How does an Azure Active Directory app registration establish trust? - azure

The Microsoft docs state:
Registering your application establishes a trust relationship between your app and the Microsoft identity platform. The trust is unidirectional: your app trusts the Microsoft identity platform, and not the other way around.
What exactly is meant by "trust" here and how does the app registration establish said trust?
The way I understand it the registration basically makes the app known to the AD, but how does that make the AD, the app is redirecting to for interactive logins, more trust-worthy to the app? Couldn't a malicious AD just pretend to know any app that's using it for logins? Wouldn't it need some kind of shared secret to assure the app that the AD really is the AD? And isn't HTTPS establishing that trust already?
It makes more sense to me the other way around: the AD receives a login request along with a redirect URI set by the app. But if the redirect URI is not known to the AD then the request is not trust-worthy and will be rejected.
I'm probably misunderstanding something, so could someone please explain the idea behind this?

In authentication world trust is a complicated word. In my opinion, the easiest way to approach this thing is taking the Google Sign-In -button as an example. You can use it to log in with your Google account on almost every website out there. Does this mean Google trusts every website out there using it? No, of course not. Do those websites trust Google? Sure they do, they have no visibility if Google returns the correct information about the users to them.
The case is very similar here as in most cases you will be using the same protocol to implement it (OAuth2 OIDC).
You are correct, you need to configure secrets & returnUrls to make sure that the App Registration is not used for malicious purposes, however, this does not create trust between the identity provider and the application. It's just technical measures to protect the client.
However, you can of course trust the application if you want to. The most common way is to grant it access to scopes so the application can do actions on behalf of the user. Usually this is done by those consent screens you probably know ("grant access to your email and phone number"). In enterprise setting, they are often omitted and access is granted with admin constent.
TL;DR; There is no inherit trust just because there is an App Registration, however you can trust an app to access user data.


Is ForceAuthn=true good idea for Service Provider

Looking for guidance to understand the use case behind ForceAuthn=true for SAML-driven Single Sign-On.
We know that ForceAuthn=true will always challenge the user for credentials which creates friction thus negative experience for the user.
However, that's UX story. What about security?
If ForceAuthn=false, I authenticate once and the second time a seamless login will happen.
This might create an issue where unware user using public PC can leave the access open for the next person.
If you have are (or work) for a provider (e.g. SaaS) and have SAML-driven SSO with clients, what is your policy/experience around this topic?
It's not common for service providers to set ForceAuthn=true. As the service provider, it's not your decision on how to authenticate a user when you are entrusting that process to the identity provider. And, what happens when the IdP is using a non-interactive authentication mechanism like Kerberos? While they may see the redirects occurring, there's no user interaction with or without forcing authentication. Point being, if you're outsourcing authn, then outsource it, and then have the IdP indemnify you for anything around authentication.
What I do see service providers doing is using ForceAuthn=true to use as "singular transaction authorization" like for authorization of steps in workflows and digital signing.

OAuth2 - Can a trusted Client access User resources with Client Credentials flow

Looking at this explanation of the client credentials grant type from the OAuth website:
The Client Credentials grant type is used by clients to obtain an access token outside of the context of a user.
This is typically used by clients to access resources about themselves rather than to access a user's resources.
In case the client is a trusted app (internally developed), is it ok for it to access users' resources?
Technically, the app isn't the "resource owner" of these resources, but because it's a "super" app, developed internally, it should be able to access them, for the sake of implementing the organization's business requirements.
For example - think of your user in Google. The Google maps app creates resources owned by you (e.g places you "saved" on the map). Then, some Google daemon app with "super" permissions, can access those resources you created, in order to process them and show you relevant ads.
Does that make sense?
Yes, that’s a fairly typically scenario in my opinion.
There are a few additional best practices to consider for your trusted client like storing secrets in a key vault, rotating the secret on a schedule, limiting and logging administrator access, etc.

Can this OAuth2 Native app flow be considered secure?

