Corrupting CRC field of a CAN message in CAPL - security

I want to add some anomalies to corrupt the CRC field of the CAN message. Theoretically, the CRC is being calculated using the info from data field/ctrl field/ ARB field. How to add the CRC corruption in the CAN message?

It is possible doing this with CANoe, however you need a different piece of hardware.
Vector calls this CAN disturbance.
If you search for disturbance on their page, you will get to the product.
Also search for disturbance in CANoe's documentation. With the hardware aforementioned, you can basically inject errors in every part of the CAN frame.


Is it OK to read from an input attachment and write to the same attachment in the same drawcall?

I was wondering if an attachment is used as both input attachment and color/ds attachment, a drawcall read from the input attachment then write to the same color/ds attachment, is it allowed?
If the next drawcall is also doing the same thing, from the spec I see I need a vkCmdPipelineBarrier to make the next drawcall fetch correct results, but not sure about the same drawcall case.
Another question is can I use input attachment in the first subpass? like I attach the depth texture generated from a pre-z pass as depth attachment and input attachment?
It is possible to perform a read/modify/write (RMW) for the same image through color/input attachments in a shader, so long as:
You ensure that exactly one fragment shader will perform the RMW for a particular output value in the color attachment. This basically boils down to "no overdraw".
If you need to have overdraw (ie: multiple FS's doing repeated RMW operations to the same input/output), then between each set of overdrawing operations within a subpass, you must have a pipeline barrier. So you have to break up your rendering commands into small chunks. Note that for the barrier to work, you have to have a subpass self-dependency as part of this subpass's dependency graph, and the barrier needs to invoke it. Also, your self-dependency ought to be per-region, since you only care about the dependency between individual locations on the screen. You can't random-access input attachments, after all.
You can use any attachment as an input attachment on any subpass, so long as it makes sense to do so. If your loadOp said that you don't want to load data, then obviously it doesn't make sense to read from an image that has undefined values.
Using an attachment as both input attachment and color or depth/stencil attachment is known as a feedback loop, and essentially you get undefined results if you both read and write to the same parts of it without a pipeline barrier in between. Since you can't have a pipeline barrier within a draw call, you're out of luck.
You can use feedback loops in a well-defined way if all accesses are reads (e.g. depth test enabled but depth writes disabled) or for color attachments if the reads and writes access disjoint components (using color write mask).
For your second question, yes, an input attachment doesn't have to have been written earlier in the same renderpass. Though in your example, it might be best to do the z pre-pass in a first subpass and then use it as input attachment and read-only depth test in the second subpass. On tiled architectures, this might save bandwidth since the depth buffer would never have to be written to memory.

Variable length messages in Verilog (serial CRC-32)

I'm working with a serial protocol. Messages are of variable length that is known in advance. On both transmission and reception sides, I have the message saved to a shift register that is as long as the longest possible message.
I need to calculate CRC32 of these registers, the same as for Ethernet, as fast as possible. Since messages are variable length (anything from 12 to 64 bits), I chose serial implementation that should run already in parallel with reception/transmission of the message.
I ran into a problem with organization of data before calculation. As specified here , the data needs to be bit-reversed, padded with 32 zeros and complemented before calculation.
Even if I forget the part about running in parallel with receiving or transmitting data, how can I effectively get only my relevant message from max-length register so that I can pad it before calculation? I know that ideas like
newregister[31:0] <= oldregister[X:0] // X is my variable length
don't work. It's also impossible to have the generate for loop clause that I use to bit-reverse the old vector run variable number of times. I could use a counter to serially move data to desired length, but I cannot afford to lose this much time.
Alternatively, is there an operation that would directly give me the padded and complemented result? I do not even have an idea how to start developing such an idea.
Thanks in advance for any insight.
You've misunderstood how to do a serial CRC; the Python question you quote isn't relevant. You only need a 32-bit shift register, with appropriate feedback taps. You'll get a million hits if you do a Google search for "serial crc" or "ethernet crc". There's at least one Xilinx app note that does the whole thing for you. You'll need to be careful to preload the 32-bit register with the correct value, and whether or not you invert the 32-bit data on completion.
The first hit on 'xilinx serial crc' is xapp209, which has the basic answer in fig 1. On top of this, you need the taps, the preload value, whether or not to invert the answer, and the value to check against on reception. I'm sure they used to do all this in another app note, but I can't find it at the moment. The basic references are the Ethernet 802.3 spec (3.2.8 Frame check Sequence field, which was p27 in the original book), and the V42 spec ( 32-bit frame check sequence, page 311 in the old CCITT Blue Book). Both give the taps. V42 requires a preload to all 1's, invert of completion, and gives the test value on reception. Warren has a (new) chapter in Hacker's Delight, which shows the taps graphically; see his website.
You only need the online generators to check your solution. Be careful, though: they will generally have different preload values, and may or may not invert the result, and may or may not be bit-reversed.
Since X is a viarable, you will need to bit assignments with a for-loop. The for-loop needs to be inside an always block and the for-loop must static unroll (ie the starting index, ending index, and step value must be constants).
for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) begin
if (i<X)
newregister[i] <= oldregister[i];
newregister[i] <= 1'b0; // pad zeros

