Need to delete minikube from centos7 - linux

i deleted minikube using minikube delete --all command
and when type minikube version appears and the command still works
how to delete any thing related to minikube and kubectl also

if you downloaded minikube binary file, just delete the file. minikube working just binary file and don`t use specific dependencies for lib. but minikube use virtlib tool for vm orchestration.
if you delete virtlib and all not usable dependencies on centos, run yum autoremove qemu-kvm libvirt libvirt-python libguestfs-tools virt-install


install python3 on VM without using internet

I need to install python 3 on my virtual machine (I have python 2.7) but I don't have access to internet from my VM. Is there any way to do that without using internet I have access to a private gitlab repository and private dokcer hub.
Using GitLab
Ultimately, you can put whatever resources you need to install Python3 directly in GitLab.
For example, you could use the generic packages registry to upload the files you need and download them from GitLab in your VM. For example, you can redistribute the files from this way.
If you're using a debian-based Linux distribution like Ubuntu, you could even provide the necessary packages in the GitLab debian registry (disabled by default, but can be enabled by an admin) and just use your package manager like apt install python3-dev after configuring your apt lists to point to the gitlab debian repo.
Using docker
If you have access to dockerhub, technically you can access files from docker images as well. Here I'll assume you're using ubuntu or some debian-based distribution, but the same principle applies for any OS.
Suppose you build an image:
FROM ubuntu:<a tag that matches your VM version>
# downloads all the `.deb` files you need to install python3
RUN apt update && apt install --download-only python3-dev
You can push this image to your docker registry
Then on your VM, you can pull this image and extract the necessary install files from /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb in the image then install using dpkg
Extract files from the image (in this case, to a temp directory)
destination_path=$(mktemp -d)
docker pull "$image"
container_id=$(docker create "$image")
docker cp "$container_id:$source_path" "$destination_path"
docker rm "$container_id"
Install python3 using dpkg:
dpkg --force-all -i "${destination_path}/*.deb"

Completely remove Kubernetes on debian machine

I want to remove Kubernetes from a Debian machine (I didn't do the setup)
I followed the instructions from How to completely uninstall kubernetes
kubeadm reset
sudo apt-get purge kubeadm kubectl kubelet kubernetes-cni kube*
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo rm -rf ~/.kube
But it seems to be still installed:
# which kubeadm
# which kubectl
# which kubelet
Also, apt list --installed | grep kube* does not return anything, so it make me think it was not installed via apt
Do you know how to clean this machine ? Should I just rm /usr/local/bin/kubectl etc ? I don't really like this idea..
Thanks for help
The method suggested by Rib47 on the answer you indicated is correct to completely remove and clean Kubernetes installed with apt-get.
As mentioned by underscore_d, /usr/local/bin/ isn't the directory where the packages installed by apt-get are placed.
For example, when you install kubectl using apt-get, it's placed on /usr/bin/kubectl and that's what is going to be removed by apt-get purge.
I tested it on my kubeadm cluster lab and I don't have these files at /usr/local/bin/.
You have to revisit all the steps you followed during the install process to know how exactly these files got there.
If you run kubeadm reset, I would say it's safe to remove these files. I suggest you to check if they are being used before removing using the command fuser. This command might not be installed in your linux and you can install it by running sudo apt-get install psmisc. After installing you can run it as in this example:
$ sudo fuser /usr/bin/kubelet
/usr/bin/kubelet: 21167e
It means this file is being used by process number 21167.
Checking this process we can see what's using it:
$ ps -aux | grep 21167
root 21167 4.1 0.5 788164 88696 ? Ssl 08:50 0:07 /usr/bin/kubelet --bootstrap-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf --config=/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml --cgroup-driver=cgroupfs --network-plugin=cni
If the files related to kubernetes you have under /usr/local/bin/ are not in use, I would remove them with no worries.

Copy file from container to local filesystem

My docker build file worked for years, without any problem, on my Linux Mint VM. When I needed to recreate the VM, I installed everything again, including
I'm taking a beating with this error. I already verified that the final file is inside the docker image, but when I try to copy it to a directory external to the container, it says that it does not exist.
I followed the guidelines at Exploring Docker container's file system and verified that the file was in fact in the container.
Linux Mint 19 (Tricia)
Docker installed by snap
docker cp {CONTAINER_ID}:/container_path /local_path
stat /container_path: no such file or directory
The solution was simply to uninstall the docker by snap and install it again by apt. This solution still lacks more information, as it is not known if the problem was really caused by the version of the docker installed by snap.
sudo snap remove docker
sudo apt install

How to install vm with ubuntu image via minikube-kubernetes

I am using minikube to install kubernetes.
This creates a VM with embedded version of linux.
But i want the VM to have a ubuntu operating system. Is there any way to do it?
Earlier i used the command to install minikube
curl -Lo minikube
It would be very difficult (and not recommended) to use a different ISO to setup a minikube node. You probably want to setup a single node kubernetes cluster. Take a look at the following resources:

Jenkins docker missing some binaries

I am running Jenkins in docker from official docker hub .
I created job which runs my own shell script, however I see some binaries
are missing in docker e.g.file command.
They mention on docker hub that one can install additional binaries over Ubuntu's aptitude however I don't know which package to install to get e.g file command working.
Unless Ubuntu did something different than the base Debian environment, file is included in the file package.
apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -f file
