Purchase order saved search created from salesorder and salesorder field - netsuite

I have some purchase order records in netsuite which starts with "Salesorder".i.e, They are created from salesorders.
A Custom field in Salesorder called as- Salesorder field (custom body) which is in text form.
I need to create a purchase order saved search which starts with "Salesorder" & also created from : that salesorder , along with this - Within the salesorder record, as mentioned there is custom field it should not be empty.
I tried creating a saved search of purchase order but am unable to retreive the records which starts with SalesOrder & custom field which is not empty.


Creating subtabs in netsuite only for given transaction types

I have a tab that i would like to show ONLY on purchase orders and not other transaction types. That tab essentially has an associated custom record's fields on it.
First I made a custom TRANSACTION subtab called "PO Acknowledgement Tab".
Next I have a custom record that I would like to be related to purchase orders only. I made a custom record (call it PO Acknoledgement) that has a number of fields (one of which is a field that is a 'parent transaction' ("record is parent" setting on the field is checked) field that points to the transaction. and of this parent field on the bottom is select that new tab I created. The rest of the fields have no tab set.
This shows just as I would like but the issue is I see it on ANY transaction since the "parent" record field is a Transaction and I cant figure how to filter to only show this tab on PO screens. How would this need to be done to accomplish that?
First is a screen shot of the field inside the custom PO Ack record
And below is the full PO Acknowledgment Record
WS Was correct it seems. "In your custom field, in the Sourcing & Filtering, can you add a filter Filter Using = Type with Compare Type = equal to Value Is = Purchase Order and see if that restrict it to only the PO form? –

NetSuite - Sublist field as link

I have two custom records. They share parent-child record relationship. Child record is shown as sublist view. On Child record, there is a field called Delivery Order. It is a list/record field, But not having hyperlink to open that record. This field is list of a custom record of same name.
There is also a field called Sales Order#, it is a list/record field of Transaction. But it is shown as link which is right.
I want to have hyperlink for Delivery Order. I know that if I use a custom view, I can give a formula(text) field to show that field as a hyperlink, But I want to go with Default View only. I think because of Delivery Order is a custom record, they are not giving hyperlink.

How to add custom field to invoice in NetSuite

I just tried to add field into invoice.
I created fields in Transaction Body Fields(Customization/Lists,Records & Fields/Transaction Body Fields) and make Access to Full Access and display to main
but I couldn't find it in Invoice record.
Where could I find this?
On your custom field definition, you also need to click "Apply to Forms" and make sure your new field is enabled on all applicable forms. Then, clear your browser cache before viewing an Invoice record.

How to save a reference value to another record in NetSuite

I've created a custom Transaction Body Field named "Created From" of type List/Record - Transaction
That I want to be have like the native NetSuite Created From fields. I have added this custom field to the Customer Refund form and when entering (or editing) the refund if I give a value of "Sales Order #1234" it saves correctly and becomes a link to the sales order. But when I try to set it using code
customerRefund.setFieldValue("custbody_ifx_created_from", "Sales Order #" + salesOrderId);
id = nlapiSubmitRecord(customerRefund);
This error is generated
Invalid custbody_ifx_created_from reference key Sales Order #81388396.
How can I create a valid key or reference to another record?
The type of your custom field is list/record->transaction. You need to populate it with the internal id of a transaction record. That will allow you to submit the record. When viewed through the UI, it will display the 'Sales Order# XXX' text as expected.
customerRefund.setFieldValue("custbody_ifx_created_from", salesOrderInternalId);
id = nlapiSubmitRecord(customerRefund);

Custom Record For suitelet Sublist -Netsuite

I have a requirement where i should display the details(values) of the custom record in the suitelet sublist.
Now i have to create a custom Record with two fields. One field would be bill payment and other field will have list of bills related to bill payment.
When i create a custom record what should be my field vaues's type?
Appreciate any help.
I would suggest to keep one field of type List/Record and Record option to "Transaction", and second field of type Multiple Select with record option to "Transaction".
Since, the fields can hold reference to any transactions I would recommend writing a user event script which would fire on create/edit and validate that the fields value are always correct.
