How to resolve the issue "Waiting for update signal from WDS..."? - node.js

export default function SinglePost() {
const location =useLocation();
const paths=location.pathname.split("/")[2];
const getpost= async () => {
const res=axios.get("/posts/"+paths)
What should I do?
I checked out the some solution
The first solution says to change the webpack.config.js file and I am not able find that file. And is this the correct solutions.


Next.js not build when using getStaticPaths and props

I'm trying to run next build when using getStaticProps and getStaticPaths method in one of my routes, but it fails every time. Firstly, it just couldn't connect to my API (which is obvious, they're created using Next.js' API routes which are not available when not running a Next.js app). I thought that maybe running a development server in the background would help. It did, but generated another problems, like these:
Error: Cannot find module for page: /reader/[id]
Error: Cannot find module for page: /
> Build error occurred
Error: Export encountered errors on following paths:
Dunno why. Here's the code of /reader/[id]:
const Reader = ({ reader }) => {
const router = useRouter();
return (
<pre>{JSON.stringify(reader, null, 2)}</pre>
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/api/readers");
const result: IReader[] = await response.json();
const paths = => ({
params: { id: },
return {
fallback: false,
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
const res = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/api/readers/" +;
const result = await res.json();
return { props: { reader: result } };
export default Reader;
Nothing special. Code I literally rewritten from the docs and adapted for my site.
And here's the /api/readers/[id] handler.
export default async function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {
const knex = getKnex();
const { id } = req.query;
switch (req.method) {
case "GET":
try {
const reader = await knex
.where("id", id)
} catch {
Nothing special either. So why is it crashing every time I try to build my app? Thanks for any help in advance.
You should not fetch an internal API route from getStaticProps — instead, you can write the fetch code present in API route directly in getStaticProps.

Jest - Mocking and testing the node.js filesystem

I have created a function which basically loops over an array and create files. I'm starting to get into testing using Jest to have some extra security in place to make sure everything works however I'm experiencing some issues trying to mock the Node.js filesystem.
This is the function I wish to test - function.ts:
export function generateFiles(root: string) {
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(root, '.vscode'));
files.forEach((file) => {
path.join(root, file.path,,
fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'files', file.path,, 'utf-8')
const files = [
{ name: 'tslint.json', path: '' },
{ name: 'tsconfig.json', path: '' },
{ name: 'extensions.json', path: '.vscode' },
I've been reading around but can't really figure out how to test this with jest. No examples to look at. I've tried to install mock-fs which should be a simple way of getting up and running with a mock version of the Node.js FS module but I honestly don't know where to start. This is my first attempt at making a simple test - which causes an error, says 'no such file or directory' - function.test.ts:
import fs from 'fs';
import mockfs from 'mock-fs';
beforeEach(() => {
'test.ts': '',
dir: {
'settings.json': 'yallo',
test('testing mock', () => {
const dir = fs.readdirSync('/dir');
afterAll(() => {
Anyone who can point me in the right direction?
Since you want to test you implementation you can try this:
import fs from 'fs';
import generateFiles from 'function.ts';
// auto-mock fs
describe('generateFiles', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
// clear any previous calls
// since you're using fs.readFileSync
// set some retun data to be used in your implementation
// call your function
it('should match snapshot of calls', () => {
it('should have called 3 times', () => {
it('should have called with...', () => {
'X' // <- this is the mock return value from above
Here you can read more about the auto-mocking

nodejs/mocha/chai as promise : variables used in expected async function initialized outside

I am brand new to mocha/chai and I spent 2 days trying to solve the following issue without any success (please note that the code below is just to present the concept, it is not the real one).
I have got a JS file called "api.js" in which some variables such as SERVER_URL are initialized at the top of the file through dotenv framework.
api.js :
const SERVER_URL = process.env.SERVER_URL;
async function startAPI () {
return new Promise ( (resolve, reject) => {
exports = {startAPI};
Now I have got "test.js" file in which :
it('the test', async () => {
return await expect(api.startAPI());
The problem is that SERVER_URL is undefined during the test and I cannot modify the api.js (as I am not the owner), just the test.js.
How can I run the test with the SERVER_URL variable set correctly (to process.env.SERVER_URL value from api.js) ?
Is there a solution without any refactoring ?
And if not what is the best solution ?
Experts, thanks in advance for your precious help
A way to improve testability is to use process.env.SERVER_URL instead of SERVER_URL where possible - or getServerUrl():
const getServerUrl = () => process.env.SERVER_URL;
This way process.env.SERVER_URL can be mocked at any point.
An alternative is to import module after process.env.SERVER_URL was mocked. This should involve decaching if there's more than one test that uses this module, because it won't be re-evaluated otherwise.
const decache = require('decache');
let originalServerUrl;
beforeEach(() => {
originalServerUrl = process.env.SERVER_URL;
beforeEach(() => {
process.env.SERVER_URL = originalServerUrl;
it('the test', async () => {
process.env.SERVER_URL = '...';
const api = require('../api');
await expect(api.startAPI());
If it's expected that there's no SERVER_URL in tests, it can be just discarded after it was mocked:
The easiest way would be just to set these variables when you run your test from CLI:
e.g. in npm scripts:
"scripts": {
"test": "SERVER_URL='' mocha"
or directly from terminal:
$ SERVER_URL='' npm test
But better solution would be mock environment variables in your tests with little refactoring. And need proxyquire to be installed. And actually async/await is not needed here.
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noPreserveCache() // noPreserveCache is important to always have refreshed script with new process.env.SERVER_URL in each test
describe('example', () => {
let initialServerUrl
let api
beforeEach(() => {
initialServerUrl= process.env
afterEach(() => {
process.env = initialServerUrl
it('fulfilled', () => {
api = proxyquire('../api', {})
return expect(api.startAPI())
it('rejected', () => {
process.env.USE_OTHER_CODE_PATH = ''
api = proxyquire('../api', {})
return expect(api.startAPI())
You can set .env variables with mocha using the following line:
env SERVER_URL=htt:// mocha test
This way mocha knows what to expect from your process.env.SERVER_URL

