How to add ntasks value to slurm/sbatch output and error filenames - slurm

For a parallel program managed by slurm, I'm using the pattern described here to form the output files with the job name and job ids. However, I'm also running analysis on the program's runtime with the number of processors, and I need to add the number of tasks used to the filename to keep track.
I currently have the program (in MPI) printing how many processes are running, but that requires opening each file to inspect the contents and doesn't lend itself to easier manipulation by the shell. How can I encode the number of tasks that %J.%T.%j (for example) gives the job name, the number of tasks, and the job id separated by dots respectively?


single slurm array vs multiple sbatch calls

I can run N embarrassingly parallel jobs by using a slurm array like:
#SBATCH --array=1-N
Alternately I think I can achieve the same from a scheduling perspective (i.e. scheduled independently and as soon as resources become available) by manually launching 8 job. For example with a simply bash script with a loop.
Since the latter is far more flexible, I don't see the utility I using the --array option built into slurm.
Am I missing something?
Arrays offer a simple way to create parametrised jobs without writing the Bash loop. It
(obviously) creates the jobs and assign them a parameter ;
takes care of output file name parametrisation ;
makes the submission of a dependent job that should run after all those jobs are completer much easier
makes the output of squeue less cluttered
Furthermore, the jobs in an array can be managed as a whole, the squeue, scancel, etc. command can work on the whole array as opposed to writing another loop to cancel them for instance. This is even more interesting in the case you have multiple arrays running at the same time ; you do not need to manage the tracking of each individual job by yourself.
Finally, especially for large arrays, it makes the scheduler easier and can increase the job throughput.
If you need flexibility, then job arrays are not the solution, but maybe a workflow manager could help you.

Bash - how to redirect stdout of a certain thread?

Suppose I have a C program, and it creates threads for doing different tasks. Now, I want to redirect the stdout of a certain thread in bash scripts?
Here you can assume that I always have a way to get the process id and thread id, I only want to know if it's possible to do this using bash scripts and how?
Note: This is not about process, it's thread, and I haven't found any questions related to this yet.
There is only one console, not one per thread. So when 5 threads write in parallel to stdout, all of that goes into a single sink, basically in nondeterministic ways.
So unless each line contains a specific string that identifies the original thread, you can't take that output apart after the fact.
Alternatively, you could have your threads write to different files! When you don't throw random output together, it is much easier to get to the individual sources later on.

TensorFlow: More than one thread in shuffle_batch for single sample files

I'm trying to understand the significance of using num_threads>1 in tf.train.shuffle_batch connected to tf.WholeFileReader reading image files (each file contains a single data sample). Will setting num_threads>1 make any difference in such case compared to num_threads=1? What is the mechanics of the file and batch queues in such case?
A short answer: probably it will make the execution faster. Here is some authoritative explanation from the guide:
single reader via the tf.train.shuffle_batch with num_threads bigger
than 1. This will make it read from a single file at the same time
(but faster than with 1 thread), instead of N files at once. This can
be important:
If you have more reading threads than input files, to avoid the risk
that you will have two threads reading the same example from the same
file near each other.
Or if reading N files in parallel causes too
many disk seeks. How many threads do you need?
tf.train.shuffle_batch* functions add a summary to the graph that
indicates how full the example queue is. If you have enough reading
threads, that summary will stay above zero.

