Redis creates a transaction but the transaction is not rolled back [duplicate] - linux

I am new to redis. I have an application in which i have multiple redis commands which makes a transaction. If one of them fails does redis rollback the transaction like relational databases ? Is it users responsibility to rollback the transaction ?

Redis does not rollback transactions like the relational databases does.
If you have a relational databases background, the fact that Redis commands can fail during a transaction, but still Redis will execute the rest of the transaction instead of rolling back, may look odd to you.
However there are good opinions for this behavior:
Redis commands can fail only if called with a wrong syntax (and the problem is not detectable during the command queuing), or against keys holding the wrong data type: this means that in practical terms a failing command is the result of a programming errors, and a kind of error that is very likely to be detected during development, and not in production.
Redis is internally simplified and faster because it does not need the ability to roll back.
Check it out Why redis does not support rollback transactions from the documentation and from here .

Documentaion here. Redis does not supports rollback.


How can I instrument and log my KnexJS transactions?

I have a serious problem in production causing the application to become unresponsive and output the following error:
Knex: Timeout acquiring a connection. The pool is probably full. Are you missing a .transacting(trx) call?
A running hypothesis is some operations are holding onto long-running Knex transactions. Enough of them to reach the pool size, basically.
Is there a way to query the KnexJS API for how many pool connections are in use at any one time? Unfortunately since KnexJS occupies the max pool settings from the config, it can be hard to know how many are actually in use. From the postgres end, it seems like KnexJS is idling on all of its connections when they are not in use.
Is there a good way to instrument Knex transaction and transacting with some kind of middleware or hook? Another useful thing is to log the callstack of any transaction (or any longer than, say, 7 seconds). One challenge is I have calls to Knex transaction and transacting throughout my project. Maybe it's a long shot.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
System Information
KnexJS version: 0.12.6 (we will update in the next month)
Database + version: Postgres 9.6
OS: Heroku Linux (Ubuntu?)
Easiest was to see whats happening on connection pool level is to run knex with DEBUG=knex:* environment variable set, which will print quite a lot debug info whats happening inside knex. Those logs shows for example when connections are fetched from pool and returned to there and every ran query too.
There are couple of global events that you can use to hookup to every query, but there is not any for hooking to transactions. Here is related question where I have written some example code how to actually measure transaction durations with query hooks though: Tracking DB querying time - Bookshelf/knex It probably leaks some memory, so its not very production ready solution, but for your debugging purposes it might be helpful.

How to control idempotency of messages in an event-driven architecture?

I'm working on a project where DynamoDB is being used as database and every use case of the application is triggered by a message published after an item has been created/updated in DB. Currently the code follows this approach:;
Udi Dahan has a video called Reliable Messaging Without Distributed Transactions where he talks about a solution to situations where a system can fail right after saving to DB but before publishing the message as messages are not part of a transaction. But in his solution I think he assumes using a SQL database as the process involves saving, as part of the transaction, the correlationId of the message being processed, the entity modification and the messages that are to be published. Using a NoSQL DB I cannot think of a clean way to store the information about the messages.
A solution would be using DynamoDB streams and subscribe to the events published either using a Lambda or another service to transformed them into domain-specific events. My problem with this is that I wouldn't be able to send the messages from the domain logic, the logic would be spread across the service processing the message and the Lambda/service reacting over changes and the solution would be platform-specific.
Is there any other way to handle this?
I can't say a specific solution based on DynamoDB since I've not used this engine ever. But I've built an event driven system on top of MongoDB so I can share my learnings you might find useful for your case.
You can have different approaches:
1) Based on an event sourcing approach you can just save the events/messages your use case produce within a transaction. In Mongo when you are just inserting/appending new items to the same collection you can ensure atomicity. Anyway, if the engine does not provide that capability the query operation is so centralized that you are reducing the possibility of an error at minimum.
Once all the events are stored, you can then consume them and project them to a given state and then persist the updated state in another transaction.
Here you have to deal with eventual consistency as data will be stale in your read model until you have projected the events.
2) Another approach is applying the UnitOfWork pattern where you cache all the query operations (insert/update/delete) to save both events and the state. Once your use case finishes, you execute all the cached queries against the database (flush). This way although the operations are not atomic you are again centralizing them quite enough to minimize errors.
Of course the best is to use an ACID database if you require that capability and any other approach will be a workaround to get close to it.
About publishing the events I don't know if you mean they are published to a messaging transportation mechanism such as rabbitmq, Kafka, etc. But that must be a background process where you fetch the events from the DB and publishes them in order to break the 2 phase commit within the same transaction.

knex migration error in node js app

I am using knew to connect with postgres in my application. I am getting following error when I run
knex migrate:latest
TimeoutError: Knex: Timeout acquiring a connection. The pool is probably full. Are you missing a .transacting(trx) call?
at Timeout._onTimeout
Referring some thread , I understand that I have to add transacting call but Do I need to add in all the sql calls of my app ?
In documentation , It do not give me details about when to add this ? why is must ? My queries are mostly of type "GET", hence not sure if those queries needs to apply transacting?
It seems a library bug, probably.
Generally speaking, any behaviors including SELECT also need a transaction with read locking. DB will organize the resource locking sequence according to the transaction isolation level setting and mostly READ COMMITTED is default. Rows in a table cannot be deleted while a user is reading it until finished the action. Delete (exclusive locking) waits until the Select (read shared lock) release it, even if we didn't mention a begin transaction.
In this reason, most of the database connection libraries are supporting "auto commit" option like this, this and this to automatically wrap with a transaction by default if there is no explicit transaction made (or supported by the DBMS session option natively), so all the request run on a transaction block.
Knex seems not have this option explicitly. I can find
it may differ to the DBMS types. Oracle dialect. While reading the code, I found Oracle implementation have it here but Postgresql implementation here does not have auto commit. It looks incomplete to me.
The document also says it could select query without transacting call. If it leaks many open session, then it's obviously a bug. Please file a bug report with a sample code to reproduce this issue.
Or you could inspect what queries in the pending list from the database side. All the modern database system could list up the sessions and locking status. I suppose you have mixed with the naive select call and the transacting() call and then the naive select calls may appended to an uncommitted open transaction. You can watch what is happening from the DB admin feature like this.

ACID transaction in node.js

Using node.js I'd like to read a RabbitMQ queue and write the message to a MongoDB database. How do I wrap the read and the write within an ACID transaction so the whole thing either works or fails?
Mongo recommends emulate two-phase commit with the following pattern:
Also it is already implemented:

How to handle projection errors by event sourcing and CQRS?

I want to use event sourcing and CQRS, and so I need projections (I hope I use the proper term) to update my query databases. How can I handle database errors?
For example one of my query cache databases is not available, but I already updated the others. So the not-available database won't be in snyc with the others when it comes back to business. How will it know that it have to run for instance the last 10 domain events from the event storage? I guess I have to store information about the current state of the databases, but what if that database state storage fails? Any ideas, best practices how to solve this kind of problems?
In either case, you must tell your messaging bus that the processing failed and it should redeliver the event later, in the hope that the database will be back online then. This is essentially why we are using message bus systems with an "at least once"-delivery guarantee.
For transactional query databases, you should also rollback the transaction, of course. If your query database(s) do not support transactions, you must make sure on the application side that updates are idempotent - i.e., if your event arrives on the next delivery attempt, your projection code and/or database must be designed such that the repeated processing of the event does not harm the state of the database. This is sometimes trivial to achieve (e.g., when the event leads to a changed person's name in the projection), but often not-so-trivial (e.g., when the projection simply increments view counts). But this is what you pay for when you are using non-transactional databases.
