PyQt6: Keep child of checkable QGroupBox active when Box is unchecked - qt6

Is there a way in PyQt6 to keep the children of an unchecked QGroupBox active?
In detail I have a checkable QGroupBox where I use a QLable in the position of the original title of this box to allow linking to a webpage with the description of this box. As long as the box is active this link works as expected. However, as soon as it is unchecked the link is as well. Is there any way to prevent this? As my code is quite complex, I want to avoid assigning the parent of the groupbox as parent to the lable if possible.
Here are the likely relevant lines:
self.PerlFilePathBox = QtW.QGroupBox(parent=self.ConfigTab)
self.PerlFilePathBox.setTitle(" ")
self.PerlFilePathBox.setChecked(False) # as soon as this is checked in the running program, the link becomes active
self.PerlFilePathBox.setGeometry(rel_pos(30, 140, 800, 120))
self.PerlFilePathBoxTitle = QtW.QLabel(self.PerlFilePathBox)
self.PerlFilePathBoxTitle.setText("<a href=''>Link</a>.")
self.PerlFilePathBoxTitle.setGeometry(rel_pos(50, 5, 600, 25))
Is there any simple way to achieve this (like setting a particular property of QLabel) or would this require excessive sub-classing of the QGroupBox etc.?


MFC non-modal dialog front but not topmost

Recently I would like to bring a dialog in front of it's father window(always do, no matter its father window gets focus or not) but not topmost. In other words, I only want it cover its father window but not other applications' window.
I've tried:
// this covers other windows
SetWindowPos(&wndTopMost, rectPos.left,, width, height, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
// this doesn't work
SetWindowPos(&GetParentFrame()->wndTop, rectPos.left,, width, height, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
Any ideas?
Xiangguan Zheng, in your original post you stated:
I only want it cover its father window but not other applications' window.
Later in your comment you mentioned:
I want do edit the father dialog by clicking the buttons on the child dialog.
These are two completely different requirements.
If you want a second dialog to be contained in the parent dialog area, you can achieve this by setting WS_CHILD style to the second dialog and calling Create. this will show the child dialog over the top of the parent and keep it within the parent area.
to fulfill the second requirement, you will have to pass the pointer to the parent dialog as the second parameter in Create call, or pass it when the child dialog is instantiated. Either way, you will have to save that pointer in the child dialog and use it to either call the public function exposed by the parent or use the pointer to send/post messaged to the parent.

How to get list of widgets in pyqt?

I am designing a interface with QtDesigner and editing its functionalities with PyQt. One of the widgets that i created has several pushButtons and i want them all to have the property Checkable = True.
So currently what i am doing is:
class MyWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(MyWidget, self).__init__()
uic.loadUi('./my_widget.ui', self)
Is there any way i can do something like:
pushbuttons_list = self.get_all_pushbuttons()
for i in pushbuttons_list:
Im trying the answers to this question but i keep getting
> File "./", line 12, in __init__
items = (self.layout.itemAt(i) for i in range(self.layout.count()))
AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'count'
Your example failed because all Qt properties can be accessed by calling the attribute (see the parentheses used for self.layout()):
items = (self.layout().itemAt(i) for i in range(self.layout().count()))
Note that this will only get access to the layout items, not the widgets they might (or might not) contain. For this, using comprehensions will only complicate things unnecessarily, as one-liners should be used only as long as they keep the code readable; the comprehension above is already complex enough, and since you will need to cycle through all items anyway, there's little use in it. Just use a for loop, which is far more readable:
for i in range(self.layout().count()):
widget = self.layout().itemAt(i).widget()
if isinstance(widget, QPushButton):
Note that if you have several buttons that you want checkable and you are doing this only to avoid manually setting the checkable property for all of them, you can just use the extended selection mode that is common for all UI elements that allow selection by keeping pressed Ctrl when clicking multiple objects.
The property editor will automatically show all common properties for the selected widgets, and apply the changed property to all of them.
Another option is to use findChildren():
for button in self.findChildren(QPushButton, Qt.FindDirectChildrenOnly):
The Qt.FindDirectChildrenOnly flag is required whenever you have complex layouts that have nested widgets containing other buttons, if you remove that you will find any push button that exists inside the window (or the widget referenced as self).
Finally, buttons can be part of a QButtonGroup, which can also be created in Designer. Just select all buttons (as explained above), right click on one of them and select "Assign to button group", and then:
for button in self.buttonGroup.buttons():
Note that the self.buttonGroup above is the object name assigned by Designer, if you change it or you create more than one, ensure that the reference matches it.