Tutorial help: Import name doesn't align with component name, still works

I am following the project on github and working through personal modifications
It could probably be answered with google/documentation, but I don't know the right keywords to pull it in yet. One day, soon.
This doesn't line up with the file naming conventions I have seen.
Heroes.js imports api.js. api.js talks to the express backend via a proxy setting at the /api/* route. Problem is that the api.js file never declares an "api" component.
How is it that api.js is exporting "heroService", yet when its being imported, its operating under "api"? Is it because the file is named api.js and it defaults to that as the component name?
import api from '../api';
//Example function
handleDelete(event, hero) {
api.destroy(hero).then(() => {
let heroes = this.state.heroes;
heroes = heroes.filter(h => h !== hero);
this.setState({ heroes: heroes });
if (this.selectedHero === hero) {
this.setState({ selectedHero: null });
const baseAPI = '/api';
const heroService = {
//example function
destroy(hero) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fetch(`${baseAPI}/hero/${}`, { method: 'DELETE' })
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => resolve(json))
.catch(err => {
export default heroService;
api.js is exporting a default.
Since this is not a named export, the binding takes on the name that you specified upon import.
As you wrote import api from '../api';, you use api.destroy().
If you wrote import monkeys from '../api';, you would use monkeys.destroy() instead.

Mock.mockImplementation() not working

I have a service class
class Service {
export default new Service();
And I am trying to provide a mock implementation for this. If I use something like this:
jest.mock('./Service', () => { ... my mock stuff });
It works fine, however I'm not able to access any variables declared outside of the mock, which is a bit limiting as I'd like to reconfigure what the mock returns, etc.
I tried this (inspired by this other StackOverflow article: Service mocked with Jest causes "The module factory of jest.mock() is not allowed to reference any out-of-scope variables" error)
import service from './Service';
jest.mock('./Service', () => jest.fn);
service.mockImplementation(() => {
return { ... mock stuff }
Unfortunately when I am trying to run this, I get the below error:
TypeError: _Service2.default.mockImplementation is not a function
I had same problem as #Janos, the other answers didn't help either. You could do two things :
If you need to mock only a function from Service, in your test file:
import service from './Service';
jest.mock('./Service', () => jest.fn());
service.yourFunction = jest.fn(() => { /*your mock*/ })
If you need to mock the entire Module:
Say your service.js is in javascript/utils, create a javascript/utils/_mocks_ and inside it create a service.js file, you can then mock the entire class in this file, eg:
const myObj = {foo: "bar"}
const myFunction1 = jest.fn(() => { return Promise.resolve(myObj) })
const myFunction2 = ...
module.exports = {
then in your test file you just add:
...functions exported from the mockfile will be then hit through your test file execution.
The mock is equal to jest.fn. You need to call jest.fn to create a mocked function.
So this:
jest.mock('./Service', () => jest.fn);
Should be:
jest.mock('./Service', () => jest.fn());
ran into similar issues and resolved it by using .mockImplementationOnce
jest.mock('./Service', () => jest.fn()
.mockImplementationOnce(() => {
return { ... mock stuff }
.mockImplementationOnce(() => {
return { ... mock other stuff }
now when you run another test it will return the second mock object.
You need to store your mocked component in a variable with a name prefixed by "mock" and make sure you return an object with a default property as you import your Service from the default in your "main.js" file.
// Service.js
class Service {
export default new Service();
// main.test.js (main.js contains "import Service from './Service';")
const mockService = () => jest.fn();
jest.mock('./Service', () => {
return {
default: mockService
I had similar problem, and the cause was that ".spec.js" file had an
import jest from "jest-mock";
After removing this line, it worked.
My mistake was that I was resetting the mock before each test. If you do that, be sure to reconfigure the mock implementation.
For example, change this:
let value;
let onPropertyChange: OnPropertyChangeCallback = jest.fn((changes: any) => {
value = changes["testValue"];
const user = userEvent.setup();
beforeEach(() => {
to this:
let value;
let onPropertyChange: OnPropertyChangeCallback;
const user = userEvent.setup();
beforeEach(() => {
onPropertyChange = jest.fn((changes: any) => {
value = changes["testValue"];
