Excel VBA : pull picture from web (multiple rows) - excel

I'm new to VBA. I have an Excel file where in column A there is product number (ie 12345, 12346 etc); I want the attached picture from the web as the comment in the specific cell with item number.
Picture on the web is on https://www.website.com/picture/12345.jpg.
I have multiple product numbers in column A.
I did come up with something like that but this is not working.
Sub InsertMultipleCommentWithPicture()
Dim i As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim CommentRange As Range
Dim Pic As Object
Dim PicURL As String
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To LastRow
Set CommentRange = Cells(i, 1)
PicURL = "https://www.website.com/picture" & Cells(i, "A").Value & ".jpg"
Set Pic = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile(PicURL)
With CommentRange.Comment
.Shape.Fill.UserPicture Pic.Path
.Shape.Width = Pic.Size * 0.01
.Shape.Height = Pic.Size * 0.01
End With
Next i
End Sub
type here
Does someone already have something similar which can do this as I'm lost.
I did tried above code and some codes from internet however none of them working.
I need have the picture from website attached as the comment not inserted in the cell.
It will be good if there will be option to size up the comment box to specific size.

I missed that you were originally trying to insert the image in the cell's comment. Here is the updated code to do that.
Sub InsertMultipleCommentWithPicture()
Dim i As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim CommentRange As Range
Dim Pic As Object
Dim PicURL As String
Dim cRange As Range
Dim commentbox As Comment
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To LastRow
Set cRange = Cells(i, "A")
PicURL = "https://www.website.com/picture/" & cRange.value & ".jpg"
'Remove Any Comments within cell
Set commentbox = cRange.AddComment
'Remove Any Default Comment Text
commentbox.Text Text:=""
commentbox.Shape.Fill.UserPicture (PicURL)
commentbox.Shape.ScaleHeight 0.5, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
commentbox.Shape.ScaleWidth 0.5, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLef
Next i
End Sub


Convert Excel Array formula into VBA code

I have two set of range named as LIST_KEY and LIST_CAT. In Column A, user will add some data which will contain one of the one of the text from LIST_KEY. I would like to get corresponding Category list from LIST_CAT depends upon the Key value
I am using below VBA code to achieve this. This include a Array formula.
Sub match()
Dim ss As Workbook
Dim test As Worksheet
Set ss = Excel.Workbooks("test.xlsm")
Set test = ss.Worksheets("Sheet1")
For i = 2 To test.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Cells(i, "B").Formula = Cells(i, "B").Value
Next i
End Sub
This code works perfect if there is less data to fetch. But in my original use case, I will have around 8000 rows. Due to this large number of columns excel will go to not responding state after 2-3 minutes.
Instead of adding Array formula to column B, Is there anyway to convert that into VBA to run this faster. Sorry, I am new to this VBA stuff and dont have much experience
Try the following code, which uses arrays instead of worksheet formulas...
Option Explicit
Sub GetCategories()
Dim sourceWorkbook As Workbook
Set sourceWorkbook = Workbooks("test.xlsm")
Dim sourceWorksheet As Worksheet
Set sourceWorksheet = sourceWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim lookupArray As Variant
lookupArray = sourceWorkbook.Names("LIST_KEY").RefersToRange.Value
Dim returnArray As Variant
returnArray = sourceWorkbook.Names("LIST_CAT").RefersToRange.Value
Dim tableArray As Variant
Dim lastRow As Long
With sourceWorksheet
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row
tableArray = .Range("A2:B" & lastRow).Value
End With
Dim desc As String
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
For i = LBound(tableArray, 1) To UBound(tableArray, 1)
desc = tableArray(i, 1)
For j = LBound(lookupArray, 1) To UBound(lookupArray, 1)
If InStr(1, desc, lookupArray(j, 1), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
tableArray(i, 2) = returnArray(j, 1)
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
sourceWorksheet.Range("B2").Resize(UBound(tableArray, 1), 1).Value = Application.Index(tableArray, 0, 2)
End Sub

Is it possible to lookup for a value from another sheet in the same workbook?

