Why joint js graph is showing like these in modal? - jointjs

when I use modal to draw a joint.js graph, but in modal graph edges does not connect properly with node,it sticks at the end of node.
as shown in picture below it looks like this in modal.
I want it to display like this in modal, this picture is without modal.


How do you fetch data ( Polygons / Data Pins ) on zoom in and zoom out?

Is there any way by which I can zoom in or zoom out in Azure Maps and get data of all the polygons and data pins in the current window?
After the map has finished moving you can call map.layers.getRenderedShapes function to get all rendered shapes in the current view. You can find documentation on this function here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/javascript/api/azure-maps-control/atlas.layermanager?view=azure-iot-typescript-latest#getrenderedshapes-position---point---boundingbox--array-string---layer---expression-
If you zoom the map in close enough into an area in the following sample, it loads a list of all locations that are in view, into a side panel using this function: https://azuremapscodesamples.azurewebsites.net/index.html?sample=Simple%20Store%20Locator This sample is covered in detail in this tutorial: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-maps/tutorial-create-store-locator

Input with overlapping elements inside a FrameLayout

I have a game (Unity3d) that is running on Android where its View is contained in a FrameLayout. The game view covers the entire screen.
I am adding (in code) another view next to this view another button view (the 2 views overlap - see images below).
The button does not receive any input.
According to the documentation for FrameLayout, it is advisable to use a single element under it, but multiple views are also possible.
Why does my button not receive any input?
Attaching the view state as captured in Eclipse.

Collapsible accordion not showing content when initialized collapsed

I'm using twitter bootstrap with JSF-2.2.4 and Spring 3.2.4 Framework. I've built a collapsible accordion based on the following tutorial: http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#collapse
The code seems to work fine, but only if I start with opened accordions, meaning that I add the 'in' class to the div which inherits the content which is supposed to be collapsed. If I remove the 'in' class the accordion is opened by clicking the appropriate link, but the content is no displayed.
Content is plot created with plotfaces.
Any ideas?
Edit: I just tried filling the box with an image. This seems to work. Maybe this helps narrowing down the problem.
I don't know how this plotfaces work, but i expect your problem similair to fullcalendar not visible until button is clicked or window resized?
Try to set .collapse {display;block; visibilty:hidden;} instead of display none. If this don't helps try to focus on the height of the element. The plugin change the height from 0 to auto but on initial load the height is not set.

How can I scroll the browser window?

I am validating my form using an extension pages dialog box. I popup the dialog box with the error message when the user needs to correct input.
The dialog box has an OK button that closes the dialog box and sets focus to the field that needs to be corrected.
var ef = dojo.byId(errorField);
This is working great except......
I have a group of buttons and a bunch of other components that float to the top of the form.
They are inside a panel with the following CSS.
.PNCToolBar2 {
What is happening is that if the failing field is scrolled up under the "button bar" then the browser scrolls a bit to try to get the button into focus but not enough. Depending on how the user had their browser scrolled on the form, all or part of the field in error might still be hidden by the button bar.
Is there a way to first know if the field is at the top of the browser window under the bar and then scoll a bit if it is to make the field appear? If so how?
If the DOM node represented by ef is not currently on the screen, Dojo will scroll just enough so that it will be.
More info on this method
using javascript you can use the scrollTo() method

Zooming Entire ScrollView

I have a series of PDFScrollViews (like the one given in the sample code on Apple Developer) inside a UIScrollView but I want them to all scroll at once no matter where in the ScrollView the Pinch-Zoom action happens, currently this only happens to the one PDFScrollView that is pinched and the other stay the same size. The basic goal I'm trying to achieve here is to make a series of PDFs act as one homogeneous PDF to the user.
implement scroll view's delegate method
-(UIView *) viewForZoomingInScrollView: (UIScrollView *) ScrollView
And return your PDF view.
hope it 'll work
