Authorization:REDACTED when executing an Azure Function - azure

I am observing Authorization:REDACTED in the log stream attached to my Azure Function.
Note, that I can execute the same function successfully when I run the Function App in the debugger within my Visual Studio session, using local host.
User-Agent:azsdk-net-Storage.Blobs/12.13.0,(.NET 6.0.11; Microsoft Windows 10.0.14393)
x-ms-date:Wed, 01 Feb 2023 19:42:49 GMT
client assembly: Azure.Storage.Blobs
The Azure Function was deployed using Pulumi.
I verified that the Azure Function's URL referenced in my client app is valid and matches the URL in the Azure portal for the Azure Function I want to invoke
I executed the Azure Function from local host without issue.

Please check the below findings if that helps to fix your issue:
When I run the Pulumi Serverless Function (CSharp) in Visual Studio locally, I got the below output:
Not Sure the cause of the issue because I tried Pulumi Stack for the 1st time.
And I have identified the similar issue registered in MS Q&A Forum #1163056 and the user #MayankBargali-MSFT given the accepted solution to check the local storage emulator is running on the specified ports each with each Storage object such as Blob, Queue, Table.


Azure function error: app does not support remote build as it was created before August 1st, 2019

I am trying to deploy my azure function with VS code using func azure functionapp publish nhtsa --build remote and I am getting below error.
Remote build is a new feature added to function apps.
Your function app does not support remote build as it was created before August 1st, 2019.
Please use '--build local' or '--build-native-deps'.
For more information, please visit
I thought it's because of the storage account access -tier and access level, so I change my storage account tier to cool and container access to public, and I deploy the function again, and I'm still getting the error.
Any idea how I can resolve this issue.
As the error specified, it is not supported for function app created before August 1, 2019 (see documentation):
If you're having issues with remote build, it might be because your app was created before the feature was made available (August 1, 2019). Try creating a new function app, or running az functionapp update -g <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> -n <APP_NAME> to update your function app. This command might take two tries to succeed.
I had the same issue the solution was to fix the "defaultAction"
It should be "Allow"

Deploying a precompiled f# function to Azure Functions v2

I have created a f# project that contains two functions. I can run theses locally and when I do func start (or start debug with F5 it in VS Code). One of the two functions copy data from one azure storage container to another and the other function copies some data from a DB and puts it in an azure storage container. All this works nicely when I run it locally. Now I would like to deploy these to Azure Functions. I have created a resource group, created the Function app and ensured that the Function App settings indicate that it is a Azure function version 2. When I try to deploy the functions via:
func azure functionapp publish <FUNCTION APP NAME>
The code is uploaded to Azure. And the output is:
Getting site publishing info...
Creating archive for current directory...
Uploading archive...
Upload completed successfully.
Syncing triggers...
In Azure portal under deployment options I see that a deployment has been triggered and looking at the details for the latest one I get:
Mon 09/17 Updating submodules.
Mon 09/17 Preparing deployment for commit id '75833a2816'.
Mon 09/17 Generating deployment script. View Log
Mon 09/17 Running deployment command... View Log
Mon 09/17 Running post deployment command(s)...
Mon 09/17 Syncing 2 function triggers with payload size 317 bytes successful.
Mon 09/17 Deployment successful.
This seems to indicate that two functions have been found and successfully deployed. However, the functions are not listed under the Functions under the Function App. And I have not been able to make successfull calls to them.
Do I have to provide some additional configuration in order to run a F# application as an Azure Function v2?
Here is what I see in the logs for Function App BokioMLDataExtractorFunctionsTest:
CopyImagesToBokioAIStorage: Invalid script file name configuration. The 'scriptFile' property is set to a file that does not exist.
CopyOcrToBokioAIStorage: Invalid script file name configuration. The 'scriptFile' property is set to a file that does not exist.
That is why the two functions are not showing up. Hopefully that helps figure out the issue?

Azure functions developing locally - cannot register EventHub triggered function

I want to develop locally my Azure Function App and later publish it to Azure Portal.
I am using Azure Functions Core Tools command line and all my functions are in Node.js
Currently, I managed to download my functions locally and fetch their settings with command:
func azure functionapp fetch-app-settings
So after that my local.settings.json has correct settings values. When I make any changes I am also able to publish them succesfully to Azure Portal.
The problem is now that I have two functions in my app, one is Http Triggered and the second is EventHub triggered.
When I try run locally host with:
func host start
I get the following output from console:
[10.12.2017 13:03:47] Found the following functions:
[10.12.2017 13:03:47] Host.Functions.HttpTriggerJS1
[10.12.2017 13:03:47]
[10.12.2017 13:03:47] Job host started
[10.12.2017 13:03:47] The following 1 functions are in error:
[10.12.2017 13:03:47] EventHubTriggerJS1: The binding type 'eventHubTrigger' is not registered. Please ensure the type is correct and the binding extension is installed.
And when I try to run locally this EventHubTriggerJS1 function with curl:
curl --request POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data '{"input":"sample queue data"}' http://localhost:7071/admin/functions/EventHubTriggerJS1
then nothing happens, so I guess this is a problem of this trigger registration.
The HttpTriggerJS1 runs perfectly, I can access it under
So, do you have any idea where might be a problem in configuring? BTW Is it possible to have locally function and connect to the remote EventHub in portal?
I was unable to reproduce your error on the Version 1.0 runtime.
I reproduced the error in 2.0. I believe 2.0 does not support event hubs yet,
try installing the extensions
func extensions install --package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventHubs -v 3.0.0-beta4
Can you provided more detail about your functions, and the steps you took to create them?
HttpTriggerJS1 was created locally and then published to the portal following the steps outlined in ?
EventHubTriggerJS1 was created in the portal? in the same Function App?
Do not mix local development with portal development in the same function app. When you create and publish functions from a local project, you should not try to maintain or modify project code in the portal.

