CliBuilder not getting entire list of arguments for an option - groovy

I need to parse command like:
groovy App.groovy --sourceFiles a.xlsx b.xlsx --destinationFolder ../legacy-data-migration
What I have tried
I write a CommandLineUtils, defined to be:
package com.signaturemd.sposZohoMergeScript.utils
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options
import groovy.cli.commons.CliBuilder
import groovy.cli.commons.OptionAccessor
public final class CommandLineUtils {
private static CliBuilder cli;
public static CliBuilder GetCliBuilder() {
if (this.cli == null)
this.cli = new CliBuilder();
return this.cli;
public static OptionAccessor HandleAppCliInput(String[] args) {
return this.HandleCommandLineInput(args,
{ CliBuilder builder ->
builder.usage = "groovy App.groovy [OPTIONS]"
builder.header = "Merge multiple Excel files into a single file."
builder.footer = "Source files must be in XLSX format and destination folder must exist."
// Define options
builder << Option.builder()
.desc("Print this help message.")
builder << Option.builder()
.desc("The source XLSX files to merge.")
builder << Option.builder()
.desc("The destination folder for the merged file.")
{ OptionAccessor options ->
// return (options.sourceFiles != null) && (!((List<String>)options.sourceFiles).isEmpty()) &&
return (options.sourceFiles) &&
public static OptionAccessor HandleCommandLineInput(String[] args, Closure onGetSetup, Closure<Boolean> onValidateOptions) {
OptionAccessor options = this.GetCliBuilder().parse(args);
if (!onValidateOptions(options)) {
return options;
public static void printUsage() {
println cli.usage();
I write a JUnit test against the CommandLineUtils.HandleAppCliInput(), defined to be :
void testHandleAppCliInput() {
final String destinationFolder = "../legacy-data-migration";
final List<String> excelFiles = ["a.xlsx", "b.xlsx"];
final String[] commandTokens = "groovy App.groovy --sourceFiles ${excelFiles.join(' ')} --destinationFolder ${destinationFolder}"
.split(' ');
final String[] args = commandTokens.takeRight(commandTokens.length - 2);
final OptionAccessor options = CommandLineUtils.HandleAppCliInput(args);
assertIterableEquals(excelFiles, options.sourceFiles);
assertEquals(destinationFolder, options.destinationFolder);
and it fails!
At run time, options.sourceFiles.equals("a.xlsx"), instead of the ['a.xlsx', 'b.xlsx'] that we're expecting...
What am I doing wrong here?
DISCLAIMER: I am using implementation 'org.apache.groovy:groovy-cli-commons:4.0.9'


GroovyScriptEngine can't reload the dependent file
. I test the GroovyScriptEngine features according the upon url,everything is ok except the last step:
"And as a last test, you can update the Dependency.groovy file without touching the ReloadingTest file:"
this is my code
package com.zjc.groovy.class_
class GroovyScriptEngine_WAY {
static void main(String[] args){
static void loadByScriptEngine() throws IOException, ResourceException, ScriptException {
String[] urls = ["springbootOrigin/src/main/java/com/zjc/groovy/script/"]
def engine = new GroovyScriptEngine(urls);
def binding = new Binding();
binding.setVariable("name","test GroovyScriptEngine");
while (true){
def greeter ='ReloadingTest.groovy',binding)
println greeter.sayHello()
package com.zjc.groovy.script
class Greeter {
String sayHello(){
Dependency dependency = new Dependency()
def greet = dependency.message
new Greeter()
package com.zjc.groovy.script
class Dependency {
String message = "Hello, dependency 11"
print("this is dependency")
I have check the code, make sure is the same with the official website。however can't not reload the dependent file when change。