PyQt: how to create a dialog as a child of another dialog

In PyQt, I have a dialog that spawns another dialog (when you click a button to do so in the first dialog). I want to maintain a strong parent-child relationship, for garbage collection purposes, and to make the .findChild and .findChildren functions usable.
The root of the question may be: how do you use .setParent() but still have the object in question be shown as a separate window, rather than shown within the parent widget?
The 'parent' dialog (actually a container widget within a tab within a dialog) is 'newEntryWidget'. It spawns 'clueDialog' when a signal (not shown here) calls newEntryWidget.quickTextClueAction as a slot. Visually, clueDialog should be a "top level window" with its own banner, its own window attributes (I want to keep it on top of everything else), etc.
class newEntryWidget(QWidget,Ui_newEntryWidget):
def __init__(self,parent,sec=0,formattedLocString='',fleet='',dev='',origLocString='',amendFlag=False,amendRow=None):
self.parent=parent # just an attribute; not the same as setParent
def quickTextClueAction(self):
class clueDialog(QDialog,Ui_clueDialog):
def __init__(self,parent,t,callsign,radioLoc,newClueNumber):
self.parent=parent # just an attribute; not the same as setParent
Right now, since I am using self.parent=parent, which is just an attribute and not true "parent/child relationship" in Qt terms, clueDialog does display as a top level window, which is what I want:
But, if I add 'self.setParent(parent)' in the clueDialog init function, I get this:
How can I preserve the top-level-window behavior, and have the real-honest-parent-child-relationship so that .findChild(clueDialog) will work from within the newEntryWidget object?
Ultimately, I want to enforce that the newEntryWidget object should not be closed if it still has and 'child' clueDialogs open.
Instead of calling .setParent, call QDialog.__init__(self, parent) which constructs the clue dialog with a parent from the beginning. Setting it this way allows Qt establishes the parent-child relationship at the beginning of clueDialog's lifetime.
I believe this will fix both your issues: 1) the clue window frame, caption, etc. will be painted, 2) you will be able to iterate for proper children of newEntry.

QT5: What is the Significance of a Layout's Parent?

I am attempting to write my first program using Qt5. I found a tutorial ( with a number of examples, which all used dynamic layout creation. I'm trying to create a nested layout configuration, but I'm having a problem with specifying the parent parameter of the layout constructor. When I use the main window as the parent for the main layout and its sub-layouts, I get an error message, apparently telling me that QWidget can have only one QLayout. The window looks OK, but I haven't implemented all my functionality yet (slots and other code), so I don't know what, if anything, is broken. If I omit the parent parameter from the sub-layouts, I get no error messages and the window looks OK as well, but again I'm wondering whether this would affect my subsequent code additions.
Can anyone explain to me the significance of a layout's parent? I've noted that specification of the parent window in the layout's constructor is apparently not sufficient, because all of the examples I've seen call setLayout() at the end of the window's constructor. In particular, will my omission of a parent ever cause problems?
The "rules" are that there can be at most one top level layout on a given widget, and that widgets can be only children of other widgets, not of layouts. So what happens is that:
when you set a layout on a widget, the widget will take ownership of that layout;
when you add widgets on a layout, these widgets will be reparented to the widget the layout is/gets installed upon;
when you add a layout inside another layout, the inner layout becomes a child of the outer layout.
What you're probably seeing is a side-effect of creating a layout with a widget as parent, as in
QLayout *layout = new SomeLayout(widget);
This will try to install the layout on widget, and fail in case there's already one. The good news is, you can pretty much ignore passing parents around and rely on the system to do "the right thing". For instance:
MyWidget::MyWidget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
QHBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout; // top level layout
QVBoxLayout *subLayout1 = new QVBoxLayout; // sub layout 1 stuff
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("button");
// create more widgets...
QVBoxLayout *subLayout2 = new QVBoxLayout; // sub layout 2 stuff
QLineEdit *edit = new QLineEdit;
This will correctly create a layout hierarchy and a parent/child relation so that nothing will get leaked.