I have an OpenID Connect provider built with IdentityServer4 and ASP.NET Identity, running on let's say:
I have a SPA application running on let's say, that already uses my OpenID Connect provider to authenticate users through and authorize them to access the SPA.
I have a mobile app (native on both platforms) that is using a custom authentication system at the moment.
I thought it would be nice to get rid of the custom auth system, and instead allow my users to log-in with the same account they use on the SPA, by using my OpenID provider.
So I started by looking on the OpenID connect website and also re-reading the RFC6749, after a few google searches I realized that was a common problem and I found RFC8252 (OAuth2 for Native clients), also Client Dynamic Registration (RFC7591) and PKCE (RFC7636).
I scratched my head about the fact that it was no longer possible to store any kind of "secret" on the client/third-party (the native apps) as it could become compromised.
I disscussed the topic with some co-workers and we came out with the following set-up:
Associate a domain let's say to my mobile app by using Apple Universal Links and Android App Links.
Use an AuthenticationCode flow for both clients and enforce them to use PKCE.
Use a redirect_uri on the app associated domain say:
Make the user always consent to log-in into the application after log-in, because neither iOS or Android would bring back the application by doing an automatic redirect, it has to be the user who manually clicks the universal/app link every time.
I used AppAuth library on both apps and everything is working just fine right now on test, but I'm wondering:
Do you think this is a secure way to prevent that anyone with the right skills could impersonate my apps or by any other means get unauthorized access to my APIs? What is the current best practice on achieving this?
Is there any way to avoid having the user to always "consent" (having them to actually tap the universal/app link).
I also noted that Facebook uses their application as a kind of authorization server itself, so when I tap "sing-in with facebook" on an application I get to a facebook page that asks me if I would like to" launch the application to perform log-in". I would like to know how can I achieve something like this, to allow my users login to the SPA on a phone by using my application if installed, as facebook does with theirs.
I thought it would be nice to get rid of the custom auth system, and instead allow my users to log-in with the same account they use on the SPA, by using my OpenID provider.
This is what OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect provides you. The ability to use single user identity among different services. So this is the correct approach .!
it was no longer possible to store any kind of "secret" on the client/third-party (the native apps) as it could become compromised
Correct. From OAuth 2.0 specification perspective, these are called public clients. They are not recommended to have client secrets associated to them. Instead, authorization code, application ID and Redirect URL is used to validate token request in identity provider. This makes authorization code a valuable secret.!
Associate a domain let's say to my mobile app by using Apple Universal Links and Android App Links.
Not a mobile expert. But yes, custom URL domains are the way to handle redirect for OAuth and OpenID Connect.
Also usage of PKCE is the correct approach. Hence redirect occur in the browser (user agent) there can be malicious parties which can obtain the authorization code. PKCE avoid this by introducing a secret that will not get exposed to user agent (browser). Secret is only used in token request (direct HTTP communication) thus is secure.
Using authorization code flow with PKCE is a standard best practice recommended by OAuth specifications. This is valid for OpenID Connect as well (hence it's built on OAuth 2.0)
One thing to note is that, if you believe PKCE secret can be exploited, then it literally means device is compromised. Think about extracting secret from OS memory. that means system is compromised (virus/ keylogger or what ever we call them). In such case end user and your application has more things to be worried about.
Also, I believe this is for a business application. If that's the case your clients will definitely have security best practice guide for their devices. For example installation of virus guards and restrictions of application installation. To prevent attacks mentioned above, we will have to rely on such security establishments. OAuth 2.0 alone is not secure .! Thats's why there are best practice guides(RFC68129) and policies.
Not clear on this. Consent page is presented from Identity Provider. So it will be a configuration of that system.
Well, Identity Provider can maintain a SSO session in the browser. Login page is present on that browser. So most of the time, if app uses the same browser, users should be able to use SPA without a login.
The threat here comes from someone actually installing a malicious app on their device that could indeed impersonate your app. PKCE prevents another app from intercepting legitimate sign in requests initiated from your app so the standard approach is about as safe as you can make it. Forcing the user to sign in/consent every time should help a bit to make them take note of what is going on.
From a UX PoV I think it makes a lot of sense to minimize the occasions when the browser-based sign in flow is used. I'd leverage the security features of the platform (e.g. secure enclave on iOS) and keep a refresh token in there once the user has signed in interactively and then they can sign in using their PIN, finger print or face etc.

