Meaning of spark.sql.sources.provider in TBLPROPERTIES - apache-spark

When I create a table in spark over parquet using saveAsTable and then view the TBLPROPERTIES of the table, I see one of the properties is spark.sql.sources.provider=parquet. I couldn't find this property anywhere in either the documentation or the spark source itself, and I don't understand how it affects the table. Is there documentation anywhere on TBLPROPERTIES that spark appends to the table in general?

Spark SQL stores some Spark-specific table properties using spark.sql prefix (e.g. table statistics for Cost-Based Optimization).
Among them is spark.sql.sources.provider that is the way to tell Spark SQL what data source (table) format to use to load a (catalog) table.


Creating an Athena view on a HUDI table returns soft deleted records when the view is read using SPARK

I have multiple HUDI tables with differing column names and I built a view on top of it to standardize the column names. When this view is read from Athena, it returns a correct response. But, when the same view is read using SPARK using"<>") , it returns the soft deleted records too.
I understand a HUDI table needs to be read with"hudi") but since this is a view on it , I have to use"").
Is there a way to enforce HUDI to retain only the latest commit in the table and suppress all the old commits?
Athena view is a virtual table store in the metastore Glue, the best way to have the same result of Athena in Spark is by using AWS Glue as metastore/catalog for your spark session. To do that you can use this lib which allows you to use AWS Glue as an Hive metastore, then you can read the view using"<database name>.<view name>") or via an SQL query:
val df = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM <database name>.<view name>")
Try to avoid"") because it doesn't use the hudi metadata at all, if you have issues with Glue, you can use Hive to create the same view you created in Athena for spark.

Write a spark DataFrame to a table

I am trying to understand the spark DataFrame API method called saveAsTable.
I have following question
If I simply write a dataframe using saveAsTable API
df7.write.saveAsTable("t1"), (assuming t1 did not exist earlier), will the newly created table be a hive table which can be read outside spark using Hive QL ?
Does spark also create some non-hive table (which are created using saveAsTable API but can not be read outside spark using HiveQL)?
How can check if a table is Hive Table or Non-Hive table ?
(I am new to big data processing, so pardon me if question is not phrased properly)
Yes. Newly created table will be hive table and can be queried from Hive CLI(Only if the DataFrame is created from single input HDFS path i.e. from non-partitioned single input HDFS path).
Below is the documentation comment in DataFrameWriter.scala class. Documentation link
When the DataFrame is created from a non-partitioned
HadoopFsRelation with a single input path, and the data source
provider can be mapped to an existing Hive builtin SerDe (i.e. ORC and
Parquet), the table is persisted in a Hive compatible format, which
means other systems like Hive will be able to read this table.
Otherwise, the table is persisted in a Spark SQL specific format.
Yes, you can do. You table can be partitioned by a column, but can not use bucketing (its a problem between spark and hive).

Apache Spark not using partition information from Hive partitioned external table

I have a simple Hive-External table which is created on top of S3 (Files are in CSV format). When I run the hive query it shows all records and partitions.
However when I use the same table in Spark ( where the Spark SQL has a where condition on the partition column) it does not show that a partition filter is applied. However for a Hive Managed table , Spark is able to use the information of partitions and apply the partition filter.
Is there any flag or setting that can help me make use of partitions of Hive external tables in Spark ? Thanks.
Update :
For some reason, only the spark plan is not showing the Partition Filters. However, when you look at the data loaded its only loading the data needed from the partitions.
Ex: Where rating=0 , loads only one file of 1 MB, when I don't have filter its reads all 3 partition for 3 MB
tl; dr set the following before the running sql for external table
spark.sql("set spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc=true")
The difference in behaviour is not because of extenal/managed table.
The behaviour depends on two factors
1. Where the table was created(Hive or Spark)
2. File format (I believe it is ORC in this case, from the screen capture)
Where the table was created(Hive or Spark)
If the table was create using Spark APIs, it is considered as Datasource table.
If the table was created usng HiveQL, it is considered as Hive native table.
The metadata of both these tables are store in Hive metastore, the only difference is in the provider field of TBLPROPERTIES of the tables(describe extended <tblName>). The value of the property is orcor empty in Spark table and hive for a Hive.
How spark uses this information
When provider is not hive(datasource table), Spark uses its native way of processing the data.
If provider is hive, Spark uses Hive code to process the data.
Spark gives config flag to instruct the engine to use Datasource way of processing the data for the floowing file formats = Orc and Parquet
val CONVERT_METASTORE_ORC = buildConf("spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc")
.doc("When set to true, the built-in ORC reader and writer are used to process " +
"ORC tables created by using the HiveQL syntax, instead of Hive serde.")
val CONVERT_METASTORE_PARQUET = buildConf("spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet")
.doc("When set to true, the built-in Parquet reader and writer are used to process " +
"parquet tables created by using the HiveQL syntax, instead of Hive serde.")
I also ran into this kind of problem having multiple joins of internal and external tables.
None of the tricks work including:
spark.sql("set spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet=false")
spark.sql("set spark.sql.hive.metastorePartitionPruning=true")
spark.sql("set spark.sql.hive.caseSensitiveInferenceMode=NEVER_INFER")
anyone who knows how to solve this problem.

PySpark is not able to read Hive ORC transaction table through sparkContext/hiveContext ? Can we update/delete hive table data using Pyspark?

I have tried to access the Hive ORC Transactional table (which has underlying delta files on HDFS) using PySpark but I'm not able to read the transactional table through sparkContext/hiveContext.
Officially Spark not yet supported for Hive-ACID table, get a
full dump/incremental dump of acid table to regular hive orc/parquet partitioned table then read the data using spark.
There is a Open Jira saprk-15348 to add support for reading Hive ACID table.
If you run major compaction on Acid table(from hive) then spark able to read base_XXX directories only but not delta directories Spark-16996 addressed in this jira.
There are some workaround to read acid tables using SPARK-LLAP as mentioned in this link.
I think starting from HDP-3.X HiveWareHouseConnector is able to support to read HiveAcid tables.

Hive Bucketed Tables enabled for Transactions

So we are trying to create a Hive table with ORC format bucketed and enabled for transactions using the below statement
create table orctablecheck ( id int,name string) clustered by (sno) into 3 buckets stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ( 'transactional'='true')
The table is getting created in Hive and also Reflects in Beeline both in the Metastore as well as Spark SQL(which we have configured to run on top of Hive JDBC)
We are now inserting data into this table via Hive. However we see after insertion the data doesnt reflect in Spark SQL. It only reflects correctly in Hive.
The table only shows the data in the table if we restart the Thrift Server.
Is the transaction attribute set on your table? I observed that hive transaction storage structure do not work with spark yet. You can confirm this by looking at the transactional attribute in the output of below command in hive console.
desc extended <tablename> ;
If you'd need to access transactional table, consider doing a major compaction and then try accessing the tables
ALTER TABLE <tablename> COMPACT 'major';
I created a transactional table in Hive, and stored data in it using Spark (records 1,2,3) and Hive (record 4).
After major compaction,
I can see all 4 records in Hive (using beeline)
only records 1,2,3 in spark (using spark-shell)
unable to update records 1,2,3 in Hive
update to record 4 in Hive is ok