Got force close in SongsManager

i am developing a simple media player application but while building the apk in Marshmallow API 23 my applicatioin crashes. Here is my code.
if (home.listFiles(new FileExtensionFilter()).length > 0) {
for (File file : home.listFiles(new FileExtensionFilter())) {
HashMap<String, String> song = new HashMap<String, String>();
song.put("songTitle", file.getName().substring(0, (file.getName().length() - 4)));
song.put("songPath", file.getPath());
// Adding each song to SongList
And this is the full code of SongsManager
package ph.zyber.zybermp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class SongsManager {
// SDCard Path
final String MEDIA_PATH = new String("/sdcard/");
private ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> songsList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
// Constructor
public SongsManager(){
* Function to read all mp3 files from sdcard
* and store the details in ArrayList
* */
public ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> getPlayList(){
File home = new File(MEDIA_PATH);
if (home.listFiles(new FileExtensionFilter()).length > 0) {
for (File file : home.listFiles(new FileExtensionFilter())) {
HashMap<String, String> song = new HashMap<String, String>();
song.put("songTitle", file.getName().substring(0, (file.getName().length() - 4)));
song.put("songPath", file.getPath());
// Adding each song to SongList
// return songs list array
return songsList;
* Class to filter files which are having .mp3 extension
* */
class FileExtensionFilter implements FilenameFilter {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return (name.endsWith(".mp3") || name.endsWith(".MP3"));
I am following the tutorial.
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.
In Eclipse you need to find the path to the folder with the music:
Window-Show View-Other-file explorer (The phone must be connected to a computer).
Where searches the full path, I have turned it - "/storage/extSdCard/Music".
After I put it in the code and it worked:
final String MEDIA_PATH = new String("/storage/extSdCard/Music");
Good luck.
Modify SongsManger like this and you have to pass context of appropriate activity during object creation of songsmanger in that activity
I have corrected the code for getplaylist() function and dont forget to add runtime permission in manifest and also
check the permission using a dialog box
extend appcombatActivity in each of your activity it contains the content resolver
SongsManager plm = new SongsManager(PlayListActivity.this);
// get all songs from sdcard
this.songsList = plm.getPlayList();
public class SongsManager {
private ArrayList<hashmap<string, string="">> songsList = new ArrayList<hashmap<string, string="">>();
Cursor cursor;
Context context;
// Constructor
public SongsManager(Context context){
this.context = context;
* Function to read all mp3 files from sdcard
* and store the details in ArrayList
* */
public ArrayList<hashmap<string, string="">> getPlayList(){
String selection = MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_MUSIC + " != 0";
String[] projection = {
ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver();
cursor = contentResolver.query(MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,projection, selection,null,null);
while(cursor.moveToNext()) {
HashMap<string, string=""> song = new HashMap<string, string="">();
// Adding each song to SongList
// return songs list array
return songsList;

Is there a way to generate a XML binding file from a class using MOXy?

I'm would like to use MOXy to marshal / unmarshal object from existing classes.
I would like to know if there is a mean to generate XML binding files (cause I don't want to use annotations) from my classes.
Or do we have to do it all with our little hands :) ?
By default JAXB/MOXy doesn't require any metadata to be specified (see: You only need to specify the metadata where you want to override the default behaviour.
I'm guessing your real question is what is the easiest way to create the MOXy external mapping document. I do the following with Eclipse, there are probably similar steps for your favourite IDE:
Get the XML Schema for MOXy's mapping document
Register the XML Schema with your IDE
Eclipse | Preferences | XML | XML Catalog | Add
Create and XML document in the IDE and specify the following as the root element.
<xml-bindings xmlns=""/>
Use the auto-complete functionality offered by your IDE to construct the XML document.
Another option is to generate jaxb classes and from those read the bindings (annotations) producing an external mapping (after which you can remove the annotations). PoC code:
public class MoxyBindingGenerator {
private static final String PACKAGE = "";
private static ObjectFactory xmlBindingsFactory = new ObjectFactory();
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Collection<TypeInfo> typeInfos = readAnnotations();
XmlBindings xmlBindings = xmlBindingsFactory.createXmlBindings();
JavaTypes javaTypes = xmlBindingsFactory.createXmlBindingsJavaTypes();
List<JavaType> javaTypesList = javaTypes.getJavaType();
XmlEnums xmlEnums = xmlBindingsFactory.createXmlBindingsXmlEnums();
List<XmlEnum> xmlEnumsList = xmlEnums.getXmlEnum(); -> {
if (!typeInfo.isEnumerationType()) {
fillJavaTypes(javaTypesList, typeInfo);
else {
fillEnumTypes(xmlEnumsList, typeInfo);
private static Collection<TypeInfo> readAnnotations() throws JAXBException, Exception {
JAXBContext jaxbContext = (JAXBContext) javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(PACKAGE);
Object contextState = getPrivateField(jaxbContext, "contextState");
Generator generator = (Generator) getPrivateField(contextState, "generator");
AnnotationsProcessor annotationsProcessor = generator.getAnnotationsProcessor();
Collection<TypeInfo> typeInfos = annotationsProcessor.getTypeInfo().values();
return typeInfos;
private static void fillEnumTypes(List<XmlEnum> xmlEnumsList, TypeInfo typeInfo) {
EnumTypeInfo et = (EnumTypeInfo) typeInfo;
XmlEnum xmlEnum = xmlBindingsFactory.createXmlEnum();
List<String> xmlEnumNames = et.getFieldNames();
List<Object> xmlEnumValues = et.getXmlEnumValues();
for (int i = 0; i < xmlEnumNames.size(); i++) {
String xmlEnumName = xmlEnumNames.get(i);
Object xmlEnumObject = xmlEnumValues.get(i);
XmlEnumValue xmlEnumValue = xmlBindingsFactory.createXmlEnumValue();
private static void fillJavaTypes(List<JavaType> javaTypesList, TypeInfo typeInfo) {
JavaType javaType = xmlBindingsFactory.createJavaType();
fillXmlType(javaType, typeInfo);
if (typeInfo.getXmlRootElement() != null) {
XmlRootElement xmlRootElement = typeInfo.getXmlRootElement();
JavaAttributes javaAttributes = xmlBindingsFactory.createJavaTypeJavaAttributes();
List<JAXBElement<? extends JavaAttribute>> javaAttributeList = javaAttributes.getJavaAttribute();
typeInfo.getNonTransientPropertiesInPropOrder().stream().forEach(field -> {
fillFields(javaAttributeList, field);
private static void fillFields(List<JAXBElement<? extends JavaAttribute>> javaAttributeList, Property field) {
if (field.getXmlElements() != null && field.getXmlElements().getXmlElement().size() > 0) {
XmlElements xmlElements = xmlBindingsFactory.createXmlElements();
List<XmlElement> elements = field.getXmlElements().getXmlElement(); -> {
JAXBElement<XmlElements> value = xmlBindingsFactory.createXmlElements(xmlElements);
else if (!field.isAttribute()) {
XmlElement value = xmlBindingsFactory.createXmlElement();
if (field.isNillable())
if (field.isRequired())
else {
XmlAttribute value = xmlBindingsFactory.createXmlAttribute();
private static void saveToFile(XmlBindings xmlBindings)
throws JAXBException, PropertyException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
JAXBContext xmlModelJaxbContext =
(JAXBContext) javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance("org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel");
JAXBMarshaller marshaller = xmlModelJaxbContext.createMarshaller();
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "binding-imspoor-oxm.xml"));
marshaller.marshal(xmlBindings, fos);
private static void fillXmlType(JavaType javaType, TypeInfo typeInfo) {
XmlType orgXmlType = typeInfo.getXmlType();
if (orgXmlType != null) {
boolean add = false;
XmlType xmlType = xmlBindingsFactory.createXmlType();
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(orgXmlType.getName())) {
add = true;
if (orgXmlType.getPropOrder() != null && orgXmlType.getPropOrder().size() > 1) {
add = true;
if (add)
private static Object getPrivateField(Object obj, String fieldName) throws Exception {
Field declaredField = obj.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName);
return declaredField.get(obj);

How to get list of folders present in a directory in SVN using java

I am using svnkit-1.3.5.jar in my application. On one of my screens on clicking a button I need to display a jQuery dialog box containing list of folders present at a particular path in SVN. Does svnkit provide any method that retrieves all folder names present at a specific location? How do I achieve this in java?
Here is the code i use for the same purpose (uses svnkit library). Modified version of #mstrap's code for better clarity.
public static String NAME = "svnusername";
public static String PASSWORD = "svnpass";
public final String TRUNK_VERSION_PATH = "svn://";
public static List<String> apiVersions;
public List<String> getApiVersion() {"Getting API Version list....");
apiVersions = new ArrayList<String>();
SVNURL repositoryURL = null;
try {
repositoryURL = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(TRUNK_VERSION_PATH);
} catch (SVNException e) {
SVNRevision revision = SVNRevision.HEAD;
SvnOperationFactory operationFactory = new SvnOperationFactory();
operationFactory.setAuthenticationManager(new BasicAuthenticationManager(NAME, PASSWORD));
SvnList list = operationFactory.createList();
list.addTarget(SvnTarget.fromURL(repositoryURL, revision));
list.setReceiver(new ISvnObjectReceiver<SVNDirEntry>() {
public void receive(SvnTarget target, SVNDirEntry object) throws SVNException {
String name = object.getRelativePath();
if(name!=null && !name.isEmpty()){
try {;
} catch (SVNException ex) {
return apiVersions;
final URL url = ...
final SVNRevision revision = ...
final SvnOperationFactory operationFactory = ...
final SvnList list = operationFactory.createList();
list.addTarget(SvnTarget.fromURL(url, revision);
list.setReceiver(new ISvnObjectReceiver<SVNDirEntry>() {
public void receive(SvnTarget target, SVNDirEntry object) throws SVNException {
final String name = object.getRelativePath();

