Vite can't find the environment variables - vite

I have a workspace with NX that I am trying to migrate from workspace => vite.
I have some environment.ts file inside apps/core/src/environments In project.json
I have the following replacement
"fileReplacements": [
"replace": "apps/core/src/environments/environment.ts",
"with": "apps/core/src/environments/"
The issue is, when I run my build or serve command, I am always getting
GET http://localhost:3001/#fs/apps/core/src/environments/ net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
But the path is correct, so I am unsure what I am configuring wrong


vercel not running build and instal commands and not creating Serverless functions

I am trying to move my application's API to Vercel. It is written in Typescript and uses Express.
The index.ts is located in <root>/src. The npm run build compiles it into <root>/dist directory. The file contains the following:
const app = express();
app.use((req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
//blah, blah, there is a lot going on here
app.use('/', common);
//... other app.use(s)
const port = process.env.PORT || 5000;
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Server running on ${port}, http://localhost:${port}`));
module.exports = app;
I've got the following in the vercel.json file which is located in the root directory where the package.json also is:
"version": 2,
"installCommand": "npm install",
"buildCommand": "npm run build",
"outputDirectory": "dist",
"builds": [
"src": "dist/index.js",
"use": "#vercel/node"
"routes": [
"src": "/(.*)",
"dest": "dist/index.js"
When locally I run npm run build, then vercel dev --listen 5000 I get Ready! Available at http://localhost:5000 and can go to http://localhost:5000/ping and get a response.
Now I commit the files to git, the deployment runs, but judging by the logs the npm install and npm run build commands are not running. No functions are created my /ping endpoint returns "Page not found".
Here is the deployment log:
This is what Build & Development Settings look like (the Root Directory is left blank):
I followed several recommendations I found online and according to them everything should work. I probably miss some setting somewhere. What is it?
If more information is needed, please let me know, I'll update my question.
Thank you.
--- UPDATE ---
I have set the Root Directory to src and checked the "Include source files outside of the Root Directory in the Build Step" checkbox. Now the npm install and npm run build are executing. As you can see some static files are deployed, but there are still no serverless functions and my /ping route returns 404 and "home" page, i.e. / route returns the content of the index.js file. In addition the local is not working either anymore, also returning 404 now.
Without that checkbox I was getting
Warning: The vercel.json file should exist inside the provided root directory
and still no install or build running.
Also worth noting that I had to change my tsconfig.json to have "outDir": "src/dist" instead of "outDir": "dist", otherwise I was getting
Error: No Output Directory named "dist" found after the Build completed. You can configure the Output Directory in your Project Settings.
Removed the Root directory and back to square one, no npm commands running but local is working with / route returning Cannot GET / and /ping returning correct response.
For everyone out there who's looking for an answer, maybe this will help you.
In my case, what I needed is to create a folder, called api in my src folder, i.e. the folder that is specified as Root Directory in Build & Development Settings in Vercel. Within this directory, each serverless function needs a file named the same as the path of the route. For example, the file named "my-route.js" will be accessible via
All this file needs is an import of index.js file and module.exports. For example:
import app from '../index';
module.exports = app;
The index.js should also live the Root and contain your express setup.
If you want to have dynamic path parameters, the files' names in the api directory should be wrapped in square brakets, like [my-param.js]. You can also have sub-directories in the api foler.
Here are a few links that helped me figure this out:
No changes were needed in my existing Express setup and routes files.
Hope this will help someone. Took me quite a while to figure it all out :)

change the path of asset files in jest

So I want to run an e2e test using jest. I'm using nx monorepo architecture, and I have all my assets in a library folder and also nestjs microservices for my backend. I have all my proto files for my microservices in the library, and when I want to load them in my microservices, I do it like this :
protoPath: join(__dirname, 'assets-shared/job.proto'),
and in my workspace.json in my build i change the assets-shared like this:
"targets": {
"build": {
"options": {
"assets": [
"input": "libs/backend/shared/src/lib/assets",
"glob": "**/*",
"output": "assets-shared"
all is good, but when I run the test and when it wants to import and give value to it, it doesn't change it, and I have this error which is trying in its folder and not the library folder
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/dev/Project/apps/backend/api/src/modules/product/assets-shared/job.proto'
I tried the moduleNameMapper to give the libs folder to it manually but no avail.
moduleNameMapper: {
// '^assets-shared(.*)': '/libs/backend/shared/src/lib/assets/$1',
non of these two worked
Have you considered publishing the libraries to a private npm repository or something like artifactory e.g. #my-company/assets
The approach you are trying may work locally, but for a ci/cd pipeline it would be much better to have a versioned artifact in npm or artifactory

