all of this I'm looking at the latest Spark version at the time of writing this post: version 3.3.1):
Depending on jobs and cluster configurations, we can set number of threads in several places in Spark to utilize available resources efficiently to get better performance. Prior to Spark 3.0, these thread configurations apply to all roles of Spark, such as driver, executor, worker and master. From Spark 3.0, we can configure threads in finer granularity starting from driver and executor. Take RPC module as example in below table. For other modules, like shuffle, just replace “rpc” with “shuffle” in the property names except spark.{driver|executor}.rpc.netty.dispatcher.numThreads, which is only for RPC module.
Property Name
Since Version
Fall back on spark.rpc.io.serverThreads
Number of threads used in the server thread pool
Fall back on spark.rpc.io.clientThreads
Number of threads used in the client thread pool
Fall back on spark.rpc.netty.dispatcher.numThreads
Number of threads used in RPC message dispatcher thread pool
Then here follows a (non-exhaustive in no particular order, just been looking through the source code) list of some other number-of-thread-related configuration parameters:
spark.rpc.netty.dispatcher.numThreads (will be overridden by the driver/executor-specific ones from the table above)
I didn't add the meaning of these parameters to this answer because that's a different question and quite "Googleable". This is just meant as an extra bit of info.

Explain the difference between Spark configurations

I have to set the number of executors in my spark application as 20. While looking at the official documentation I'm confused which is a better config to set
spark.dynamicAllocation.initialExecutors = 20
I have the following config enabled
spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled = true
In what use case scenario will I use either?
As per the spark documentation
Initial number of executors to run if dynamic allocation is enabled.
If --num-executors (or spark.executor.instances) is set and larger
than this value, it will be used as the initial number of executors.
as you can see in the highlighted text it can be overwritten by --num-executors when it is set to a higher value then spark.dynamicAllocation.initialExecutors.
basically, when your application starts it will launch spark.dynamicAllocation.initialExecutors and then slowly increase till spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors when dynamic allocation enabled.
number of executors for static allocation.
In layman terms,
It is like saying I want x resources(spark.executor.instances) to finish a job
I want min(x resources) and max(y resources) and initially(z resources) to finish a job...
condition (x<=z<=y) should always satisfy and your resources usage will be decided on the needed when your job is running.
when to use dynamic allocation?
when you have multiple streaming applications running on your cluster OR on-demand spark-sql jobs.most of the time your jobs might need few resources and almost remain idle only in big data stream chunks(peak hours) job might need more resource to process data otherwise cluster resources should be freed and used for other purposes.
Note: make sure to enable external shuffle service (spark.shuffle.service.enabled=true) when dynamic allocation is enabled.
The purpose of the external shuffle service is to allow executors to
be removed without deleting shuffle files written by them (more
detail). The way to set up this service varies across cluster
Referrences :

Can the number of executor cores be greater than the total number of spark tasks? [duplicate]

What happens when number of spark tasks be greater than the executor core? How is this scenario handled by Spark
Is this related to this question?
Anyway, you can check this Cloudera How-to. In "Tuning Resource Allocation" section, It's explained that a spark application can request executors by turning on the dynamic allocation property. It's also important to set cluster properties such as num-executors, executor-cores, executor-memory... so that spark requests fit into what your resource manager has available.
yes, this scenario can happen. In this case some of the cores will be idle. Scenarios where this can happen:
You call coalesce or repartition with a number of partitions < number of cores
you use the default number of spark.sql.shuffle.partitions (=200)
and you have more than 200 cores available. This will be an issue for
joins, sorting and aggregation. In this case you may want to increase spark.sql.shuffle.partitions
Note that even if you have enough tasks, some (or most) of them could be empty. This can happen if you have a large data skew or you do something like groupBy() or Window without a partitionBy. In this case empty partitions will be finished immediately, turning most of your cores idle
I think the question is a little off beam. It is unlikely what you ask. Why?
With a lot of data you will have many partitions and you may repartition.
Say you have 10,000 partitions which equates to 10,000 tasks.
An executor (core) will serve a partition effectively a task (1:1 mapping) and when finished move on to the next task, until all tasks finished in the stage and then next will start (if it is in plan / DAG).
It's more likely you will not have a cluster of 10,000 executor cores at most places (for your App), but there are sites that have that, that is true.
If you have more cores allocated than needed, then they remain idle and non-usable for others. But with dynamic resource allocation, executors can be relinquished. I have worked with YARN and Spark Standalone, how this is with K8 I am not sure.
Transformations alter what you need in terms of resources. E.g. an order by may result in less partitions and thus may contribute to idleness.

can number of Spark task be greater than the executor core?

