I am a newbie to Jetpack Compose, and I want to rebuild my old project, which was built several years ago, completely in Jetpack Compose.
And I have a date range picker that uses the MaterialDatePicker.
However, when I tried to build the date picker in my new compose project, it was more difficult than I thought and I can't find many articles about it.
All I can find is this one:
Unfortunately, it is not using the Gregorian calendar and has a little bug, which will suddenly crash when you scroll to some date.
After 2 weeks fighting with the date picker, I still can't fix it.
Could anyone provide a library or an example project like the MaterialDatePicker?
The Material3 DateRangePicker is being worked on right now, so it will be the official answer in the future. I'd recommend waiting until it's included in at least an alpha release of the Material3 library (you can track releases here), but you can view the source if you want to get started with it sooner. Usage is pretty simple:
val state = rememberDateRangePickerState()
DateRangePicker(state = state)
When the user makes selections, the state.selectedStartDateMillis and state.selectedEndDateMillis values with be updated accordingly.
In my internal gitlab site there are a lot of repositories and I want to find repositories which don't' have commits for so long .
In order to do this , I searched as last updated but it's not accurately reflect , looks like it's a bug .
That could be similar to gitlab-org/gitlab-foss issue 56227:
For example, I have a project testing-dev-project in a group.
It displays that it was last updated 1 week ago.
Using the inspector, the time is Dec 28, 2018. However, if I query the project with the API, I get the "last_activity_at":"2018-10-26T12:46:34.372-07:00".
You can also check by going to the Project -> Activity or Project -> Settings -> Audit Events.
This has likely always been the behavior - if a database migration touches something in a project then the updated_at timestamp is automatically updated by Rails.
This is also mentioned in gitlab-org/gitlab issue 25862: "Show project creation dates when sorting group page on this attribute"
For some reason, updated_at was updated fairly recently. I suspect a migration such as the one that encrypted the runners token column may have touched every project.
As a result, the updated_at column may have been updated recently, and the projects appear to have been touched more recently than they should.
Last updated being out of order due to the issues described in gitlab-org/gitlab-foss issue 27181
That last issue is the most relevant, still opened, and finishes with:
The discrepancy between the actual sort order and the displayed updated time is due to the fact that it displays the project's last_updated_date value, while sort is based on last_updated_at.
It's not immediately obvious to me why these values are so different, it seems like they should be very close.
I've submitted a MR that sets the list to display values from last_updated_at, though I'm not sure if a better long term solution would be to change the triggers that set last_updated_date and use that for sorting instead.
This issue is moved to gitlab-org/gitlab issue 17017.
See also GitLab 14.10 MR 82488: "Project list: order by real last update"
I'm planning to write a Kivy app containing a (small) offline map. Kivy's Mapview widget seems to be a good choice to display maps but before I start diving into it further one question that I couldn't figure out: Is it possible to use Mapview offline, by using locally stored tiles?
I managed to do it, it turns out it is not that complicated to do but it took some research (at least for a beginner like me). Here is a rough outline:
1. MapView supports mbtiles as source as detailed in the documentation - mbtiles can be created in TileMill
2. I wanted a map in Openstreetmap style, so I downloaded openstreetmap-carto from github. The installation manual explains quite well what needs to be done in order to obtain a map in this style
4. There the biggest challenge was to set up and manipulate a PostGIS database. This link helped: http://www.bostongis.com/PrinterFriendly.aspx?content_name=loading_osm_postgis
There were some additional issues along the way but all could be solved by combing through the internet.
I downloaded Xamarin a few days ago and started going through the tutorials but i cannot even complete a relatively simple tutorial
Xamarin Tutorial
I get to step "Create the UI" where on the StoryBoards it starts referring to an field called "Identifier" - i can not find this. Some posts i found on Stackoverflow suggest that this is now called Storyboard ID? However storyboard ID is not available on all objects. StoryboardID is only available for Controllers, in this specific tutorial it is trying to set a Table View Cell identifier (!??????).
The tutorial becomes completely useless then even from a basic understanding point of view because these IDs are used later on in the C# code.
I am almost certain that this problem is because of Xcode version changes between 4 and 5 or something however its incredibly frustrating for someone new to Xamarin when going through the basic tutorials that they don't make any sense when it relates to Xcode ):
If anyone could shed some light on this it would be great.
You should set Identifier for Table View Cell. In the tutorial on the image you may notice that cell is selected. And also in the tutorial written that you should set Identifier to retrieve instances of UITableViewCell, not for StoryBoard.
Every day i need update several tables and add some new files to my website.
I think that edit Home article every day is an operational risk that i want to avoid.
I'm looking for a Admin Extension that could help me in this job. It would be nice if i could import an excel file (csv) to update my table.
I found some nice extensions (EasyTable Pro and Fabrik) but my Joomla version is 1.6 :/
Most extensions that are 1.6 ready will also work for 2.5 so you shouldn't have much of an issue updating.
In any case, what I would do since you are already doing the data entry every day is use a CCK to create the page. You should be able to create extra fields for each of your data points, then have the calculation done on site. This would free you from having to enter anything in to Excel first. Once you enter the data it would simply be a matter of formatting the output in to a table with the calculated numbers added in. It would be a little tricky, but I know for sure it could be done with K2 and extra fields, and I'm pretty sure it could be done with Zoo and Seblod.
You could also do it pretty easily with ChronoForms and ChonoConnect as well.
I didn't found a good extension, so i did a macro that generate HTML code.
Now i can run my macro, copy the HTML Code and paste it in a new article.
I posted a few threads the other day on the Watir General Google Group, one of which detailed my difficulty using set_no_wait on a validated text field (link below); and was asked by Jarmo Pertman whether it was in a frame. It is, and this concerns me a little; as sadly the site I'm testing is heavily frame-centric, with no immediate plans to modernise.
I recently migrated from an ageing Ruby1.8.6/Watir1.6.2 test environment to Ruby1.8.7-334/Watir2.0.1, and am now noticing more methods that are no longer working for me in frames. For instance, click_no_wait on a button that presents a new window works perfectly fine in my old environment, but not in my new one.
This is a question to the Watir developer group. Are no_wait methods known to be failing in frames in Watuir 2.0.1? If so, are they being addressed? If they're not, then I'll be forced to revert back to an archiac version of Ruby and Watir. For many reasons, I don't want to do this.
(Environment: Ruby 1.8.7-334. Watir 2.0.1. XP Pro. IE8)
from the comments:
Something occured to me last night; I had installed DevKit, which was required to get the FastDebugger working in Netbeans 7.0.1. After completely reinstalling Ruby1.8.7/Watir2.0.1 without DevKit, click_no_wait and set_no_wait now seems to be working for me. It means I'll have to use something else other than Netbeans to run my scripts, but at least my scripts work again. (github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/wiki/Development-Kit) I hope this info helps someone else. GJHmf – GJHmf Sep 1 at 10:19
(inserting this answer because:
the OP was requested to but had not done so within a months time.
it removes this from the list of 'un-answered' watir related