Trying to share code from Hyperapp with

I'm trying to share my code from my front (hyperapp) to my admin (hyperapp to) to make "preview" button.
The setup of these projects was made by an other dev, so i had to learn hyperapp workflow on the job, i'm not expert.
From what i know he was inspired by Facebook React conf.
All my usefull code is in src/ folder, and there is many dependencies so i have to export all (api, constants, utils, etc..).
Here is my bit configuration (that work, it export code correctly):
"bit": {
"env": {
"compiler": "bit.envs/compilers/react#1.0.2"
"packageManager": "yarn",
"packageManagerArgs": [
"packageManagerProcessOptions": {
"shell": true
"resolveModules": {
"modulesDirectories": [
"dist": {
"entry": "src",
"target": "dist"
So, the code is "correctly" exported to, but, when i import it from my admin with
"#bit/adrienbelair.betterise-web.modules": "^0.3.0",
i get the following error after running yarn:
yarn install
ls: Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: node .bit.postinstall.js
Error: ENOTDIR: not a directory, mkdir 'node_modules/utils/HOA'
Yes, if i look into node_module, utils is a file, and not a directory
All these are auto-generated, i dont understand what am i doing wrong?
Second thing, probably from this above error, when i try to import a component (even if there is an error, vendor are downloaded and at their place), i get:
import { Advice } from '#bit/adrienbelair.betterise-web.modules/dist/modules';
Module not found: Can't resolve 'api' in '/Users/prinzivalle/Web/betterise/admin-front/node_modules/#bit/adrienbelair.betterise-web.api'
From this line (if i look into node_module, where the error is thrown):
import { User, Cardline } from 'api';
I know, its a very specific case, mine, but i dont find any forum or explicit tutorial. Only some little component export with not a lot of dependencies.
I made my code with a little knowledge of Hyperapp/React and without thinking about sharing it one day..
Thank for reading.

UnauthorizedAccessException for static files when using IIS

I am developing a web application using ASP.Net core MVC. Initially to get started I manually copied the bootstrap and jQuery directly under wwwroot/lib folder. This worked fine.
To make the code maintainable, I thought it would be better to use client side library manager like libman.
This is what I have got in libman.json
"version": "1.0",
"defaultProvider": "unpkg",
"libraries": [
"library": "bootstrap#4.1.3",
"destination": "wwwroot/lib/bootstrap/"
"provider": "cdnjs",
"library": "jquery#3.3.1",
"destination": "wwwroot/lib/jquery/"
When I restore the client side library, I can see the files correctly restored under lib folder
Now when I compile and test the app locally using IIS, I am getting 500 error in developer tools while fetching bootstrap.css, jquery.js and bootstrap.js
When I tried to load bootstrap.css directly, I get 500 and message that access to the file is denied
UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\code\wwwroot\lib\bootstrap\dist\css\bootstrap.css' is denied.
Any thoughts what would be causing this error?

Errors with relative paths in using Chutzpah and Require.js

I'm using Chutzpah, with Jasmine, to unit test a number of AMD modules using Require.js.
My unit test project is separate to both the modules under test and the require.js config file.
I'm using chutzpah.json to connect these together, as such:
"Framework": "jasmine",
"TestHarnessReferenceMode": "AMD",
"TestHarnessLocationMode": "SettingsFileAdjacent",
"EnableTestFileBatching": true,
"AMDBasePath": "matches baseUrl path in require.js config file",
"References" : [
{"Path" : "path to require.js" },
{ "Path": "path to require.js config file" }
"Tests" : [
{"Path": "Specs"}
The tests run okay as expected.
The issue is that somewhere in the magic of resolving dependencies, I'm getting errors that a number of the css files cannot be located. These are relative paths and I'm guessing that because I'm initiating the test from a separate project it cannot correctly identify the base path.
As I say this isn't an issue running tests locally, but would cause an issue when integrating with a CI build.
Has anybody experienced this before and know of a workaround?
