How to disable pagination for a single request (request all items under resource)? - python-3.x

I have an Eve instance running and pagination enabled. In some cases I want to request all items under a resource. This is done together with a projection to get a full list of ids.
This question is very similar to another question, but this question concerns external requests rather than internal calls.
I have tried setting max_results to 0 and -1 but both yield a single result. Is there a way to request all items without disabling pagination globally?
Edit My current solution to circumvent this is a custom flask endpoint which just access the database directly. The issue with this approach is that I would like to add various projects and make use of Eve's database optimizations. All of which I need to manually reimplement.


Is it bad practice to include id of object i want to delete in url query?

Im wondering if its bad idea for me to send DELETE Request on server endpoint
I am aware that DELETE Requests shouldn't include req.body.
Does it matter if i pass information via params or query? or is there perhaps better way to sending info as delete request in order to delete some info from db?
Feels like just matter of semantics.
Thanks for answers in advance.
In general, if you have a RESTful API, and you want to refer to a resource you use URL parameters as you want to identify that single resource.
So you would have something like
DELETE /lectures/:lectureId
As it's a single resource of lectures.
However, you may want to delete multiple resources and in that case, it is a common practice to use query parameters
DELETE lectures?id=LECTURE_1&id=LECTURE_2&id=LECTURE_3...
So the "best practice" that you might be missing here is that you should use nouns instead of verbs in endpoints as you are dealing with resources:
Keep URLs verb-free
Avoid actions — think about resources
Unless you design your API in a way that you trigger a deletion task/process by calling this endpoint then you can challenge this recommendations.
See more:
RESTful - What should a DELETE response body contain

How can i make my REST API Faster with nodejs and express?

Summarize the problem
My problem: I have built a slow API. I want to make my api faster.
I am using Node.js and express to make REST APIs.
And I have one api that takes average response time of 3.5s.
Below is what it does.
It gets all userIds.
Based on the userIds, it requests parallel REST APIs to get other user Data such as projectIds and groupIds. (Since the databases are in different DB, it is inevitable to make different Rest APIs)
Based on the userData(userId, projectId, groupId etc..), it filters. ex) projectId = 1.
It requests 4 different REST APIs in parallel such as schedule and timezone and so on.
I believe I am making two many requests because if there is 10 accounts. I am making 54 requests in total to response.
I want to get whole DB table with each request and combine them with code.
Help me there is better way to do it.
Thx in advance.
You can try the following ways to decrease the response time.
Use logging to find which query takes most of the time and optimize it.
Using Redis. Use caching to handle frequent common requests. Caching will
remove the need to make any additional queries.
Make sure all the requests and queries inside are actually async and
try to make a common Database or Table to Get this data instead of various

can i use one backend request for couple endpoints?

i want to use one backend controller for the endpoints.
can i do that? i tried but with no success. (using angular)
What exactly did you try with angular? The backend controller? Angular is a frontend framework.
However, you could indeed have one single controller (e.g. ProductController) for your endpoints. I would suggest implementing a "getProducts" method that can be filterable. That way you can use single endpoint and provide optional filter options as needed.
I may not understand your question entirely, so please stat otherwise. But, Yes. You have one endpoint stated above, with different query params. Depending on the different query params (their value or even if they are present), your singular endpoint can do something different.
So your endpoint is
This endpoint (which there is only one), can have as many query params as you like. As per the response above, Angular does not handle this, this would be some backend functionality for your end point, to read the request, and based on what query params are 'found' then trigger a different response.

Querying ArangoDB without leaving page

I'm relatively new to webdevelopment and have been using ArangoDB for most of that limited experience. I have a basic understanding of Node.js and creating express based CRUD apps with ArangoDB as the database.
I'm getting to a point though where I'd like to have the ability to query the database from inside the client. Say I would like to have a datalist-type element where the user types words into a searchbar. I'd like the ability to query the database from there rather than having to query the database for all of its files prior to creating the datalist. I have not found a single mention though of using database queries from the client side. I can't imagine that this is not possible. Surely when I search wikipedia through the search bar and it provides me with options I didn't just receive the entire wikipedia documents list upon loading the page? Please steer me in the right direction, I don't know how to tackle this problem.
Have a look at how to build dynamic forms, this will allow you to perform AJAX style calls from the browser window to a back end REST API service. This will allow your back end web service to gather the data for the response (from ArangoDB if required), and respond with that data, most likely in a JSON format.
Your UI can then take that response and dynamically update components in your DOM so that the user can see the data injected into the page without a page reload action taking place. is a great place to start.
Alternatively you can have a look at free content like

how to use cache data in mvc architecture

As the title suggest. I'm trying to figure out where I should cache data in my node.js application.
I'm using a express.js and controllers to handle the routes in the application. The controller for a particular route will get data via the model layer using REST API and then it uses handlebars for the view rendering on the server.
For this particular route, I'm displaying a menu and the data I have got for this has been done in the model and a remote REST call.
When the user select different items in the menu, I do not want to make a new REST call to get the same data for the menu again, I just need to get the data for this menu once since it will never change.
I need to find out a way to cache it, but do not know where I should implement it?
Best Regards
You could just cache the response from the REST API or DB lookup using a memory-store like Redis or Memcached, both have good modules available on npm - (Redis, memcached).
You would need to attempt to fetch the data from the memory-store (in your controller), if no matching data was found, you would make the request to the API or database to get the data, and then store it in your chosen memory-store so future requests will hit the cache.
note: There are also some pure JavaScript caches available such as memory-cache or lru-cache if you don't want to add an additional application.
