unable to run my python file in Powershell - python-3.x

I'm running my project on PowerShell but every time I run my python file it's give me module not found error.
For eg.
> translate.py
from translate import Translator
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'translate'
But works fine in pycharm.
I'm expecting to run file in PowerShell. but don't know how.

You are most likely using virtual environment in pycharm. If you don't know use ls to see if you have venv or virtualenv directory in your project folder.
If so you have to run powershell as an administrator execute:
set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned
Then confirmed option with Y
Then you need to go to venv or virtualenv folder to Scripts or bin subfolder and run:
cd ../..
After that your project should work normally with:
python your_file.py


I cannot run pyinstaller on my computer even though I have installed it

This is the problem right here, do you have any advice for that?
installed pip and pyinstaller, but still got this error message when I tried to convert my project into an .exe.
From Pyinstaller installation guide:
If you cannot use the pyinstaller command due to the scripts directory not being in PATH, you can instead invoke the PyInstaller module, by running python -m PyInstaller (pay attention to the module name, which is case sensitive). This form of invocation is also useful when you have PyInstaller installed in multiple python environments, and you cannot be sure from which installation the pyinstaller command will be ran.
So you may run it as e.g.:
python -m PyInstaller some_system.py
Or, as the issue seems that PATH Windows environment variable doesn't include Python's Script folder, it'd better to fix it. From the same guide:
If the command is not found, make sure the execution path includes the proper directory:
Windows: C:\PythonXY\Scripts where XY stands for the major and minor Python version number, for example C:\Python38\Scripts for Python 3.8)
To fix you may run where python to get exact location of Python on your machine (let's say it shows C:\Python38\). Then add to PATH env variable Scripts folder inside it (in this example it'd be C:\Python38\Scripts\)

Dynamically update virtual environment

I have created a virtual environment for my Python project and have installed my requirement.txt in it and every time my Python code ex executes it first activate my virtual environment and then run the .py code which is what I want.
I have an issue here - I want to do everything programmatically.
Below are the high level steps i'm looking for :
1)pipreqs requirements.txt using py code
2)check if .txt file has changed, create a flag(1,0)
3)check if virtualenv is created
2.1 - if not created, create and install 1 and run py code
2.2 - if created - check if flag=1 then re-install 1 and run py code
if flag=0 , just run py code
I'm struggling hard to achieve this. Could somebody help.
pip install -r requirements.txt
is a good starting point (if your paint point is to manually install all the required libraries). It installs all the libraries listed in requirements.txt.
If this is not enough putting this command in a bash / cmd file might be an option.