I have a workbook with multiple spreadsheets. One of the sheets is called "Master Filtered" and the other is called "MTL OR TOR"
I want to fill in the column K of the "Master filtered" sheet with a lookup value from the "MTL or TOR" sheet in the second column. I wrote this piece of code but it is not working.
Dim AcctNb As String
Dim result As String
Worksheets("Master Filtered").Activate
Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For G = 4 To lastrow
AcctNb = Cells(G, 3).Value
Set myrange = Worksheets("MTL OR TOR").Range("AA4:AB685") 'Range in which the table MTL or TOR should be entered
result = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(AcctNb, myrange, 2, False)
Range("K" & G).Value = result
End Sub
Do you have any idea why is this code not working and how to fix it?
I was thinking maybe my error is in the line starting with Set myrange= Worksheets("MTL OR TOR") but couldn't figure it out.
' Name your variables in a meaningful way and indicate their type
Dim strAcctNb As String
Dim strResult As String
Dim lngLastRow As Long
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim rngLookup As Range
'Set your range and variables before you execute the code for readability
Set rngLookup = Worksheets("MTL OR TOR").Range("AA4:AB685") 'Range in which the table MTL or TOR should be entered
'Do not Activate or Select unless you really have to
'Worksheets("Master Filtered").Activate
With Worksheets("Master Filtered")
lngLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For lngLoop = 4 To lngLastRow
strAcctNb = .Cells(lngLoop, 3).Value
strResult = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(strAcctNb, rngLookup, 2, False)
.Range("K" & lngLoop).Value = strResult
End With
End Sub

Move cell with sum function down as new entries occur using row.count

I'm a bit surprised this has proven to be such a challenge. On sheet 1 I have the input which looks as follows:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
erw = Sheet2.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 1
'erw.Offset(1).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDow
If Len(Range("c3")) <> 0 Then
Sheet2.Cells(erw, 1) = Range("c3")
Sheet2.Cells(erw, 2) = Range("c4")
Sheet2.Cells(erw, 3) = Range("c5")
Range("c3") = ""
Range("c4") = ""
Range("c5") = ""
MsgBox "You must enter an amount"
End If
End Sub
No issues with the above, where I'm running into a problems is with the following on sheet 2 where the information is stored:
Sub AddUp()
Dim rngcount As Long
Dim TotalA As Long
Dim rng2 As Range
rngcount = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set rng2 = Range("A28")
TotalA = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet2").Range("a1:a" & rngcount))
rng2 = TotalA
The real issue is the following Set rng2 = Range("A28") as this is essentially a cheat I've been using. I know that there will not be more than 26 entries to be summed and then a new sheet will be started. I currently have the TotalA amount Set to be put in A28, but what I am trying to do is have the TotalA cell move down as more entries are put in. Put another way I would rather the range where TotalA will be able to move as more entries are put in.
I began with the following erw.Offset(1).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDowbut I moved away from that as the insertion of a row needs to occur on sheet2I've left it here for this posting in case there is any valuable feed back.
What I've been focusing on instead is trying to use CurrentRegion.offset(1) to keep moving the cell that holds the sum function down. Problem is I cannot figure out how to declare a range based on rngcount This may be the problem because perhaps I should not be using rngcount as it is not an object, but my thinking is/was that I could turn that rngcount into an object and then use CurrentRegion.offset(1) A bit long winded, hope the goal comes through clearly. Thanks
Take a look at this and see if it does what you want.
Sub AddUp()
Dim rngcount As Long
Dim TotalA As Long
Dim rng2 As Range
rngcount = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set rng2 = Cells(rngcount + 1, 1)
TotalA = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet2").Range("a1:a" & rngcount))
rng2 = TotalA
End Sub
I usually like to put total formulas in the worksheet instead of doing the math in the macro.
Sub AddUp()
Dim rngcount As Long
Dim TotalA As Long
Dim TotalStartRng As Range
Dim TotalEndRng As Range
rngcount = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set TotalStartRng = Cells(1, 1)
Set TotalEndRng = Cells(rngcount, 1)
Cells(rngcount + 1, 1) = "=SUM(" & TotalStartRng.Address & ":" & TotalEndRng.Address & ")"
End Sub

