How to merge a default list of Object with values from tfvars (Terraform) - terraform

I'm trying to achieve something with Terraform and I getting some trouble to find any solution.
I define a variable like this:
variable "node_pools" {
type = list(object({
name = string
location = string
cluster = string
initial_node_count = number
tag = string
default = [
name = "default-pool"
cluster = "cluster_name"
location = "usa"
initial_node_count = 3
tag = "default"
Then, in my tfvar file, I define my node_pools like that:
node_pools = [
name = "pool-01"
tag = "first-pool"
name = "pool-highmemory"
tag = "high-memory"
Then, in my I try to use my node_pools variable but I need them filled with the default values which are not specified in the tfvar, like location, cluster, etc..
I think I need to merge, but I don't find any way to achieve that.
Thanks for any help.

The default value for a whole variable is only for situations where the variable isn't assigned any value at all.
If you want to specify default values for attributes within a nested object then you can use optional object type attributes and specify the default values inline inside the type constraint, like this:
variable "node_pools" {
type = list(object({
name = string
location = optional(string, "usa")
cluster = optional(string, "cluster_name")
initial_node_count = optional(number, 3)
tag = optional(string, "default")
default = [
name = "default-pool"
Because these default values are defined directly for the nested attributes they apply separately to each element of the list of objects.
If the caller doesn't set a value for this variable at all then the single object in the default value will be expanded using the default values to produce this effective default value:
name = "default-pool"
location = "usa"
cluster = "cluster_name"
initial_node_count = 3
tag = "default"
With the tfvars file you showed the effective value would instead be the following:
name = "pool-01"
location = "usa"
cluster = "cluster_name"
initial_node_count = 3
tag = "first-pool"
name = "pool-highmemory"
location = "usa"
cluster = "cluster_name"
initial_node_count = 3
tag = "high-memory"


Is there possibility to dynamicly pass user-defined variable (key = value) to terraform module?

There is resource:
resource "resource_name" "foo" {
name = "test"
config {
version = 14
resources {
disk_type_id = "network-ssd"
postgresql_config = {
enable_parallel_hash = true
I need a module which accepts optional user variables in "postgresql_config". There can be many such variables.
I tried next:
variable "postgresql_config" {
description = "User defined for postgresql_config"
type = list(object({
# key1 = value1
# ...
# key50 = value50
variable "config" {
description = "for dynamic block 'config' "
type = list(object({
version = number
default = [{
version = 14
variable "resources" {
description = "for dynamic block 'resources' "
type = list(object({
disk_type_id = string
default = [{
disk_type_id = "network-hdd"
resource "resource_name" "foo" {
name = "test"
dynamic "config" {
for_each = var.config
content {
version = config.value["version"]
dynamic "resources" {
for_each = var.resources
content {
disk_type_id = resources.value["disk_type_id"]
# problem is here
postgresql_config = {
for_each = var.postgresql_config
each.key = each.value
module "postgresql" {
source = "../module/postgresql"
postgresql_config = [{
auto_explain_log_buffers = true
max_connections = 395
vacuum_cleanup_index_scale_factor = 0.2
That is, I understand that I need to use "dynamic", but it can only be applied to the block "config" and the nested block "resource_name".
How can I pass values for "postgresql_config" from to module? Of course, my example with for_each = var.postgresql_config doesn't work, but I hope this way to give an idea of what I need.
Or does terraform have no such option to use custom variables dynamically at all, and all of them must be specified explicitly?
Any help would be appreciated, thank you
from what I understand , you are trying to create a map dynamically for your resource postgres_config.
I would recommend using a for expression to solve that problem.
However, I think your problem lies in how you have defined variables for your module . You might run into a problem if your postgress_config list has multiple configs in it because that config can only take a map by the looks of it.
have a look at the following documentation:
this one is for how to define your variables
for expressions
my solution for your config problem ,would be something like this assuming that the postgres_config list has one element all the time:
# problem is here
postgresql_config = var.postgresql_config[0]