Creating virtual environment Python

I need to provide my version of Python and packages for a project.
How can I do that?
I tried:
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
virtualenv my-env -p python3
source tutorial-env/bin/activate
This should show installed packages, but it shows:
pip list
DEPRECATION: The default format will switch to columns in the future. You can use --format=(legacy|columns) (or define a format=(legacy|columns) in your pip.conf under the [list] section) to disable this warning.
pip (9.0.1)
pkg-resources (0.0.0)
setuptools (39.0.1)
This is also suspicious:
(tutorial-env) linux#LINUXMINT:~$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
(tutorial-env) linux#LINUXMINT:~$ cat requirements.txt
(tutorial-env) linux#LINUXMINT:~$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Requirement already satisfied: pkg-resources==0.0.0 in ./tutorial-env/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
And I cannot find requirements.txt in my directory.
Pass the version of python when creating your virtualenv like this:
virtualenv my-env -p python3
I think you should not use any external module for creating a virtual environment.
You can create a Virtual Environment by using venv attribute of Python in Command Line.
What is the syntax?
The syntax is pretty simple.
C:\>python -m venv path\to\where\you\want\to\create\it
It can be easily done, and you can get a reference from the example below:
C:\>python -m venv "C:\Users\Bhavyadeep\Desktop\Discord Bots\Bot" 1\Bot-1-env
Here the name Bot-1-env is the name of the folder which will be created on execution of the command, and it doesn't have to exist.
What if I am using an IDE (like VS Code), then how will I create a virtual environment?
Creating a Virtual Environment in an IDE is much easier than creating it using CMD. In CMD you need to specify the full path of the directory where the Environment has to be created whereas in an IDE you can create one using its own terminal and also there won't be any need of adding and full path to the directory.
Syntax for IDEs with their Terminals is:
C:\>python -m venv My-Env
This would simply create a Virtual Environment in the folder of the project you are working on in the IDE. If you still want to create it using full path you can do the same as above in the Terminal of IDE.
Example with Images and Code in One Step:
My target directory would be the Desktop for now to explain.
Write and Execute the command in Command Line.
I entered the line in the image and pressed Enter.
Here the name of the Folder would be Example-Venv and it doesn't exist. This command created a folder with that name and created that a Virtual Environment.
This command created a folder, and it can be seen in the picture below.
Now you can use it anywhere you want by simply making this folder as the Interpreter.
How to set interpreter?
The following links would explain:
Pycharm: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/configuring-python-interpreter.html
VS Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/environments#:~:text=To%20select%20a%20specific%20environment,or%20library%20versions%20as%20needed.
Spyder: https://www.spyder-ide.org/blog/release-spyder-330/#:~:text=Just%20set%20the%20path%20under,start%20in%20the%20selected%20environment.
Sublime: https://medium.com/#hariyanto.tan95/set-up-sublime-text-3-to-use-python-3-c845b742c720
I was glad to help! If you still get any problem, please feel free to ask in the comments and I would gladly help you! :)
Thank You! :)

JupyterLab installation with pip3

I installed JupyterLab with
pip3 install jupyterlab --user
Yet, when trying I try to launch it (jupyter lab), I get the following error:
Error executing Jupyter command 'lab': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
The JupyterLab installation guide on github says that: "If installing using pip install --user, you must add the user-level bin directory to your PATH environment variable in order to launch jupyter lab"
But I don't what that means, I greatly appreciate any help. I am using Ubuntu 18.04
As said by the guide itself you need to add the user-level bin directory to your PATH environment variable, in order to do so you need at first spot which is the bin folder where Jupyter lab has been installed, and after that you can add that path with a simple command:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/your/jupyterlab/bin/directory
and it's done. You can check if you added it by running this other command:
echo $PATH
And you should see the content of PATH variable.
This method though will just add that variable for the current shell, meaning that when you close the terminal you lose the change in the variable. In order to make it permanent you need to edit another file which is ~/.bashrc.
One thing though, it's really important that you just add this line to the file:
without changing all the rest of the file if you don't know what you are doing.
To give you a recap on what to do to make it permanent open a new shell and type:
gedit ~/.bashrc
This will open the file where you need to add the "export PATH...etc" command right at the end of the file in a new line. Then save the changes and reboot, from now on you should be able to open Jupyter lab directly from a shell with the command:
Jupyter lab

Python script does not work unless run with sudo

I have a script which I wrote in windows and is working fine, and I am now transferring to a CentOS.
The scripts transforms an excel file, to different forms of pivot_tables
I did the setup, and installed the pre-requisites.
Now when I try to run my scripts, they don't seem to work. It will prompt that the python component cannot be imported even though I just installed it.
Then I tried to run the script as sudo, then it worked like it worked on my windows environment. But my problem now is the file is totally unusable unless it is opened with sudo command.
Is there any way that I can run my scripts without using the sudo command?
This is the error I receive if I run the script without sudo:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "step1.1_executeConsolidation.py", line 12, in <module>
from openpyxl import workbook
ImportError: cannot import name 'workbook'
(Workbook or workbook, I get the same results)
What I did to fix my issue is to use a virtualenv.
I installed the virtualenv, and create a folder to create an separate instance.
At this point, the folder for project is only accessible using sudo. So what I did was perform chown command to remove my folder from admin and transfer to my account.
Now whenever I activate my virtual env, and run my scripts and open the output file, I don't have to use sudo anymore.
