I can return the dialogue information normally through openai's text-davinci-003, but the context correlation function cannot be realized at present.
I searched and found that there is a "conversation_id" parameter, but after adding the parameter, the API returns "Unrecognized request argument supplied: conversation_id".
I would like to inquire if this feature requires paying users to use it. I am currently a free test user.
I searched and found that there is a "conversation_id" parameter, but after adding the parameter, the API returns "Unrecognized request argument supplied: conversation_id".
As is mentioned in the comments, conversation_id is not a valid input parameter, you can see the valid parameters in the API reference: https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions/create
I have a GraphQL API that is governed by a permission system that I implemented.
I tried going with Graphql-shield but I didn't want to error out on the whole request if the client requests a forbidden field, so instead I implemented my own permission system.
Now, I need to solve a problem:
The way I implemented the permission system means that every field is checked if it is permitted and if it is not then null is returned. However, I would like to return some indication that the field was not actually null but that the field was "not permitted".
I thought about doing it in two ways:
During each check I append to some query-wide variable all fields that are not accessible and return it along with the query (probably in some middleware of some sort)
I extend all of the objects in my schema with a "permitted" field in which I return the value of the permission
Any suggestions ?
IMHO not worth the effort ... api faq or docs (available in graphiql/playground) can contain notice about 'unexpected null', ACL resons etc. It's enough for majority of use cases.
If you still want to include some [debug] info in response extensions are for that, f.e. https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-tracing , - in this case:
just attach a list of 'field access denied' [structured] notices;
collect them (in/from resolver) in some context object, attach in middleware (?), before overal response return;
Make it configurable (debug mode), too.
I am trying to fetch the RateCards for my Azure subscription, however I am unable to figure out the correct (combination of) parameters for my call to the API. I keep getting the following message:
"Message": "Invalid query specified. Please specify valid values for OfferDurableId, Currency, Locale and RegionInfo."
I'm currently supplying the following parameters:
$filter=OfferDurableId eq ’MS-AZR-0003P’ and Currency eq ’EUR’ and Locale eq ’en-US’ and RegionInfo eq ’NL’
I'm not certain whether there are any requirements between the OfferDurableId, Currency and Locale parameters, but I think these are fine. The parameter I'm mostly confused about is RegionInfo. As per the documentation (whatever little there is), this is the 2-letter ISO code which represents the country in which I purchased my subscription. I am quite certain that this was bought in the Netherlands, hence my attempt with NL, but it doesn't work. I've tried IE, GB, US and some neighbouring countries, but none of them work.
I should mention, the example in the docs (MS-AZR-0003P, USD, en-US and US) doesn't work for my subscription either, I'm guessing due to a mismatch in RegionInfo.
What would be a correct combination of values? Where would I find these values? (e.g. where would I find RegionInfo?)
As per #GauravMantri's response, the issue was indeed in the quotes. The "weird backquotes" (which were copied straight from Microsoft's documentation itself) are the issue. When replaced with normal single quotes (and after url-encoding the $filter value), the query works and returns my rate cards.
My code is like below:
server.get('/currency/:code', currency.find);
server.get('/currency/rates', currency.rate_getall);
Whenever I try to reach [/rates] endpoint, the server will assume I am passing parameter to '/currency/:code' route. How can I fix this? Thank you.
If you can I would consider changing up your rest interface just a little.
server.get('/currency/:code', currency.find);
server.get('/currency/rates/:type', currency.rate);
That way it solves your initial problem and allows for flexibility in the future if you just want to return a rate for a particular currency.
Inside your currency.rate function you could check for either an id or the literal 'all' and return what is appropriate.
Since, I can get parameters from both the methods using a code similar to the one below:
req.params.<PARAM NAME> in single/many separate app.METHOD function(s)
(think this may result in code repetition)
app.params(<ARRAY>,<CALLBACK>) function, independent of the app.METHOD functions, and called if the URL contains any parameter (:id, :name .etc)
What are the use-cases to apply one over the other?
My best guess would be is using app.params for parameter validation or some sort of preprocessing. For example the express docs provide and example where you attach req.user information to the request using app.params and after that you can work directly with the user information instead of processing the parameter again. Using req.params would be more specific in terms of processing the specific query. For example I'd use req.params for a REST endpoint which should perform an operation by id (update/delete) as in general there shouldn't be any additional preprocessing involder.
Query string parameter
I have seen plenty of examples of reading query string parameters.
For example take the following URI:
The accountId can be read in the policy xml using the following syntax:
Route parameter
But what if my URI is structured as:
How do I read accountId in the policy xml when the parameter is not in the query string?
Using the example above I can read the accountId by the following syntax:
For example I could assign it to a variable for usage elsewhere in the APIM policy file:
<set-variable name="account-id" value="#(context.Request.MatchedParameters["accountId"])" />
There isn't a massive amount of documentation about it, but thankfully there is at least some mention of the Context variable on learn.microsoft.com.
There is a GitHub repository with quite some snippets including your use case: https://github.com/Azure/api-management-policy-snippets/blob/master/policy-expressions/README.md
For your concrete example, you can use this:
context.Request.MatchedParameters.GetValueOrDefault("accountId", "optional-default-value")
The benefit compared to the other solution is that the policy evaluation does not fail if the URI parameter does not exist. It will use the default value as a fallback instead. Otherwise a 500 Internal Server Error would be returned.