Iterate over list of maps

I'm trying to iterate over a simple list of maps. Here's a segment of what my module code looks like:
resource "helm_release" "nginx-external" {
count = var.install_ingress_nginx_chart ? 1 : 0
name = "nginx-external"
repository = ""
chart = "ingress-nginx"
version = var.nginx_external_version
namespace = "default"
lint = true
values = [
dynamic "set" {
for_each = { for o in var.nginx_external_overrides : => o }
content {
name =
value = each.value.value
variable "nginx_external_overrides" {
description = "A map of maps to override customizations from the default chart/values file."
type = any
And here's a snippet of how I'm trying to call it from terragrunt:
nginx_external_overrides = [
{ name = "controller.metrics.enabled", value = "false" }
When trying to use this in a dynamic block, I'm getting:
Error: each.value cannot be used in this context
A reference to "each.value" has been used in a context in which it
unavailable, such as when the configuration no longer contains the value in
its "for_each" expression. Remove this reference to each.value in your
configuration to work around this error.
Ideally, I would be able to pass any number of maps in nginx_external_overrides to override the settings in the yaml being passed, but am struggling to do so. Thanks for the help.
If you are using for_each in dynamic blocks, you can't use each. Instead, in your case, it should be set:
dynamic "set" {
for_each = { for o in var.nginx_external_overrides : => o }
content {
name =
value = set.value.value

terraform for_each implementation with values from .tfvars

I have a common.tfvars file with definition of a variables as:
bqtable_date_partition = [
{ dataset = "d1", table_name = "d1-t1", part_col = "partition_date",
part_type = "DAY", schema_file = "data_tables/d1-t1.json" },
{ dataset = "d1", table_name = "d1-t2", part_col = "tran_dt",
part_type = "DAY", schema_file = "data_tables/d1-t2.json" },
{ dataset = "d2", table_name = "d2-t1", part_col = "tran_dt",
part_type = "DAY", schema_file = "data_tables/d2-t1.json" },
and I am referencing this var in file with following resource defintion:
resource "google_bigquery_table" "bq_tables_dt_pt" {
count = length(var.bqtable_date_partition)
project = var.project_id
dataset_id = "${var.bqtable_date_partition[count.index].dataset}_${var.env}"
table_id = var.bqtable_date_partition[count.index].table_name
time_partitioning {
type = var.bqtable_date_partition[count.index].part_type
field = var.bqtable_date_partition[count.index].part_col
schema = file("${path.module}/tables/${var.bqtable_date_partition[count.index].schema_file}")
depends_on = [google_bigquery_dataset.crte_bq_dataset]
labels = {
env = var.env
ind = "corp"
I want to change the resource definition to use "for_each" instead of "count" to loop through the list:
My motive to change from count to for_each is to eliminate the dependency on the order in which I have written the elements of the variable "bqtable_date_partition "
I did this:
resource "google_bigquery_table" "bq_tables_dt_pt" {
for_each = var.bqtable_date_partition
project = var.project_id
dataset_id = "${each.value.dataset}_${var.env}"
table_id = each.value.table_name
time_partitioning {
type = each.value.part_type
field = each.value.part_col
schema = file("${path.module}/tables/${each.value.schema_file}")
depends_on = [google_bigquery_dataset.crte_bq_dataset]
labels = {
env = var.env
ind = "corp"
I got the following error as expected:
The given "for_each" argument value is unsuitable: the "for_each"
argument must be a map or set of strings, and you have provided a
value of type list of map of string.
Can anyone help me with what changes I need do to make in the resource definition to use "for_each"?
Terraform version - 0.14.x
Error says it only accepts the map or set of strings. So we have to convert our input variable to either map or set of strings.
resource "google_bigquery_table" "bq_tables_dt_pt" {
for_each = { for index, data_partition in var.bqtable_date_partition : index => data_partition }
project = var.project_id
dataset_id = "${each.value.dataset}_${var.env}"
table_id = each.value.table_name
time_partitioning {
type = each.value.part_type
field = each.value.part_col
schema = file("${path.module}/tables/${each.value.schema_file}")
depends_on = [google_bigquery_dataset.crte_bq_dataset]
labels = {
env = var.env
ind = "corp"
So basically, here we are converting for_each input into the following format. and only referencing value in from newly created map.
"0" = {
"dataset" = "d1"
"part_col" = "partition_date"
"part_type" = "DAY"
"schema_file" = "data_tables/d1-t1.json"
"table_name" = "d1-t1"
"1" = {
"dataset" = "d1"
"part_col" = "tran_dt"
"part_type" = "DAY"
"schema_file" = "data_tables/d1-t2.json"
"table_name" = "d1-t2"
"2" = {
"dataset" = "d2"
"part_col" = "tran_dt"
"part_type" = "DAY"
"schema_file" = "data_tables/d2-t1.json"
"table_name" = "d2-t1"
There are two main requirements for using for_each:
You must have a collection that has one element for each resource instance you want to declare.
There must be some way to derive a unique identifier from each element of that collection which Terraform will then use as the unique instance key.
It seems like your collection meets both of these criteria, assuming that table_name is a unique string across all of those values, and so all that remains is to project the collection into a map so that Terraform can see from the keys that you intend to use the table_name for the unique tracking keys:
resource "google_bigquery_table" "bq_tables_dt_pt" {
for_each = {
for o in var.bqtable_date_partition : o.table_name => o
# ...
Here I've used a for expression to project from a sequence to a mapping, where each element is identified by the value in its table_name attribute.
If you are in a situation where you're able to change the interface to this module then you could simplify things by changing the variable's declaration to expect a map instead of a list, which would then avoid the need for the projection and make it explicit to the module caller that the table IDs must be unique:
variable "bqtable_date_partition" {
type = map(object({
dataset = string
part_col = string
part_type = string
schema_file = string
Then you could just assign var.bqtable_date_partition directly to for_each as you tried before, because it'll already be of a suitable type. But would also require changing your calling module to pass a map value instead of a list value, and so this might not be practical if your module has many callers that would all need to be updated to remain compatible.