"find" command cannot detect files added during execution

Stackoverflow has saved my life on countless occasions over the years. Now, it's time for me to post my first question ever, the answer to which I have been unable to find so far.
I have a tool (language/implementation is irrelevant) which accepts a text file as input. This text file (let's call it file_list.txt) contains a long list of file paths, one per line. The tool then iterates over the lines in file_list.txt and does something with every file path. This needs to be done continuously and file_list.txt needs to always contain the latest file paths because users continuously upload or delete files from the share being monitored. To achieve this, I have set up a cron job which calls a script. First the script calls the find utility with the search parameters required and pipes the output to a temporary file. When the file is fully populated, it is moved to file_list.txt. Then, once this is done, the tool is invoked with file_list.txt as an input parameter.
So far, so good. The share being monitored is VERY LARGE (~60 TB) and the find command takes around 5 hours to execute. This is not a problem since we have multiple overlapping find commands running in parallel (triggered once per hour). The entire setup runs on a compute farm, so CPU utilization, etc. is also not an issue.
The problem arises in the lag time for file detection. Ideally, I want a user to add a file and I want one of the already running, overlapping find commands to detect this file within a matter of minutes. However, I have noticed that none of the already-running find commands will detect this file. Only a find command started AFTER this file was added will detect it. This means that generally, I need to wait around 5 hours for a newly added file to be detected. This leads me to believe that the find utility somehow acts on a "cached" version of the share state when it was triggered. Is this true? Can anyone confirm this? And if so, what can I do to improve the detection lag?
Please let me know if further clarificaion is required. I am happy to provide any further details.
To summarize: you have a gigantic filesystem volume (60 TB) which contains a huge number of files, and you use find(1) to name a large number of those files and put those names into a text file for analysis. You have discovered that files are not listed if they are created after find(1) was started but before it finished.
I think the best solution is to stop thinking of this as a batch job, and do it "online" using inotify(7). You can use the inotify API to be immediately informed of changes to your filesystem, including new files being created. There is of course the original C API, as well as the excellent pyinotify.
With inotify, you can start a watcher program once and leave it running continuously (under a supervisor if needed for restarts). The operating system can then notify you whenever a relevant filesystem event occurs, and you can respond immediately rather than waiting for the next scan.
The one downside for your use case might be that the watcher program does need to run on a machine which has the filesystem mounted locally. But the overall compute resources required are probably much less than your current approach of repeated linear scans.
executing find commands and piping the output to temporary files might work up to a certain scale, but is far from optimal. If you want a less resource intensive, more reactive solution, I would recommend considering to reimplement your software using the inotify interface:
The inotify API provides a mechanism for monitoring filesystem events.
Inotify can be used to monitor individual files, or to monitor
directories. When a directory is monitored, inotify will return
events for the directory itself, and for files inside the directory.
So an event will be raised for each file change; or file being added.
Note that you can then keep an internal list of files up to date which only needs to be changed when you get a event.

Does a PBS batch system move multiple serial jobs across nodes?

If I need to run many serial programs "in parallel" (because the problem is simple but time consuming - I need to read in many different data sets for the same program), the solution is simple if I only use one node. All I do is keep submitting serial jobs with an ampersand after each command, e.g. in the job script:
./program1 &
./program2 &
./program3 &
which will naturally run each serial program on a different processor. This works well on a login server or standalone workstation, and of course for a batch job asking for only one node.
But what if I need to run 110 different instances of the same program to read 110 different data sets? If I submit to multiple nodes (say 14) with a script which submits 110 ./program# commands, will the batch system run each job on a different processor across the different nodes, or will it try to run them all on the same, 8 core node?
I have tried to use a simple MPI code to read different data, but various errors result, with about 100 out of the 110 processes succeeding, and the others crashing. I have also considered job arrays, but I'm not sure if my system supports it.
I have tested the serial program extensively on individual data sets - there are no runtime errors, and I do not exceed the available memory on each node.
No, PBS won't automatically distribute the jobs among nodes for you. But this is a common thing to want to do, and you have a few options.
Easiest and in some ways most advantagous for you is to bunch the tasks into 1-node sized chunks, and submit those bundles as individual jobs. This will get your jobs started faster; a 1-node job will normally get scheduled faster than a (say) 14 node job, just because there's more one-node sized holes in the schedule than 14. This works particularly well if all the jobs take roughly the same amount of time, because then doing the division is pretty simple.
If you do want to do it all in one job (say, to simplify the bookkeeping), you may or may not have access to the pbsdsh command; there's a good discussion of it here. This lets you run a single script on all the processors in your job. You then write a script which queries $PBS_VNODENUM to find out which of the nnodes*ppn jobs it is, and runs the appropriate task.
If not pbsdsh, Gnu parallel is another tool which can enormously simplify these tasks. It's like xargs, if you're familiar with that, but will run commands in parallel, including on multiple nodes. So you'd submit your (say) 14-node job and have the first node run a gnu parallel script. The nice thing is that this will do scheduling for you even if the jobs are not all of the same length. The advice we give to users on our system for using gnu parallel for these sorts of things is here. Note that if gnu parallel isn't installed on your system, and for some reason your sysadmins won't do it, you can set it up in your home directory, it's not a complicated build.
You should consider job arrays.
Briefly, you insert #PBS -t 0-109 in your shell script (where the range 0-109 can be any integer range you want, but you stated you had 110 datasets) and torque will:
run 110 instances of your script, allocating each with the resources you specify (in the script with #PBS tags or as arguments when you submit).
assign a unique integer from 0 to 109 to the environment variable PBS_ARRAYID for each job.
Assuming you have access to environment variables within the code, you can just tell each job to run on data set number PBS_ARRAYID.