Multi Instance Apps and Azure Authentication Best Practices

We have a multi-instance Saas Application:
Each of our clients is given their own instance and their own subdomain for the site.
Our application (Web app & API) is protected by Azure, currently with the ADAL javascript libraries
We also have a second API for system-level integration that needs to be protected, currently using a second 'native' azure app, but this is likely incorrect and we want to consolidate
Our application reads and writes to the Azure AD both through the AzureAD Graph API and Microsoft Graph API (including password reset calls)
We're looking at Azure AD application configuration options and want to make sure we're building the most sensible and secure Azure AD Application. Here are some of the documentation we've been looking at:
We want the application to be multi-tenant to ease configuration, and allow availability in the Gallery; but when looking into doing so we're left with some security questions.
A. Which application version to use
1) v1. Allows access to both Graph API. And as suggested by Microsoft we should use this when we're not concerned with Microsoft Accounts.
2) v2. When looking at the MS Graph API documentation it recommends using v2. Reportedly doesn't work for AzureAD Graph API? Allows the same app to be of multiple types (Web App/API and native), which we may or may not need to protect both our web api and our system api (which we're still trying to model).
B. How to manage the reply URL when our clients have different sub-domains?
I've noted the following options:
1) On the app registry, we add the reply urls for all of our customers. This seems okay because we only need to do it once, but feels odd. Is there a limit to the number of reply urls?
2) Have one reply url, but manage an external tool to route the responses to the correct instance, leveraging the state url parameter. Microsoft seems to be suggesting that in this link: I'm not sure if ADAL allows us to set the state for a return subdomain url though. Is this approach common?
3) Is it possible for each ServiceProvider instance in our client's directories to configure the reply url to their own subdomain? I feel like this would be the cleanest approach, but I don't see documentation for it. It would be nice if we could set the replyURL programmatically as well.
C. How to manage authorization to the Graph APIs (AzureAD and Microsoft Graph)
I've noted the following options:
1) Use the client credential flow, with a single application key (used for all clients). As clients subscribe they will admin consent with our app to give the application permission to their directory. Of course we'd do our best to keep that key secure. But if for some reason it was compromised this would put all of our clients at risk, not just the one instance that was compromised.
2) Same as 1, but use a certificate instead of a secret key. I understand this could be a little more secure, but I don't see how it wouldn't suffer from the same issue as 1.
3) Instead of using application permissions, use delegated permissions with an admin user. This would be good, in that it inherently prevents one instance of our app from talking to the wrong directory. However changes to the administrator may interrupt service; and I think it is best audit-wise that our application is responsible for the changes it makes. (Also, do delegated permissions allow for password resetting? I know for app permissions you need to run powershell script to upgrade the application's directory role)
4) Is there some way for the service principal to generate a unique key for it's directory on creation? can this be handed back to our app programmatically? Perhaps during admin consent?
Really good questions. I'll try to answer each to the best of my knowledge, but if someone has other ideas, feel free to comment/add your own answer.
A. Which application version to use
v2 should allow you to call Azure AD Graph API. The documentation you linked shows an example of specifying Azure AD Graph scopes:
The main decision point if you should use v2 is: Do you need to support Microsoft accounts which are not in an Azure AD? If yes, you need to use v2. Otherwise there is no problem using v1 (well, lack of dynamic permissions).
Since you are using Azure AD Graph to modify things, I'm going to guess pure Microsoft accounts will not work for you. I would recommend sticking with v1.
v2 also has some limits:
B. How to manage the reply URL when our clients have different sub-domains?
I could not find documentation on a limit for URLs. It could be that you can add however many you want. But I am not sure :)
If your subdomains look like this:, you can configure the reply URL as:
It will then allow any subdomain to be specified in the redirect_uri.
Though note that at the time of writing this, wildcard reply URLs are not supported in v2.
C. How to manage authorization to the Graph APIs (AzureAD and Microsoft Graph)
Using multiple keys makes no sense as they are all equal anyway :) Any of them could be used to call another tenant.
You can store the secret/certificate in an Azure Key Vault, and then use Azure AD Managed Service Identity to get it on app startup.
I would prefer using delegated permissions, but if the users of the app won't have the rights to do the things your app needs to do then that does not work.
I would just make sure it is not possible for a customer's instance to call to the APIs with another tenant id. And also make sure token caches are separated in such a way that it is not possible to get another tenant's access token (an in-memory cache on the instance would be good).

Azure ACS beginner approach

I know there are a lot of questions about Azure ACS, but I want to ask a more general one:
Should I use ACS, or it's not worth the effort? :)
What I want is a secure WebService in Azure that will be called from 2 places: a mobile app and another service inside Azure. Users will never access this webService directly.
I don't care much about the identity of the user that is behind my mobile app.
I think it depends on the specific scenario, you say that users will not access the service dicrecly, but presumably it is the user who will use the mobile and/or web app.
Thinking of authentication and authorisation - if all you need to do is identify that you're coming from your own appilcation, than there are defintiely leaner approaches. simple certificate based solution would do, or even username/password based solution.
If, however, you wish to use the identity of user beheind the app to drive the authentication and authorisation for the service, than you do need to worry about the user's identity, and of course you can manage it yourself, but this is where the ACS comes very handy in that it lets you leverage one or more existing identity providers, which makes it easier for you and the user.
It's probably not worth it.
ACS is great for managing user identity on your behalf: in other words, for allowing your users to make identity claims.
If your Web service needs to know about your users' identities then it's definitely worth the (small) effort to implement, as it takes care of much of the work for you.
If your Web service doesn't know about user identity, and there's no external endpoint defined for the service -- then, yes, I'd not bother with ACS either.