Azure WebJobs SDK ServiceBus connection string 'AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection' is missing or empty

I created an Azure Function App in Visual Studio 2015. The App has a trigger for service bus queues. The app works perfectly when I run it locally. It is able to read the data from the Service Bus queue (configured via a variable named AzureSBConnection) and log it in my database.
But it gives me the following error when deployed in Azure:
Function ($ServiceBusQueueTriggerFunction) Error: Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Error indexing method 'Functions.ServiceBusQueueTriggerFunction'. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ServiceBus: Microsoft Azure WebJobs SDK ServiceBus connection string 'AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection' is missing or empty.
Note that my connection is called AzureSBConnection and not AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection. Also, the connection works locally. And finally, the deployed file looks exactly like the local file.
The Visual Studio structure looks like the following:
The function.json file has a bunch of settings as shown below:
Then in the Appsettings.json file, I have the following:
For deploying, I FTPed the files to the D:\home\site\wwwroot location for my Function App in Azure. The final structure in Kudu looks like:
And if I go inside my function folder:
Here is the deployed function.json:
And here is the deployed appsettings:
The deployed json files are exactly the same as the local files. But the deployed version is erroring out because of the missing AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection. What am I doing wrong?
Only environment variables are supported for app settings and connection strings.
You need to make sure that the environment variable AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection is set on your Function's app settings in the portal:
and then once there, you need to add the AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection variable with the proper connection string:
and then you can access this via code by:
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(name, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
This will obtain the value from either the appsettings.json or the environment variable depending on where the function is being executed from, (local debugging or deployed on Azure)
It is able to read the data from the Service Bus queue (configured via a variable named AzureSBConnection) But it gives me the following error when deployed in Azure:
After you deployed your application to Azure Function, your application will read the connection string from environment setting. Currently, connection settings in appsettings.json will not update environment setting automatically. We could click [Configure app settings] button as #flyte mentioned to check whether the connection string is configured successfully. If not, you could add it manually in app setting box.
Note that my connection is called AzureSBConnection and not AzureWebJobsAzureSBConnection
Please go to [Integrate] page to check whether the [Service Bus connection] is configured successfully. If not, you could reset it by clicking the [new] link.

Azure Cloud Service (Classic) Roles do not start when I have Swashbuckle and ANY implementation of IOperationFilter

We have an web api project deployed to an Azure Cloud Service (classic) that has been running fine using Swashbuckle for almost a year. We configure it like so...
.EnableSwagger(c =>
c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "PartnerAPI");
}).EnableSwaggerUi(c => { });
Recently we needed to tweak the swagger generated output by plugging in an IOperationFilter. However our Azure Cloud Service (Classic) instance will not start if we create a class that implements the IOperationFilter. We don't even try to configure Swagger to use it. Just the fact that there is a class that implements that interface in our solution causes the deploy to fail stating...
2016-12-29T16:10:26.1066042Z ##[error]BadRequest : Your role instances have recycled a number of times during an update or upgrade operation. This indicates that the new version of your service or the configuration settings you provided when configuring the service prevent the role instances from running. Verify your code does not throw unhandled exceptions and that your configuration settings are correct and then start another update or upgrade operation.
Some Notes:
Everything runs fine on my machine, directly and in the azure emulator
Everything runs fine on teammates machine same as above
The following message appears to be related in the event logs on the azure machine when I rdp into it.
File Server Resource Manager was unable to access the following file or volume: 'E:'. This file or volume might be locked by another application right now, or you might need to give Local System access to it.
Same problem in Swashbuckle versions 5 and 5.5
No new nuget packages or references to the project
Only a "using Swashbuckle.Swagger;' that was added to the SwaggerConfig.cs
The Azure Portal reports the following for the "Instance Status Message"...
[12/29T16:43Z]Failed to load role entrypoint. System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information. at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes() at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEnvironment.GetRoleEntryPoint(Assembly entryPointAssembly) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEnvironment.GetRoleEntryPoint(Assembly entryPointAssembly) at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEnvironment.CreateRoleEntryPoint(RoleType roleTypeEnum) at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEnvironment.InitializeRoleInternal(RoleType roleTypeEnum)' Last exit time: [2016/12/29, 16:43:59.525]. Last exit code: 0.
