When training a model over multiple GPUs on the same machine using Pytorch, how is the batch size divided? - pytorch

Even looking through Pytorch forums I'm still not certain about this one. Let's say I'm using Pytorch DDP to train a model over 4 GPUs on the same machine.
Suppose I choose a batch size of 8. Is the model theoretically backpropagating over 2 examples every step and the final results we see are for a model trained with a batch size of 2, or does the model gather the gradients together at every step to get the result from each GPU and backpropagate with a batch size of 8?

The actual batch size is the size of input you feed to each worker, in your case is 8. In other words, the BP runs every 8 examples.
A concrete code example: https://gist.github.com/sgraaf/5b0caa3a320f28c27c12b5efeb35aa4c#file-ddp_example-py-L63. This is the batch size.


In the original T5 paper, what does 'step' mean?

I have been reading the original T5 paper 'Exploring the limits of transfer learning with a unified text-to-text transformer.' On page 11, it says "We pre-train each model for 2^19=524,288 steps on C4 before fine-tuning."
I am not sure what the 'steps' mean. Is it the same as epochs? Or the number of iterations per epoch?
I guess 'steps'='iterations' in a single epoch.
A step is a single training iteration. In a step, the model is given a single batch of training instances. So if the batch size is 128, then the model is exposed to 128 instances in a single step.
Epochs aren't the same as steps. An epoch is a single pass over an entire training set. So if the training data contains for example 128,000 instances & the batch size is 128, an epoch amounts to 1,000 steps (128 × 1,000 = 128,000).
The relationship between epochs & steps is related to the size of the training data (see this question for a more detailed comparison). If the data size is changed, then the effective number of steps in an epoch changes as well, (keeping the batch size fixed). So a dataset of 1,280,000 instances would take more steps in an epoch, & vice-versa for a dataset of 12,800 instances.
For this reason, steps are typically reported, especially when it comes to pre-training models on large corpora, because there can be a direct comparison in terms of steps & batch size, which isn't possible (or relatively harder to do) with epochs. So, if someone else wants to compare using an entirely different dataset with a different size, the model would "see" the same number of training instances, if the number of steps & batch size are the same, ensuring that a model isn't unfairly favoured due to training on more instances.

PyTorch training with Batches of different lenghts?

Is it possible to train model with batches that have unequal lenght during an epoch? I am new to pytorch.
If you take a look at the dataloader documentation, you'll see a drop_last parameter, which explains that sometimes when the dataset size is not divisible by the batch size, then you get a last batch of different size. So basically the answer is yes, it is possible, it happens often and it does not affect (too much) the training of a neural network.
However you must a bit careful, some pytorch layers deal poorly with very small batch sizes. For example if you happen to have Batchnorm layers, and if you get a batch of size 1, you'll get errors due to the fact that batchnorm at some point divides by len(batch)-1. More generally, training a network that has batchnorms generally require batches of significant sizes, say at least 16 (literature generally aims for 32 or 64). So if you happen to have variable size batches, take the time to check whether your layers have requirement in terms of batch size for optimal training and convergence. But except in particular cases, your network will train anyway, no worries.
As for how to make your batches with custom sizes, I suggest you look at and take inspiration from the pytorch implementation of dataloader and sampler. You may want to implement something similar to BatchSampler and use the batch_sampler argument of Dataloader

Understanding Keras batch_size vs. batch dimension for LSTM

I'm having some difficulty grasping the input_shape for an LSTM layer in Keras. Assume that is the first layer in the network; it takes input of the form (batch, time, features). Also assume there is only one feature, so the input is of the form (batch, time, 1).
Is the number "batch" the batch size or the number of batches? I assume it's the batch size from the examples I've seen online. Then I'm struggling to see how the number of batches isn't always one.
As a concrete example, I have a time series of 1000 steps, which I split to 10 series of 100 steps. One epoch is when the network goes through all 1000 steps, the 10 series. I should be free to split the 10 series into different batches with different batch sizes, but then the input would be of the form (number of batches, batch size, time steps, 1). What am I misunderstanding?

which is the most suitable method for training among model.fit(), model.train_on_batch(), model.fit_generator()

I have a training dataset of 600 images with (512*512*1) resolution categorized into 2 classes(300 images per class). Using some augmentation techniques I have increased the dataset to 10000 images. After having following preprocessing steps
saved these images to H5 file.
I am using an AlexNet architecture for classification purpose with 3 convolutional, 3 overlap max-pool layers.
I want to know which of the following cases will be best for training using Google Colab where memory size is limited to 12GB.
1. model.fit(x,y,validation_split=0.2)
# For this I have to load all data into memory and then applying an AlexNet to data will simply cause Resource-Exhaust error.
2. model.train_on_batch(x,y)
# For this I have written a script which randomly loads the data batch-wise from H5 file into the memory and train on that data. I am confused by the property of train_on_batch() i.e single gradient update. Do this will affect my training procedure or will it be same as model.fit().
3. model.fit_generator()
# giving the original directory of images to its data_generator function which automatically augments the data and then train using model.fit_generator(). I haven't tried this yet.
Please guide me which will be the best among these methods in my case. I have read many answers Here, Here, and Here about model.fit(), model.train_on_batch() and model.fit_generator() but I am still confused.
model.fit - suitable if you load the data as numpy-array and train without augmentation.
model.fit_generator - if your dataset is too big to fit in the memory or\and you want to apply augmentation on the fly.
model.train_on_batch - less common, usually used when training more than one model at a time (GAN for example)

How to set batch size and epoch value in Keras for infinite data set?

I want to feed images to a Keras CNN. The program randomly feeds either an image downloaded from the net, or an image of random pixel values. How do I set batch size and epoch number? My training data is essentially infinite.
Even if your dataset is infinite, you have to set both batch size and number of epochs.
For batch size, you can use the largest batch size that fits into your GPU/CPU RAM, by just trial and error. For example you can try power of two batch sizes like 32, 64, 128, 256.
For number of epochs, this is a parameter that always has to be tuned for the specific problem. You can use a validation set to then train until the validation loss is maximized, or the training loss is almost constant (it converges). Make sure to use a different part of the dataset to decide when to stop training. Then you can report final metrics on another different set (the test set).
It is because implementations are vectorised for faster & efficient execution. When the data is large, all the data cannot fit the memory & hence we use batch size to still get some vectorisation.
In my opinion, one should use a batch size as large as your machine can handle.
