How to differentiate multiple people talking to a dialogflow agent? - dialogflow-es

How do I recognize the different people that talk to my Dialogflow agent.
For example, I want a certain response when person 1 is talking, but a different response when person 2 is talking.
Any chance I can manipulate this in the inline fulfillment?


How to ask "Was this helpful?" in DialogFlow at the end of conversation after rendering the response from Intent

So I have a flow prepared.
User: I would like to book an appointment
Bot: Sure. Does 3pm works for you?
User: Yes
Bot: Great. Appointment has been set. (Response from Fulfillment)
Bot: Anything else you need help with? Yes | No (How to achieve this)
I have tried triggering followupEvent but that won't display any response till the chain of intent is complete.
When the followupEventInput parameter is set for a WebhookResponse,
Dialogflow ignores the fulfillmentText, fulfillmentMessages, and
payload fields. When Dialogflow receives a webhook response that
includes an event, it immediately triggers the corresponding intent in
which it was defined.
I have End Intents ready for response for Yes and No. But need help in triggering it.
An intent shouldn't be used as a step in your flow or be tied to a single response, its intended to represent a category of phrases your user might say to complete a certain goal in your conversation. Since the was this helpful isn't triggered by any user phrase, but more as a trigger for the user to continue the conversation shows that it shouldn't be a separate intent.
Having the was this helpful phrase be available to multiple intents is a good choice so it can be used throughout your conversation, but I would recommend saving this phrase in a file, an API or a CMS and retrieving the response via code.
I'm not a PHP developer, but I expect it to be along the lines of: responseService.getResponse("requestFeedbackPrompt");
This allows you to retrieve the was this helpful phrase throughout your code, without making the mistake of making a seperate intent for it, as this will create problems later on with keeping state.
If you would decide to go with a single intent for this, you will quickly see that it will become difficult to maintain track of context, states and which step of the conversation you are in as multiple intents will go through this generic intent.
What would you do if you need a different variant of the was this helpful response, with the single intent, you will end up creating an intent for each variation and you will have to align the conversation flow and state accordingly every time.
If you use the service, you just call responseService.getResponse("OtherFeedbackPrompt);`
Hi have something similar in one of my bots. I have taken a different approach to those mentioned.
My bot asks if there's anything it can help with at the end of a an acknowledgement fulfilment.
The customer then has the option to respond with Yes or No.
Within the page that asks the question I have created routes.
One route for Yes and another for No.
The Yes route directs customers back to the point where they can start making selections. The No route provides a fulfilment to the customer and ends the session. I have used Yes and No intents for these.

How to handle Dialogflow list response

I am developing an app for Google Assistant using Dialogflow (using Dialogflow online interface, without any external server).
I have a list of products. Each product has an intent which is trained with its product name.
For example if I say "Product 1" the assistant will show me some information about "Product 1".
I also made an intent which lists all the products you can browse. As a response it shows a Google Assistant "List" which displays the names of all the items.
But when I click one of the items, it will type its name("Product 1") but the item name is not recognized and I got the fallback intent.
I though lists could work like suggestion chips but it looks like answers are interpreted differently.
By looking for examples I could only find examples using Dialogflow API from code (, and it seems that list answers are handled with a special type of intent.
Is there a way to handle list response directly from Dialogflow online interface ?
It does not handle the List or Carousel interfaces the same way it handles the suggestion chips. As you note - they trigger a special Event, which you're expected to create an Intent for.
There are a number of reasons for this, but one good one is that these tend to be fairly dynamic (they're meant to represent things like search results), so having to manage these with a Session Entity might be more difficult.
You can use the Dialogflow Inline Editor to handle them. This is essentially the same as using a fulfillment server - however Dialogflow handles most of the server management for you.

Dialogflow - handling inputs with multiple intents

I'm designing a helpdesk chatbot in dialogflow and currently training it with existing data from my ticketing system. What is the best practice for handling inputs that contain multiple intents? Here is an example with the intents in bold:
"Hi, my name is John Doe and I'm a first year student. I want to know where to register for classes and also reset my enterprise password. Please help."
So is the solution to ask people to keep things simple up front? I think currently dialogflow will point the user to one of the intents above, but i'm not sure how it decides which intent to match with.
You will probably have one intent for each feature that your bot offers, i.e. RegisterClass, ResetPassword etc. In that case there is no good* way to handle the case where someone asks for two things at once, your users will have to limit themselves to one request at a time. You can however use a fallback intent to explain this at runtime. This intent would be triggered if a users utterances matches none of the other intents and could give the user a quick explanation like
"Sorry, I didn't get that. Please tell me what you would like to do,
e.g. 'register a class' or 'change my password'"
This would keep a natural conversation going and alleviate the need to "train" users specifically for your agent.
*You could of course add combined intents like RegisterClassAndChangePassword, but that would become very clumsy and most likely not work reliably. You could also try to parse the request in your backend, but then you would essentially circumvent Dialogflow's core feature.

How to end bot conversation and let real person handle responses in Dialog Flow?

I am developing a bot for business using Dialogflow. I want to keep an option "Talk to real person". When my customer wants to talk to real person, bot should stop and someone from my support staff will take care of that user.
How is it possible?
How can I pause/stop my bot and let real person handle conversation?
While searching for answer, I send an email to Dialogflow support and got this reply next day.
At this moment, you'll need to handle the task of passing conversations from bot to humans in your custom implementation. You can take a look at the following sample:
Hope this may help someone else having similar issue.
By native google, Dialogflow doesn't support bot to human handoff or provide any Web interface to achieve this, but in dialogflow normally the action “input.unknown” used to hand off the conversation to a Human. The “input.unknown” action is built into Dialogflow and used with the default fallback intent. When none of the intents is matched, the default fallback intent is triggered and action associated with it is added in the response also you need to write a logic what bot should do after that.
But to make things easier you can integrate dialogflow with any third-party tool like Kommunicate. As they provide pre-built chat widget user interface and bot to human handoff can be enabled on a click of a button, Please click here for more detailed information
PS: I work for Kommunicate
The issue is related more to the external software that implements Dialogflow than Dialogflow itself.
You can use the PHP code of Support Board as a starting point, or you can use the Support Board software for that directly. It has the feature that asks the user if he/she wants to contact a human agent when the bot does not understand the question. If the user accepts the bot is automatically disabled and an email is sent to the agents.
More details at
PS: I work for Support Board

Actions on Google - SendTyping response

I am trying to improve the user experience of my application. One UX improvement would be to reply to the user after they initialize the intent. What i would like to do is simulate the "Typing" reply, so the experience would be for a voice enabled device
User: Who's the league leader in wins?
Assistant: Give me a second to do some investigation
Assistant: Ok, John Doe is currently leading with 10 wins.
Is there a way to send multiple responses for one request.
I am using API.AI and a webhook for fulfillment. I know that i can send multiple items in one response, but i would need to send multiple responses.
At this point, no this isn't possible.
However, at Google I/O they've indicated that they understand this is something people are looking for. There are already some solutions that have been announced that are coming (such as notifications), and there may be others coming as well.
