Remove linearly dependent columns in (n x m) matrix of real numbers - python-3.x

I am working on a model for forecasting. My independent variables are contained in an (n x m) matrix, where n represents the number of observations and m represents the number of features. Each column contains one of the following data types: binary, integer, real. I want to remove the columns that are linearly dependent. Pulling resources from the internet, I have come up with the following function:
def remove_linearly_dependent_columns(df):
# Create a matrix from the DataFrame
matrix = df.to_numpy()
# Get the rank of the matrix
rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix)
# If rank is equal to the number of columns, then all columns are linearly independent
if rank == matrix.shape[1]:
return df
# Otherwise, use randomized SVD to find linearly dependent columns
_, s, vh = randomized_svd(matrix, n_components=rank, random_state=0)
# Get a threshold for small singular values
threshold = np.finfo(np.float64).eps * max(matrix.shape) * s[0]
# Get the number of linearly independent columns
num_independent = np.sum(s > threshold)
# Select only the linearly independent columns
independent_columns = vh[:num_independent].T
# Create a new DataFrame with only the linearly independent columns
independent_df = pd.DataFrame(data=matrix # independent_columns, columns=df.columns[:num_independent], index=df.index)
return independent_df
However, this function applies a transformation to the data, which is not what I need. I would need to obtain the original dataset, just without the columns that are linearly dependent. How could I solve this issue?


Efficient sparse matrix column change

I'm implementing an efficient PageRank algorithm so I'm using sparse matrices. I'm close, but there's one problem. I have a matrix where I want the sum of each column to be one. This is easy to implement, but the problem occurs when I get a matrix with a zero column.
In this case, I want to set each element in the column to be 1/(n-1) where n is the dimension of the matrix. I divide by n-1 and not n because I wish to keep the diagonals zero, always.
How can I implement this efficiently? My naive solution is to just determine the sum of each column and then find the column indices that are zero and replace the entire column with an 1/(n-1) value like so:
# naive approach (too slow!)
# M is my nxn sparse matrix where each column sums to one
col_sums = M.sum(axis=0)
for i in range(n):
if col_sums[0,i] == 0:
# set entire column to 1/(n-1)
M[:, i] = 1/(n-1)
# make sure diagonal is zeroed
M[i,i] = 0
My M matrix is very very very large and this method simply doesn't scale. How can I do this efficiently?
You can't add new nonzero values without reallocating and copying the underlying data structure. If you expect these zero columns to be very common (> 25% of the data) you should handle them in some other way, or you're better off with a dense array.
Otherwise try this:
import scipy.sparse
M = scipy.sparse.rand(1000, 1000, density=0.001, format='csr')
nz_col_weights = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(M.shape, dtype=M.dtype)
nz_col_weights[:, M.getnnz(axis=0) == 0] = 1 / (M.shape[0] - 1)
M += nz_col_weights
This has only two allocation operations

Scikit Learn PolynomialFeatures - what is the use of the include_bias option?

In scikit-learn's PolynomialFeatures preprocessor, there is an option to include_bias. This essentially just adds a column of ones to the dataframe. I was wondering what the point of having this was. Of course, you can set it to False. But theoretically how does having or not having a column of ones along with the Polynomial Features generated affect Regression.
This is the explanation in the documentation, but I can't seem to get anything useful out of it relation to why it should be used or not.
include_bias : boolean
If True (default), then include a bias column, the feature in which
all polynomial powers are zero (i.e. a column of ones - acts as an
intercept term in a linear model).
Suppose you want to perform the following regression:
y ~ a + b x + c x^2
where x is a generic sample. The best coefficients a,b,c are computed via simple matricial calculus. First, let us denote with X = [1 | X | X^2] a matrix with N rows, where N is the number of samples. The first column is a column of 1s, the second column is a column of values x_i, for all the samples i, the third column is a column of values x_i^2, for all samples i. Let us denote with B the following column vector B=[a b c]^T If Y is a column vector of the N target values for all samples i, we can write the regression as
y ~ X B
The i-th row of this equation is y_i ~ [1 x_i x^2] [a b c]^t = a + b x_i + c x_i^2.
The goal of training a regression is to find B=[a b c] such that X B be as close as possible to y.
If you don't add a column of 1, you are assuming a-priori that a=0, which might not be correct.
In practice, when you write Python code, and you use PolynomialFeatures together with sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression, the latter takes care by default of adding a column of 1s (since in LinearRegression the fit_intercept parameter is True by default), so you don't need to add it as well in PolynomialFeatures. Therefore, in PolynomialFeatures one usually keeps include_bias=False.
The situation is different if you use statsmodels.OLS instead of LinearRegression

