Is the any way to preview Images with open Cv in Sublime text? - helper

Is there any way to run and show openCv images in the latest version of sublime text? Facing problems here the code runs successfully but no image showing or image result popping up. Please help
The code run successfully but there is no image showing


Android Studio - no image and button color showing in both design and when I run it on my device

there is no image and button color showing in both design and when I run it on my device.
There are no problems with my other images which was in .jpg and .png format. Those images that aren't showing are the background for my button and is also in .png. The same problem with the color of my button, it isn't showing also.
I tried transferring those background images for my button images to 'mipmap-xxxhdpi' but still no changes.
can you explain in more details what are you trying to do,
If that helps try add the image to the drawable folder
and add this line to your button in the XML file
also the name has to be all in lowercase and with not " _ " characters

How to display image in kivymd without text?

I am developing simple GUI program using kivymd.
I tried to display image with Image List but ImageList occurs some problems so I need another widget that displays image.
I searched on kivymd but I found only Image List.
Is there some good widget that displays Image?
What I need:
I have to display image from url.
I don't want Image button. Just image.
I don't want any text on image.
Please help me. Thanks.
You can use AsyncImage. AsyncImage fetches images from url and show them when they are loaded. You can even add a loading screen of your own too. Also, I assume you want to show multiple images in a layout like in ImageList. So what you can do is create a GridLayout and inside that grid layout you can add multiple Async Images. You can check docs here

why pycharm becomes blurred in linux server

enter image description here
well, I install pycharm in linux, the code font and also the pycharm icon are both blurred, as the picture shows. why? how to fix it? thank you for your answer.

How to animate textview for example a word "Hello" in android studio without any button?

so basically I want to animate hello which comes from down from the image and stop in the center of image as user launch the app. Can anyone help me. Plus my text view is on relative layout. And also is there any package do i need to import any packages in my main activity.enter image description here
You should consider using GIF. And if you need help creating GIF, you can make a video of the animation, and then convert it to GIF by services available online.

Android Studio IDE - Terminal Background Text Colors different from Terminal Background Color

I just recently installed Android Studio on my Windows 10 computer, and I am trying to resolve this dissonant background color issue in the built-in terminal. Screenshot here. I have not had this problem when I used Android Studio on Ubuntu 14.04.
The color of the text background is black, while the color of the console background is white. This issue is not related to my using Git Bash as my terminal as it also occurs when I use Windows Command Prompt.
I have checked through Settings --> Editor --> Colors and Fonts --> Console Colors and was unable to find anything that would allow me to resolve the background colors. I have also tried changing the color scheme to something different (e.g. Darcula). Screenshot here. Additionally, I also tried to change the overall UI theme and still got identical results.
The terminal is ugly, but I would love to take advantage of its built-in conveniences for using Git. The Android logcat output and Gradle messages look perfectly fine. How can I fix this so that the text and console background colors are the same? Thanks in advance.
I struggled with this issue for a while too.
From experience, the terminal takes the colors of the Windows console. Not that very well however that was the only way that I could do the required changes.
Open a cmd window in windows and on the main menu go to defaults.
Change the colors and save. Next terminal in Android Studio will change on next instance.
The colors won't follow exactly so one needs some experimenting. Best results I got with black text on white background.
