I'm currently working on an actix-web application but am having some difficulty while trying to refactor some of the code into smaller functions. When setting up the HttpServer the variable type is just inferred.
main.rs (basic example)
use actix_web;
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
// prepare the server variable but don't start it
let _server = actix_web::HttpServer::new(|| {
}).bind(("", 31)).expect("FAIL");
// redacted other stuff
// ok now handle the server start
return _server.run().await;
async fn nothing() -> actix_web::HttpResponse {
return actix_web::HttpResponse::Ok().body("nothing");
When moving it into a separate function though, I need to explicitly put the type definition so I can return it.
main.rs (refactored example)
use actix_web;
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
// prepare the server variable but don't start it
let _server = get_server();
// redacted other stuff
// ok now handle the server start
return _server.run().await;
async fn nothing() -> actix_web::HttpResponse {
return actix_web::HttpResponse::Ok().body("nothing");
fn get_server() -> /* unknown type definition */ {
return actix_web::HttpServer::new(|| {
}).bind(("", 31)).expect("FAIL");
I was wondering if there is a way to handle the type definition of the actix-web HttpServer when it cannot be inferred. I guess more generally I am wondering if it is possible to return an inferred variable type from a function but more specifically I'm just having difficulty defining the HttpServer type because of how many Generics it seems to need in its definition
This question is written for Yew v0.19
Asynchronous foreign JavaScript functions can be used in Rust through Closures, as the function to pass-in:
extern "C" {
fn setInterval(closure: &Closure<dyn FnMut()>, time: u32) -> i32;
// ...
let cb = Closure::new(|| {
log("interval elapsed!");
let interval_id = setInterval(&cb, 1_000);
This is nice for a pedantic examples, but Closures have a critical requirement - the function applied needs to have a 'static lifetime. Likewise, with Yew applications, a perfect mechanism for spontaneous response is the Message enum, and having it update() the Model. However, the link() mechanism in Context (which issues messages) does not have a static lifetime.
In an ideal world, the value submitted to the closure could just be applied as a Yew component message:
struct Model {
thing: Option<JsValue>,
enum Msg {
extern "C" {
fn createThing(closure: &Closure<dyn FnMut(JsValue) -> ());
impl Component for Model {
type Message = Msg;
type Properties = ();
fn create(_ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Self {
Model {
thing: None, // initial value
fn update(&mut self, _ctx: &Context<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool {
match msg {
Msg::GotThing(x) => { // handle the message
self.thing = Some(x);
fn rendered(&mut self, ctx: &Context<Self>, first_render: bool) {
if first_render {
let cb: Box<dyn FnMut(JsValue) -> ()> = Box::new(|x| {
// try and issue the message
// ^ doesn't have a `'static` lifetime! Won't compile
// fn view() ... omitted, not relevant
I'm wondering if there's a way to convert a Callback into a Closure, or if there's a better, more canonical way to do this, to please correct me.
Another idea I had would use some kind of queue defined statically (which wouldn't be safe as it's a mutable static variable), but then it could be used as an intermediary data type between the Closure passed to createThing, and messages could be dispatched within the component.
Maybe there's an external way to interact with a Yew component that I'm overlooking? I'm not sure how to resolve this issue. What would be the most correct way to achieve this goal?
I'm working with Rust and Rocket.
At some point I can create a catcher to capture errors with:
pub fn default_catcher() -> String {
return String::from("something interesting");
As you can imagine the macro #[catch(403)] is capturing errors 403.
Would it be possible to pass a constant to the macro? Something like:
Not with the macro.
If you want, you can write the boilerplate manually (please don't). The name of the static is important (it's how Rocket finds it):
// This is your function.
pub fn default_catcher() -> String {
String::from("something interesting")
pub fn rocket_catch_fn_default_catcher(req: &rocket::Request) -> rocket::Result<'_> {
let response = rocket::Responder::respond_to(default_catcher(), req)?;
"some reason (e.g. `Forbidden` for 403)",
pub static static_rocket_catch_info_for_default_catcher: rocket::StaticCatchInfo =
rocket::StaticCatchInfo {
code: 403u16,
handler: rocket_catch_fn_default_catcher,
Keep in mind that these are implementation details and can change at any moment.
