How Can I fetch my customers data from my CRM and show on Twilio frontline app - node.js

I hope you are well. Thank you for Mail. I was quite busy on these days. That's why, I can't able to reach out you.
Actually, I have some questions regarding some issues. I'm working to build a system in which I can fetch the customers data from my CRM to Twilio frontline app. The half of the job is done. Like I make the okta developer account and ready for user access to Twilio frontline app. But the main issue is that I'm not able that How I can fetch the Customers Data from my CRM(Pipedrive) to Twilio frontline app to contact with customers over the app. Let me show you How I actually work on it. I'm currently working according to your blog for Twilio frontline app:
And I'm now on this URL:
I'm also using Ngork and Yarn as Local Host but I'm stuck over here.
Now, I need to complete this and go forward to get customers data. I'm confused here. So, I need your help.
Now, the Questions is that How I can make a Node.js script or any other script that can fetch my CRM(Pipedrive) data and show on Twilio frontline app. I need the exact script. OR Is there is any other option that I can easily fetch the customer data.
Thank you!
I want customers data(PHone number, Whatsapp number, Email) from my CRM(Pipedrive) into frontlineapp to contact with the customers. And Also I need a feature that When I text to someone from frontline app it will also save the chat to the person's timeline.


Stripe API testing automation

I am integrating stripe API into my site to take one off payments. My site will be API first on server side with a separate web and mobile front end. I am working on the API server side code. I will eventually use stripe payment pages to take credit card payments. I am trying to automate the testing of my APIs and am bamboozled by the documentation (which are thorough) as I just can't see what steps to take next.
My server side initiates a call with stripe using stripe sdk to create a stripe Session object - this contains a URL to redirect to, a success URL when payment is successful and a cancel URL (these I set to handle the callback).
I can automate in Postman all my API calls from Browse Products, Select Product, Place Order but the next step I am stuck. After Placing Order I get back the stripe session but how can I mimick making the payment with stripe for the session and then call my Success URL ?
When the site is complete I will redirect the UI to stripe to take payments but I am testing and completing the back end flow first.
I have copied and pasted the session URL which is returned by the stripe Session object to bring up the page in a browser and used Dev tools on Chrome to inspect Network to see which APIs are being called by stripe in an attempt to reproduce and I can see a POST to and I can see the posted values but I can't reproduce this in Postman. Also, the documentation ( says
"Instead of creating a PaymentMethod directly, we recommend using the
PaymentsIntents API to accept a payment immediately"
Which stripe APIs do I need to call to automate the flow from a stripe Session object to make a payment and then check that it was successful? Payment Methods? Make a Charge? Payments Intents? ...and how. Happy to be pointed to the documentation if you can help me understand the flow.
Checkout is a Stripe product that looks like a "box" and you can't know (and shouldn't need to know) what happens inside. It is created for the purpose that merchants won't have to think about what's being done under the hood.
Speaking from an automation perspective, you can try to reproduce the whole process but there's no guarantee it won't change in the future, and it could leave you with more problems later.
For options to reproduce:
The closest way is simulating browser filling and submission, using automated browser tools (ie Selenium). But it's not as straightforward as PostMan. Generally you would want to simulate every browser action that a human could do.
Or you can try to accomplish the same with the logs and events you receive on Stripe's Dashboard, when you test a Checkout Session by yourself. From now there are 3 requests.
And your goal is to receive the same 5 events in Webhook:
TBH I recommend to reconsider the need of this test, to see if it worth your efforts.

Transactions API example dialogflow node-js not responding

I want to use an example of dialogflow node js transaction API example, but when intent transaction decision is not responding. when in my log console firebase function, there is no error, anyone can help me?
Based on troubleshoot for transactions API,
make sure you've made sure that Transactions API is active in actions console in deploy >> directory information >> additional information, and then you must fill the description (full and short) even with example (maybe you can fill with random text), and then fill the privacy policy and terms of services with or random website.

How to get instant changes in background from private api in mobile app?

I am planning to create a mobile application for android and ios users, i think i will take a try with xamarin since i will be alone on this project and i don't have a lots of time.
I want that the mobile app for both platform get datas from the api, then if there is new datas available we notify the user by a notification.
How the mobile will work in that kind of project? I mean should i make a background service then check every x seconds/minutes by http request? In that case which time interval? Should i use websockets instead for this case?
The app might be used by many people, so i would to know the scenario in this kind of project: Getting very fast changes, without overload the server due to too many connects or whatever else.
I'm confused about this and i need some lights around, any mobile application/server experiences related would be apprecied!
As suggered by an user, here additional infos:
The api is homemade, restful using JWT made in NodeJS.
Each users on their device should get messages from server asap, even when the app is in background/closed.
Maybe in the future a way to send messages between users themselves.
You have to implement push notification.
It is quite easy to implement this in xamarin. just send the push notification to the device and on the notification received call back send the API request to retrieve the updated data.
Here is the document for sending push notification from custom API.
I'm not a mobile developer, so take this with a grain of salt.
The answer to this really depends on what you're doing, which informs how often to check the API. If it's a messaging app, for example, you could have it check every couple minutes to see if there are undelivered messages, then check more frequently for the next X minutes (to facilitate a conversation in real time).
If it's a GPS navigation app to be used while driving, you'd need much more frequent requests.
As for the API, that also depends on what type of API and the number of requests you can make to it. Is it a commercial API that you get x number of calls per hour on? Is it an API that you built? Etc.
Basically, you need to give more information in order to get more specific answers.

Instagram Approval

I was tasked to develop a web application that has an instagram module in it. The module is supposed to do the following:
1. Display the logged in user timeline
2. Allow user to like and unlike a photo
3. Allow user to comment on a photo
My question is: will the app get approved upon submission or will it be rejected because it replicates original features?
There is no API to get user timeline any more, it was deprecated June 1, 2016.
You probably wont get approval since you can do the same on, why dont you just use that?
If your app is doing something significant that cannot be done with Instagram app, then there is a chance you will get approved

How to integrate Avangate with Geckoboard?

I am creating a dashboard in Geckoboard with data coming in from Avangate. I will be using IPN to display total number of buys on the dashboard.
From Geckoboard side, I understand that I would be creating a custom widget with relevant data format.
I am not clear on the Avangate side as I can hardly find any documentation. It seems like it should be a web service but couldn't find any thing relevant on Google or their site.
It would be great if some one can point to a example or can share their own experience in designing this integration.
I have found some online data on Avangate IPN but I am not able to figure out what is happening with this code.
You can find IPN documentation in your Avangate account ( We’re working on an updated version for our public portal:
