What is the purpose of the inline function modifier in HLSL? - graphics

According to Microsoft's documentation,
[StorageClass is a] modifier that redefines a function declaration. inline is currently the only modifier value. The modifier value must be inline because it is also the default value. Therefore, a function is inline regardless of whether you specify inline, and all functions in HLSL are inline.
If all functions in HLSL are inline, why even have the modifier? If the only modifier value is inline, why even have the StorageClass part of the function declaration?


PyQT QPushButton Connection Problem - Wrong function being called [duplicate]

Im trying to build a calculator with PyQt4 and connecting the 'clicked()' signals from the buttons doesn't work as expected.
Im creating my buttons for the numbers inside a for loop where i try to connect them afterwards.
def __init__(self):
for i in range(0,10):
self._numberButtons += [QPushButton(str(i), self)]
self.connect(self._numberButtons[i], SIGNAL('clicked()'), lambda : self._number(i))
def _number(self, x):
When I click on the buttons all of them print out '9'.
Why is that so and how can i fix this?
This is just, how scoping, name lookup and closures are defined in Python.
Python only introduces new bindings in namespace through assignment and through parameter lists of functions. i is therefore not actually defined in the namespace of the lambda, but in the namespace of __init__(). The name lookup for i in the lambda consequently ends up in the namespace of __init__(), where i is eventually bound to 9. This is called "closure".
You can work around these admittedly not really intuitive (but well-defined) semantics by passing i as a keyword argument with default value. As said, names in parameter lists introduce new bindings in the local namespace, so i inside the lambda then becomes independent from i in .__init__():
self._numberButtons[i].clicked.connect(lambda checked, i=i: self._number(i))
UPDATE: clicked has a default checked argument that would override the value of i, so it must be added to the argument list before the keyword value.
A more readable, less magic alternative is functools.partial:
self._numberButtons[i].clicked.connect(partial(self._number, i))
I'm using new-style signal and slot syntax here simply for convenience, old style syntax works just the same.
You are creating closures. Closures really capture a variable, not the value of a variable. At the end of __init__, i is the last element of range(0, 10), i.e. 9. All the lambdas you created in this scope refer to this i and only when they are invoked, they get the value of i at the time they are at invoked (however, seperate invocations of __init__ create lambdas referring to seperate variables!).
There are two popular ways to avoid this:
Using a default parameter: lambda i=i: self._number(i). This work because default parameters bind a value at function definition time.
Defining a helper function helper = lambda i: (lambda: self._number(i)) and use helper(i) in the loop. This works because the "outer" i is evaluated at the time i is bound, and - as mentioned before - the next closure created in the next invokation of helper will refer to a different variable.
Use the Qt way, use QSignalMapper instead.

What does this syntactically mean in groovy?

When I do this in groovy shell (2.5.8):
groovy:000> println("s":"s")
===> null
Why did my print statement print a Map (if that's the case)?
The syntax println("s":"s") is an example of passing Named parameters, which are interpreted as a Map.
Like constructors, normal methods can also be called with named parameters. To support this notation, a convention is used where the first argument to the method is a Map.
So you have a parameter named s with a value that is also s and Groovy puts them into a Map for you, per the documentation linked above. You could add additional named parameters to the method call, which will also be added to the Map. This syntax is valid for any method that accepts a Map as its first argument. In the case of println, it accepts Object, and since Map is an Object, named parameters can be passed to this method.
What you see is an omission of square brackets in Map literal in Groovy.
The call can be rewritten as:
println( [ "aa":"bb" ] ) // all brackets in place
println "a":"bb" // no brackets at all
println a:"bb" // a variant, where the left part of : is treated as key in Map Literal

How to force evaluation of type annotations from a different module?

I've been using Python's type annotations in an unusual way: I have some code that inspects the annotations of a function's arguments at run-time, searches for values that match the types of the arguments, and calls the function with values of appropriate types (if found).
This has been working wonderfully, and was remarkably easy to implement, but the source file has grown fairly large, so today I tried breaking it into multiple files. I found that get_type_hints() can't evaluate a type annotation if it's from a module other than the current one, at least not without being given a global namespace where all the needed types are defined.
I'm using from __future__ import annotations everywhere, so the type annotations in each function's .__annotations__ attribute are stored as strings in need of evaluation. To evaluate them, I need the globals from the module where the function was defined. How can I get that? Or will that even work? I'm using if TYPE_CHECKING: to avoid circular imports; consequently some annotations won't be available at run-time in each module where they're applied to a function.
Here's the code that extracts the types of the function arguments, if that helps:
def params_of(func: Callable) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, TypeAnnotation]]:
type_hints = get_type_hints(func)
for param_name in inspect.signature(func).parameters:
if param_name == 'return':
continue # disregard return type
yield (param_name, type_hints.get(param_name, Any))
(TypeAnnotation is only for readability; it's defined to Any.)

Using default function parameters on native

A haxe function has some parameters whose default values I'd like to use, so I don't need to import anything (they're basic types underneath). If they were last in the parameter order, I could get away with just not including them. But they're first, before some defaults I do want to override.
I'm not allowed to null them on native. _ doesn't compile (I don't think it's meant for this context.) Am I forced to import and copy the defaults in verbatim, or is there another way?
I tried .bind(_, ...)() but that gives Usage of _ is not supported for optional non-nullable arguments.
That error comes from the argument having a non-nullable type (Int, Float or Bool on a static target). If this function is part of your code and not some library, you could just make it nullable with Null<T> or ?.
As long as the arguments are nullable, Haxe also allows you to simply skip them if they are distuingishable (i.e. the type of the value passed must be different from the one(s) you want to skip). This means you don't have to use bind() or explicitly pass null. See the fourth example on the manual's Optional Arguments page.
If making the arguments nullable isn't an option for you in this particular case, you're probably going to have to copy the defaults (although I'm sure it's possible to come up with a clever macro solution for this).

Keywords with and without # in Swift

In Swift, sometimes, keywords are plain keywords, and some others start with an #.
For instance, weak, unowned, inout, class are plain. But #final, #lazy start with #.
Sometimes, we even have both! prefix and #prefix, infix and #infix for instance.
It is not entirely an Objective-C inheritance since we have #class and not class in Objective-C. I could understand why we have class and not #class in Swift, but since we have #final or #lazy , I would have thought that it should be #weak and not weak.
Why this choice? Is there a kind of intuitive way that should tell: "hey, it is logical that this keyword starts with #?
Even if I think with a preprocessor perspective in mind, it is not obvious that # would call a kind of specific preprocessor before compilation (e.g. #final is not really a kind of preprocessor directive).
#-prefixed items in Swift are not keywords, these are attributes.
Apple's book on Swift says that
Attributes provide more information about a declaration or type. There are two kinds of attributes in Swift, those that apply to declarations and those that apply to types.
Some attributes (such as #objc(isEnabled)) accept parameters.
The main difference between attributes and keywords is that keywords tell the compiler what you are defining (a class, a method, a property, a variable, and so on), while attributes tell the compiler in what contexts you intend to use that definition. For example, you would use a func keyword to tell the compiler that you are defining a function, and decorate that function with an #infix attribute to tell the compiler that you plan to use that function as an infix operator.