I need to run an async function in actix::prelude::AsyncContext::run_interval, but I need to also pass in a struct member and return the result (not the future). This is a somewhat more complex version of this question here. As can be seen in the commented section below, I have tried a few approaches but all of them fail for one reason or another.
I have looked at a few related resources, including the AsyncContext trait and these StackOverflow questions: 3, 4.
Here is my example code (actix crate is required in Cargo.toml):
use std::time::Duration;
use actix::{Actor, Arbiter, AsyncContext, Context, System};
struct MyActor {
id: i32
impl MyActor {
fn new(id: i32) -> Self {
Self {
id: id,
fn heartbeat(&self, ctx: &mut <Self as Actor>::Context) {
ctx.run_interval(Duration::from_secs(1), |act, ctx| {
//lifetime issue
//let res = 0;
//Arbiter::spawn(async {
// res = two(act.id).await;
//future must return `()`
//let res = Arbiter::spawn(two(act.id));
//async closures unstable
//let res = Arbiter::current().exec(async || {
// two(act.id).await
impl Actor for MyActor {
type Context = Context<Self>;
fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) {
// assume functions `one` and `two` live in another module
async fn one(id: i32) -> i32 {
// assume something is done with id here
let x = id;
async fn two(id: i32) -> i32 {
let x = id;
// assume this may call other async functions
fn main() {
let mut system = System::new("test");
system.block_on(async { MyActor::new(10).start() });
Rust version:
$ rustc --version
rustc 1.50.0 (cb75ad5db 2021-02-10)
Using Arbiter::spawn would work, but the issue is with the data being accessed from inside the async block that's passed to Arbiter::spawn. Since you're accessing act from inside the async block, that reference will have to live longer than the closure that calls Arbiter::spawn. In fact, in will have to have a lifetime of 'static since the future produced by the async block could potentially live until the end of the program.
One way to get around this in this specific case, given that you need an i32 inside the async block, and an i32 is a Copy type, is to move it:
ctx.run_interval(Duration::from_secs(1), |act, ctx| {
let id = act.id;
Arbiter::spawn(async move {
Since we're using async move, the id variable will be moved into the future, and will thus be available whenever the future is run. By assigning it to id first, we are actually copying the data, and it's the copy (id) that will be moved.
But this might not be what you want, if you're trying to get a more general solution where you can access the object inside the async function. In that case, it gets a bit tricker, and you might want to consider not using async functions if possible. If you must, it might be possible to have a separate object with the data you need which is surrounded by std::rc::Rc, which can then be moved into the async block without duplicating the underlying data.
I have an object that I know that is inside an Arc because all the instances are always Arced. I would like to be able to pass a cloned Arc of myself in a function call. The thing I am calling will call me back later on other threads.
In C++, there is a standard mixin called enable_shared_from_this. It enables me to do exactly this
class Bus : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Bus>
void SetupDevice(Device device,...)
If this object is not under shared_ptr management (the closest C++ has to Arc) then this will fail at run time.
I cannot find an equivalent.
Here is an example of why its needed. I have a timerqueue library. It allows a client to request an arbitrary closure to be run at some point in the future. The code is run on a dedicated thread. To use it you must pass a closure of the function you want to be executed later.
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use timerqueue::*;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::sync::{Arc,Weak};
use std::ops::{DerefMut};
// inline me keeper cos not on github
pub struct MeKeeper<T> {
them: Mutex<Weak<T>>,
impl<T> MeKeeper<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
them: Mutex::new(Weak::new()),
pub fn save(&self, arc: &Arc<T>) {
*self.them.lock().deref_mut() = Arc::downgrade(arc);
pub fn get(&self) -> Arc<T> {
match self.them.lock().upgrade() {
Some(arc) => return arc,
None => unreachable!(),
// -----------------------------------
struct Test {
me: MeKeeper<Self>,
impl Test {
pub fn new() -> Arc<Test>{
let arc = Arc::new(Self {
me: MeKeeper::new(),
data: "Yo".to_string()
fn task(&self) {
println!("{}", self.data);
// in real use case the TQ and a ton of other status data is passed in the new call for Test
// to keep things simple here the 'container' passes tq as an arg
pub fn do_stuff(&self, tq: &TimerQueue) {
// stuff includes a async task that must be done in 1 second
let me = self.me.get().clone();
Box::new(move || me.task()),
Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(1000),
fn main() {
// in real case (PDP11 emulator) there is a Bus class owning tons of objects thats
// alive for the whole duration
let tq = Arc::new(TimerQueue::new());
let test = Test::new();
// just to keep everything alive while we wait
let mut input = String::new();
std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();
cargo toml
name = "tqclient"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
timerqueue = { git = "https://github.com/pm100/timerqueue.git" }
parking_lot = "0.11"
There is no way to go from a &self to the Arc that self is stored in. This is because:
Rust references have additional assumptions compared to C++ references that would make such a conversion undefined behavior.