How to find each item in a column in a delimited list from a UserForm textbox

I'm creating a UserForm with a textbox that the user will fill in with a list of names delimited by "; ". These names are found in Column D on my sheet. For each name, I'd like to copy and paste the whole row to another sheet and then delete the row in the original sheet. I am running into a couple of roadblocks that I haven't been able to solve.
Private Sub OK_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim PINamesArray As String
Dim size As Long
Dim SearchRange As Range
Dim FindRow As Range
Set SearchRange = Range("D5", Range("D2000").End(xlUp))
PINamesArray = Split(Me.PINames, "; ")
size = UBound(PINamesArray) - LBound(PINamesArray) + 1
For x = 1 To size
Set FindRow = SearchRange.Find(x, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
RTBM = FindRow.Row
.Paste Worksheets("Dropped-NotSelected").Cells(ERow, 1)
RTBM.Delete Shift:xlShiftUp
End Sub
I want the Find function to look for the item in the delimited list that corresponds to that integer, not the integer itself.
I know that there are probably multiple aspects of this code that aren't right, but I'm having trouble finding good examples to base off of.
Give this a shot - I had to change some variables around (and fix a lot of weird typos you had going on), but this worked in my testing:
Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim x As Long, ERow As Long
Dim PINamesArray As Variant
Dim size As Long
Dim SearchRange As Range
Dim FindRow As Long
Set SearchRange = Range("D5:D2000")
ERow = 1
PINamesArray = Split(Me.PINames, "; ")
size = UBound(PINamesArray) - LBound(PINamesArray) + 1
For x = 1 To size
On Error Resume Next
FindRow = SearchRange.Find(What:=PINamesArray(x)).Row
On Error GoTo 0
If FindRow <> 0 Then
Worksheets("Dropped-NotSelected").Cells(ERow, 1).PasteSpecial
ERow = ERow + 1
Rows(FindRow).Delete Shift:=xlShiftUp
End If
Next x
End Sub

Runtime error 13 Type Mismatch VBA to highlight row if value is found in another workbook

I'm learning VBA in Excel 2013 and I posted a question last weekend but didn't receive a response. I've been working on the code more and narrowed the error down to one. I'm trying to highlight a row in a workbook if a value in column A is found in the column A another open workbook.
I get a Runtime error 13: Type mismatch error. That is all that it says and it is for this line of code:
If cell.Value = valuetofind Then
I have looked on numerous sites about this error but I don't see any that match my situation. I think it's b/c 'valuetofind' is a range and it's trying to set a range equal to a value, seen in 'cell.value'. I think all of my variables are declared properly.
I've tried changing it to below so that they are both ranges but that gives the same error:
If cell = valuetofind Then...
Can anyone help with this error?
Sub HighlightRow()
'test column just picks any column, I think, to test how far down the rows go to, I think you could choose any column
Const TEST_COLUMN As String = "D" '<=== change to suit
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim cell As Range
Dim valuetofind As Range
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1) 'name will change each day
Set ws2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1) 'name will change each day
With ws1
LastRow = Cells(.Rows.Count, TEST_COLUMN).End(xlUp).Row
'LastRow is testing/finding out last row using TEST_COLUMN first before performs rest of macro
End With
Set valuetofind = ws2.Range("A2:A" & LastRow)
'Range("A2:A" & LastRow) is the criteria row where it is looking for Break Down and PM/SM Call below
'Resize(,7) will highlight the row however many columns you tell it to, in this case 7
'cell.Offset(, -6) I think tells to go back 6 columns to column A and start the highlighting there
With ws1
For Each cell In Range("A2:A" & LastRow)
If cell.Value = valuetofind Then
'old, do not use: wb2.Worksheets(wb2SheetName).Range("A2:A" & LastRow)
cell.Offset(, -6).Resize(, 7).Interior.ColorIndex = 39
cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End If
End With
End Sub
The code has been altered and is working for anyone who needs help.
This is modified from Dinesh Takyar's video on copying data between worksheets(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzhQ5KiNybk_), though this code below is to highlight rows between workbooks. Both workbooks, destination and source workbooks, need to be open.
I believe the original Run Time 13 Error was b/c the criteria, original variable called 'valuetofind' was Dim as Range, when it is a String. The variable in the code below is now called 'myname' and is Dim as String. But I don't believe the code above would have worked anyway b/c I needed the For/Next to go through each cell in my criteria column.
Thanks to Dinesh and people on this forum.
Sub HighlightRowBtwWorkbook()
Dim wkbkDest As Workbook
Dim i As Long
Dim lastrowDest As Long
Dim lastcolDest As Long
Dim wkbkSource As Workbook
Dim j As Long
Dim lastrowSource As Long
Dim myname As String
Dim lastcolSource As Long
Set wkbkDest = ThisWorkbook 'was Workbooks("Destination_VBAHighlight.xlsm") 'was ActiveWorkbook
lastrowDest = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
lastcolDest = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For i = 2 To lastrowDest
myname = wkbkDest.ActiveSheet.Cells(i, "A").Value
Set wkbkSource = Workbooks("TESTVBA.xlsm")
lastrowSource = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
lastcolSource = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For j = 2 To lastrowSource
If ActiveSheet.Cells(j, "A").Value = myname Then
'Activate Destination
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(i, "B"), Cells(i, lastcolDest)).Interior.Color = RGB(252, 228, 214)
End If
Next j
Next i
'select cell A1 in Destination wkbk to end there
End Sub