I don't want to change color of JButton when pressed

Color newColor = new Color(197,222,90);
JButton newButton;
newButton = new JButton(icon);
When it is pressed it changes color. How can I keep it from changing color? I have multiple buttons, so if there is solution in one or two rows please help me, and keep in mind that I'm beginner, writing some huge classes won't help me, because I have multiple buttons with different names to be affected with this.
EDIT: Solution in one line is:
UIManager.put("", newColor);
But it changes all button colors but I need another to have different a color.
EDIT2: After some research I figured out there isn't an easy solution (but it should be). How I see it I have 2 solutions, 1. is to break buttons to separate classes and set UIManager for them, and second is to make custom buttons. It is just too much work for button.
I've found nothing that can change that particular behavior on a normal JButton. The problem being, that whatever you write in your actionlistener for the button, will occur AFTER you've let go of the mousebutton, and not "while clicking".
There are workarounds, however.
My preferred choice is, to remove all graphics from the button, and then add your own images to the button's regular and pressed states. You could take a screenshot of your GUI, cut out the button, and set that image to be both states.
JButton myButton = new JButton();
// Sets button x, y, width, height. Make the size match the image.
myButton.setBounds(5, 30, 100, 30);
// Remove border-graphics.
// Remove default graphics from the button
// Remove the focus-indicating dotted square when focused (optional)
// Here, myImage is a simple BufferedImage object.
// You can set one like this, provided you have an "images" package,
// next to your main class (ex: com.somecompany.someprogram.images),
// that contains an image:
BufferedImage myImage ="images/myImage.png"));
// Then we simply apply our image to both states for the button, and we're done.
myButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(myImage));
myButton.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(myImage));
Obviously there are many ways to retain and load an image, but since that's not the issue here, I'll leave additional methods out of it.
There's no need to go through it all countless times, though. It should be pretty easy to write your own custom implementation of the JButton class, in which a custom constructor takes a single parameter, being the BufferedImage, and then the constructor sets it up accordingly (changes the icons). Then all you have to do when you create a new JButton, is to use your own class, and pass it an image:
JButton btn = new MyCustomJButton(myImage);
You could also easily get along with very few images. All you need is a HashMap which holds all the images, with a String as a key. Imagine you need 4 OK-buttons. You make a single image of a button with the text "OK" written on it. Then you put that image into the HashMap, like so:
myMap.put("OK", myImage);
Then you could do this when creating a button, over and over again if you'd like more:
JButton btn = new MyCustomJButton(myMap.get("OK"));
Another way of achieving this, which is pretty elaborate, but probably considered "the right way", is to use ButtonUI, as presented in this answer to another post.
If the OP is referring to the temporary change of background colour on a button with an icon at the moment the mouse is pressed, the following statement does the trick:
"If you wish to have a transparent button, such as an icon only button, for example, then you should set this to false."
This took me a long time to figure out. It seems to be a little known technique, perhaps since its name gives little clue as to its effect.
With only first lane we can still see that it is clicked. You need to combine those two:
and if you don't wanna in grey color you put another button under him.
panelname.add(button1,+5,+5); \\(first not clicable, not visible button, notice +5)
panelname.add(button2,-5,-5); \(-5,-5 means it is 5 points under panel)