How to pass parameters to a CodeActivity in a NativeActivity code sequence

I'm trying to get windows workflows working, and I've become a little stumped.
I've gotten a single workflow working, but now I am trying to do something a little more complex: start a workflow, where each activity itself contains a workflow. (Picture something like the main program starts the activities "Input, logic, and output", and then each of those have additional activities like "prompt user, get input, etc.")
I've had it working fine, with the example from here (, when I am not passing any parameters from the main program to the activites. My question is, how exactly does the 'Variables' and 'metadata.SetVariablesCollection' work in the NativeActivity, and how to I get the parameters to the low level activities?
This is what I am currently trying:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Activities;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Activities.Statements;
namespace Project1
internal class MainProgram
internal static void Main(string[] args)
var act = new SimpleSequence();
act.Activities.Add((Activity)(new WriteSomeText()));
act.Activities.Add((Activity)(new WriteSomeText()));
act.Activities.Add((Activity)(new WriteSomeText()));
act.Variables.Add(new Variable<string> ("stringArg", "TEXT"));
catch (Exception ex)
System.Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION: {0}", ex);
public class WriteSomeText : CodeActivity
public InArgument<string> stringArg { get; set; }
protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
string output = context.GetValue(stringArg);
public class SimpleSequence : NativeActivity
Collection<Activity> activities;
Collection<Variable> variables;
Variable<int> current = new Variable<int> { Default = 0 };
public Collection<Activity> Activities
if (this.activities == null)
this.activities = new Collection<Activity>();
return this.activities;
this.activities = value;
public Collection<Variable> Variables
if (this.variables == null)
this.variables = new Collection<Variable>();
return this.variables;
this.variables = value;
protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
if (this.Activities.Count > 0)
context.ScheduleActivity(this.Activities[0], onChildComplete);
void onChildComplete(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completed)
int currentExecutingActivity = this.current.Get(context);
int next = currentExecutingActivity + 1;
if (next < this.Activities.Count)
context.ScheduleActivity(this.Activities[next], this.onChildComplete);
this.current.Set(context, next);
This ends up throwing the following exception:
EXCEPTION: System.Activities.InvalidWorkflowException: The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:
'WriteSomeText': Value for a required activity argument 'stringArg' was not supplied.
'WriteSomeText': Value for a required activity argument 'stringArg' was not supplied.
'WriteSomeText': Value for a required activity argument 'stringArg' was not supplied.
at System.Activities.Validation.ActivityValidationServices.ThrowIfViolationsExist(IList`1 validationErrors)
at System.Activities.Hosting.WorkflowInstance.ValidateWorkflow(WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensionManager)
at System.Activities.Hosting.WorkflowInstance.RegisterExtensionManager(WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensionManager)
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.EnsureInitialized()
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.RunInstance(WorkflowApplication instance)
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.Invoke(Activity activity, IDictionary`2 inputs, WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensions, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.Activities.WorkflowInvoker.Invoke(Activity workflow, TimeSpan timeout, WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensions)
at System.Activities.WorkflowInvoker.Invoke(Activity workflow)
at Project1.MainProgram.Main(String[] args) in c:\users\user\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\ModelingProject1\Project1\MainProgram.cs:line 25
I know, I only pass 1 parameter, but the exception still says that I am missing 3 parameters. I am missing something as to how to do this properly.
You're correctly declaring stringArg as an InArgument but you're not passing any value to it when calling it inside SimpleSequence.
You can pass something using the constructor, while constructing the all activity itself, like this:
public class WriteSomeText : CodeActivity
public InArgument<string> stringArg { get; set; }
public WriteSomeText(string stringArg)
this.stringArg = stringArg;
protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context
string output = context.GetValue(stringArg);
// Calling the activity like this:
internal static void Main(string[] args)
var act = new SimpleSequence()
Activities =
new WriteSomeText("hello"),
new WriteSomeText("world"),
new WriteSomeText("!")
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
Also notice that is a best practice to use the constructor to initialize collections:
public SimpleSequence()
activities = new Collection<Activity>();
variables = new Collection<Variable>();
This way is even more intuitive to initialize the activity:
var act = new SimpleSequence()
Activities =
new WriteSomeText("hello"),
new WriteSomeText("world"),
new WriteSomeText("!")
Variables =
new Variable<int>("myNewIntVar", 10),
// ....
There are a couple of other ways to approach the problem. This is your best friend while starting in the WF4 world.
Check WF\Basic\CustomActivities\Code-Bodied for a little push with this particular case.