How perform nested for loop on list(object) variable in Terraform

I'm writing a terraform module accepts a list of entities and each entity associates with a list of aliases. I'm having an issue to access alias object and pass in each.key. Any help greatly appreciated.
resource "vault_identity_entity_alias" "alias" {
provider = vault.this
for_each = [
for entity in var.entities : {
for alias in entity.aliases : => alias
name = each.key
mount_accessor = lookup(vault_auth_backend.b[each.key], "accessor", null)
canonical_id = vault_identity_entity.entity[each.value.entity].id
Variable definition
variable "entities" {
description = "A collection of entities where each entity is associated with a list aliases "
type = list(object({
name = string
policies = list(string)
metadata = map(string)
aliases = list(object({
name = string
entity = string
auth_path = string
type = string
Terraform output
Error: Invalid for_each argument
on .terraform/modules/vault_dba_entity/ line 9, in resource "vault_auth_backend" "b":
9: for_each = [
10: for entity in var.entities : {
11: for alias in entity.aliases :
12: => alias
13: }
14: ]
The given "for_each" argument value is unsuitable: the "for_each" argument
must be a map, or set of strings, and you have provided a value of type tuple.
As error message says, for_each accepts map or set, thus you have to convert array of objects into a map. Common way of doing it is creating flat array of objects first and then convert it into a map. It can be done by using flatten function. For better readability I put it into a local variable, but it also can be done inline:
locals {
entities = flatten([
for entity in var.entities: [
for alias in entity.aliases: {
entity_name =
alias_name =
alias_entity = alias.entity
Variable local.entities would contain list of objects, for example:
"alias_name" = "alias1"
"entity_name" = "object1"
"alias_entity" = "entity alias1"
"alias_name" = "alias2"
"entity_name" = "object1"
"alias_entity" = "entity alias2"
Now it's easy to convert it into a map. We just need to pick up unique key to use as an index. Based on your question, alias name should be unique, so it could be done like this:
resource "vault_identity_entity_alias" "alias" {
provider = vault.this
for_each = {
for item in local.entities: item.alias_name => item
name = each.key
mount_accessor = lookup(vault_auth_backend.b[each.key], "accessor", null)
# Note, we reference alias_entity, because it was defined with this name
# in local variable.
canonical_id = vault_identity_entity.entity[each.value.alias_entity].id