Input formatting for models such as logistic regression and KNN for Python

In my training set I have 24 Feature Vectors(FV). Each FV contains 2 lists. When I try to fit this on model = LogisticRegression() or model = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k) I get this error ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
In my dataframe, each row represents each FV. There are 3 columns. The first column contains a list of an individual's heart rate, second a list of the corresponding activity data and third the target. Visually, it looks like something like this:
HR ACT Target
[0.5018, 0.5106, 0.4872] [0.1390, 0.1709, 0.0886] 1
[0.4931, 0.5171, 0.5514] [0.2423, 0.2795, 0.2232] 0
Should I:
Join both lists to form on long FV
Expand both lists such that each column represents one value. In other words, if there are 5 items in HR and ACT data for a FV, the new dataframe would have 10 columns for features and 1 for Target.
How does Logistic Regression and KNNs handle input data? I understand that logistic regression combines the input linearly using weights or coefficient values. But I am not sure what that means when it comes to lists VS dataframe columns. Does it mean it automatically converts corresponding values of dataframe columns to a list before transforming? Is there a difference between method 1 and 2?
Additionally, if a long list is required, should I have the long list as [HR,HR,HR,ACT,ACT,ACT] or [HR,ACT,HR,ACT,HR,ACT].
You should go with 2
Expand both lists such that each column represents one value. In other words, if there are 5 items in HR and ACT data for a FV, the new dataframe would have 10 columns for features and 1 for Target.
You should then select the feature columns from the dataframe and pass it as X, and the target column as Y to the model's fit function.
Sklearn's models accepts inputs with the following shape [n_samples, n_features], and since after following the 2nd solution you proposed, your training dataframe will have 2D of the shape [n_samples, 10].

Pandas: Filling random empty rows with data

I have a dataframe with several currently-empty columns. I want a fraction of these filled with data drawn from a normal distribution, while all the rest are left blank. So, for example, if 60% of the elements should be blank, then 60% would be, while the other 40% would be filled. I already have the normal distribution, via numpy, but I'm trying to figure out how to choose random rows to fill. Currently, the only way I can think of involves FOR loops, and I would rather avoid that.
Does anyone have any ideas for how I could fill empty elements of a dataframe at random? I have a bit of the code below, for the random numbers.
data.loc[data['ColumnA'] == 'B', 'ColumnC'] = np.random.normal(1000, 500, rowsB).astype('int64')
piRSquared's advice is good. We are left guessing what to solve.
Having just looked through some of the latest unanswered pandas questions there are worse.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#some redundancy here as i make an empty dataframe -pretending i start like you with a Dataframe.
df = pd.DataFrame(index = range(11),columns=list('abcdefg'))
num_cells = np.product(df.shape)
# make a 2-dim array with number from 1 to number cells.
arr =np.arange(1,num_cells+1)
#inplace shuffle - this is the key randomization operation
arr = arr.reshape(df.shape)
#place the shuffled values, normalized to the number of cells, into my dateframe.
df = pd.DataFrame(index = df.index,columns = df.columns,data=arr/np.float(num_cells))
#use applymap to set keep 40% of cells as ones, the other 60% as nan.
df = df.applymap(lambda x: 1 if x > 0.6 else np.nan)
# now sample a full set from normal distribution
# but when multiplying the nans will cause the sampled value to nullify, whilst the multiply by 1 will retain the sample value.
df * np.random.normal(1000,500,df.shape)
Thus you are left with a random 40% of the cells containing a draw from your normal distribution.
If your dataframe was large you could assume the stability of the uniform rand() function. Here i didn't do that and rather determined explicitly how many cells are above and below the threshold.

masking a double over a string

This is a question in MatLab...
I have two matrices, one being a (5 x 1 double) :
And the second matrix being a (5 x 3 string), with spaces where no character appears :
I am trying to get an output such that a (5 x 1 string) is created and outputs the nth value from each line of matrix two, where n is the value in matrix one. I am unsure how to do this using a mask which would be able to handle much larger matrces. My target matrix would have the following :
Thank you very much for the help!!!
There are so many ways you can accomplish this task. I'll give you two.
Method #1 - Generate linear indices and access elements
Use sub2ind to generate a set of linear indices that correspond to the row and column locations you want to access in your matrix. You'll note that the column locations are the ones changing, but the row locations are always increasing by 1 as you want to access each row. As such, given your string matrix A, and your columns you want to access stored in ind, just do this:
A = ['a '; 'bc '; 'def'; 'g ';'hij'];
ind = [1 2 3 1 3];
out = A(sub2ind(size(A), (1:numel(ind)).', ind(:)))
out =
Method #2 - Create a sparse matrix, convert to logical and access
Alternatively, you can create a sparse matrix through sparse where the non-zero entries are rows vary from 1 up to as many elements as you have in ind and the columns vary like what you have given us.
S = sparse((1:numel(ind)).',ind(:),true,size(A,1),size(A,2));
A = A.'; out = A(S.');
Be mindful that you are trying to access each element in a row-major fashion, yet MATLAB will do this in a column-major format. As such, we would need to transpose our data matrix, and also take our sparse matrix and transpose that too. The end result should give you the same order as Method #1.