Can somebody shed a light what this strange DHT response means?

Sometimes I receive this strange responses from other nodes. Transaction id match to my request transaction id as well as the remote IP so I tend to believe that node responded with this but it looks like sort of a mix of response and request
Worst of all is that it is malformed. Look at 7:nodes.v it means that I add nodes.v to the dictionary. It is supposed to be 5:nodes. So, I'm lost. What is it?
The internet and remote nodes is unreliable or buggy. You have to code defensively. Do not assume that everything you receive will be valid.
Remote peers might
send invalid bencoding, discard those, don't even try to recover.
send truncated messages. usually not recoverable unless it happens to be the very last e of the root dictionary.
omit mandatory keys. you can either ignore those messages or return an error message
contain corrupted data
include unknown keys beyond the mandatory ones. this is not an error, just treat them as if they weren't there for the sake of forward-compatibility
actually be attackers trying to fuzz your implementation or use you as DoS amplifier
I also suspect that some really shoddy implementations are based on whatever string types their programming language supports and incorrectly handle encoding instead of using arrays of uint8 as bencoding demands. There's nothing that can be done about those. Ignore or occasionally send an error message.
Specified dictionary keys are usually ASCII-mappable, but this is not a requirement. E.g. there are some tracker response types that actually use random binary data as dictionary keys.
Here are a few examples of junk I'm seeing[1] that even fails bdecoding:
[1] preserved char count. replaced all non-printable, ASCII-incompatible bytes with the unicode replacement character.

Xively string data

I would like to know if it is possible to send a block of data like 128 bytes of data to a Xively server MOTOROLA SREC for example I need this to do firmware upgrades / download images to my Arduino connected device? As far as I can see one can only get - datapoints / values ?
A value of a datapoint can be a string. Firmware updates can be implement using Xively API V2 by just storing string encoded binaries as datapoints, provided that the size is small.
You probably can make some use of timestamps for rolling back versions that did work or something similar. Also you probably want to use the datapoints endpoint so you can just grab the entire response body and no need to parse anything.
I suppose, you will need implement this in the bootloader which needs to be very small and maybe you can actually skip paring the HTTP headers and only attempt to very whether the body looks right (i.e. has some magic byte that you put in there, you can also try some to checksum it. This would a little bit opportunistic, but might be okay for an experiment. You should probably add Xively device provisioning to this also, but wouldn't try implementing everything right away.
It is however quite challenging to implement reliable firmware updates and there are sever papers out there which you should read. Some suggest to make device's behaviour most primitive you can, avoid any logic and make it rely on what server tells it to do.
To actually store the firmware string you can use cURL helper.
Add first version into a new datastream
Update with a new version

Proper way to match bytes in a stream? - verilog

I'm fairly new to hardware design and I'm not sure how to approach this problem. I'm working with a 64 bit wide stream that also has End Of Packet and Start of Packet signals. I need to find a particular byte sequence at an offset from SOP. The goal is to pass the stream to another module, and every time SOP is asserted, a match signal will tell the next module whether or not the byte sequence will be found in the incoming packet.
I think I need to shift the signal into a large shift register (16x64 to fit the search space) and do the comparison on those slices. But then it seems I would also need shift registers for SOP and EOP to keep those signals in sync with the data (match would be asserted along with SOP). Am I on the right track, or is there a better approach?
In that case I think you're onto the right idea. If the downstream module must know if the match exists before receiving the SOP, then I would just make a 16 or 17 stage pipeline of all the data and the two control signals.
If that's too many registers for some kind of area constraint, you might consider using a small ram to hold the packets while you're waiting to do the check.