map list of maps to a list of selected field values in terraform

If resources use a count parameter to specify multi resources in terraform there is a simple syntax for providing a list/array of dedicated fields for the resource instances.
for example*.id
Since quite a number of versions it is possible to declare variables with a complex structure, for example lists of maps.
variable "data" {
type = "list"
default = [
id = "1"
id = "10"
I'm looking for a possibility to do the same for varaibles I can do for multi resources: a projection of an array to an array of field values of the array elements.
does not work as for resources. Is there any possibility to do this?
Massive fancy features have been added into terraform since Terraform 0.12 was released, e.g., list comprehension, with which the solution is super easy.
locals {
ids = [for d in]
#ids = [for d in d["id"]] #same
# Then you could get the elements this way,
# local.ids[0]
Solution before terraform 0.12
template_file can help you out.
data "template_file" "data_id" {
count = "${length(}"
template = "${lookup([count.index], "id")}"
Then you get a list "${data.template_file.data_id.*.rendered}", whose elements are value of "id".
You can get its element by index like this
or through function element()
"${element(data.template_file.data_id.*.rendered, 0)}"
NOTE: This answer and its associated question are very old at this point, and this answer is now totally stale. I'm leaving it here for historical reference, but nothing here is true of modern Terraform.
At the time of writing, Terraform doesn't have a generalized projection feature in its interpolation language. The "splat syntax" is implemented as a special case for resources.
While deep structure is possible, it is not yet convenient to use, so it's recommended to still keep things relatively flat. In future it is likely that new language features will be added to make this sort of thing more usable.
If have found a working solution using template rendering to by-pass the list of map's issue:
resource "aws_instance" "k8s_master" {
count = "${var.master_count}"
ami = "${var.ami}"
instance_type = "${var.instance_type}"
vpc_security_group_ids = ["${}"]
associate_public_ip_address = false
subnet_id = "${element(var.subnet_ids,count.index % length(var.subnet_ids))}"
user_data = "${file("${path.root}/files/")}"
iam_instance_profile = "${}"
tags = "${merge(
"Name", "k8s-master-${count.index}",
"Environment", "${var.environment}"
data "template_file" "k8s_master_names" {
count = "${var.master_count}"
template = "${lookup(aws_instance.k8s_master.*.tags[count.index], "Name")}"
output "k8s_master_name" {
value = [
This will result in the following output:
k8s_master_name = [
A potentially simpler answer is to use the zipmap function.
Starting with an environment variable map compatible with ECS template definitions:
locals {
shared_env = [
name = "DB_CHECK_NAME"
value = "postgres"
value = "5"
value = "35432"
value = "localhost"
name = "DB_HOST"
value = "my-db-host"
name = "DB_NAME"
value = "my-db-name"
name = "DB_PASSWORD"
value = "XXXXXXXX"
name = "DB_PORT"
value = "5432"
value = "30"
value = "300"
name = "DB_USER"
value = "root"
value = "6380"
name = "REDIS_HOST"
value = "my-redis"
name = "REDIS_PORT"
value = "6379"
value = "db-scripts"
name = "USE_LOCAL"
value = "false"
In the same folder launch terraform console for testing built-in functions. You may need to terraform init if you haven't already.
terraform console
Inside the console type:
zipmap([for m in local.shared_env:], [for m in local.shared_env: m.value])
Observe the output of each list-item-map being a name-value-pair of a single map:
"DB_CHECK_NAME" = "postgres"
"DB_DOCKER_HOST" = "localhost"
"DB_HOST" = "my-db-host"
"DB_NAME" = "my-db-name"
"DB_PORT" = "5432"
"DB_USER" = "root"
"REDIS_HOST" = "my-redis"
"REDIS_PORT" = "6379"
"SCHEMA_SCRIPTS_PATH" = "db-scripts"
"USE_LOCAL" = "false"