What happens when number of spark tasks be greater than the executor core? How is this scenario handled by Spark
Is this related to this question?
Anyway, you can check this Cloudera How-to. In "Tuning Resource Allocation" section, It's explained that a spark application can request executors by turning on the dynamic allocation property. It's also important to set cluster properties such as num-executors, executor-cores, executor-memory... so that spark requests fit into what your resource manager has available.
yes, this scenario can happen. In this case some of the cores will be idle. Scenarios where this can happen:
You call coalesce or repartition with a number of partitions < number of cores
you use the default number of spark.sql.shuffle.partitions (=200)
and you have more than 200 cores available. This will be an issue for
joins, sorting and aggregation. In this case you may want to increase spark.sql.shuffle.partitions
Note that even if you have enough tasks, some (or most) of them could be empty. This can happen if you have a large data skew or you do something like groupBy() or Window without a partitionBy. In this case empty partitions will be finished immediately, turning most of your cores idle
I think the question is a little off beam. It is unlikely what you ask. Why?
With a lot of data you will have many partitions and you may repartition.
Say you have 10,000 partitions which equates to 10,000 tasks.
An executor (core) will serve a partition effectively a task (1:1 mapping) and when finished move on to the next task, until all tasks finished in the stage and then next will start (if it is in plan / DAG).
It's more likely you will not have a cluster of 10,000 executor cores at most places (for your App), but there are sites that have that, that is true.
If you have more cores allocated than needed, then they remain idle and non-usable for others. But with dynamic resource allocation, executors can be relinquished. I have worked with YARN and Spark Standalone, how this is with K8 I am not sure.
Transformations alter what you need in terms of resources. E.g. an order by may result in less partitions and thus may contribute to idleness.

Is there a way to specify all three resource properties (executor instances, cores and memory) in Spark on YARN (Dataproc)

I'm trying to setup a small Dataproc Spark cluster of 3 workers (2 regular and one preemptible) but I'm running into problems.
Specifically, I've been struggling to find a way to let the Spark application submitters to have freedom to specify the number of executors while being able to specify how many cores should be assigned to them
Dataproc image of Yarn and Spark has the following defaults:
Spark dynamic allocation enabled
Yarn Capacity Scheduler configured with DefaultResourceCalculator
With these defaults the number of cores is not taken into account (the ratio container-vcores is always 1:1), as DefaultResourceCalculator only cares about memory. In any case, when configured this way, the number of executors is honored (by means of setting spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled = false and spark.executor.instances = <num> as properties in gcloud submit)
So I changed it to DominantResourceCalculator and now it takes care of the requested cores but I'm no longer able to specify the number of executors, regardless of disabling the Spark dynamic allocation or not.
It might also be of interest to know that the default YARN queue is limited to 70 % of capacity by configuration (in capacity-scheduler.xml) and that there is also another non-default queue configured (but not used yet). My understanding is that both Capacity and Fair schedulers do not limit the resource allocation in case of uncontended job submission as long as the max capacity is kept at 100. In any case, for the sake of clarity, these are the properties setup during the cluster creation:
The job submission is done by means of gcloud tool and the queue used is the default.
E.g, the following properties set when executing gcloud dataproc submit:
--properties spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false,spark.executor.memory=5g,spark.executor.instances=3
end up in the following assignment:
Is there a way to configure YARN so that it accepts both?
EDITED to specify queue setup
You may try setting a higher value, such as 2, for yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.online.user-limit-factor in place of the present value of 1, the value you have set. This setting enables the user to leverage twice the chosen capacity. Your setting of 100% as the maximum capacity allows for this doubling of the chosen capacity.
