I just want to know if a user removes a Credit/Debit card which is used in a recurring subscription through Apple Pay, what should happen?
We use Stripe Connect API to:
create customer + card in Platform account
clone the customer + card into Connected account
charge the card in Connected account
All steps are executed immidiately one after another.
Step 1. suceeds (the card is valid in Platform account), but step 2. fails with "card is declined".
The card is valid in platform Stripe account but declined in connected Stripe account, at the same time.
Stripe support didn't provided any useful info, they referred us to declined card help page:
the only way to resolve this is to ask your customer to reach out to their card-issuing bank to look at the transaction and determine why it was declined.
Unfortunately, We cannot ask the customer to help us.
Did anyone else encountered similar problem?
Declines are common and to be expected. They can be for a number of reasons (e.g. region of the connected account, card brand, supported merchant codes on the card, past card usage history and many more reasons) which are ultimately up to the card issuing bank.
To clarify, when you say
Step 1. suceeds (the card is valid in Platform account),
Just because a card succeeds being attached to a Customer does not mean that that card should be expected to work successfully going forward. Goes back to that this is up to the issuing bank and the best thing to do is prompt your end customer to use a different card.
I was looking whether it is possible to pay with a mobile app like a bank card. Without the user being tied to it so funds can come from anywhere, maybe a payment platform or a company bank account (limited to what the user is allowed to spend according to the app).
Is this even possible? I can't find anything on it.
When I send an Invoice to a Customer by email, customer is able open an Invoice, but it's not possible to pay with credit card, so, this invoice seems like useless at all, because there is no option to pay it.
Some our customers can connect bank account, but by default all customers have to be able to pay with credit card.
We don't need to store customers' cards on our side, just allow to use cards.
What is easiest way to allow using credit cards for a customer? I see different options in Stripe doc:
Create PaymentMethod, then set invoice_settings.default_payment_method for a Customer
Create Sources, then set it to Customer.default_source.
But I'm not sure if it's possible to create payment method or source without card details.
There is a chance that our Stripe account is configured incorrectly, not sure what exactly I have to check.
I've set up a test charge using stripe.Charge.create() and it is working, i.e. I can see the dollar amounts processed in the Connect test dashboard. It appears to be money going from the tok_visa to a dummy Stripe account I set up.
charge = stripe.Charge.create(
"destination": "{{CONNECTED_STRIPE_ACCOUNT_ID}}",
For a marketplace type platform, I need to be able to send funds from the purchasing user to the selling user, however.
Would I need to get the purchaser's account (or some other object?) to use as the "source" in the charge?
How do I get that to put it into the "source" field?
I feel a little lost in Stripe's docs, so I could be missing something. Thank you for any tips.
I need to be able to send funds from the purchasing user to the
selling user, however
If by 'purchasing user' you mean a cardholder customer of your marketplace, this is exactly what you have. tok_visa here represents a credit card, that you accept through a payment page.
If instead you mean, the purchasing user is another connected account in the marketplace, you can either :
use an account debit to debit one account, and then transfer to
collect a card from users when they sign up and create a
Customer object for them. You can then charge that customer as needed
like in your example code. You need to maintain a link in your system that
'customer cus_xxx is also my marketplace user acct_xxx'
I have a scenario where a customer may have multiple credit cards. The customers are charged with a subscription fee and extras that depend on the customer behavior. The customer is charged once a month for both the subscription fee and the extras. The extras should be paid by the credit card that is selected according to certain rules. Basically, the invoice should be split between multiple credit cards (but there is no strict requirement that there should be single invoice).
Any suggestions how can this be accomplished with Stripe?
Answering myself because I received the answer at Stripe's IRC channel from timebox.
"The only way to do different cards per Subscription is to create a separate Customer object for each Card, and create the Subscriptions separately on each Customer object."
It isn't possible to have multiple Subscriptions and pay them by different cards because Subscription is always paid by the default card.
Having multiple Customer objects seems to be the only way.