ERROR! Error: spawn git ENOENT
at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:283:19)
at onErrorNT (node:internal/child_process:476:16)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)
I am very new at Jhipster and microservice architecture. While creating a Jhipster Microservice app. I take this message after I select the native lang. of app.
Before take this error, I chose as below the questions. My choices are:
? May JHipster anonymously report usage statistics to improve the tool over time? No
? Which type of application would you like to create? Microservice application
? Do you want to enable microfrontends?** Yes**
? What is the base name of your application? category
? Do you want to make it reactive with Spring WebFlux? Yes
? As you are running in a microservice architecture, on which port would like your server to run? It should be
unique to avoid port conflicts. 8081
? What is your default Java package name?** com.sample.category**
? Which service discovery server do you want to use? JHipster Registry (uses Eureka, provides Spring Cloud Config support and monitoring dashboards)
? Which type of authentication would you like to use? JWT authentication (stateless, with a token)
? Which type of database would you like to use? SQL (H2, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL)
? Which production database would you like to use? PostgreSQL
? Which development database would you like to use? H2 with disk-based persistence
? Would you like to use Maven or Gradle for building the backend? Maven
? Which other technologies would you like to use?
? Would you like to enable internationalization support? No
? Please choose the native language of the application English
Can somebody help me while solving this error?
I understand that it is not desirable.
But I wanted to know if at all it is possible.
This is possible with SvelteKit, which is an application framework for Svelte.
No - Svelte is a HTML/CSS/JS front-end Javascript framework used to create user interfaces, not connect to databases (wherever they may be).
I'm mid PHP/Laravel developer with some exp in jQuery and Vue.js
I want to start self-learning in reactive JS frameworks (for example ReactJS), because I see is the near future in web development.
I checked the [React + redux] is the most popular technology working on browser side, but what about back-end ?
Secured API to PHP/MySQL? or maybe run apps directly on NodeJS server ? if nodejs env. then where will be storing the data ? SQL? NoSQL?
Tell me please what back-end stack is the most popular? or what stack is the near future ?
What about PWA with ReactJS ?
Thank You!
In my experience node.js is more popular for startups and makes it easy to work with since its all javascript.
Java and C# tend to be popular in large enterprise companies
SQL systems, such as MYSQL and PSQL are by and far the most popular options for both small and large companies.
SQL systems such as, Oracle and Microsoft SQL server, are the most popular in extremely large companies.
MongoDB is the most popular NoSQL db but its not used as often in production.
PHP as a server side language is used in about 80% of websites, but that is mostly because of wordpress, I have personally never seen a React frontend being implemented with a PHP backend.
Django and flask are popular python server frameworks but I find them to be popular with AngularJS( the original angular not angular 2+) not React.
The most common stack Ive seen is React, Redux, Express, PSQL, AWS.
Hi with my previous experience
ReactJs + Redux + fire base
this is very good technical combination you can use
reactJs , redux , meterilaUI,Sementic UI,ant design for front end.
and fire base can easily connected with your application.
advantage of this architecture the app will real time data application , no end point integration , quickly development , easy to authenticate
sample project
ReactJs + Redux + REST + Spring-boot in this project back end service developed using java spring-boot and it possible for connect any relational data bases such as Oracle , MYSql, NoSql , even any kind of Data bases using Spting-Data-JPA or Hibernate , JPA.
But authentication and state management not much easy. need to implement JWT to any state management method because REST is stateless.
advantage is good for micro services architecture , easy to build react app inside spring boot (packaging as .jar .war) and deployee j2EE server.
sample project
i have already developed project based on these 2 technologies stacks both are worked as my different requirements.
I am creating a nodejs app and as per clients suggestion trying to implement it in AmpersandJs. I have installed framework and created application by following documentation &js installation.
The app is running with some sample data
I found that the sample data is coming from ampersand-app module from an index.js file.
But I want to do database connectivity with it -- How should I achieve this? I have Googled but not found any good link for it.
Did &js is good choice to develop application or it is for an specific type of projects?
But I want to do database connectivity with it -- How should I achieve this?
Ampersand.js is running in the browser. If you want to access data stored in a database you have two options:
Request data from a database running on a server somewhere accessible over the network. In this case you want to use the url property of models/collections
Use an in-browser database (maybe you want to have look at pouchdb as API)
Did &js is good choice to develop applications?
Definitely yes!
I want to use Nodejitsu to host my Node.js app. The app also uses Neo4j. Does Nodejitsu provide any kind of support for that? Or do I need to host Neo4j separately (and pay for all network traffic)?
Nodejitsu doesn't support native Neo4j integration. If you can host a Neo4j service or find one you can use it, and for node.js applications you can use the neo4j api with https://github.com/thingdom/node-neo4j
I will try to find the best answer for you, if I can find anything about Neo4j hosting i will update this question.
I have an application on Symfony 1.4 framework. Recently I've started building an app in Node.js.
I need to do some action's response in node and I'd like to set credientals (log In the user) remotely, because some data is dependent on the user's data and I can't omit it.
How can I do this?
I am not sure I completely understood your scenario, but from I grasp you could share the session data (if this is the "user data" the nodejs app needs) between the two platforms (maybe use a common database to store sessions, like Redis) or you could implement a web service or api (REST) to enable communication between the two platforms, if the data is more complex.
Hope my answer was helpful.