Rust's implementation of Arc does not even expose the information necessary to determine whether self is stored in an Arc or not.
Luckily, there is an alternative approach. Instead of creating a &self to the value inside the Arc, and passing that to the method, pass the Arc directly to the method that needs to access it. You can do that like this:
use std::sync::Arc;
struct Shared {
field: String,
impl Shared {
fn print_field(self: Arc<Self>) {
let clone: Arc<Shared> = self.clone();
println!("{}", clone.field);
Then the print_field function can only be called on an Shared encapsulated in an Arc.
having found that I needed this three times in recent days I decided to stop trying to come up with other designs. Maybe poor data design as far as rust is concerned but I needed it.
Works by changing the new function of the types using it to return an Arc rather than a raw self. All my objects are arced anyway, before they were arced by the caller, now its forced.
mini util library called mekeeper
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::sync::{Arc,Weak};
use std::ops::{DerefMut};
pub struct MeKeeper<T> {
them: Mutex<Weak<T>>,
impl<T> MeKeeper<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
them: Mutex::new(Weak::new()),
pub fn save(&self, arc: &Arc<T>) {
*self.them.lock().deref_mut() = Arc::downgrade(arc);
pub fn get(&self) -> Arc<T> {
match self.them.lock().upgrade() {
Some(arc) => return arc,
None => unreachable!(),
to use it
pub struct Test {
me: MeKeeper<Self>,
impl Test {
pub fn new() -> Arc<Self> {
let arc = Arc::new(Test {
me: MeKeeper::new(),
now when an instance of Test wants to call a function that requires it to pass in an Arc it does:
fn nargle(){
let me = me.get();
Ooddle::fertang(me,42);// fertang needs an Arc<T>
the weak use is what the shared_from_this does so as to prevent refcount deadlocks, I stole that idea.
The unreachable path is safe because the only place that can call MeKeeper::get is the instance of T (Test here) that owns it and that call can only happen if the T instance is alive. Hence no none return from weak::upgrade
I'm using actix-web to create a httpserver with state/data embedded in it. But vscode show me that the create_app function has wrong arguments in its return value type definition App<AppState>:
pub struct App<T, B>
wrong number of type arguments: expected 2, found 1
expected 2 type argumentsrustc(E0107)
use crate::api;
use crate::model::DbExecutor;
use actix::prelude::Addr;
use actix_web::{error, http::Method, middleware::Logger, web, App, HttpResponse};
pub struct AppState {
pub db: Addr<DbExecutor>,
pub fn create_app(db: Addr<DbExecutor>) -> App<AppState> {
App::new().data(AppState { db }).service(
fn main() {
HttpServer::new(move || app::create_app(addr.clone()))
.expect("Can not bind to ''")
As return type of "service" method is "Self" which is type actix_web::App, I tried modify return type to App (without generic parameter) but still got error, what should I do?
First, App takes two generic type arguments, App<AppEntry, Body>, you've only given one.
Second, AppState is not AppEntry.
Third, instantiating App outside actix-web is hard, if not impossible, as the types you need from actix-web are not public.
Instead, you should use configure to achieve the same, here is a simplified example:
use actix_web::web::{Data, ServiceConfig};
use actix_web::{web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer};
fn main() {
let db = String::from("simplified example");
HttpServer::new(move || App::new().configure(config_app(db.clone())))
.expect("Can not bind to ''")
fn config_app(db: String) -> Box<Fn(&mut ServiceConfig)> {
Box::new(move |cfg: &mut ServiceConfig| {
fn notes(db: Data<String>) -> HttpResponse {
HttpResponse::Ok().body(["notes from ", &db].concat())
Read more about ServiceConfig in the api documentation.